The A330MRTT strategic tanker aircraft are multifunctional long-range aircraft. In addition to the functions of an air tanker, they are capable of taking on board cargo weighing up to 45-50 tons (provisions, military equipment, tactical electronic systems and much more). The A330MRTT, developed by the European Airbus corporation on the basis of the A330-200 long-range passenger airliner, has parameters close to those of the American KC-10A Extender. When the aircraft is on duty for 2 hours at a distance of 1800 km from the base, up to 65 tons of fuel can be transferred to consumer aircraft. This is enough to fully refuel a flight of 4 tactical strike fighters F-15E / SE "Strike Eagle" / "Silent Eagle" (with outboard fuel tanks) or 6, 7 "Rafale" / "Typhoon" fighters. Even one A330MRTT can prolong the patrol of tactical fighters over a theater of operations by 2-2.5 times (without the need to return to the base), when the area requires long-term cover of several echelons of heavy military transport aircraft from enemy fighters and support for the actions of ground attack aircraft, there are many options … The photo shows a rare moment of refueling with the Australian A330MRTT (the RAF called the aircraft KC-30A) of the French AWACS E-3F AWACS aircraft. When applied to a small European theater of operations, this means continuous “total” surveillance of an aircraft and missile-hazardous strategic direction; so we observe the advancement of new bases of similar types of vehicles to moderately distant borders from our state, for example, to the airbase of the Bulgarian Air Force - both the reach is good and the distance is safe
The rotation of squadrons and air wings of the NATO Air Force between the air bases of Western and Eastern Europe is now becoming deliberately regular. The redeployment of mixed air force units is carried out solely with the aim of preparing for a possible escalation of hostilities in the Eastern European theater of operations in the 21st century with the participation of the CSTO and NATO. So, last year it was decided to transfer military transport aircraft and NATO air tankers to airbases in Germany, while the RC-135V / W "Rivet Joint" strategic radio and electronic reconnaissance aircraft were decided to be deployed only at British airbases., on a relatively distant from Russia section of the European theater of military operations. This is explained by the fact that military-technical cooperation and strategic tankers may be needed in the skies over Romania or the Black Sea much earlier and in a larger number than Rivet Joints, primarily to support the actions of tactical aviation. And RC-135V / W is already regularly patrolling the Baltic States and the eastern part of the Balkan Peninsula, collecting valuable tactical information about the actions of our Armed Forces in the border areas. The latest vehicles are of great value to NATO. Released in a series of 32 vehicles, Rivet Joints are vehicles that are capable of providing friendly NATO troops with comprehensive information regarding the types and modes of operation of enemy radars located on land, sea and air carriers. AN / APR-46A (V) passive RER and RTR station operating in the frequency range from 250 to 18000 MHz can be any radiation source (radar or communication device) with an accuracy of 5 degrees, as well as determine the operating mode (target tracking on the passage or capture), thanks to which it is possible to determine in advance the steps of the enemy. Therefore, they decided to relocate these aircraft further from our borders. But that's not the most interesting part.
According to the TASS publication under the heading "International Panorama" of May 4, 2016, the Bulgarian government ratified a bill that allows NATO refueling aircraft to be based at Bulgarian airbases. tankers in close proximity to the Black Sea basin and the Republic of Crimea. A little earlier, in foreign, and then in our online media, information appeared about the resumption of production of the TACMS operational-tactical missile system (ATACMS) by Lockheed Martin in Arkansas (at a new facility in Camden) after a two-year hiatus. Previously, the complex was produced in the Texas City Skyline. The transfer of production was carried out to concentrate all the "branches" for the assembly of NURS and UR in a single complex to facilitate and accelerate the series. So, the number of TACMS is moving up again.
Let's start with the latter. OTRK ATACMS, as well as the mobile multipurpose MLRS HIMARS, using operational-tactical ballistic missiles of the MGM-140/164 Block I / IA family, are of great importance for Washington: their deployment was recorded in most hot spots of the world (during the "Desert Storm" ATACMS actively used in Iraq to destroy the strategically important targets of Saddam Hussein's army, today HIMARS are being transferred to the Turkish-Syrian border for fire control of ISIS facilities on the contact line), and the importers of the complex are all states of Eastern Europe and Western Asia friendly to the States. This poses a certain threat to our interests both in the Baltics and in the southern ON.

