Armies of the world

Dangerous "puzzle" for the army of Novorossiya: in the upcoming offensive, the Ukrainian Armed Forces relied on the newest BM "Oplot-M" and "Tochka-U"

Dangerous "puzzle" for the army of Novorossiya: in the upcoming offensive, the Ukrainian Armed Forces relied on the newest BM "Oplot-M" and "Tochka-U"

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

MBT "Oplot-T" on the railway platform The last meeting of the trilateral contact group in Minsk on the settlement of the conflict in Donbass took place on December 22, 2015. Despite the fact that the issues of withdrawing large-caliber artillery and MLRS were again discussed, the general background of the consultations, in the light of

Malabar 2015 naval exercise will accelerate the global militarization of Eurasia

Malabar 2015 naval exercise will accelerate the global militarization of Eurasia

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The likelihood of a grand escalation of regional military conflicts throughout the Eurasian continent is becoming more realistic in the light of the development of a large-scale arms race in the Asia-Pacific region, which has recently threatened to cover not only the states of the Far East

Strategic issues and problems of the Iranian Navy. In the first place - naval air defense

Strategic issues and problems of the Iranian Navy. In the first place - naval air defense

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

In the background is a new development of Iranian specialists - a single-beam launcher for long-range missiles of the SD-2M type of the Fajr complex. Above the captain's cabin, a 1-channel continuous-radiation radar for illuminating an air target of the STIR type

Will the Indian Air Force be interested in the F-16 Block 70? Lockheed Martin is again wedging into the Indian arms market

Will the Indian Air Force be interested in the F-16 Block 70? Lockheed Martin is again wedging into the Indian arms market

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

There has been a lot of news over the past few days about the progress of several major defense projects for the Indian Air Force. Thus, between representatives of the Russian company Sukhoi and the Indian company Hindustan Aerinautics Limited (HAL), as well as government representatives

The strategic "game" of China's nuclear submarine fleet has begun: Shan's visit to Karachi and control of the Arabian Sea

The strategic "game" of China's nuclear submarine fleet has begun: Shan's visit to Karachi and control of the Arabian Sea

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Shan-class MAPL Each of our material, covering the military-political situation in the Indo-Asia-Pacific region, usually focuses on the details of the "Three chains" strategy, which was described in the "White Paper" of the PLA literally two years earlier. This strategy is quite effective in terms of

Deployment of Raptors in Northern Australia is in line with Donald Trump's anti-China plans

Deployment of Raptors in Northern Australia is in line with Donald Trump's anti-China plans

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

A little more than half a month remains until the inauguration of US President Donald Trump, as well as the departure of the odious Obama administration from the White House. And the first sharp reaction of the new president's entourage to the latest foreign policy steps of the outgoing regime is already noticeable. So, 30

"Steel Rain" in the Baltics: on the deployment of British MLRSs in Estonia. Insidious North European theater of operations

"Steel Rain" in the Baltics: on the deployment of British MLRSs in Estonia. Insidious North European theater of operations

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Unlike our launcher of the 9A52 / -2 "Smerch" multiple launch rocket system, which takes an average of 17-19 minutes to recharge, the recharge of modular six-wheel transport launch containers PU М270А1 MLRS MLRS (including modifications) takes from 5 to 8 minutes. for the West

All bets are back on the Backfires, as well as the nuances of the Red Flag - Alaska exercises. Who prepares the Asia-Pacific region for war and how?

All bets are back on the Backfires, as well as the nuances of the Red Flag - Alaska exercises. Who prepares the Asia-Pacific region for war and how?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

In view of the global pre-escalation state of the world military-strategic arena, in almost every new review, we are forced to jump from analyzing one theater of military operations to another. Each of them has its own unique tactical-geographical, tactical-technical and

War and money (thoughts out loud)

War and money (thoughts out loud)

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

As Marshal Gian-Jacopo Trivulzio (1448-1518) said, war requires three things: money, money and more money. That's what I want to talk about. Once I watched a film about the coalition war in Afghanistan. The numbers are amazing. It turned out that the cost of maintaining one coalition soldier per year

Development trends of Western MANPADS

Development trends of Western MANPADS

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

MBDA considers Mistral MANPADS to have advantages over laser-guided missiles Is interest in shoulder-launched and tripod-launched surface-to-air missiles revived due to the development of expanding technologies and financially justified

Anti-missile traps will be installed around the world

Anti-missile traps will be installed around the world

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

According to American official documents, the global missile defense (ABM) system of the United States of America, including components for the defense of the country's territory, regions, theaters of military operations and individual objects, should be created in stages, evolutionary. System architecture (like

Armed Forces of Moldova at the present stage

Armed Forces of Moldova at the present stage

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

In order for people to be happy, they need a strong Motherland,”said Leonid Keosky in the 5th century BC. e .. For three articles, I tell readers about the policy of NATO double standards and the behind-the-scenes military policy of Moldova, which in fact is no longer Moldovan, but of the purest water about

