Dissertation on evacuation during the Great Patriotic War. Children and prisoners

Dissertation on evacuation during the Great Patriotic War. Children and prisoners
Dissertation on evacuation during the Great Patriotic War. Children and prisoners

Video: Dissertation on evacuation during the Great Patriotic War. Children and prisoners

Video: Dissertation on evacuation during the Great Patriotic War. Children and prisoners
Video: 7. 5b Interwar Period (AP World History) 2025, January

We read V. Solovyov's dissertation further, and this is what we find there:

"The motto" All the best for children ", born during the life of VI Lenin, became the law of the Communist Party, and is one of its main program guidelines, the party's tireless struggle to preserve and consolidate peace, disarmament is a vivid manifestation of concern for the younger generation During the Great Patriotic War, which demanded the involvement of all forces and funds for the country's defense, the problem of protecting life, health, education, and education of evacuees acquired special significance, rebuilding the life of society in a military manner, the Central Committee of the High School / b / pointed out: “As if, however, we were not absorbed in the war, caring for children, their upbringing remains one of our main tasks."


The senior group of one of the Leningrad boarding schools in evacuation, 1944.

The party outlined and implemented a program to save thousands of children from enemy aggression, the party bodies created the necessary conditions for the life and study of children at the places where evacuated children's institutions are located. By the end of 1942, 976 transferred orphanages with more than 107 thousand inmates were located in the rear areas. This event, unprecedented in scale and organization, became possible thanks to the advantages of the socialist economic system, in which the broad working people under the leadership of the Communist Party are directly involved in the affairs of the country."

On October 9, 1941, 6327 children arrived in the Penza region from Moscow, Leningrad, Kiev, Minsk, Smolensk, Oryol regions. 10 orphanages, 3 boarding schools, 3 orphanages, 12 kindergartens, 13 orphanages arrived in an organized manner (the author's calculation according to PAPO F.148. Op.1. D.774, l.12.). The Kuibyshev region received 690 children. In the orphanages of the region, there were 1,077 children, in kindergartens and sanatoriums - 925 evacuated children. - V. O.).

In the Penza region, children from besieged Leningrad were placed in a pine forest in Akhuny, at dachas and on the White Lake, where it is also very beautiful and fresh healthy air.

During the second wave of evacuation, 5,475 children arrived in the Kuibyshev region, and 36 orphanages were created to accommodate them. In 1943, the children continued to arrive. 1190 children arrived in Kuibyshevskaya, 790 children in Penza, in Ulyanovskaya in May 1943 there were 14 evacuated orphanages and one boarding school for 345 children. And by 1944 the region accepted 3642 children (PAUO. F.8. Op.1. D.7. L.13).

It should be noted that by the end of the war there were about 6 thousand orphanages in the USSR, or 4340 more than on October 1, 1940.

For the orphanages of the Kuibyshev region in the second half of 1941, 13.6 million rubles were allocated, and in the 42nd - 20.1 million. In the 43rd, 10.5 million rubles were spent on the creation of new orphanages. In Penza, the cost of food for one pupil was 3 rubles 60 kopecks per day. The daily diet included: 400-500 g of bread, 50 g of meat, 30 g of butter and other products.

There was a shortage of shoes and warm clothing, since the evacuation was carried out in summer and early autumn. The military-industrial complex (b) of the Penza region prepared 3,000 pairs of boots, 8,000 pairs of boots and 3,000 coats for evacuated children.

Among the evacuated children, there were cases of scabies, scurvy, dystrophy, but thanks to the efforts of medical workers, the children recovered.80% of Leningrad children gained weight from 4 to 6 kg, and 13% from 6 to 10 kg, and therefore could engage in feasible physical work. In general, in the RSFSR, orphanages received grain seeds for sowing on an area of 3262 hectares, vegetables - 706 hectares, as well as 3750 cows and many other animals - pigs, sheep, goats, rabbits, chickens, ducks, geese (TsGAOR USSR. F. R. -5462. On.20. D.73. L.19).

Each children's institution was allocated a plot of arable land of 6-7 hectares, haymaking - 3-5 hectares, which made it possible to live on self-sufficiency for 3-5 months a year! In the Kuibyshev region, one of the best in 1944 was the Chelna-Vershinsky orphanage No. 53, in which there were 17 hectares under crops, there were 3 horses, 4 cows, 3 pigs, 10 bee colonies.

Factory workers usually patronized one or two orphanages, and collective farms and military units also acted as chiefs. For example, a local military unit prepared 150 cubic meters of firewood for an orphanage in Stavropol, who arrived from Leningrad. Factory # 503 made tableware. Factory them. Tinyakova - two pairs of bed linen.

Throughout the country, on April 15, 1942, about one and a half million things and 1,387,431 rubles were collected for the evacuated children.

The adoption of children who had lost their parents was carried out. By April 15, 1943, guardianship over 1119 children was established in the Kuibyshev region, patronage over 1688, 464 children were adopted. In Ulyanovsk, 1,591 children were patronized, 956 were taken under guardianship, 140 children were adopted. In the Penza region, 2,165 children were adopted. In the RSFSR in 1942-43 13922 children were adopted, 74658 were on patronage, and 29358 children were under guardianship (TsGAOR USSR. FR- 5462. Op.31. D.71. L.5).

Separately, the Komsomol members carried out patronage work. So, the Komsomol members of GPZ-4 presented the children of the Timashevsk orphanage with toys worth 6 thousand rubles, made dishes and furniture.

