
The death of the old world

The death of the old world

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The European powers feverishly prepared for a major conflict for several decades before 1914. Nevertheless, it can be argued that no one expected or wanted such a war. The general staffs expressed confidence: it will last a year, maximum one and a half. But a common misconception

The tragedy of Soviet prisoners of war ('Holokauszt es Tarsadalmi Konfliktusok Program', Hungary)

The tragedy of Soviet prisoners of war ('Holokauszt es Tarsadalmi Konfliktusok Program', Hungary)

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

War of Annihilation In December 1940, Adolf Hitler began planning an attack on the then allied communist Soviet Union with Nazi Germany. The operation was codenamed "Barbarossa". During the preparation, Hitler made it clear that this was not about

Broken Claw of the American Eagle

Broken Claw of the American Eagle

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The shots of the shamefully abandoned and burnt-out American helicopters at one time went around the world. Photo from Soldier of Fortune magazine On the anniversary of the failure of the CIA operation in Iran Thirty years ago, in May 1980, then US President and Supreme Commander Jimmy Carter declared mourning in the country for eight

Ivan Kozhedub. First ace of World War II

Ivan Kozhedub. First ace of World War II

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Today marks the 90th anniversary of the birth of the legendary pilot Ivan Kozhedub The glorified pilot did not write down an enemy vehicle if he did not see how it fell to the ground World War II ace

British intelligence predicted Hitler's actions

British intelligence predicted Hitler's actions

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Louis de Wal was able to convince MI5 intelligence that the Fuehrer's tactical decisions were heavily influenced by his horoscope. He suggested studying what the stars are preparing for Hitler, as well as for other major military figures, for example, the English general Bernard Montgomery and the Japanese emperor Hirohito with

Technique in the battles for Berlin

Technique in the battles for Berlin

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The storming of Berlin April 21 - May 2, 1945 is one of the unique events in the world history of wars. It was a battle for a very large city with a large number of solid stone buildings.Even the struggle for Stalingrad is inferior to the battles for Berlin in terms of the main quantitative and qualitative indicators:

Sixty years since the beginning of the Korean War

Sixty years since the beginning of the Korean War

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

US Army soldiers in Korea. 1950 The second half of the twentieth century began anxiously. The Cold War was raging in the world. Former allies in the anti-Hitler coalition stood on opposite sides of the barricades, and the confrontation between them was growing. The arms race between the US-led NATO bloc

Stalin's Pacific Rim

Stalin's Pacific Rim

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

In the 1930s, a grandiose construction was launched in the Far East … During the Second World War, the Atlantic Wall became widely known. Fortifications built by Hitler's order stretched along the entire western coast of Europe, from Denmark to the border with Spain. About it

Myths and truths about the Kriegsmarine polar expeditions

Myths and truths about the Kriegsmarine polar expeditions

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Monument to the Participants of the Defense of Dixon Island The theme of the Nazi military expeditions to the Arctic has become one of the most mythologized in the history of World War II - from the "Nord" base to everything connected with the "Annenerbe". In fact, everything was, to put it mildly, differently

The surprises and disappointments of the big war

The surprises and disappointments of the big war

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

War becomes a cruel examiner for the armies' weapons system. It happens that those types of weapons and military equipment, which were not promised much success, pass the exam better. Of course, funds and efforts were spent on them, but much more attention was paid to others. And wrong. Japanese aircraft carrier

How the British "dynamized" the allies

How the British "dynamized" the allies

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

On the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the famous evacuation of British troops near Dunkirk “Britain has no permanent enemies and permanent friends, it has only constant interests” - this phrase, unknown by whom and when, became, however, winged. One of the striking examples of such a policy is Operation Dynamo (evacuation

"The Aviator Case" Part I

"The Aviator Case" Part I

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

How the Red Army Air Force Was Beheaded The war for the Soviet Air Force began much earlier than that Sunday morning, when German bombs fell on the "peacefully sleeping airfields." The heaviest losses, and in the most important, command link, Soviet aviation suffered already in May-June 1941. And by

Boer War

Boer War

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

This war was the first war of the 20th century and is interesting from a variety of points of view. For example, on it, both conflicting parties massively used smokeless powder, rapid-fire guns, shrapnel, machine guns and magazine rifles, which forever changed the tactics of the infantry, forcing it to hide in

The USSR did not use the chance to eliminate Hitler twice

The USSR did not use the chance to eliminate Hitler twice

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The Soviet Union at least twice had the opportunity to physically eliminate Adolf Hitler, but Stalin did not allow this to be done, fearing the conclusion of a separate peace between Germany and the allies, General of the Army Anatoly Kulikov, president of the Military Leaders' Club, said on Tuesday

