Work on the creation of the Strela-10SV self-propelled air defense system (ind. 9K35) began by the Decree of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR dated 07.24.1969.
Despite the fact that at the same time the Tunguska anti-aircraft cannon-missile system was being developed, the creation of a non-weather, simpler air defense system as a further development of the Strela-1 type complex was recognized as expedient from an economic point of view. At the same time, the tactical purpose of such an air defense system was also taken into account as an addition to the "Tunguska", capable of ensuring the destruction of low-flying, suddenly appearing targets in a complex electronic and air situation.
Along with the Strela-10SV anti-aircraft missile system, work was carried out, however, work was not completed on the ship complex, unified with it, as well as on the Strela-11 complex on the BMD-1 chassis for the Airborne Forces.

In accordance with the tactical and technical requirements, the Strela-10SV complex had to ensure the destruction of targets flying at a speed of up to 415 meters per second on a collision course (on catch-up courses - up to 310 m / s) at an altitude of 25 m to 3-3, 5 km, at a distance from 0, 8-1, 2 to 5 km with a parameter of up to 3 km. The probability of hitting a single guided missile with a single target maneuvering with overloads of 3-5 units should have been at least 0.5-0.6 in the presence of target designations from the regiment's air defense controls in the absence of traps and interference.
The targets were to be destroyed by the complex both autonomously (with visual detection of targets) and as part of a centralized control system. In the second version, the reception of target designations was similar to the control point PU-12 (M) over a voice radio channel.
The ammunition carried was supposed to include 12 anti-aircraft guided missiles. The 9K35 complex should be transported by aircraft (Mi-6 and An-12B) and also be able to swim through water obstacles. The mass of the combat vehicle was limited to 12, 5 thousand kg.
As in the development of the Strela-1 anti-aircraft missile system, the lead developer of the 9K35 complex as a whole, the 9M37 missiles, the launch equipment for the anti-aircraft guided missile and the control and test vehicle identified the KBTM (Design Bureau for Precision Engineering) MOP (formerly OKB-16 GKOT, A. Nudelman) E. - chief designer). The head organization for the development of the homing head and proximity fuse of the guided missile was determined by the Central Design Bureau "Geofizika" MOP (TsKB-589 GKOT, Khorol DM - chief designer).
In addition, NIIEP (Scientific Research Institute of Electronic Devices) MOP, LOMO (Leningrad Optical and Mechanical Association) MOP, KhTZ (Kharkov Tractor Plant) MOSHM, Research Institute "Poisk" MOP and Saratov Aggregate Plant MOP were involved in the development of the complex.
By the beginning of 1973, the Strela-10SV anti-aircraft missile system as part of a 9A35 BM (combat vehicle) equipped with a passive radio direction finder, a 9A34 combat vehicle (without a passive radio direction finder), a 9M37 anti-aircraft guided missile and a test vehicle were presented for joint tests … The Strela-10SV air defense missile system was tested at the Donguz test site (test site manager Dmitriev O. K.) from January 1973 to May 1974.

