Armies of the world
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
During the so-called. the anti-terrorist operation of the Ukrainian army had to face a host of problems of various kinds. During the years of independence, the country's leadership did not pay due attention to the armed forces, which is why their equipment and training leaves much to be desired, and they can effectively resist
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
The past holidays for many veterans of the army and navy were marked not only with celebrations, feasts and gifts. This is a routine that you forget about almost immediately. The main thing is that from somewhere out of oblivion, long-forgotten colleagues suddenly appeared. Those with whom he once served in the Soviet Army. Were
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
The widely announced offensive of government forces on Palmyra can hardly be called an offensive. The maximum advance per day does not exceed hundreds of meters - and so it has been for almost a month. The Syrian army makes extensive use of helicopter support, as well as cannon artillery, but to gain a foothold in the naked
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
The end of the year is an unambiguous and thoroughly familiar affair in terms of summing up the results. Including in the Ministry of Defense with neighbors. The Armed Forces of Ukraine are also summing up the results, publishing releases and information on the state of affairs in the army of the Independent. Why didn't I pass by? It's simple. They have already learned to lie, but to use a calculator
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
After the collapse of the USSR, Ukraine received an excellent army - three very strong military districts of the second strategic echelon and three air armies (not counting a powerful arsenal of strategic nuclear forces), with a total number of about 800 thousand people. The troops were equipped with a huge amount of modern
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
The new Ukrainian authorities intend to develop cooperation with NATO. Recently, the director of the information policy department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Yevgeny Perebiynis, said that in the future it is planned not only to conduct joint exercises, etc. activities, but also ensure real compatibility
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
The communications company is responsible for organizing communications in the brigade, as well as for interfacing the brigade's communications system with the corresponding systems of higher and interacting formations and units