Today, Russia does not see systemic measures to create new airspace protection systems, said Leonid Ivashov, President of the Russian Academy of Geopolitical Problems.
According to RBC, the creation in Russia of a unified aerospace defense system (VKO) should encourage the country's military industry to create the latest means of state defense, experts say.
According to Ivashov, this can "push the development of industry to create new systems for protecting the air and outer space of Russia, and will create a network of design bureaus that will offer new items to the military."
Ivashov noted that the task set by Russian President Dmitry Medvedev to unite the air defense (air defense) and anti-missile (ABM) defense systems is not new.
"Earlier, ideas about a unified aerospace defense have already been heard, and this is due to the fact that air and space are one environment, this is a unified theater of warfare, as is considered by the United States," the expert said.
According to Ivashov, at present there is practically no missile defense system in Russia, it has been destroyed. The air defense system is also only of a focal nature, and most of the territory of Russia cannot be controlled by air defense systems.
According to the expert, at present, the United States is in the sixth technological order of development of the military industry. And Russia, having adopted from the USSR a confident fourth level and a number of breakthrough technologies of the fifth order, rolled back down. “As a result, we are marking time on the third level of development of the defense industry, that is, we are degrading,” Ivashov said.