The photo shows the launch of one of the newest versions of the ATACMS operational-tactical ballistic missile - MGM-164B Block IIA from the M142 MLRS HIMARS mobile launcher. Like all missiles of "blocks" with the ending "A", this OTBR has a maximum range of the targeted target increased to 300 km, but the "equipment" of this version is much more advanced. It is represented by a 268-kilogram warhead consisting of a cassette with 6 self-aiming P3I BAT submunitions. The SPBE data, developed by Northrop and Raytheon, represent a rather complex small-sized precision weapon, structurally similar to the MGM-157 tactical anti-tank guided projectile of the FOGM complex. Homing combat elements P3I BAT are designed according to a normal aerodynamic configuration with a cylindrical body and a straight folding wing and tail fins twisted relative to the roll of the rocket (like NURS MLRS). P3Is have a unique combined IR and ultrasonic acoustic homing system. The sensors of the first, according to the standard scheme, are located in the bow of the ammunition, the latter - in the tips of thin pins emerging from the tips of the folding wing. This principle makes it possible to achieve almost 100% noise immunity in case of defeat of moving and operating artillery and armored vehicles on the battlefield. The use of GPA and infrared traps is not capable of deceiving the "smart" P3I, since the on-board computer contains a catalog of acoustic sounding of various military equipment in the ultrasonic range. Even the peculiarities of the spurious sound noises created by the aerodynamic friction of the sensor receivers against the dense layers of the troposphere did not interfere with the introduction of the acoustic homing channel, since the modern high-performance on-board computer P3I contains the most complex program for processing such noises. Infrared-acoustic seeker P3I BAT ("Brilliant Anti-Tank") works simultaneously in two target sighting channels, which allows detecting and hitting moving targets even in the most difficult meteorological conditions (fog, snow, squall wind). Meanwhile, nothing is said about the fact that the P3I SPBE has enormous difficulties in detecting stationary ground units with previously turned off engines ("black bodies"): they do not emit sound waves and cannot be sighted with the IKGSN. In this case, the most effective homing head for a "smart" ammunition could be the millimeter-wave ARGSN, the analogs of which are used in the MBDA "Brimstone" and AGM-114L "Longbow Hellfire" tactical missiles; but American manufacturers do not report these points. From the aerodynamic properties of this SPBE (straight wing), it can be assumed that a direct approach to a ground target occurs at transonic speeds (about 0.9 - 0.95M), which greatly facilitates the interception of military air defense by modern means (Pantsir-C1, " Tor-M2E "), as well as active protection complexes installed on the armored vehicles itself. The length of the P3I is 914 mm, and the diameter is 140 mm, the wingspan is on the order of or more than 1 m, which makes it easier for the optical-electronic sighting complexes to detect the above air defense systems. The MGM-164B missile itself is not so difficult to intercept: it is known from open sources that its flight speed in the middle section of the trajectory does not exceed 1500 m / s (5400 km / h), which falls under the speed limits of the S-300PM1, C air defense missile system. -400 and even S-300PS
For example, on June 1, 2012, the Finnish Defense Ministry notified the American Congress of its desire to purchase a large batch of 70 MGM-140B (ATACMS Block IA) RTBs to increase the level of technical unification with the armies of the United States and European NATO members. This contract was later canceled. But what could have happened if it was fully implemented?
The version of the missile (MGM-140B), which is being prepared for adoption by the Finnish Defense Forces, has a range of 300 km, a 160-kg fragmentation warhead M-74 (for 300 warheads), as well as an advanced inertial guidance system based on ring laser gyroscopes with GPS capability -corrections. Small KVO (25 m) allows it to effectively hit clusters of armored vehicles, radars, launchers and radars of single anti-aircraft missile battalions, weapons depots and fuels and lubricants.