Estonian army: the one who laughs last laughs well

Estonian army: the one who laughs last laughs well

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

As recently as November, the Estonian army boasted of its invincibility. At the same time, the Estonians sneered at the armed forces of Latvia, supposedly fit only to "guard sacks of flour in the rear." The Latvian army was called “empty space” in these boastful reports. In the article by Mikka Salu

How Estonians and Latvians bragged about invincible armies

How Estonians and Latvians bragged about invincible armies

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Estonians started. This is what they wrote in the Postimees newspaper on November 6: “The Estonian and Latvian Defense Forces, which started from the same line twenty years ago, are now in a diametrically opposite position. The Latvian Defense Forces are completely unprepared to fight. They can neither defend their country nor

Global Firepower Index ranking: the most powerful armies in the world

Global Firepower Index ranking: the most powerful armies in the world

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Comparing the military power of different states is a complex but interesting problem. Despite all the difficulties associated with assessing the power of the armed forces of a state, attempts are constantly being made to make a rating of the most militarily powerful states. In view of

Ukrainian mercenaries in modern wars: who needs it?

Ukrainian mercenaries in modern wars: who needs it?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The memories of the events in which Ukrainian citizens were direct participants are still fresh in the memory of the Ukrainian people. We are talking about a trial that took place recently in Libya over Ukrainians who allegedly provided military services to the Gaddafi regime. Currently not

ISAF: leave Afghanistan without consequences

ISAF: leave Afghanistan without consequences

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

At the end of December 2001, by decision of the UN Security Council, the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) was organized. The purpose of this military association was to help the new Afghan government maintain order after the overthrow

Armed Forces of Transnistria: 23 years from the date of foundation

Armed Forces of Transnistria: 23 years from the date of foundation

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

On September 6, the Day of the Armed Forces is celebrated by the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic. This state does not have the official recognition of the overwhelming majority of countries in the world, which does not prevent it from successfully existing for 23 years already. A unique Russian-Soviet enclave on the territory of the former Moldavian SSR arose

Defense Innovation in the Nordic Countries (Part 1)

Defense Innovation in the Nordic Countries (Part 1)

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The development of a new version of GRIPEN, known as GRIPEN NG, began in 2013. In recent years, many reviews have been published on individual Scandinavian countries. In this article, we look at defense innovations from the Nordic countries

For the "Canadian Army Prize"

For the "Canadian Army Prize"

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

In the system of combat training of the ground forces of NATO countries, great importance is attached to the competitiveness factor, which is most clearly manifested in various competitions between tank crews, gun crews, subunits, units, formations and even army groups

Armored vehicles of Yugoslavia. Part 1. Beginning (1917-1941)

Armored vehicles of Yugoslavia. Part 1. Beginning (1917-1941)

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The tank units of the armed forces of pre-war Yugoslavia trace their history back to a platoon of armored vehicles formed as part of the army of the Kingdom of Serbia in 1917 during its operations as part of the Entente forces on the Salonika front. In this unit, there were two machine-gun armored vehicles

History of the Iraqi Navy. Part 4. Current state (2003-2014)

History of the Iraqi Navy. Part 4. Current state (2003-2014)

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

After the capture by the Americans of the main naval base (naval base) of Iraq, Umm Qasr in March 2003, 6 boats of the Savari-7 type were found there, converted into minelayers. 4 of them afloat and 2 submerged, but soon brought to the surface and used by the US Navy for trawling

Korean People's Army. Anti-tank weapons

Korean People's Army. Anti-tank weapons

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Well, let's continue with the North Korean theme. It's time to talk about anti-tank weapons. Trust me, there are really a lot of interesting things here. The Korean People's Army (KPA) is armed with about 2,000 ATGM installations, 2,000 recoilless guns and a large number of anti-tank guns

History of the Iraqi Navy. Part 3. From the invasion of Kuwait to "Freedom for Iraq" (1990-2003)

History of the Iraqi Navy. Part 3. From the invasion of Kuwait to "Freedom for Iraq" (1990-2003)

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

After the end of the Iran-Iraq war in 1988, Saddam Hussein decided that it was finally time to finish building his ocean-going fleet. The USSR could not offer anything, except for the SKR project 1159 with the obsolete P-15 anti-ship missiles. A similar picture was observed in Yugoslavia, where the Split frigates were

North Korean missiles

North Korean missiles

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Moving on to the "great and terrible" North Korean missiles. The KPA Rocket Forces, whose command (subordinate directly to Supreme Commander Kim Jong Un) is called the "Artillery Control Bureau", was created in the image and likeness of the missile forces (Second Artillery)

History of the Iraqi Navy. Part 2. Iranian-Iraqi war at sea (1980-1988)

History of the Iraqi Navy. Part 2. Iranian-Iraqi war at sea (1980-1988)

