In the conditions of a large number of modern air defense systems in the theater of operations, which are network-centrically connected both with each other and with various air defense and radio reconnaissance aircraft complexes, the use of standard military transport aircraft faces a huge danger for the crew and parachuted infantrymen. The stakes have sharply shifted to mobile, compact and versatile military transport units with a high modernization potential, which in the USMC became the MV-22B "Osprey" multipurpose convertiplanes.
It is very difficult to carry out an airborne operation on a territory where there is a significant number of enemy anti-aircraft missiles. Imagine a very difficult terrain. Even if most of the long-range anti-aircraft missile systems are suppressed with the help of anti-radar and air-launched cruise missiles, numerous military air defense missile systems and air defense systems (including those with passive guidance systems) will continue to operate in the theater sector, which will be able to successfully withstand various means of air attack, including military transport aircraft. Landing operations in such conditions turns into a "deadly voyage" long before the opening of the landing aircraft ramps. For this reason, the US Marine Corps has begun to develop an advanced concept for the use of the famous military transport tiltrotor MV-22A "Osprey", which could radically change the way we think about conducting such operations. To begin with, we propose to consider the whole essence of the shortcomings of the North Atlantic Alliance's rapid reaction forces in the European theater of operations.
Recently, in the Western world, which is working on numerous mediocre military-strategic anti-Russian concepts to "contain the Russian Federation", various NATO operational units of rapid and "super-fast" response began to gain extraordinary popularity, which should cover most of the Eastern European NATO members, as well as the Baltic states. from the threat from our side. We saw "Abrams" (M1A2 SEP) in Estonia and Georgia, we also observed the transfer of paratroopers from the 173rd brigade of the US Armed Forces to joint exercises with the Kiev junta near Lvov. But it all looks as feigned as the regular visits of the Aegis destroyers of the US Navy's URO into the Black Sea, where only one Su-24M with Khibins on suspensions is enough to panic the entire officer staff of an American warship.
The situation is roughly the same with the rapid reaction forces in Eastern Europe. Thus, the NATO Allied Command in Europe, assessing the tactical alignment of forces between the CSTO and NATO in the Black Sea region, in the Caucasus, on the border with Belarus and in the Baltic, announced a very important conclusion: the 5,000-strong operational group of forces "Sharp Spears" (VJTF, - Very The High Readiness Joint Task Force) will not be able to carry out an operational deployment, let alone a defensive operation, in the event that hostilities between Russia and NATO escalate. It is reported by the "Financial Times" with reference to the NATO generals. In addition, Sam Jones, an analyst of the well-known newspaper, presented a brief overview of the situation. As a matter of fact, it is difficult to call it analytical, since it is represented by short "stubs", statements and thoughts of Western military experts, but it undoubtedly can act as a source for a thorough analysis.

One of the units of the largest operational grouping of the rapid reaction forces VJTF is on board the Dutch multipurpose air transport tanker KDC-10. The aircraft is a modification of the American strategic transport tanker KC-10A "Extender", and is also capable of placing various cargo and infantrymen on board. The KDC-10 is capable of transferring loads weighing up to 76.5 over a distance of 7000 km, which makes it a universal transport of a strategic level, but in the conditions of the Eastern European theater of operations, its use will definitely be in question. All runways of key NATO airbases in this region will be damaged by the Russian Iskander-M and Iskander-K missile systems, as well as the Kalibr SKR. This will limit the tasks of one of the key NATO MTCs to the transfer of military cargo and airborne units of the alliance between the rear zones of various faces of the North Atlantic Alliance in the European theater of operations, as well as refueling of NATO military aviation over Western and Central Europe, which prompts the joint command to develop a completely different concept for carrying out probable airborne operations, involving more compact military transport aircraft
