Armored vehicles
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
The spirit of the tankman is stronger than steel! The rest is all bullshit! Comrade Stalin taught us that our armor is strong! Armored tracked vehicles have always occupied a special place in Soviet society. Tanks in the USSR knew how to make, and they were proud of them. Nimble and agile "fast carts" BT, chasing samurai at
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
The main road is the one on which the tank goes. 5th place - Centurion Medium tank. Combat weight - 48 tons. Frontal armor thickness: 76 mm, rational angles of inclination of the sheets. Turret armor: from 165 mm to 200 mm (gun mantlet). Armament: 83 mm rifled gun, 2 machine guns. Engine power 640 HP Speed
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
A loaded tank is not looked down the barrel of the Lords of the battlefield … Since their first triumph in 1916, hundreds of thousands of armored tracked vehicles have blazed their deadly path on the battlefields. Today it is impossible to imagine any military conflict without the participation of tanks - despite the continuous progress
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Constant attempts to bury the idea of a tank do not find their realization. Despite the rapid evolution of anti-tank weapons, there is still no more reliable means of covering soldiers than heavy armored vehicles
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
Continuing the "Top 10" rating from the Discovery Channel, I would like to draw your attention to one more amusing selection. This time the experts' attention was paid to "Armored Personal Carriers" - a general designation for all types of armored vehicles intended for the transport of personnel. Into the overview
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
Everyone wants the truth on their side, but not everyone wants to be on the side of the truth. - Richard Watley Contrary to popular adage, the truth never lies in the middle. Under the pressure of irrefutable evidence, it shifts in favor of one point of view or another, often dissolving somewhere in the fourth
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Ground anti-aircraft missile-gun system Pantsir, intended for the UAE army, the article provides an overview of the current state of affairs in the market for 20-57 mm guns, corresponding ammunition and gun mounts
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As part of the creation and development of equipment for the airborne troops, a new modification of the Sprut-SD self-propelled anti-tank gun was developed. By now, the updated machine called "Sprut-SDM1" has entered trials and is undergoing all the necessary checks. For the foreseeable future, this
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Since 2017, Israeli defense enterprises and the military department have regularly reported on the progress of the promising Carmel project. It is part of the larger RACIA program and is intended to test fundamentally new ideas and solutions in the field of ground armored vehicles. Until recently
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Since the mid-1930s, the German military, in accordance with the concept of warfare adopted by them ("blitzkrieg"), when determining the requirements for the development of tanks, the main emphasis was not on the firepower of the tank, but on its maneuverability in order to ensure deep breakthroughs, encirclement and destruction
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A few days ago, the Russian Ministry of Defense published extremely interesting news. From Laos, 30 T-34-85 medium tanks, taken from the service of this Asian state, arrived in our country. This means that another country still abandoned armored combat vehicles created back in
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The American edition of The National Interest, in an article posted in January 2019, rated the Russian T-90S tank as "deadly" due to the fact that it combined the best developments implemented in the Soviet T-72 and T-80, and became one of the best examples of value for money
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In the development of tanks, the main attention was always paid to its creation as an independent combat unit, and for the interaction of a tank as part of a unit, except for a radio station, practically nothing was laid
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The article "Object 490" has been published on the site. The USSR could create the most powerful tank in the world. " I read the article and was surprised: how could this be written? Morozov in the 80s, a two-turret tank with two engines and four tracks was developed and
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On the Ukrainian Internet resource "Apostrophe" there was an interview with the director of the Kharkov plant. Malysheva "Will there be a" tank of the future "in Ukraine: what kind of combat vehicles are being created for the army", as if revealing the state and prospects of Ukrainian tank building. The interview talks about
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The development of the last promising Soviet tank "Boxer" has always been of interest to many, since in Soviet times this work was seriously classified. Little is known about her. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, everything remained in Ukraine. The groundwork for the tank was not transferred anywhere, while a lot of different
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Recently I came across an article by Kirill Ryabov on the website "Voennoye Obozreniye" "The promising tank" Object 477A1 ": reality versus dreams" with links to the materials of a certain "expert" named Sergei Zgurets. I was amazed at the illiterate and ridiculous assumptions about the history of the creation of this tank, oh
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
In the previous materials, the types and characteristics of tanks developed by Germany, the USSR, England, France and the United States in the interwar period were considered. France and England, based on the experience of using tanks in the First World War, adhered to a defensive concept, providing for the suspension
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
On the night of July 12, offensive operations near Prokhorovka practically ceased. The parties began to gain a foothold on the achieved lines. After so many years, many versions have been put forward about the victory or defeat of our troops in this battle. For such an assessment, not all documents were promptly opened and
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In the second half of the 1920s, the Red Army was armed only with light tanks "Russian Renault", developed on the basis of the French FT17 and its further development, the light tank T-18 (MS-1) "small escort" plant "Bolshevik". At the end of the 20s