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Thus, by 1980, by the beginning of the Iranian-Iraqi war, the Iraqi Navy consisted of: 1 Yugoslav-built training frigate Ibn Marjid without missile weapons (it was originally planned to install the French Exocett anti-ship missile system on it, but for some reason it was not installed); 4 KFOR Polish

North Korean tanks

North Korean tanks

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The tank forces of North Korea began to form in 1948 with the active participation of China and the Soviet Union. A small number of tankers were trained in China on captured Japanese and American tanks, as well as on Soviet T-34s. American tanks, mainly light M3A3

Gathering of commanders of Novorossiya

Gathering of commanders of Novorossiya

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

According to reports, on October 7, in Lugansk, a significant event will take place. For the second time in the history of the unrecognized state of Novorossiya, a gathering of all field commanders will take place. Moreover, the commanders of the resistance units from Kherson, Kharkov and Odessa will arrive

The biggest myth is the American army

The biggest myth is the American army

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

In early March 2012, news agencies reported that the United States possesses a superweapon, which is a bomb weighing about 13 tons, which has such a powerful charge that it can penetrate an underground bunker with a concrete layer thickness of 65 meters. The US military has high hopes

The taken away glory, or the Inglorious army of Ukraine

The taken away glory, or the Inglorious army of Ukraine

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Poroshenko and his camarilla, in their feverish actions to destroy the past and clean up Ukrainian memory, have reached a new frontier. Renaming cities, villages, streets, destruction of monuments, liquidation of books and their authors is not enough for them. Former sergeant of the Soviet army Poroshenko got to

Bolivian Armed Forces. How the country in the Andes defends itself

Bolivian Armed Forces. How the country in the Andes defends itself

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

In recent years, Bolivia has become one of Russia's main partners and allies in Latin America. This happened after Juan Evo Morales, a well-known left-wing politician who became the first Indian as head of state, came to power in the country (despite the fact that the Indians

Modern dry rations of the armies of Western countries

Modern dry rations of the armies of Western countries

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Italy An Italian dry ration contains: a bag of 40% alcoholic drink Cordiale, two bags of coffee with cream and one bag of powdered coffee cream, bags of sugar, salt and a biscuit (i.e. unsweetened cookies instead of bread). Main courses: pasta (i.e. pasta with meat, tomato and spice sauce, with

Losses of the Ukrainian Air Force: according to updated data

Losses of the Ukrainian Air Force: according to updated data

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Just a couple of weeks ago, in the article "Losses of the Ukrainian Air Force: On the Brink of Catastrophe," we examined the successes of the LPR and DPR militias in destroying Ukrainian military aircraft. Since then, the fighting has not stopped and the Ukrainian Air Force continues to suffer losses. Consider the latest losses of Ukrainian aviation

China is learning to intercept satellites of a potential enemy

China is learning to intercept satellites of a potential enemy

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Astronomers quite unambiguously define active maneuvers of spacecraft of Chinese origin in near-earth orbit as training tests to capture and disable potential enemy satellites. Including navigation devices such as GPS or GLONASS, as well as

Plans to revive Ukraine's air defense can only threaten civilian aircraft

Plans to revive Ukraine's air defense can only threaten civilian aircraft

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The main direction of military development for the next year in Kiev is called the revival of the air defense forces, which are now represented by outdated Soviet models. The problem is that Ukraine has no money to buy modern systems, and there is no corresponding production in the country. Problem

Special Forces in the Service of Her Majesty

Special Forces in the Service of Her Majesty

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Back in the fall of last year, the British media, referring to information from the British military department, reported that SAS fighters operating in the territory occupied by IS in the western regions of Iraq are killing up to eight Islamist militants every day. And this is just the statistics given by the raid groups whose

Captured by neutrality

Captured by neutrality

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The independence of Ashgabat is conditional, like its army The grouping of the Soviet army, which remained in Turkmenistan after the collapse of the USSR, was somewhat better in quantity and quality of weapons than that which went to Uzbekistan, not to mention Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan. On the other hand, Turkmenistan did not and does not have

Australia to oppose China?

Australia to oppose China?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

According to media reports, the Ministers of Defense and Foreign Affairs of Japan and Australia are scheduled to meet in November on Australian soil without specifying the exact city and time of the meeting. It is known that the main topics will be the situation in the Asia-Pacific region, the joint development of military equipment

Teachings on Yakima

Teachings on Yakima

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

In September, the Japanese Ground Self-Defense Forces conducted a now almost traditional exercise at the Yakima Training Center in Washington state, which is owned by the US Army. During the exercise, soldiers and officers were able to test those types of weapons, the use of which in Japan itself

Germany will be silent

Germany will be silent

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The topic of American military bases in Germany is rarely raised in both German and world media, and one might think that they do not exist at all. Of course, such an idea has nothing to do with reality. They exist and there are many of them. How many? Enough for Berlin to make decisions regularly