Now in service with the air defense is the S-300PMU1 medium-range anti-aircraft missile system. It is a mobile multichannel system that performs the functions of defending critical targets, both civilian and military, in an air attack. When aiming at a target, the same systems are used here as in optical sights. These installations are also used against non-strategic ballistic missiles, which, in flight, reach speeds of up to 2800 meters per second. At the same time, these devices have a small effective dissipation area, on average from 0.02 m2. This anti-aircraft missile system is considered fundamentally improved when compared with the previous S-300PMU system. Currently, these installations are the modern basis of the country's air defense. It is also widely used on naval ships. This system can both autonomously conduct combat operations and according to the instructions of the 83M6E control facilities.
This system includes such military equipment as a radar for highlighting the targeting of the RPN, launchers of up to 12 PU, a universal topographic surveyor, special anti-aircraft missiles, and various means for the technical support of the entire system. It provides for external power supply of the on-load tap-changer and PU, as well as an autonomous source. The installation is transported using a car.
Additionally, the system can be equipped with a 76N6 or 36D6 low-voltage detector, or a 96L6E all-altitude detector. Target detection is performed using information from the tap changer. The target is locked and automatically tracked. Target detection and capture occurs only automatically. But if an unforeseen situation arises and it is impossible to automatically detect and lock the target due to the presence of interference, all this can be done manually. In this case, you can use BPC binoculars.
If there is information in coordinates about targets, the RPN automatically begins to determine the sequence for firing at targets, and also determines the moments of missile launch. The missile is launched only after the permission of the commander of the anti-aircraft complex. Before you start firing at a target, you must recognize its nationality. This is done in an automatic way.
This anti-aircraft gun can simultaneously fire on up to six targets.