Interestingly, 77.4% of directors of orphanages were Komsomol members and candidates for party members.

“In orphanages and schools, within the framework of patriotic education, stories were heard about the life and work of V. I. Lenin, about communist heroes, Komsomol members, pioneers. Exhibitions on the themes "Heroes of the Great Patriotic War", "Leningrad will stand and win", "Help to the front" have become widespread. An effective means of instilling patriotism was correspondence with front-line soldiers, which had a beneficial effect on study and discipline. The letters were read aloud at the training camp, they were cherished as relics.

“The party demanded that the educational material of school disciplines be connected with life, the events of the war, the teachers of the Russian language used newspaper and magazine articles for exercises, and the works of writers about the war. Themes of creative works reflected the exploits of Soviet people at the front and in the rear, in history lessons, attention was focused on the heroic past of our people, its centuries-old struggle against foreign invaders.

Aesthetic education occupied a prominent place in the educational process. In most of the evacuated children's institutions, drama and choral circles worked, concerts of artistic activities were regularly held. Labor education was reorganized under the leadership of the party organs. Children were involved in providing all possible assistance to the national economy, labor education became more purposeful, had practical results."

Children from orphanage # 1 in Penza raised 9,364 rubles to build the For Happy Childhood fighter. In 30 workshops of the Kuibyshev region, orphanages worked, sewed linen, knocked down ammunition boxes."

Well, and then the dissertation of V. Solovyov, as it turned out, needs serious additions, which at that time was simply impossible to do, but it is possible now. When we lived in the neighboring rooms of the hostel of the KSU University, I, of course, did not know this, it did not even occur to me that the topic of evacuating prisoners could also be an object of research. But in addition to children, workers and … the same cattle, as it turned out, prisoners kept in prisons were also subject to evacuation, who also had to be taken to the East! And this was also an important task of the party and the government, and the communists were also engaged in this.

Only 34,200 prisoners had to be evacuated to the rear from the prisons of Ukraine alone, for whom 1,308 wagons were needed, at the rate of 50-60 people per wagon. But only 300 carriages were allocated, and no more than 14,000 prisoners could be accommodated in them. In total, in the very first months of the war, it was necessary to send … a whole army of 750 thousand people from the places of detention in the European part of the USSR to the east, which caused their simply monstrous concentration at transit points. Therefore, in 1941 - 1942. in the cells of transfer prisons, there was less than one square meter of floor space per inmate. And since there were not enough wagons, they were transported on foot, under escort of personnel from local prisons. It is clear that such "evacuation" for prisoners was associated with innumerable disasters and very often represented a road to nowhere, regardless of the punishment they were to be subjected to by the court decision.

The number of militarized rifle guards in camps and colonies before the start of the war was 134,480 people, of which 130,794 were directly involved in the protection of the prison contingent and 3,686 were involved in the protection of various structures of national economic importance.

To replenish the number of these units, by order of the NKVD of the USSR dated March 11, 1941, No. 0127, additional points were created in a number of eastern regions for the recruitment of guards in prisons and camps, and at the same time the reservation for conscription into the Red Army was removed from a significant number of prison and camp guards. As a result, an additional 64,763 people joined it, i.e. 54% of its pre-war strength. In many camps and colonies this figure was almost 90%. At least 15 thousand riflemen and commanders of the militarized guards of camps and colonies, in particular from the Karelo-Finnish, as well as the Ukrainian and Byelorussian SSR, entered the field units of the Red Army in the very first days of the war.

As for the former servicemen of the Red Army, who were in captivity or surrounded in the territory occupied by the enemy, special camps were created for them by the decision of GKO No. 1066 of December 27, 1941, which later received the name of testing and filtration camps. And … this contingent, when the German troops approached, also evacuated to the east!

At the same time, the prisoners happened to be massacred. Here, for example, is only one extract from the memorandum of the military prosecutor of the Vitebsk garrison on the results of an audit of defense activities in the garrison dated July 5, 1941: "… Yesterday I arrested and tried the military tribunal [former] head of the prison of the Glubeksky district of the Vileika region, now the head Vitebsk prison, a state security sergeant, a member of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks [Priemyshev], who took 916 convicts and pre-trial prisoners from Glubekskaya prison to Vitebsk on June 24. On the way, this head of the prison at different times in two stages shot 55 people, and in a town near Ullah, during the raid of [the enemy's] plane, he ordered a convoy of 67 people to shoot the rest. He himself took part in these illegal shootings with a revolver in hand. He explains his actions [by] that the prisoners allegedly wanted to run away and shouted: " Long live Hitler! "According to [Priemyshev's] statement … 714 convicts were shot. 500 people were under investigation, and some were not charged at all, since they were undergoing a special check "(TsAMO USSR. F. 208. Op. 2524. D. 2. L. 8-12). Yes, this also happened, and this is how people who were not guilty of anything died. They just … they did not have time to check, and were destroyed as potential traitors.

Actually the entire document is given here - https://allin777.livejournal.com/286200.html - and it must be read very carefully, there is so much very sad information there. So that was also the case. Then, justifying themselves with one big goal, some people sacrificed the lives of other people who were completely not involved in crimes. They … “were just unlucky,” but alas, it is impossible to count them today, to separate “grain from chaff”.

By the way, the Germans entered Vitebsk on July 11 …