The developers of the anti-aircraft missile system, after the end of the tests, representatives of the 3rd Scientific Research Institute of the Ministry of Defense and GRAU of the Ministry of Defense spoke in favor of adopting the air defense system for service. But the chairman of the commission for testing L. A. Podkopaev, representatives of the Office of the Chief of the Air Defense Forces of the Ground Forces and the training ground were against this, since the Strela-10SV complex did not fully meet the requirements for the level of the probability of hitting targets, the reliability indicators of the BM, and the possibility of conducting fire afloat. The layout of the BM did not provide the convenience of the calculation. The commission recommended that the complex be adopted after the elimination of these shortcomings. In this regard, the 9K35 air defense system was adopted by the Decree of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR of 1976-16-03 after modifications.
Organizationally, the 9K35 anti-aircraft missile systems were united into the Strela-10SV platoon of the missile and artillery battery (the Tunguska platoon and the Strela-10SV platoon) of the anti-aircraft battalion of the tank (motorized rifle) regiment. The platoon consisted of one 9A35 combat vehicle and three 9A34 vehicles. The control point PU-12 (M) was used as a battery command post, which was later to replace the unified battery command post "Ranzhir".
The centralized control of the Strela-10SV air defense system, which are part of the battery and the regiment's division, was to be carried out in the same way as the Tunguska air defense missile system - by transmitting target designations and commands from the regiment's air defense command post and the battery command post by radiotelephone (up to equipment of complexes with data transmission equipment) and radiotelecode (after equipment).
The 9K35 air defense system, unlike the Strela-1M complex, was placed not on the wheeled BRDM-2, but on the MT-LB multipurpose tracked tractor, the carrying capacity of which made it possible to increase the transportable ammunition load to eight anti-aircraft guided missiles in transport and launch containers (4 - in the self-propelled body and 4 - on the launching device guides). At the same time, a long-term development of the BM instrument equipment was needed, which was affected by the vibrations of the tracked chassis, which were not characteristic of the wheeled vehicles previously used.
In the "Strela-10SV" complex, they used not the muscular strength of the operator as in the "Strela-1M" air defense missile system, but the electric drive of the starting device.
The structure of the 9M37 SAM "Strela-10SV" included a two-color seeker. In addition to the photocontrast channel used in the Strela-1M complex, an infrared (thermal) channel was used, which increased the combat capabilities of the complex when firing towards and after the target, as well as with strong interference. The photo channel could be used as a reserve one, since, unlike the thermal one, it did not need cooling, which could only be provided with a single pre-launch preparation of guided missiles.
To limit the speed of the missile's roll on the rocket, freestanding rollerons located behind the wings are used.
While maintaining the wing span and the diameter of the body of the "Strela-1" guided missile, the length of the 9M37 missile was increased to 2.19 m.
To increase the effectiveness of the combat equipment while maintaining the same weight (3 kilograms) of the high-explosive fragmentation warhead, cutting (rod) striking elements were used in the warhead of the 9M37 guided missile.
The introduction into the Strela-10SV air defense missile system of the launch zone assessment equipment (index 9S86), which automatically generated data for working out the necessary lead angles, made it possible to launch missiles in a timely manner. The 9S86 was based on a millimeter coherent-pulse radio range finder, which ensured the determination of the range to targets (within 430-10300 meters, the maximum error was up to 100 meters) and the radial speed of the target (the maximum error was 30 meters per second), as well as a computing-decisive analogue - discrete device that determines the boundaries of the launch zone (maximum error from 300 to 600 meters) and lead angles at launch (average error 0, 1-0, 2 degrees).
The Strela-10SV air defense missile system now has the ability to fire at faster targets in comparison with the Strela-1M complex; the boundaries of the affected area expanded. If "Strela-1M" was not protected from natural and organized optical interference, then the "Strela-10SV" complex during operation using the thermal channel of the homing head was completely protected from natural interference, as well as to a certain extent - from single deliberate optical interference -traps. At the same time, in the Strela-10SV anti-aircraft complex, many restrictions on effective fire remained with the use of thermal and photocontrast channels of the homing head of a guided missile.
According to the joint decision of the Ministry of Defense Industry and GRAU MO and the tactical and technical assignment agreed between them, the developers of the Strela-10SV complex in 1977 modernized it by improving the missile homing head and missile launch equipment BM 9A34 and 9A35. The complex was given the name "Strela-10M" (ind. 9K35M).

Missile compartments (without container). 1 - compartment No. 1 (homing head); 2 - contact target sensor; 3 - compartment No. 2 (autopilot); 4 - safety-executive mechanism; 5 - compartment No. 3 (warhead); 6 - power supply unit; 7 - compartment No. 4 (non-contact target sensor); 8 - compartment No. 5 (propulsion system); 9 - wing; 10 - roll block.