Almost all strategically important objects of the Baltic and Northern fleets of the Russian Navy located in St. Petersburg, Kronstadt, Severomorsk and Murmansk would fall within the radius of destruction of complexes with ATACMS Block IA missiles of the Finnish Armed Forces, which endangers most of the north-western "fist" of Russia. If we analyze objectively, Finland would evenly distribute 35 ATACMS OTBRs in the Baltic Fleet and the Northern Fleet. But the 6th Leningrad Red Banner Army of the Air Force and Air Defense (2nd Air Defense Division) is capable of repelling the impact of such a number of missiles, since it is armed with more than 15 anti-aircraft missile divisions of the S-300PS / PM1, S-300V, S-400 and the "Carapace" covering them; their total target channel exceeds 100 targets.
Having abandoned 70 ATACMS in 2014, already in 2015, Finland requested from the US Congress, through DSCA, 240 more high-precision guided missiles GMLRS with a range of 70 km and a CEP of about 10 m. Despite the fact that the range of these missiles is much shorter (the record demonstrated with the M142 HIMARS launcher was 85 km) than the ATACMS family, their radar signature due to the small hull diameter (227 mm) is smaller, and one M270A1 launcher can accommodate 12 GMLRS corrected missiles, and the M142 mobile wheeled launcher 6 rockets, which creates great difficulties for intercepting even modern air defense systems of the S-300PM1 type, fortunately, the range of the GMLRS does not give reach to the BF and SF targets when used from the depths of Finnish territory.

The 240 GMLRS high-precision guided missiles purchased by the Finnish Armed Forces for equipping 22 existing BM-PU M270 MLRS, due to the relatively short range (70 km), do not pose as great a threat as the ATACMS missiles being upgraded today, but already at the beginning of 2015, a specially created joint unit Boeing and Saab have begun work on an exotic version of the MLRS multiple launch rocket system, dubbed GLSDB. The new system is a multipurpose long-range hybrid of the power plant - turbojet engine of the M26A1 / A2 MLRS unguided missile and the GBU-39 SDB (Small Diametr Bomb) high-precision gliding bomb. The bomb is placed at the head of the NURS under the heat-resistant fairing (in place of the cluster warhead of the projectile). The solid-propellant rocket booster accelerates the GBU-39SDB to a speed of 3.5-4M at a distance of 50-60 km from the launcher, the warhead with the bomb is separated, and the latter with folded wings continues its stratospheric flight to the target at 3-fly speed, slowly decelerating at a distance of 120-150 km (at a speed of about 1.2M, the wing opens), and the GBU-39 SDB plans to reach the target from an altitude of 17-18 km. In this flight mode, the bomb can cover up to 250 km, and when supplied with an additional accelerator - more than 300 km. The circular probable deviation of the GBU-39 SDB is no more than 7 m, making the promising GLSDB system the most dangerous MLRS in the world. GBU-39 SDB has many composite structural elements, which significantly reduces its RCS, and most of the flight takes place at high supersonic speed. Unlike the ATACMS OTRK, the number of M26A2 shells with high-precision bombs did not decrease at all (12 missiles on the M270 MLRS launcher and 6 missiles on the M142 HIMARS launcher), since the GBU-39 SDB caliber with a fairing practically does not differ from the standard 227-mm caliber M26A2
But the danger lies in the following: ATACMS complexes, which Finland did not purchase, can be safely acquired by Romania and Poland. The latter is also developing the WR-300 "Homar" MLRS system with a range of 300 km, which is an analogue of HIMARS. This makes its own adjustments to the need to increase the defense capability of the Kaliningrad region and the Republic of Crimea. In addition, 120 ATACMS OTBR is in service with the Turkish army: the entire southern coast of Crimea and Armenia are within reach. Considering the full-size salvo of 12 available ATACMS launchers with the simultaneous use of high-precision tactical long-range cruise missiles such as "JASSM-ER" or "Taurus", the existing air defense group on the peninsula and in Armenia is not quite ready to repel a strike, and should be strengthened at least a couple of additional S-300/400 anti-aircraft missile regiments. It is no secret that American ATACMS can be deployed to Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia by US military transport aircraft in just 10 hours. We always have the answer in the form of additional "Triumphs" for defense and "Iskanders" for a retaliatory strike, but such a scenario must be carefully considered, since the balance of power can quickly change.