The first thing that can be summed up from it is the complete vulnerability of the operational units of the NATO Joint Armed Forces in Poland and the Baltic countries for promising air attack weapons of the Russian Aerospace Forces. Their basing includes: Redzikovo airbase (Poland), Amari airbase (Estonia), AvB Zoknyai (Lithuania), where on April 27 a link of their 2 American 5th generation F-22A "Raptor" fighters visited, as well as many others Polish military facilities transferred to the disposal of the US Army, including Avb Laski, military facilities in Tsekhanov, Khoszczyn and Skwierzyn, and many others. All these objects lie within the radius of destruction of our Iskander-M and Iskander-K tactical missile systems, as well as the modernized Smerch multiple launch rocket systems and the promising Belarusian-Chinese MLRS Polonez. The creation of specialized fortified areas and strongholds for NATO's Sharp Spears in these zones has absolutely no tactical significance, they will be quickly destroyed by Russian missile strikes, from which even a dozen Patriots PAC-3 and SAMP-T batteries cannot be saved. or "SL-AMRAAM". Heavy military transport aircraft with light and heavy armored vehicles, as well as paratroopers, will not be able to arrive at the above airbases, since, firstly, their canvas will be damaged in advance by our missile and bomb strikes, and secondly, aircraft operating over the western regions of the Russian Federation AWACS A-50U will detect air transports even over the western part of Polish airspace, then long-range MiG-31BM interceptors equipped with R-33S air-to-air missiles with a range of over 280 km will take over. All this has long been taken into account in the alliance. For example, even Polish diplomats who are not very knowledgeable in technical intricacies realize that the transfer of 4 battalions of the main NATO flagships (USA, Great Britain, France and Germany) to the Baltic countries is an "absolute minimum" of measures taken, while, at the same time, any effect they will have only up to a massive missile and air strike by our Aerospace Forces.
As a result, the whole point of maintaining the combat capability of "Sharp Spears" and any other rapid reaction units of the NATO Joint Armed Forces is smoothly brought under the bar of Article 4 of the NATO Charter, according to which the allied states of the North Atlantic Alliance must hold multilateral consultations with each other and also clearly coordinate the actions of internal security structures if the situation is of a "hybrid" nature and can go into the phase of a military conflict with the involvement and involvement of foreign military units. It is worth noting that the West's obsession with "hybrid" conflicts began immediately after the liberation of the Republic of Crimea by the Russian army.
But in the context of Article 5 of the NATO Charter, which is considered the basis of the entire defense capability of the bloc, Sharp Spears today are assigned the very last positions, which characterizes the level of the unit, close to reinforced police forces and internal troops; it is very far from collective defense against external threats.
In view of this, the most critical, position of the NATO rapid reaction forces in the light of the unprecedented technical and numerical strengthening of the Aerospace Forces and the Ground Forces of the Russian Federation in the Western Military District, the leading members of the alliance accelerated work on improving the methods of operations of military transport aviation, including the modernization of the transport units themselves.

Despite the unique functionality of the V-22 "Osprey" tiltrotor family, the accident rate of these aircraft remained very high until recently. This is evidenced by the stages of testing the first prototypes of "Osprey" and the initial period of operation of the machines. And the most indicative is the period between the first flight of the experimental vehicle (March 19, 1989) and the beginning of adoption (December 8, 2005), which was 16 years. Many technical problems of the V-22, associated with the abundance of the most complex units of the nacelle rotation system, hydraulic mechanisms located in close proximity to the wing fuel tanks and other equipment, often led to emergency situations and disasters. So, on July 20, 1992, the 4th prototype of the tiltrotor crashed over the Potomac River, right in front of the American congressmen invited to the demonstration flight. The reason for the fall of "Osprey" in the Potomac was a fluid leak from the transmission hydraulic system in the area of the torque transmission mechanism from the shaft of the right turbine engine to the shaft connecting the right engine to the left one for the flight mode on one engine. The leak occurred during level flight, and fluid accumulated in the lower part of the nacelle. Then, when switching to the vertical flight mode, the liquid got into the working area of the engine, which led to a strong fire of the engine, fuel system and the fall of the tiltrotor. Then 11 people died and flights were stopped for almost a year. The hydraulic system has been modified. And all flammable elements of the units were optimally separated to a safe distance. Serious and lengthy tests were also carried out in the field of aerodynamic changes during the transition between helicopter and airplane modes. The most thoroughly studied phenomenon of "vortex ring" arising at low horizontal flight speed and high descent speed in rotary-wing aircraft. Its essence lies in the fact that the rotor blades of the aircraft, when descending, fall into the area of reduced pressure created by the same rotor in the swept area. Lift force is drastically reduced, and if the machine's computerized control system is not performing well, an uncontrolled stall of the machine can begin. The minimum limit of the descent rate at which the Osprey hit the “vortex ring” was 8.1 m / s, the maximum this phenomenon was manifested at a descent rate of 10.2 m / s. All these qualities were taken into account when updating the software of the on-board computer of the tiltrotor
