Dissertation on evacuation during the Great Patriotic War. (part three)

Dissertation on evacuation during the Great Patriotic War. (part three)
Dissertation on evacuation during the Great Patriotic War. (part three)

We continue our acquaintance with the scientific work - the thesis for the degree of candidate of historical sciences, prepared and defended in 1986. The author of the work is my Penza colleague Vyacheslav Soloviev. Well, he lent me his work specifically for the publication of certain excerpts of it on VO. The first two parts were met with interest by the site visitors. Firstly, they do not often have to read materials here, the authors of which have spent so much time in the party and state archives. Secondly, having so many links to sources from these archives. Well, and thirdly, it contains really interesting information, even if it was presented in the spirit of that time and without praise to the Central Committee of the CPSU, Marx, Engels, Lenin and Gorbachev, it was not without it.

Dissertation on evacuation during the Great Patriotic War. (part three)
Dissertation on evacuation during the Great Patriotic War. (part three)

In the fall of 1941, about 40 large defense enterprises were evacuated to Kuibyshev, and the production of important military products, including Il-2 attack aircraft, was launched.



The Communist Party built its economic and organizational activities during the Great Patriotic War on the basis of Marxist-Leninist propositions: "… victory … is based on the production of weapons, and the production of weapons, in turn, is based on production in general, therefore … on material means" (Engels F. Anti-Dühring. - K. Marx, F. Engels Soch., 2nd ed., V. 20, p. 170.) I. On a business basis. - Complete collection of works, vol. 35, p. 406.).

An important task in the work of the Soviet rear in the first six to ten months of the war was to relocate industrial enterprises to safe areas and put them into operation as soon as possible. Of great importance for the restoration of the evacuated industry was the government decree "On granting the Council of People's Commissars of the republics and the krai / regional executive committees the right to transfer workers and employees to another job" (Legislative and administrative-legal acts of wartime. M., 1943, p.83, 84.) dated July 23, 1941, on the basis of which tens of thousands of skilled workers and specialists were displaced from the threatened areas.

The Central Committee of the BKP / b / and the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR on August 16, 1941, approved the military-economic plan for the 1st quarter of 1941 and for 1942 for the eastern regions, which were supposed to organize (the radical placement of equipment of enterprises evacuated from the front line, and to establish production of products on them for the army.

The Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party / b / and the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR, by a resolution of October 25, 1941, the affairs of the deputy chairman of the OIC of the USSR, a member of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party / b / I. A. Voznesensky. The duties of the secretary of the Central Committee of the party A. A. Andreev, who arrived with part of the apparatus of the Central Committee of the CPSU / b / in Kuibyshev, was to direct the activities of the regional committees of the Volga region, Siberia and Central Asia on the organization of industry in connection with the evacuation of productive forces to these areas.

The evacuated enterprises were located in the rear in accordance with the military-economic plan for restructuring the industry on a military basis, drawn up taking into account the Leninist principles of approaching raw materials, fuel and energy resources. In the Middle Volga region, there are about 170 relocated plants and factories. Emphasizing the importance of the displacement of industry during the war years, M. I. Kalinin wrote: “… the eastern regions … literally experienced the industrial revolution, and from the very beginning of the war evacuated factory equipment was continuously poured into them, thousands of workers and their families came. It was required to place the arriving equipment on the sites as quickly as possible and to start production as quickly as possible. The work has been done truly gigantic and mostly finished satisfactorily. It is safe to say that our party, Soviet and technical cadres have shown great organizational abilities to the whole world, have gone through such a practical school that history did not know (Kalinin MI Work of the Soviets in the conditions of war. - In the book: Articles and speeches. / 1941 - 1946 /. M., 1975, S. 283.)

In the Middle Volga region, even before the war, on the initiative of the Central Committee of the High School / b /, the construction of backup factories was proceeding at a rapid pace, which became the basis for the placement and commissioning of existing evacuated enterprises. One of the priority tasks facing the party committees of the region was to organize the work of party organizations at the enterprises that arrived, as this served as a prerequisite for timely restoration. More than 378 thousand communists arrived with the evacuated enterprises for commissioning and subsequent production of defense products in the eastern regions. As a result of the displacement, the number of party organizations in the rear regions increased, the first wave of evacuation, the most numerous, replenished the ranks of party organizations in the Penza region by 2910 members and candidates for members of the CPSU (b).