Homing head 9E47M. 1 - casing; 2 - electronic unit; 3 - gyrocoordinator; 4 - fairing

Autopilot 9B612M. 1 - electronics unit; 2 - feedback potentiometer; 3 - reducer; 4 - steering wheel; 5 - switching board; 6 - board; 7 - bracket; 8 - block BAS; 9 - PPR board; 10 - USR board; 11 - contact target sensor; 12 - a block of steering gears; 13 - electric motor; 14 - tourniquet; 15 - shaft
The homing head of the 9M37M missile separated the target and organized optical interference according to trajectory features, which reduced the effectiveness of thermal noise traps.
For the rest of the characteristics, the 9K35M air defense missile system remained similar to the Strela-10SV, except for a slight increase (by 3 s) in the working time when ordered to fire under interference conditions.
Tests of the 9K35M anti-aircraft complex were carried out in January-May 1978 at the Donguz test site (head of the test site Kuleshov V. I.) under the leadership of a commission headed by N. V. Yuriev. SAM "Strela-10M" was adopted in 1979
In 1979-1980, on behalf of the military-industrial complex of 1978-31-06, further modernization of the Strela-10M complex was carried out.

9S80 "Gadfly-M-SV"
In the course of the modernization, the 9V179-1 equipment for automated reception of target designation from the PU-12M battery control command or the control command of the head of the air defense regiment PPRU-1 ("Ovod-M-SV") and from radar detection stations, which are equipped with ASPD equipment, was developed and introduced into the BM of the complex -U, as well as equipment for working out target designations, which provided automated guidance to the target of the launch device. The set of combat vehicles of the air defense missile system introduced floats made of polyurethane foam, reclining from the sides of the vehicles, designed to swim through water obstacles with a machine gun and a full ammunition load of guided missiles, as well as an additional radio station R-123M providing reception of telecode information.
Field tests of the prototype air defense missile system, which received the name "Strela-10M2" (ind. 9K35M2), were carried out at the Donguz test site (head of the test site Kuleshov V. I.) in the period from July to October 1980 under the leadership of the commission headed by E. S. Timofeev.
As a result of the tests, it was established that in a given engagement zone when using automated reception and development of target designations (when guided missiles are homing without interference through a photocontrast channel), an anti-aircraft missile system provides the effectiveness of one missile fire at fighters on a collision course, 0, 3 at a distance of 3, 5 thousand m and 0, 6 in the range from 1, 5 thousand m to the near border of the zone. This exceeded the effectiveness of the fire of the Strela-10M air defense missile system at the same ranges by 0.1-0.2 target to 1, reducing the time for bringing the whole instructions to the operator and practicing target designation.
SAM "Strela-10M2" was adopted in 1981.
On the initiative of the 3rd Research Institute and the GRAU of the Ministry of Defense, as well as the decision of the military-industrial complex No. 111 dated 1983-01-04, which followed, in the period from 1983 to 1986, under the code "Kitoboy", the Strela-10M2 missile system was modernized. The modernization was carried out by the cooperation of enterprises that developed the Strela-10 complex and its other modifications.
The upgraded air defense system, in comparison with the Strela-10M2 complex, was supposed to have an increased engagement zone, as well as to have a higher noise immunity and efficiency in conditions of organized intense optical interference, to provide fire on all types of low-flying air targets (helicopters, aircraft, remotely piloted vehicles, cruise missiles).
Joint tests of the prototype of the Kitoboy anti-aircraft missile system were carried out in February-December 1986, mainly at the Donguz test site (test site manager Tkachenko MI). The commission was headed by A. S. Melnikov. Part of the experimental shooting was carried out at the Emben training ground.
After the modification of the 9MZZZ guided missile, the missile system was adopted in 1989 by the SA under the name Strela-10M3 (ind. 9K35M3).
BM 9A34M3 and 9A35M3, which are part of the anti-aircraft complex, were equipped with a new optical sight with two channels with a magnification factor and variable field of view: a wide-field channel - with a 35-degree field of view and x1, 8 magnification and a narrow-field channel - with a 15-degree field of view and x3 magnification, 75 (provided an increase of 20-30% in the detection range of small targets), as well as improved equipment for launching guided missiles, which made it possible to reliably lock the target with the homing head.
The new 9M333 guided missile, in comparison with the 9M37M, had a modified container and engine, as well as a new homing head with three receivers in different spectral ranges: infrared (thermal), photocontrast and jamming with logical target selection against the background of optical interference by trajectory and spectral features, which significantly increased the noise immunity of the air defense system.
The new autopilot provided a more stable operation of the homing head and the control loop of the guided missile as a whole in different modes of missile launch and flight, depending on the background (interference) situation.