What do we know about the list of tasks performed by various modifications of Osprey? The concept of using tiltrotors in the US Armed Forces first emerged back in May 1977, when the Bell company lifted a prototype Bell XV-15 into the air. The experimental machine was almost 2 times inferior in overall dimensions to the future Osprey, but its flight performance was about the same, which made it possible to use all aerodynamic parameters when designing the V-22. The Osprey era began 12 years later, on March 19, 1989, when an experimental product was lifted into the air. In the autumn of the same year, the 20-ton rotorcraft has already successfully demonstrated the professional transition from helicopter to airplane flight mode. The engine nacelles rotating at 97 degrees with 2 powerful 6150-horsepower Rolls-Royce T406 (AE 1107C-Liberty) turboshaft engines allow vertical (helicopter) takeoff even with a takeoff weight close to the maximum (23900 kg), with a short takeoff the weight can be 25900 kg, and with a long one - 27500 kg. In terms of loads: the maximum load can approach 9072 kg (with a long takeoff run), with a vertical takeoff - 5450 kg, which allows, in addition to 24 equipped paratroopers, to take an additional load, both in the cargo compartment and on the external suspension points, which is embodied in 4 well-known projects of "Osprey", and to be embodied in the most ambitious 5th project of a shock-transport tiltrotor.
The developed versions of the V-22 have enormous modernization potential, as evidenced by the previously announced plans of the US Air Force command to replace a number of tactical military transport and multipurpose helicopters and aircraft for the MTR of the US Armed Forces with Ospreys. Their list includes: the MH-53J "Pave Low III" military transport helicopter (despite its highly sensitive AN / AAQ-10 PPS IR sighting device and the AN / APQ-158 terrain tracking radar), MC- military transport aircraft 130E "Combat Talon I" (equipped with an outdated set of floodlights revealing an aircraft with special filters for synchronization with thermal imaging sighting systems), as well as military transport tanker aircraft HC-130N / P "Combat Shadow", also designed for search and rescue operations in deep rear sectors of the enemy. The replacement is quite justified, since the MV-22 simultaneously possesses high-speed and long-range characteristics that are inaccessible for the heavy Pave Low III helicopter and helicopter qualities that are inaccessible for most versions of the Hercules. The most famous versions under development are: MV-22 (for the USMC), HV-22 (for the US Navy), CV-22 (for the MTR) and SV-22 (anti-submarine tiltrotor for the US Navy).
The most important technological feature that unites all versions of Osprey tiltroplanes is a special synchronizing shaft, which allows for flight and proper landing even if one of the engines is out of order, which significantly increases the vehicle's survivability in combat conditions. All modifications of the V-22 can take on external suspensions up to 3 PTBs with a total capacity of 4884 liters. The range in this configuration, with a low payload, can reach 1200 - 1400 km, which is very important for the anti-submarine version of the SV-22, capable of deploying RSL in the naval theater of operations and providing AUG PLO without the involvement of Orions and Poseidons. The Osprey is capable of many things: for example, modifications for the Air Force and KMP are equipped with a compact “hose-cone” refueling unit installed under the slightly opened upper flap of the cargo compartment ramp. The total amount of fuel placed in 4 groups of tanks (2 - in the wing consoles near the engine nacelles, 2 more - in the fuselage sponsons) and additional tanks in the cargo compartment and on the suspensions, can be 13,700 kg, which allows 75 % refuel a flight of two carrier-based fighters F / A-18E / F "Super Hornet" or F-35B. But these abilities are more related to maintaining the combat potential of the ILC and the Navy; What about direct participation in hostilities?
Now, as a modernization of KMPShnyh MV-22, the possibility of installing a computerized fire control system on converters is being considered, as well as equipping with tactical air-to-ground missiles of the Helfire / JAGM and AGM-176 Griffin families, as well as GBU guided bombs -44 / B "Viper Strike". This provides not only the installation of a complex firing system, but also the update of the INS, including the radar to ensure low-altitude flight in the mode of following the terrain, which is necessary for the successful and covert use of AGM-114 missiles. The elementary and experimental base for the two main systems is almost ready and requires only the correct installation and some refinements in terms of software synchronization and the integration of missile weapons.

