
Since 1991, the myth of the second half of the 1930s as the most "negative" period in the history of the USSR, and possibly the entire history of Russia, has completely dominated, when the "ghoul" Joseph Stalin unleashed a "bloody terror" against a significant part of the population of our country. Even the achievements of those years were interpreted as purely propaganda actions, "organized" in order to shield the "monstrous reality" from the people.
The beginning of this approach in the USSR was given by the famous report of N. S. Khrushchev on February 25, 1956 at a closed meeting of the XX Congress of the CPSU, but soon became the property of the general population, since his text was read at party and even Komsomol meetings. The terror of 1937 appeared in this report as a consequence of the "Stalin personality cult" - a cult that allegedly led to "the concentration of immense, unlimited power in the hands of one person," demanding "unconditional submission to his opinion. Anyone who resisted this or tried to prove his point of view, his innocence, he was doomed to expulsion from the leadership team with subsequent moral and physical destruction … The victims of Stalin's despotism were many honest, committed to the cause of communism, outstanding party leaders and rank-and-file party workers."
Khrushchev's report quoted Lenin's Letter to the XII Congress of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks) of January 4, 1923 (“Stalin is too rude …”, etc.) and stated: “Those negative features of Stalin, which during Lenin's life appeared only in embryonic form, developed … into grievous abuse of power by Stalin, which caused incalculable damage to our party. " It was also reported that at the XIII Party Congress, in May 1924 (that is, after Lenin's death), Lenin's proposal was discussed to replace Stalin as General Secretary of the Central Committee by another person, but nevertheless, unfortunately, it was decided that Joseph Vissarionovich “would be able to correct their shortcomings. " However, the latter, they say, either failed or did not want to "improve."
For example, the deeds of Stalin are interpreted in this spirit in the extensive work of AV Antonov-Ovseenko, published in 1989 in huge editions, "Stalin without a Mask." He is the son of a famous revolutionary leader who was an associate of Trotsky and one of the leading figures of the Red Army during the Civil War and was noted for great cruelty, in particular, he led the monstrous suppression of the Tambov peasant uprising of 1920-1921. Then he was the head of the Political Directorate of the Revolutionary Military Council, worked as a diplomat - he held the posts of plenipotentiary in a number of Eastern European countries, including Czechoslovakia, Lithuania and Poland. In the 1930s, he also served in various positions, was the prosecutor of the RSFSR, the people's commissar of justice of the RSFSR, during the Civil War in Spain he was the consul general of the USSR in Barcelona. In the 1920s, Antonov-Ovseenko, actively opposing the strengthening of Stalin's power, supported Leon Trotsky and joined the Left Opposition. At the end of 1937 Antonov-Ovseenko was arrested. In February 1938 he was sentenced to death "for belonging to a Trotskyist terrorist and spy organization" and was shot.
In 1943, his son Anton Antonov-Ovseenko (the future author of books about the "criminal" Stalin) was arrested. He considered Stalin to be the main and even generally the only culprit of all the repressions of the 1930-1940s and tried to present him as an unparalleled pathological villain. And 1937, in his opinion, gave rise to the "all-devouring revenge and unquenchable anger" inherent in Stalin. Antonov-Ovseenko has repeatedly spoken out for the introduction of an article in the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation for the propaganda of Stalinism. That is, if the views of such gentlemen triumphed, then Russia would now resemble the Baltics, Ukraine or Georgia with their pronounced anti-Sovietism, anti-Stalinism, behind which there is clearly visible Russophobia and terry cave Nazism.
Thus, the myth of the "bloody despot Stalin" was formed, who practically personally unleashed the terror, relying on such executioners as Beria. The terror of 1937 was explained, in fact, only by purely personal negative qualities of Stalin. They say it was Stalin's negative traits that led to “grievous abuse of power. The “Great Purge” of 1937 and the subsequent repressions were interpreted only in a negative sense, when emotions denied reality and publicists operated with mythical figures of millions and even tens of millions of repressed and destroyed almost personally by Stalin and his “bloody henchmen”. At the same time, the myth-makers did not pay attention to the fact that they were using the same propaganda methods as the Nazis during the Second World War, and then the representatives of the Anglo-American community, the Western world as a whole during the so-called. Of the Cold War against the USSR. Various Solzhenitsyn and Radzinskys threw mud at the USSR and Stalin personally, playing into the hands of our Western "partners". And not letting the people understand that only socialism and the Soviet society of service and creativity, which they began to build under Stalin, can save Russia and all of humanity from the inferno funnel into which the current world is immersed.