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The desire to put a more powerful gun on a tank has always been: along with protection and mobility, firepower is one of the main characteristics of a tank. From the history of the development of tanks, it is known that with each new generation, the caliber of the gun increased more and more. Western tanks today have
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
The creation of a robotic tank (RT) has always worried the minds of tank builders, such an opportunity was also considered when developing the last Soviet tank "Boxer / Hammer", but the collapse of the Union made such projects to be forgotten for a long time
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
Photo: Vitaly Kuzmin Something incomprehensible has been happening with the promising Russian Armata tank recently, there are no promised supplies to the troops, references to the lack of funds to finance this program look unconvincing. Enough time has passed since 2015, but the tank has not
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The development and testing of the new Armata tank is being delayed for various reasons. There is no tank in the troops yet, in this regard, some exotic ways are beginning to be proposed to speed up the issue of introducing a tank into the troops. One of these methods is the publication, in which, due to possible problems
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The tank is a universal combat vehicle of the battlefield and is designed to conduct both independent actions to develop breakthroughs in enemy defense, operations for operational and strategic encirclement and defeat of enemy military groupings and actions in its rear, and for use in
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
The history of Soviet tank building in the pre-war and war years had both serious achievements and impressive failures. At the first stage of the war, with the appearance of the T-34, the Germans had to catch up with us and create samples of tanks and anti-tank artillery that could withstand the threats posed by
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In the interwar period, light, medium, infantry and cavalry tanks were developed and produced in England. Light tanks were represented by Mk.VI with light armor and machine gun armament, medium - Medium Mk.II with light armor and a 47-mm cannon, cavalry - Mk.II, Mk.III, Mk.IV
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The previous article reviewed the first light and amphibious Soviet tanks developed in the interwar period. Developed on the basis of the French FT17 tank during the First World War, the Soviet light tanks "Russian Renault" and T-18 (MS-1) in the second half of the 20s began to seriously lag behind
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The previous article looked at German tanks in the interwar period. The Soviet Union did not have its own school of tank building, during the First World War in Russia there were only exotic experiments by Lebedenko and Porokhovshchikov to create a tank, which did not lead to anything. Russia also did not have its own
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The previous article looked at German light tanks during the interwar period. Having gained experience in the development process in the second half of the 20s of the first post-war German tank "Grosstraktor", designed like the British "diamond-shaped" tanks of the First World War, and taking into account the mass
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The previous article examined US tanks in the interwar period. Germany during the First World War, unlike England and France, did not receive serious experience in the development of tanks. She was only able to produce a small batch (20 pieces), more like an armored wagon of medium tanks
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
The previous article reviewed light French tanks developed in the interwar period in accordance with French military doctrine. Light tanks were intended to support infantry and cavalry and were the main tanks of the French army. In addition, as part of the concept of a battle tank
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Tank doctrine of the French military After the end of the First World War, France had the largest tank fleet in the world, but until 1935 only about 280 new tanks were produced. The French military considered themselves victors and thought in terms of the past war, they looked at tanks
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After the end of the First World War, England gained a lot of experience in the creation and use of tanks in combat. The use of only heavy assault tanks was insufficient to effectively suppress the enemy. The need for light maneuverable tanks to support
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In the previous article, German tanks of the First World War were considered. The evolution and prospects of tanks contributed to the creation of tanks in France
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
The evolution and prospects of tanks are always of great interest to both specialists and amateurs. A Hundred Years Ago Tanks appeared a hundred years ago, in the First World War, confidently occupied their niche in the structure of many armies of the world and remain the main striking force of the ground forces. During this time, tanks
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
The tank biathlon that has been taking place in Alabino near Moscow for several years has undoubtedly aroused genuine interest. In the Soviet and Russian army, such biathlons have not been held before, the beginning was laid in 2013. From the next year, they became international. Tank biathlon previously held
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The fate of the last Soviet T-80 tank put into service from the moment of its creation to the termination of production is interesting. Despite serious resistance, it was not the military or industry that sought to introduce him into the army, but, surprisingly, the party leadership represented by Ustinov and
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At the end of the 50s, attempts were made in the Soviet Union to create tanks with missile weapons. Projects of tanks were developed, in which the main type of weapons instead of a cannon were missiles launched using launchers of a gun or platform type
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
The use of such an exotic type of armored vehicles as wheeled tanks in the armies of different countries takes place, but in the Soviet and Russian armies this type of combat vehicles somehow did not take root. In the Soviet Union and in modern Russia, attempts were made repeatedly to create a wheeled tank, but with all this