Precision tactical air-to-ground missiles are not the only weapon option considered by the US ILC for the updated MV-22 Osprey. It was decided to use the guided UAB GBU-44 / B "Viper Strike" as an auxiliary high-precision tool. A small guided munition has a hull length and wingspan within a meter, and its weight is 20 kg. The body design is characterized by extensive use of composite materials. The GBU-44 / B is a variant of the well-known self-aiming combat element BAT (Brilliant Anti-Tank) used in the cluster warhead of the MGM-164A (ATACMS Block II) and MGM-164B (ATACMS Block IIA) operational-tactical ballistic missiles. The P3I BAT ammunition was originally equipped with a combined infrared-acoustic homing head, which was completely autonomous and did not require illumination by various radar and laser means, since the ATACMS OTRK itself is intended to destroy targets in the depths of enemy-controlled territory, where the actions of UAVs for target designation and ground forces with similar lighting systems can be very complicated. GBU-44 / B, on the contrary, must hit its targets directly in the operating zone of its carrier, and therefore the combined guidance system received completely different channels: a GPS satellite module was used for correction, and a semi-active laser guidance channel was used for the final guidance section. The target can be illuminated by a laser designator, installed both on the Osprey itself, and on another aircraft or ground unit. GBU-44 / B "Viper Strike", due to the small RCS and physical dimensions, as well as the composite hull, poses a threat even to modern air defense systems, in addition, the external suspension MV-22B can accept more than 10 such ammunition, and the cargo compartment - more 20 (together with a drop system installed above the ramp), but only if this tiltrotor is not loaded by the Marines. There are a lot of models for the use of the MV-22B strike-transport modifications, since in one airborne squadron there can be several types of externally indistinguishable "Ospreys" at once. Each vehicle can carry "Helfires" and "Viper Strikes" on the suspensions, but the "filling" of the cargo compartment can be different for everyone. For example, 8 MV-22Bs following behind can carry 192 USMC fighters, and the four leading vehicles can carry aviation fuel for refueling the squadron's transport unit or Super Hornet carrier-based fighters covering it.
With modern air defense systems, the effectiveness of using tactical missiles of the AGM-114 family is rather low, since their average flight speed does not exceed 1400 km / h, and it can be shot down half way to the target. This drawback is most noticeable in the case when it is launched from a carrier flying at altitudes of more than 50 - 100 m, which allows ground-based radar and optical-electronic means to start observing a threatening direction in advance. Ospreys have a lot of advantages for low-altitude approach to the target, which is beneficial both at the moment of landing and when attacking with tactical missiles.
Firstly, this is the helicopter flight mode. Rivet Joints and J-STARS detect in advance the locations of anti-aircraft missile systems deployed by the enemy, determine their type and estimated range. Then the coordinates are transmitted aboard the MV-22 enveloping the terrain, and at a distance of 50 km, the Osprey pilots bring the nacelles to angles of more than 80 degrees, dropping to 15-25 m above the surface to exclude the disclosure of their presence in the area of the air defense missile system (but only in the enemy has no AWACS aircraft over the theater of operations). Later, depending on the type of air defense system, the pilots decide whether it is possible to approach the target within the range of opening fire with AGM-114 or JAGM missiles (from 10 to 45 km, respectively). It is logical that it will be much easier to get close to military air defense systems than to long-range systems. If the tactical situation allows, the MV-22 will be able to release all JAGM suspensions by air defense systems in advance, carrying out the so-called "oversaturation" of the multifunctional air defense radar at the very moment when the marines are landing. To break through the layered air defense, represented by several divisions of air defense systems of different class, the Osprey pilots will prioritize the section of the air line on which the number of long-range complexes is the smallest, information about which will be received from the reconnaissance aircraft.
