Serial tanks of the Russian army of all modifications are equipped with 125-mm smooth-bore launchers and can use a wide range of ammunition for various purposes. A special place in it is occupied by several types of armor-piercing feathered sub-caliber projectiles (BOPS). In the near future, the arsenals should be replenished with new products of this kind.
Two "Mango"
The main BOPS of our army is currently the 3BM42 "Mango" product, which is used in the 3VBM17 separate loading rounds. The projectile was put into service in 1988 and is still in service today. The design used new materials and solutions aimed at increasing overall power and overall performance.
The 3BM42 projectile has a length of 570 mm and a mass of 4.85 kg. Inside the high elongation steel body is a composite tungsten core of two elements. The initial speed when using the 4Ж63 charge is 1700 m / s. At a distance of 2 km, the projectile penetrates up to 500 mm of homogeneous armor (direct hit) or 230 mm at an angle of 65 °. Provides penetration of multilayer armor barriers at different angles in a wide range of ranges.
The 3BM42 product and the 3VBM17 rounds are fully compatible with all existing automatic / loader options for the 2A46 guns. This BOPS is still the main ammunition of its class and will probably retain this status for a long time to come.

Recently, "Mango" has often been criticized. This projectile was developed more than 30 years ago and over the past time could become obsolete. According to various estimates, the level of armor protection of modern foreign tanks exceeds the capabilities of the 3BM42 projectile. For its effective use, it is necessary to reduce the firing distances, putting yourself at risk.
However, objective data on the comparison of real tank protection with a real projectile is still lacking. Perhaps such tests were simply not carried out. However, this circumstance does not prevent the emergence of new estimates.
The development of the Mango project continues. Last year at the "Army-2019" exhibition, the Russian concern "Techmash" for the first time showed the "Mango-M" shell. A shot with such a projectile is distinguished by increased armor penetration rates. At a distance of 2 km at an angle of 60 °, 280 mm of armor penetrates.
The Mango-M project was developed with an eye to the international market. Many foreign countries operate T-72 and T-90 tanks equipped with 2A46 cannons. Operators may be interested in improving the combat qualities of such equipment, and BOPS "Mango-M" with improved characteristics is able to solve this problem.
Serial "Curve"
Recently it became known about the launch of production of a new BOPS. On January 17, Izvestia announced that there was a contract for the supply of serial 3BM44 Lekalo projectiles. The document provides for the supply of BOPS over several years in the amount of thousands of pieces. Due to the supplies, the army will replenish the ammunition load of combat tanks, as well as form warehouse stocks. The first batch of shells in the amount of 2 thousand pieces will go to the troops by the beginning of autumn. Performer of work - NIMI them. Bakhirev.

According to known data, the Lekalo projectile has a mass of approx. 5 kg and length 740 mm. The core is made of a new tungsten carbide alloy for increased armor penetration. Charge 4Ж63 accelerates the projectile to 1750 m / s. At a distance of 2 km, with a direct hit, at least 650 mm of homogeneous armor breaks through. High penetration properties are maintained in a wide range of hit angles, incl. with the defeat of combined obstacles.
The 3BM44 projectile differs from older products in its increased length, which does not allow it to be used with older types of AZ / MZ. The upgraded MBT T-72B3 and later modifications of the T-80 or T-90 receive an updated machine gun with an increased stowage, after which they can use longer shells.
At the moment, of the entire range of domestic BOPS adopted for service, the most effective product is the Lekalo product. The launch of serial production and the delivery of thousands of such shells over the course of several years will make it possible to more fully realize the potential for modernizing domestic MBTs. Tanks are getting improved fire controls, and new BOPS will complement them well.
Prospects for "Leads"
The prospects of two shells with the common name "Lead" remain unclear. The 3VBM22 round with the 3BM59 "Lead-1" projectile and the 3VBM23 round with the 3BM60 "Lead-2" BOPS have been developed. These products are unified as much as possible and actually differ only in the type and design of the shells. The shells of two types are based on the older Lead product.

BOPS 3BM59 / 60 differ from older products in increased length, which is why they are not compatible with all automatic loaders. As part of both shots, a new propellant charge 4Ж96 is used. Initial speed - not less than 1700 m / s. The main difference between the two shells is the core material. Lead-2 is equipped with a tungsten-based carbide core, while Lead-1 uses depleted uranium. BOPS 3BM59 from 2 km to 0 ° penetrates at least 600 mm of homogeneous armor. At an angle of 60 ° - 300 mm Indicators of BOPS 3BM60 are unknown; according to various estimates, it penetrates at least 700-750 mm with a direct hit.
Due to the increased length, two BOPSs of the Lead family can only be used by tanks that have undergone the AZ / MZ modernization. For some time, there was no clarity on the modernization of MBT, as a result of which the future of new ammunition remained uncertain. By now, some of the tanks have received the necessary equipment, but the prospects for the 3BM59 / 60 shells remain unknown. At the same time, instead of "Lead-2", "Lekalo" with similar characteristics is being adopted.
The future of shells
New BOPS with improved characteristics have already been created in our country. Promising products with codes "Vacuum" and "Slate" are capable of penetrating at least 900-1000 mm of homogeneous armor, but the price of this is already known limitations. The new shells are even longer than the existing ones, and therefore are incompatible even with the modernized AZ / MZ of the old types. Such ammunition is no longer being developed for the 2A46 guns, but for the promising 2A82 gun - for the T-14 tank.

In general, the emphasis in the field of armored vehicles and weapons is gradually shifting from the development of existing models to the creation of completely new ones. Such tendencies may affect the fate of some samples, incl. already developed armor-piercing feathered subcaliber projectiles.
Recently there was an order for the supply of BOPS type "Lekalo", designed to improve the combat characteristics of the available MBT. In addition, the industry is working on a BOPS for the new 2A82 cannon. As a result, new questions arise about the prospects of the Lead family, which now runs the risk of being left behind. Also, the real export future of the Mango-M projectile has not yet been determined.
Obviously, the BOPS of domestic production will have a different future. Some products will remain in the army, while others will begin to arrive at warehouses. Still others will not be able to get into the troops for one reason or another. Overall, however, the situation is conducive to optimism. Domestic tanks of all models will continue to receive new ammunition, each of which will be more effective than the previous ones.