Unmanned aerial vehicles have found their place in the armed forces of different countries and firmly occupied it, having "mastered" several specializations. This technique is used to solve a wide variety of tasks in various conditions. It is quite expected that the development of unmanned systems has become a specific challenge that needs to be answered. To counteract an enemy armed with unmanned systems for various purposes, means are required that can find such a threat and get rid of it. As a result, in recent years, when creating new protection systems, special attention is paid to countering UAVs.
The most obvious and effective way of countering UAVs is the detection of such equipment with subsequent destruction. To solve such a problem, both existing models of military equipment, modified accordingly, and new systems can be used. For example, domestic air defense systems of the latest models, in the course of development or updating, are able to track not only aircraft or helicopters, but also unmanned aerial vehicles. Tracking and destruction of such objects is also provided. Depending on the type and characteristics of the target, a wide variety of air defense systems with different characteristics can be used.
One of the main issues in the destruction of enemy equipment is its detection with subsequent escort. Most types of modern anti-aircraft systems include detection radars with different characteristics. The probability of detecting an air target depends on some parameters, primarily on its effective scattering area (EPR). Comparatively large UAVs are distinguished by a higher RCS, which makes them easier to detect. In the case of small-sized devices, including those built with the widespread use of plastics, the RCS decreases, and the task of detection becomes seriously complicated.

General Atomics MQ-1 Predator is one of the most famous UAVs of our time. Photo Wikimedia Commons
However, when creating promising air defense means, measures are being taken to improve the detection characteristics. This development leads to an expansion of the EPR ranges and target velocities at which it can be detected and taken for tracking. The latest domestic and foreign air defense systems and other air defense systems are able to fight not only with large targets in the form of manned aircraft, but also with drones. In recent years, this quality has become mandatory for new systems, and therefore is always mentioned in promotional materials for promising designs.
After detecting a potentially dangerous target, it should be identified and determined which object has entered the airspace. The correct solution to such a problem will determine the need for an attack, as well as establish the characteristics of the target necessary to select the correct means of destruction. In some cases, the correct choice of means of destruction can be associated not only with the excessive consumption of unsuitable ammunition, but also with negative tactical consequences.
After successfully detecting and identifying enemy equipment, the air defense complex must carry out an attack and destroy it. To do this, use weapons appropriate to the type of target detected. For example, large reconnaissance or strike UAVs located at high altitudes should be hit with anti-aircraft missiles. In the case of low-altitude and low-speed light vehicles, it makes sense to use barrel armament with appropriate ammunition. In particular, artillery systems with controlled remote detonation have great potential in the fight against UAVs.
An interesting feature of modern unmanned aerial vehicles, which should be taken into account when countering such systems, is the direct dependence of size, range and payload. Thus, light vehicles can operate at distances of no more than several tens or hundreds of kilometers from the operator, and their payload consists only of reconnaissance equipment. Heavy vehicles, in turn, are able to travel a greater distance and carry not only optoelectronic systems, but also weapons.

ZRPK "Pantsir-C1". Photo by the author
As a result, an echeloned air defense system, capable of covering large areas using a set of anti-aircraft weapons with different parameters and different ranges, turns out to be a fairly effective means of countering enemy unmanned vehicles. In this case, the elimination of large vehicles will become the task of long-range complexes, and short-range systems will be able to protect the covered area from light UAVs.
A more challenging target is lightweight drones, which are small in size and have low RCS. However, there are already some systems that can combat this technique by detecting and attacking it. One of the newest examples of such systems is the Pantsir-S1 anti-aircraft missile-gun system. It has several different means of detection, guidance and weapons that ensure the destruction of air targets, including small ones, which are especially difficult for anti-aircraft systems.
The Pantsir-C1 combat vehicle carries the 1PC1-1E early detection radar based on a phased array antenna, capable of monitoring the entire surrounding space. There is also a target tracking station 1PC2-E, whose task is to constantly monitor the detected object and further missile guidance. If necessary, an optoelectronic detection station can be used, which is capable of ensuring the detection and tracking of targets.
According to reports, the Pantsir-S1 air defense missile system is capable of detecting large air targets at distances of up to 80 km. If the target has an RCS of 2 square meters, detection and tracking is provided at ranges of 36 and 30 km, respectively. For objects with an RCS of 0.1 sq. M, the range of destruction reaches 20 km. It is reported that the minimum effective target scattering area, at which the Pantsiria-C1 radar is capable of detecting, reaches 2-3 sq.cm, however, the operating range does not exceed several kilometers.

Armament of the Pantsir-C1 complex. In the center of the escort radar, on the sides of it are 30-mm cannons and containers (empty) of guided missiles. Photo by the author
The characteristics of the radar stations allow the Pantsir-C1 complex to find and track targets of different sizes with different EPR parameters. In particular, it is possible to detect and track small reconnaissance vehicles. After determining the parameters of the target and making a decision on its destruction, the calculation of the complex has the opportunity to choose the most effective means of destruction.
For larger targets, 57E6E and 9M335 guided missiles can be used. These products are built according to a two-stage bicaliber scheme and are capable of hitting targets at altitudes up to 18 km and a distance of 20 km. The maximum speed of the attacked target reaches 1000 m / s. Targets in the near zone can be destroyed using two double-barreled anti-aircraft guns 2A38 caliber 30 mm. Four barrels are capable of producing a total of up to 5 thousand rounds per minute and attacking targets at distances of up to 4 km.
In theory, countering drones, including light ones, can be carried out using other short-range anti-aircraft systems. If necessary, the existing complex can be modernized with the use of new detection and tracking tools, the characteristics of which ensure operation with UAVs. Nevertheless, at present it is proposed not only to improve the existing systems, but also to create completely new ones, including those based on operating principles that are unusual for the armed forces.
In 2014, the US Navy and Kratos Defense & Security Solutions upgraded the USS Ponce (LPD-15) landing craft, during which it received new weapons and related equipment. The ship was equipped with an AN / SEQ-3 Laser Weapon System or XN-1 LaWS. The main element of the new complex is a solid-state infrared laser of adjustable power, capable of "delivering" up to 30 kW.