Secondly, the helicopter mode is supported by the installation of the AN / APQ-174D on-board multifunctional radar, which implements the mode of following the terrain and in airplane mode, at speeds of more than 450 km / h. The Osprey are becoming much faster than the Apaches, and are reaching the level of the now "scandalous" A-10A attack aircraft: speed is of great importance here. But the navigation system and the V-22's functionality are several orders of magnitude superior to the Firechild's, apart from, of course, the titanium armor plates capable of protecting the A-10A pilot from 23 mm shells. A large cargo compartment with a volume of 21 m3 allows the installation of a variety of avionics, transforming a military transport tiltrotor into a sophisticated airborne electronic reconnaissance or electronic warfare system. The MV-22 "Osprey" version, which is simultaneously equipped with search and rescue equipment and missile and bomb weapons, may have great prospects. Such machines are capable of searching and rescuing ejected pilots shot down over enemy territory by tactical aviation, as well as exporting US ILC units surrounded by the enemy from the theater of operations. By inflicting pinpoint strikes with Helfire missiles at the most dangerous enemy targets that pose a threat to the surrounded friendly troops, Osprey will be able to significantly increase the safety of the rescue operation, which was previously inaccessible to almost all search and rescue helicopters. The modernization base of the Osprey is so wide that in the future, HARM anti-radar missiles may appear on their suspensions to clean up air defense systems from the territory provided for airborne landing, as well as SACM-T anti-missile missiles to defend against missiles and air-to-air missiles of enemy fighters.
In addition to the various "optional" chips offered to the Bell-Boeing group by the US Marine Corps, very rational options for modernizing the V-22 have been proposed by the power departments of Great Britain and India. According to Western and Indian media reports, the naval forces of these states are interested in creating a V-22-based early warning and control tiltrotor aircraft to equip carrier strike forces led by the aircraft carriers Queen Elizabeth and Vikramaditya. The E-2C carrier-based AWACS aircraft, standard for the navies of NATO countries and their allies, cannot be used from British and Indian aircraft carriers, since instead of a steam catapult they are equipped with a springboard that does not allow the turboprop Hokai to gain the required takeoff speed. Osprey does not need catapults, and takeoff and landing can be carried out not only on the deck of a medium helicopter carrier, but also on a small helipad of British destroyers of the Daring type or Indian destroyers of the 15A Calcutta class, which opens up a number of military advantages. - a naval tactical link even in the absence of a lead aircraft-carrying ship.
In a major naval confrontation, completely unpredictable tactical turns can occur: the AUG may lose an aircraft carrier as a result of a powerful anti-ship strike, or the aircraft carrier strike group will be forced to split up when carrier-based aircraft are required to carry out an operation off the coast of a certain state, and the remaining KUG will receive an order for duty and anti-submarine defense in a remote square of the ocean theater. Such a grouping finds itself in a difficult situation, since its air defense, in the absence of carrier-based multi-role fighters, is limited to 25 - 30 km, if enemy fighters arrange for it a "star raid" of anti-ship missiles from a distance of 150 - 200 km. Knowing that India is actively modernizing its fleet solely in connection with the strengthening of the Chinese Navy in the Indo-Asia-Pacific region, we will consider the model of using the RLDN tiltrotor based on Osprey using the example of the likely Sino-Indian conflict, which may occur even by the middle of the XXI century …
The Indian Navy is armed with 3 Project 15A Kolkata class destroyers: D63 Kolkata, D64 Kochi and D65 Chennai. The basis of the radar appearance of these ships is the Israeli multifunctional radar IAI Elta EL / M-2248 MF-STAR, represented by a pyramidal antenna post with a 4-way active phased array antenna. The detection range of a typical target with an RCS of 3 m2 is more than 250 km, and a low-altitude anti-ship missile with an RCS of 0.1 m2 is about 25 km. Launched from the Chinese J-15S and Su-30MK2 anti-ship missiles YJ-83 will be "captured" by the decimeter MF-STAR radar at a distance of about 23 km, after which they will be intercepted with the help of the Barak-8 air defense missile system. If the number of Chinese anti-ship missiles is in the tens, then the Barak's canals will not be enough to destroy all YJ-83s, the computing facilities of the complex will be overloaded with the number of missiles swarm, and the destroyer Kolkata will be destroyed. To avoid such a situation, the only way out can be only the A-50EI airborne AWACS complex, which, due to the extensive theater of operations of the Sino-Indian conflict, will most likely be needed to coordinate air battles with Chinese fighters over Indian territory. And the radar modification of the V-22 "Osprey" can become a real lifesaver for the deprived aircraft carrier KUG in the depths of the Indian Ocean.