On July 30, 1941, 830 communists arrived in the Kuibyshev city party organization, the Syzran city party organization in 1941 received 165 evacuated party members. The arriving communists were sent to areas that lacked party cadres, where there were important national economic facilities. By decisions of the bureau of party committees, it was recommended to create party and Komsomol organizations at the evacuated enterprises, to familiarize them with the situation. The goal of internal party restructuring (even here this word got - wow! - V. Sh.'s note) was to ensure discipline, rationally distribute party forces, raise the level of leadership of the evacuated industry, the arrived workers.

If on October 1, 1941, there were 496 communists in the Molotovsky district of Kuibyshev, then by the end of the year there were about 11 thousand of them (PAKO, F.656. Op. 32. D.3. L.173). And the number of communists grew at such a rate that the Krasnoglinsk and Kuibyshev regional party organizations were formed in Kuibyshev, and three more regional party organizations were created in Syzran. The number of party organizations increased 2, 6 times in 1944 and in the Ulyanovsk region.

It is interesting that, although the number of workers and employees in the country by 1943 decreased compared to 1940 by 38% (Kumanev G. A., in the eastern regions of the country, on the contrary, it increased: in the Urals by 36%, in the Volga region by 16%. The labor resources of the Penza, Kuibyshev and Ulyanovsk regions increased due to the evacuees by more than 143 thousand people.

At the same time, the business was organized in such a way that the worker was responsible for the machine, the unit, dismantled it, sometimes rode with him, in a new place he was engaged in adjusting it, striving to quickly produce products for the army.

The placement of personnel and the organization of a labor competition between the commissioning teams were thought out. As a result, the plant No. 530, which arrived in Kuibyshev, was put into operation in 12 days and fulfilled the September task by 107.7%. (CPA IML. F.17. Op.88. D.63. L.1).

Factory # 454 evacuated from Kiev arrived in Kuibyshev on July 16, 1941. The party organization took shape immediately upon arrival. Party organizer of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party / b / at the Golosov plant noted: “We arrived at the site, which had neither water, nor sewage, nor fuel, we had to master the site in the shortest possible time, and for this it was necessary to organize a competition in teams … to carry out political mass work in unusual conditions. We didn’t have to arrange large meetings, but meetings and conversations were held at every polling station.” The forms of rivalry changed depending on the working conditions, the competition between the shift workers for completing the daily task brought results, pulled up workers, and stimulated the work of the technical control department. (It is interesting, but without competition it would have been possible to achieve the same results or not? This is a fundamentally important question for the future. Or are rallies and conversations obligatory and it is impossible without them? - V. Sh.)

As a result, the organizational work of the communists, the selfless labor of the workers and engineers allowed the plant to start up on August 5. The revival of aircraft factories was carried out on the basis of the plan for the deployment of evacuated aviation enterprises adopted by the Politburo of the Central Committee of the BKP / b / on June 26, 1941. In September, the State Defense Committee approved the program for the production of aircraft and aircraft engines for September-December 1941. The restoration of each evacuated plant had its own peculiarities. But there was also the general and, above all, the personal example of the communists, the organizing role of the party organizations. For example, at the plant. Voroshilov, who arrived in Kuibyshev from Voronezh, it was decided not to leave the shop until the task was completed. Launching the press was a difficult task, which took six months. But the communists and Komsomol members worked so hard that they managed to let him in for 25 days!

It is interesting to look at the dynamics of military production at the KPZ-4 plant relocated from Moscow to Kuibyshev. To strengthen party work at the plant, it was proposed to organize the publication of a daily newspaper with a circulation of two thousand copies (PAKO. F.656. Op.6, D.3. L.50). And here are the results: in November 1941 the plant produced 3 thousand bearings, in January 1942 - 225 thousand, in March 658 thousand, and by the end of 1942 it reached its design capacity (PAKO. F.656. Op. 36, D.410. L.111).

That is, it is obvious - the author concludes that the party leadership in the Middle Volga region during the war years was very effective.