Berlin's Price: Myths and Documents

Berlin's Price: Myths and Documents

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The beams of the searchlights hit the smoke, nothing is visible, the Seelow Heights, fiercely snarling with fire, are ahead, and the generals fighting for the right to be the first to be in Berlin are driving behind. When the defense was nevertheless broken through with a lot of blood, a bloody bath ensued on the streets of the city, in which tanks were burning one after

What they fought for in the First World War

What they fought for in the First World War

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

95 years ago, in the days of May 1915, the Russian army, bleeding and exhausted from lack of ammunition, heroically repelled enemy attacks in the fields of Galicia. Having concentrated more than half of its armed forces against Russia, the Austro-German bloc rammed our defenses, trying not just to withdraw Russia

Fight in the sky over the Urals

Fight in the sky over the Urals

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Eight anti-aircraft missiles were fired during the destruction of the Lockheed U-2 reconnaissance aircraft.Today, few people know that the fate of Hiroshima and Nagasaki after the war could befall any of the cities of the USSR, including Moscow. In the United States, a plan was developed called "Dropshot", which included the application of

Secrets of the V-2 rocket. The "miracle weapon" of Nazi Germany

Secrets of the V-2 rocket. The "miracle weapon" of Nazi Germany

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Work on the creation of ballistic and cruise missiles began in imperial Germany at the end of the First World War. Then the engineer G. Obert created a project of a large rocket on liquid fuel, equipped with a warhead. The estimated range of its flight was several hundred kilometers. an officer

Holy war of the Soviet people

Holy war of the Soviet people

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Why did we win? The detailed answers to this question are dimensionless, as are the answers to the question why we could not help but win. We are not the first, we are not the last. By the way, elementary conscientiousness prompts us to refer our reader to the previous (at the time of our issue) issue of the magazine

The immortal feat of the SS Sonderkommando "Cyborg"

The immortal feat of the SS Sonderkommando "Cyborg"

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

On the morning of May 10, 1945, the commander of the 150th rifle division, Vasily Shatilov, received a call from the commander of the 3rd shock army, Vasily Kuznetsov: - Are you getting dry? - he asked in an angry voice. Victory, after all … - What kind of victory? - Kuznetsov roared. “If the Reichstag is still holding on?” “How is it holding up?

Overcoat: two centuries in the army

Overcoat: two centuries in the army

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

This type of military uniform is familiar to every soldier, and many civilians also hear it. Its appearance was due to the fashion of its time, but vital practicality and cheap manufacturing allowed it to survive its era. Leaders left, empires disappeared, wars arose and died

Home library of ancient rusich

Home library of ancient rusich

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

On July 26, 1951, birch bark letter No. 1 was discovered in Novgorod. Today, more than a thousand of them have been found; there are finds in Moscow, Pskov, Tver, Belarus and Ukraine. Thanks to these findings, we can say with confidence that the overwhelming majority of the urban population of Ancient Rus, including women

How they fought for March 8

How they fought for March 8

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Readers will probably get acquainted with this issue of our newspaper a little later than usual. And they have a good reason - after all, this Saturday, first of all, they will not get acquainted with the news, but congratulate their dear, loved ones, who make our life more beautiful and kinder. After all, this

Technocrat in marshal's epaulettes

Technocrat in marshal's epaulettes

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

One of the reasons that the "cold" war never became "hot" is the undoubted strength of the Soviet Army, which forced even the most violent heads in the West to think about the consequences of possible aggression. At the same time, they feared not only the size of a potential enemy - even Suvorov

The myth of the "Ukrainian Thermopylae"

The myth of the "Ukrainian Thermopylae"

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

On January 29, 1918, an insignificant episode of the civil war took place - a battle near Kruty between the troops of the Central Rada and detachments of red soldiers, sailors and Red Guards workers. The latter went to the aid of the workers of the insurgent Arsenal, who were being shot at that moment by the Petliurists. I don't know

The myth "about the Russian occupation" of Georgia

The myth "about the Russian occupation" of Georgia

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Mikhail Lermontov. View of Tiflis 220 years ago, the Russian Emperor Paul I signed a decree on the annexation of Kartli-Kakheti (Georgia) to the Russian Empire. A great power saved a small people from complete enslavement and destruction. Georgia, as part of the Russian Empire and the USSR, came to unprecedented prosperity and

"Foreign Legion" of Nicholas II

"Foreign Legion" of Nicholas II

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

In a year and a few months, the centenary of the event, which radically changed the fate of mankind, will be celebrated. It's about the First World War. Why am I talking about her now? There are two good reasons for this, in my opinion. First, the "round date" - August 1, 2014 - will be in the midst of

Forgotten heroes

Forgotten heroes

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

It's no secret that young people like to watch films about heroes and their exploits. And "stories" about the elusive James Bond, fair sheriffs, invisible ninjas are generously pouring from the screens on our children

Station for two: On the question of "Mukden's slap in the face" by Samsonov Rennenkampf

Station for two: On the question of "Mukden's slap in the face" by Samsonov Rennenkampf

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

"… Such actions usually precede a general brawl, in which opponents throw their hats on the ground, call passers-by as witnesses and smear children's tears on their bristly muzzles."