Now, regarding the basing of NATO tanker aircraft at Bulgarian air bases. Why exactly Bulgaria was eager to see the alliance's air tankers on its territory?
Like Romania, Washington and Brussels consider Bulgaria as a strategically important territorial appendage of the North Atlantic Alliance for the implementation of all known concepts of confrontation with Russia: this is the European missile defense system, and the Third Offset and BSU, expressed in the construction of elements of Aegis Ashore, to the Bulgarian and Romanian ports of the American "Aegis" destroyers and URO cruisers, the recent transfer of the American stealth fighters F-22A "Raptor" to Romania.
Bulgarian air bases, ready to receive NATO aviation, and in particular the Bezmer aviation base, are out of the reach of the Russian Iskander-M and Iskander-K missile systems deployed in Crimea. And the location at a great distance from the shores of the Black Sea allows you to cover the airbase with the help of numerous anti-aircraft missile systems of different classes from absolutely all approach directions. In addition, Bulgaria, unlike Romania, has a single operational air direction with Turkey, which facilitates the interaction of NATO air forces deployed at Turkish and Bulgarian air bases, as well as at Akrotiri Aviation (Cyprus) and Souda (Crete). Naturally, it will not be easy to defend Bulgarian air bases from missile strikes by "Caliber", but the tactical advantage is obvious. The central and western parts of Bulgaria are NATO's rear zone in Eastern Europe, which has the ability to defend itself at the expense of American aircraft based in Italy's air bases, as well as carrier-based aircraft operating from American aircraft carriers in the Mediterranean Sea. Bulgaria is a very profitable move, "calculated a hundred times" by the NATO command.
The transfer of air tankers to Bulgaria solves at once two most important tasks for NATO:
- the possibility of action by tactical fighter aircraft of the United States and NATO within the Middle East and Central Asia without using airfields on the Arabian Peninsula in the event that a large-scale Iranian-Arabian conflict breaks out and Saudi airbases are destroyed by Iranian ballistic missiles;
- quick exit and long-term duty of NATO fighter aircraft in the skies of the South Caucasus, which at any moment can turn into a zone of armed clash between the territorial and geostrategic interests of Azerbaijan, Turkey and Armenia, a member of the CSTO. Here it is worth noting immediately that the Georgian airbase Marneuli will immediately turn into a place unsuitable for basing NATO aviation (the entire territory of Georgia is “covered” not only by Iskander, but also by old Tochki-U, Smerch, and Kh-59MK2 aviation tactical missiles "Gadfly").
Any strategic air tankers (from KC-135 to KC-10A "Extender" and A330 MRTT) can be used from Bulgarian airfields, within a radius of 1800-2000 km a pair of such aircraft is capable of refueling an entire Strike Eagle regiment of 24-30 fighters once, allowing them to carry out the assigned task in a non-stop mode and in very vast areas of Eastern Europe and Western Asia. The aircraft will be able to operate even in the most crisis situation, when most of the ground infrastructure of NATO air bases will be destroyed by our cruise missiles. And all these "horizons" are opening up for the alliance precisely thanks to the use of the Bulgarian air bases. The choice of NATO will not be affected by the close location of NATO member Greece, which is "unreliable" for the Western world, since even in the case of an escalating model of the development of confrontation between Russia and NATO, Greece will be forced to remain neutral, since friendly Russia is not so close, but rights”of their geopolitical predilections is unlikely to succeed when the Mediterranean Sea controlled by NATO and the United States is located in the southwest, and Turkey, which is very aggressive and pumped up with modern weapons, is in the east.
It is well known that the current regime of the Bulgarian President Rosen Plevneliev fully supports Kiev in its criminal activities against the Russian population of the LPR and the Kherson and Odessa regions, not only politically, but also logistically. So, in February 2016, it became known that a large consignment of light armored vehicles in the form of several dozen BMPs, MT-LB, MLRS and other equipment was loaded onto the Turkish ship "Leader Canakkale" and delivered to the port of Odessa, which was later overloaded at the Razdelnoe railway station. on platforms and sent to the Kherson region. This once again confirmed that Bulgaria is turning into one of the main NATO reserve outposts in Eastern Europe, which in the near future will be involved in many anti-Russian actions of the alliance.