The combat module of the XN-1 LaWS system of American design on the deck of the USS Ponce (LPD-15). Photo Wikimedia Commons
It is assumed that the XN-1 LaWS complex can be used by ships of the naval forces for self-defense against unmanned aerial vehicles and small surface targets. By changing the energy of the "shot", the degree of impact on the target can be regulated. So, low-power modes can temporarily disable the surveillance systems of the enemy vehicle, and full power allows you to count on physical damage to individual elements of the target. Thus, the laser system is able to protect the ship from various threats, differing in a certain flexibility of use.
Tests of the AN / SEQ-3 laser complex began in mid-2014. Initially, the system was used with a “shot” power limitation to 10 kW. In the future, it was planned to conduct a series of checks with a gradual increase in capacity. It was planned to reach the estimated 30 kW in 2016. Interestingly, during the early stages of checking the laser complex, the carrier ship was sent to the Persian Gulf. Some of the tests took place off the coast of the Middle East.
It is planned that, if necessary to combat UAVs, the shipborne laser complex will be used to destroy individual elements of enemy equipment or to completely disable it. In the first case, the laser will be able to "blind" or render unusable the optoelectronic systems used to control the drone and obtain reconnaissance information. At maximum power and in some situations, the laser can even damage various parts of the device, which will prevent it from continuing to perform tasks.
It is noteworthy that not only the Navy, but also the US ground forces were interested in laser anti-UAV systems. So, in the interests of the army, Boeing is developing an experimental project Compact Laser Weapon Systems (CLWS). The objective of this project is to create a small-sized laser weapon system that can be transported using light equipment or by two-man crew. The result of the design work was the appearance of a complex consisting of two main blocks and a power source.

Boeing CLWS complex in working position. Photo Boeing.com
The CLWS complex is equipped with a laser with a power of only 2 kW, which made it possible to achieve acceptable combat characteristics with a compact size. Nevertheless, despite the lower power in comparison with other similar complexes, the CLWS system is capable of solving the assigned combat missions. The capabilities of the complex to combat unmanned aerial vehicles were confirmed in practice last year.
In August last year, during the Black Dart exercise, the CLWS complex was tested in conditions close to real. The combat training task of the calculation was the detection, tracking and destruction of a small-sized UAV. Automatics of the CLWS system successfully tracked the target in the form of a device of the classical layout, and then directed the laser beam to the tail of the target. As a result of the impact on the plastic aggregates of the target within 10-15 seconds, several parts ignited with the formation of an open flame. The tests were found to be successful.
Anti-aircraft systems armed with missiles, cannons or lasers can be quite effective means of countering or destroying drones. They allow you to detect targets, take them for tracking, and then carry out an attack followed by destruction. The result of such work should be the destruction of enemy equipment, terminating the performance of the combat mission.
Nevertheless, other methods of "non-lethal" counteraction to the target are possible. For example, laser systems are capable of not only destroying UAVs, but also depriving them of the ability to perform reconnaissance or other tasks by temporarily or permanently disabling optical systems using a high-power directional beam.

UAV attack by the CLWS system, shooting in the infrared range. Destruction of the target structure due to laser heating is observed. Shot from a Boeing.com promotional video
There is another way to combat drones, which does not imply the destruction of equipment. Modern devices with remote control support two-way communication via radio channel with the operator's console. In this case, the operation of the complex can be disrupted or completely excluded with the help of electronic warfare systems. Modern electronic warfare systems can find and suppress communication and control channels with the help of interference, after which the unmanned complex loses the ability to fully work. Such an impact does not lead to the destruction of equipment, but does not allow it to work and fulfill the assigned tasks. UAVs can respond to such a threat in only a few ways: by protecting the communication channel by tuning the operating frequency and using algorithms for automatic operation in case of loss of communication.
According to some reports, the possibility of using electromagnetic systems against drones, hitting a target with a powerful impulse, is currently being studied at a theoretical level. There are mentions of the development of such complexes, although detailed information about such projects, as well as the possibility of their use against UAVs, is not yet available.
It is very interesting that progress in the field of unmanned aerial vehicles has significantly outstripped the development of systems for countering such technology. Currently in service with different countries is a certain number of anti-aircraft complexes of "traditional" classes, capable of detecting and hitting drones of different classes with different characteristics. There is also some progress in terms of electronic warfare systems. Non-standard and unusual interception systems, in turn, cannot yet leave the stage of testing prototypes.
Unmanned technologies do not stand still. In many countries of the world, similar systems of all known classes are being developed, and a groundwork is being created for the emergence of new unusual complexes. All these works in the future will lead to the rearmament of UAV groupings with improved equipment, including completely new classes. For example, the creation of ultra-small devices no more than a few centimeters in size and weighing in grams are being worked out. This development of technology, as well as progress in other areas, impose special requirements on promising protection systems. Designers of air defense, electronic warfare and other systems now need to take into account new threats in their projects.