German surname as the main fault. The fatal fate of General P.K. Rennenkampf

German surname as the main fault. The fatal fate of General P.K. Rennenkampf

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Commander of the First Army of the North-Western Front, Adjutant General and General of the Cavalry P.K. Rennenkampf, even during the reign of Emperor Nicholas II, was declared by public opinion the main culprit in the defeat of the Second Army of the cavalry general A.V. Samsonov at the Battle of Tannenberg in East Prussia in

"I hit the tank with a blank"

"I hit the tank with a blank"

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

It was two years ago. "In the regional center of Surovikino, Volgograd Region, a T-34-76 tank was raised from the bottom of the Dobraya River, whose crew heroically died during the liberation of the city from German troops in December 1942. According to experts, the combat vehicle produced by the Nizhny Tagil Tank Plant v

"Vostok" commander's watch - made in Russia. Contest

"Vostok" commander's watch - made in Russia. Contest

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The beginning of the existence of the Chistopol watch factory was laid by a great tragedy for our country - the Great Patriotic War. In the fall of 1941, many enterprises, including the second Moscow Watch Factory, were evacuated beyond the Urals. His equipment and specialists got to the Volga, to the city

Declaration of war. August 2, 1914

Declaration of war. August 2, 1914

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

01. Emperor Nicholas II reads a manifesto on the declaration of war from the balcony of the Winter Palace. Palace Square, filled with people, during the reading of the manifesto declaring war on Germany. 03. Palace Square, filled with people, during the reading of the manifesto declaring war on Germany. 04. On

Wars of Faith and Peace of Westphalia: Lessons for Eurasia

Wars of Faith and Peace of Westphalia: Lessons for Eurasia

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Gerard ter Borch. "Disputes during the ratification of the treaty in Munster" In the post-Soviet space, the war is not between nations, but between religious parties: Eurasian "Catholics" and "Protestants" - as in the XVI-XVIII centuries in Europe New and old Europe National states united in the European

Franco will come, he will put things in order

Franco will come, he will put things in order

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

General Franco (center), 1936. Photo: STF / AFP / East News 78 years ago, Spanish generals revolted against the Republican government of President Manuel Azaña; political confrontation escalated into a civil war Spain entered the 20th century in a state of deep crisis, as

A. Klyosov: "Southern Siberia is the homeland of future Slavs and Western Europeans"

A. Klyosov: "Southern Siberia is the homeland of future Slavs and Western Europeans"

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The hypothesis of the emergence of man in Africa is erroneous, the scientist believes. Leading representative of the scientific direction "DNA genealogy", Doctor of Chemistry, Professor of Moscow State University and Harvard University Anatoly Klyosov in an exclusive interview with KM.RU refuted the hypothesis about the emergence of man in Africa

Effigies and breaststrokes tell (Tombstones in the study of the weapons of Western European knights of the era of 1170-1659)

Effigies and breaststrokes tell (Tombstones in the study of the weapons of Western European knights of the era of 1170-1659)

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

How do we know about what was once upon a time? After all, no human memory will preserve this? Historical sources come to the rescue: ancient manuscripts, artifacts - antiquities found and preserved in museums and in various collections, bas-reliefs and sculptures on the walls and

Battle of Austerlitz: French army uniforms

Battle of Austerlitz: French army uniforms

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Cuirassiers before the attack. Austerlitz. Jean-Louis Ernest Mesonier (1815-1891). Museum of CondeHow long have your eagles flew Over the dishonored land? How long have kingdoms fallen With the thunder of the fateful power; Obedient to the will of the willful, The misfortune rustled the banners, And you imposed a mighty yoke on the earthly tribes? (A.S. Pushkin

Battle of Austerlitz: battle in the center and on the right flank of the Allied army

Battle of Austerlitz: battle in the center and on the right flank of the Allied army

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Austro-Russian headquarters in 1805. The artist Giuseppe RavaKavalergarda is short-lived, And that is why he is so sweet. The trumpet is blowing, the curtain is thrown back, And somewhere the ringing of sabers is heard … In vain you try to prolong peaceful amusements, laughing. You cannot get reliable glory until blood is shed … A wooden or cast-iron cross is intended

The Royal Armory in Stockholm and its knightly armor

The Royal Armory in Stockholm and its knightly armor

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

In the basements, where the Royal Armory in Stockholm is located, when we go down there we will see this … "He will command some to plow his land and harvest his crops, and others to make military weapons and equipment for his chariots." (First Book of Kings 8 : 12) Museum collections of knightly armor and