Only in the 2000s, studies began to appear that did not close their eyes to violence and repression, but at the same time showed the positive phenomena of that era. Thus, the historian MM Gorinov noted: “Thus, along all the lines, there is a natural healthy process of restoration, restoration, revival of the tissues of the Russian (Russian) imperial society. Technological modernization is increasingly carried out on the basis of not destruction, but the preservation and development of the basic structures of traditional society. " Later, more outspoken works began to appear, for example, by Y. Mukhin, I. Pykhalov, which showed that, it turns out, The Stalinist period in the history of the USSR was the pinnacle of the development of Soviet (Russian) civilization, and the "Great Purge" was an objective process aimed at eliminating the "fifth column", Trotskyist internationalists who sabotaged the development of Russia-USSR, and were often agents of influence of the masters of the West. That the repressions led to the improvement of the Soviet (Russian) statehood, clearing the country of "fiery revolutionaries" who knew only how to destroy, agents and saboteurs, Basmachi, "forest brothers" and Ukrainian Nazis on the eve of a big war, who in a war would not hesitate to stab the USSR-Russia in the back. Therefore, the Russian empire, in which the "great purge" was not carried out, and fell into the abyss, and the USSR, where the "fifth column" as a whole was neutralized, and they stubbornly prepared for the war, emerged from the big war as the winner. He took revenge over Germany and Japan, became a superpower that other peoples of the world were guided by, believing in justice for everyone, and not just for the “chosen ones”.
To understand what happened in 1937, it is necessary to see not Stalin's "personal vices", but the movement of the USSR-Russia in the 1930s. This movement was very well understood by L. D. Trotsky, one of the main leaders of the 1917 revolution and the leading agent of influence of the masters of the West, who, after Lenin's elimination (or death) final doom in the name of a new world order. In 1936 he completed the book Revolution Betrayed (also published under the title What is the USSR and Where Is It Going?). Trotsky considered this book "the main work of his life." However, most of the authors, as a rule, were interested in other works of Trotsky, which were devoted to "exposing" Stalin personally. In the left circles of the West in the 1930s, the cult of Stalin was growing, the proud Trotsky was extremely annoyed, and he tried in every possible way to discredit his victorious rival.
In Revolution Betrayed, Trotsky noted new phenomena in Soviet Russia. He wrote that "yesterday's class enemies are being successfully assimilated by Soviet society." In view of the successful implementation of collectivization, "the children of the kulaks should not be responsible for their fathers." "… The government has begun to lift restrictions related to social origin!" Nowadays, few people remember this, but the social constraints in the 1920s were really quite serious. For example, higher educational institutions admitted almost exclusively "representatives of the proletariat and the poorest peasantry." The rejection of this kind of restriction angered Trotsky, although he himself never needed it. He also sharply wrote about another innovation of the 1930s: “In terms of the range of inequality in wages, the USSR not only caught up with, but also far surpassed (this, of course, a very strong exaggeration. - A. S.) capitalist countries! … tractor drivers, combine operators and etc., that is, already notorious aristocracy, have their own cows and pigs … the state was forced to make very big concessions to the proprietary and individualistic tendencies of the countryside …"
Indeed, the Stalinist USSR is interesting in that there was no leveling, which was revolutionized in the 1920s and restored by Khrushchev. Professors, industrial leaders, villages, aces pilots could receive more than allied ministers. There was no need for engineers, teachers, doctors, designers. If in today's Russia, where the bourgeois-liberal and criminal counter-revolution took place in 1991-1993, and now a handful of "masters" own most of the country's wealth, then the country's resources really worked for the people and from year to year most of the country's population lived better and better. and better (excluding the period of war and reconstruction). The quality of governance in the Stalinist USSR was distinguished by the fact that prices for basic national goods began to fall in the post-war period. In the capitalist system (or neo-feudal), the quality of management is low and constantly degrading, hence the constant increase in taxes and prices for food and essential goods. The rich get richer and the poor get poorer.
