Brief background. The leadership of the NOMP - Colonel V. V. Kvachkov and Yu. A. Ekishev attended a meeting of the Council of the Union of Russian Paratroopers, where V. V. Kvachkov voiced the idea not only to adopt a resolution to the Minister of Defense (and so on, decisive measures - to gather Russian paratroopers for an extraordinary congress or conference, which was adopted. Indeed, today, after the defeat of the GRU, the Airborne Forces are the last stronghold of that fearless spirit that is characteristic of the Russian army. YA Ekishev made an invitation to the paratroopers to the Russian March, which was accepted. From the Union of Russian paratroopers, Colonel V. V. Kvachkov has been instructed to say his word about the current situation on the Russian march. So on November 4 we are waiting for all the paratroopers in the ranks of the Russian March, and then - on the contrary, to visit them, here:
On Monday, October 25, the Union of Russian Paratroopers applied to the Moscow mayor's office to hold a meeting of 10 thousand people on Poklonnaya Hill in the first half of November. As the head of the Russian Paratroopers' Union, ex-commander of the USSR Airborne Forces General Vladislav Achalov told GZT. RU, the exact date of the rally will depend on the number of times the authorities give permission to hold it. Achalov has no doubts that such permission will be obtained.
“We do not go with some topics of coups d'état, organization of mass riots. We want to express our thoughts out loud so that the people can hear us. We want one thing, so that not only Defense Minister Anatoly Serdyukov, but also Pankov (State Secretary of the Defense Ministry Nikolai Pankov, - author's note) and Makarov (Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces Nikolai Makarov, - author's note) resign. Stop experimenting with people,”Achalov formulated the requirements.
Achalov explained that, together with the veteran paratroopers, many public organizations, including Cossack ones, expressed a desire to come to the rally. At the same time, Achalov did not name the exact number of those who are going to support the Union of Russian paratroopers at the rally for the resignation of Anatoly Serdyukov, explaining that he did not ask the leaders of these organizations how many people they would bring with them.
The former commander of the USSR Airborne Forces also said that the meeting would not be limited to the meeting. Now veterans of the Airborne Forces are collecting signatures under an appeal to the President of the Russian Federation with a request to deal with the situation and dismiss the Minister of Defense. At the same time, Achalov stressed that signatures are collected only among veterans of the Armed Forces, without contacting active military units.