The new proximity fuses of the guided missile were based on 4 pulsed laser emitters, an optical scheme that formed an eight-beam directional pattern, and a receiver for signals reflected from the target. The number of beams doubled in comparison with the 9M37 missile increased the effectiveness of hitting small targets.
The warhead of the 9M333 rocket had an increased weight (5 kilograms instead of 3 in the 9M37 rocket) and was equipped with rod striking elements of a longer length and a larger section. Due to the increase in the explosive charge, the speed of flight of the fragments was increased.
The contact fuse included a safety-detonating device, a self-destruct mechanism trigger, a target contact sensor and a transfer charge.
In general, the 9M333 missile was much more perfect than the 9M37 missile, but did not meet the requirements for defeat on intersecting courses of small targets and for performance at significant temperatures (up to 50 ° C), which required refinement after the completion of joint tests. The length of the rocket was increased to 2.23 meters.
The 9M333, 9M37M missiles could be used in all modifications of the Strela-10 air defense system.
The 9K35M3 complex, with optical visibility, ensured the destruction of helicopters, tactical aircraft, as well as RPVs (remotely piloted aircraft) and RC in conditions of natural interference, as well as airplanes and helicopters in conditions of using organized optical interference.
The complex provided no less than that of the 9K35M2 missile system, the probability and the affected area at altitudes of 25-3500 meters of aircraft flying at speeds up to 415 m / s on a collision course (310 m / s - in pursuit), as well as helicopters with speeds up to 100 m / s. RPVs with speeds of 20-300 m / s and cruise missiles with speeds up to 250 m / s were struck at altitudes of 10-2500 m (in the photocontrast channel - more than 25 m).
The probabilities and ranges of destruction of F-15-type targets flying at speeds up to 300 m / s, with fire towards heading parameters at altitudes of up to 1 km when shooting optical interference upward at a speed of 2.5 seconds, were reduced to 65 percent in the photocontrast channel and up to 30% - 50% in the heat channel (instead of the permissible reduction by 25% according to the technical specifications). In the rest of the affected area and when shooting down interference, the decrease in the probabilities and ranges of damage did not exceed 25 percent.
In the 9K35MZ air defense system, it became possible, before launch, to ensure reliable target locking of the 9M333 missile seeker with optical interference.
The operation of the complex was ensured by using the 9V915 maintenance machine, the 9V839M control and testing machine and the 9I111 external power supply system.
The most distinguished creators of the Strela-10SV air defense system (AE Nudelman, MA Moreino, ED Konyukhova, GS Terentyev, etc.) were awarded the USSR State Prize.
Serial production of BM of all modifications of the Strela-10SV air defense system was organized at the Saratov Aggregate Plant, and missiles at the Kovrov Mechanical Plant.
Strela-10SV anti-aircraft missile systems have been supplied to some foreign countries and used in the Middle East and African military conflicts. The air defense missile system fully justified its purpose both in exercises and in hostilities.
The main characteristics of the Strela-10 anti-aircraft missile systems:
The name "Strela-10SV" / "Strela-10M" / "Strela-10M2" / "Strela-10M3";
The affected area:
- at a distance from 0.8 km to 5 km;
- in height from 0.025 km to 3.5 km / from 0.025 km to 3.5 km / from 0.025 km to 3.5 km / from 0.01 km to 3.5 km;
- by parameter up to 3 km;
The probability of a fighter being hit by one guided missile is 0, 1..0, 5/0, 1..0, 5/0, 3..0, 6/0, 3..0, 6;
The maximum speed of the target to be hit (towards / after) 415/310 m / s;
Reaction time 6.5 s / 8.5 s / 6.5 s / 7 s;
The flight speed of the anti-aircraft guided missile is 517 m / s;
Rocket weight 40 kg / 40 kg / 40 kg / 42 kg;
Warhead weight 3 kg / 3 kg / 3 kg / 5 kg;
The number of guided missiles on a combat vehicle is 8 pcs.

Fighting vehicle 9A35M3-K "Strela-10M3-K". Wheeled version based on BTR-60