The ability to land on the Kolkata helipad makes it possible for the tiltrotor to operate autonomously without the need for a helicopter carrier or ground area for landing. The Osprey can be repaired and refueled right on board the destroyer, which does not require an air tanker. And the essence of the use of "Osprey" from a destroyer is reduced for the Indian fleet on two main points. Firstly, this is long-range radar detection of tactical or strategic aviation of the Chinese Air Force, as well as the detection of remote over-the-horizon surface ships capable of striking an Indian destroyer. In this case, the radio horizon increases from 25 km to more than 700 km. And the most important thing here is that anti-ship missiles launched from Chinese aircraft will be detected by the Osprey radar complex at a distance of up to 150 km (several times farther than the MF-STAR shipborne radar).
The catch here is that the Barak-8 missiles have an active radar homing head, as well as a target designation channel receiver from a ship's radar or other target designation means. This means will be the radar version of the V-22 "Osprey". Like most airborne radars, the Ospreya dorsal radar will operate in the most acceptable resolution and penetrating through the atmosphere S-band of decimeter waves, which is often used for target designation of anti-aircraft missile interceptors with ARGSN. Such a bundle will make it possible to start intercepting YJ-83 anti-ship missiles at a distance of 70 km, which will allow the full potential of the Barak-8 missile. An additional 50 km of over-the-horizon interception range will allow Kolkata to destroy several dozen anti-ship missiles launched by Chinese aviation and surface ships: the probability of maintaining the combat stability of the Indian fleet's KUG will increase to more or less normal indicators.
Considering that the computing base of modern AWACS radar systems is distinguished by high performance and advanced display equipment of automated workstations (AWPs) of operators, only 2 or 3 operators for monitoring the air situation will be enough for one Osprey. They can be accommodated in a small sealed annex in the front of the V-22 cargo compartment, the remaining 12-15 square meters of the compartment can be loaded with several dozen active-passive sonar buoys, which can be successfully used in the anti-submarine defense of the Indian KUG.
Due to the high flight speed of the Osprey (about 520 km / h with a dorsal radar fairing), the efficiency of the RSL deployment will be at the level of the P-3C Orion anti-submarine patrol aircraft. Buoys can be placed within a radius of 900 - 1200 km from the ship's strike group, which will create a decent long-range line for monitoring the underwater situation. And the adaptation of the V-22's suspension points to torpedo armament will also make it possible to hunt enemy submarines approaching the naval group. The broadest functionality of the modernized versions of the famous American tiltrotor can lead to the continuation of serial production both on the "branch" for the American customer (KMP, Navy, SSO), and on the export "branch" for the UK, India, Japan or Australia. But as you know, Washington is in no hurry to develop and distribute various versions of the V-22, including radar, even among the countries of the friendly camp, since the machine has a number of strategic advantages, the main of which is to provide a full-fledged echeloned air defense missile defense and submarine missile defense of ship groupings that do not have an aircraft carrier. This almost equates the defensive capabilities of the navies of these states with the capabilities of individual AUGs of the American fleet, even taking into account the 11 aircraft carriers in service. The Americans are absolutely not satisfied with this prospect, and the 100-millionth Osprey, just like the license for its production, remains at the disposal of the Bell-Boeing group.
It is not known whether the serial production of the improved V-22 "Osprey" will continue, but about 115 MV-22B vehicles remaining in the Marine Corps will be gradually upgraded to a promising strike-assault modification capable of operating under the dominance of enemy ground forces. Deployed at Turkish, Romanian and German airbases, "Ospreys" will be able to cover the territories of Krasnodar and Stavropol Territories, Crimea, Kaliningrad Region and Belarus without air refueling, and strike missile weapons will make it possible to make a "breakthrough" in the most weakened sectors of the front, where military air defense and air defense Videoconferencing will be in the minority.
To counter the assault landing "Osprey" will require a complex tactics of interaction of AWACS air points with ground crews of MANPADS "Igla-S" / "Verba" and SAM systems of the "Tor-M1 / 2" / "Pantsir-S1" families. The latter will have to use more TV / IR channels of optoelectronic sighting systems for target designation from air radars, since radar modes will be detected by RC-135V / W electronic reconnaissance aircraft, but for now it remains to closely monitor the program for improving these complex and flexible the use of machines.