With irritation, Trotsky also noted the desire in the USSR to revive the traditional family: “The revolution made a heroic attempt to destroy the so-called“family hearth”, that is, an archaic, musty and inert institution … The place of the family … was supposed to be taken by a complete system of public care and services "- that is," real liberation from the millennial shackles. Until this problem is solved, 40 million Soviet families remain nests of the Middle Ages … That is why the successive changes in the way the question of the family is presented in the USSR best characterizes the real nature of Soviet society … Back to the family hearth! … Solemn rehabilitation of the family, taking place simultaneously - what a providential coincidence! - with the rehabilitation of the ruble (monetary reform of 1935-1936 - AS) … It is difficult to measure with the eye the scope of the retreat! … The ABC of communism is declared a "leftist bend". The stupid and callous prejudices of the uncultured philistinism have been revived under the name of a new morality."
And further: “When the hope was still alive to concentrate the upbringing of new generations in the hands of the state, the authorities not only did not care about maintaining the authority of the“elders,”in particular the father and mother, but, on the contrary, sought to separate the children from the family as much as possible in order to protect them. from the traditions of inert life. Until quite recently, during the first five-year plan, the school and the Komsomol widely used children to expose, shame, and generally “re-educate” a drunken father or a religious mother … this method meant shaking parental authority in its very foundations. Now, in this important area, a sharp turn has taken place: along with the seventh (about the sin of adultery. - A. S.), the fifth (about reverence for the father and mother. - A. S.) … Concern for the authority of elders has led, however, to a change in the policy in relation to religion … Now the storming of heaven, like the storming of the family, has been suspended … In relation to religion, a regime of ironic neutrality is gradually being established. But this is only the first stage …"
Thus, we see that Trotsky and his followers were the predecessors of the current liberals, social democrats in the West and Russia. It is through their efforts that Europe has become tolerant, politically correct, juvenile justice has been established, the “family hearth” has been destroyed, and religion is becoming a thing of the past. "Family prejudices" and religious moral foundations were replaced by sexual licentiousness, various perversions, hedonism, a constant search for pleasure, consumerism and consumerism towards people and the world around them. Children with the help of the state and public institutions, juveniles are torn away from their parents, the family has lost its educational function. Moreover, all sorts of family perversions are being introduced, such as "same-sex marriages." People turn into intelligent animals, a kind of "biorobots", which are easily controlled using various behavioral programs (for example, fashion or social networks). As a result, Europeans and a significant part of Americans were turned into consumers - "biorobots" who have lost the instinct for survival of race and nation. Similar processes are underway with the help of the "fifth column" in Russia. It is not surprising if in 50-80 years Europe will be part of the “Great Caliphate”. The extinction of the Old World is proceeding at a rapid pace. The liberals, the successors of Trotsky's cause, are destroying the old world and building the "Global Babylon", the world of the "golden calf", where there are no races, nations, ethnic, linguistic and cultural differences, moral principles and family values.
Trotsky was also outraged that "the Soviet government … is restoring the Cossacks, the only militia formation of the tsarist army … the restoration of Cossack stripes and forelocks is undoubtedly one of the most striking expressions of Thermidor." Thermidor is the 11th month of the French republican calendar, which was in effect from October 1793 to January 1, 1806. In this month, a coup took place, as a result of which the Jacobin dictatorship was liquidated and the French Revolution was ended. The name of the month "Thermidor" has become symbolic to denote any counter-revolutionary coup.
"An even more deafening blow was dealt to the principles of the October Revolution by a decree (of September 22, 1935 - AS), restoring the officer corps in all its bourgeois splendor … It is worthy of attention that the reformers did not consider it necessary to invent fresh names for the ranks being restored …" In 1940, the ranks of generals were restored.
Thus, Leon Trotsky, in his book Revolution Betrayed, defined the turn that took place in the mid-1930s as a “counter-revolution,” which, among other changes, ultimately led to the destruction of a mass of revolutionary leaders. In his opinion, Stalin "betrayed" the revolution. Indeed, Stalin abandoned the idea of a "world revolution", which led to the death of Russian civilization and the dominance of the slave-owning new world order on the planet, which was being built by the "bricklayers-architects" of the West. In the USSR-Russia, they began to build socialism in a single country, restore the empire, create a new civilization and a society of service and creativity, which became an example for all mankind.