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Louis-Albert-Gislaine Buckler d'Albes (1761-1824) "Napoleon visits a soldier's bivouac on the evening before the Battle of Austerlitz, December 1, 1805, and soldiers light torches in his honor!" Versailles And the renewed people Thou hast humbled the youthful violence, Newborn freedom, Suddenly dumbfounded, lost strength; Among the slaves before
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You will be in Stockholm, see this sign and come in soon. You won't have to regret! King Eric did not receive the armor ordered in Antwerp, he did not receive it. The enemy got it! But the fact is that he already had armor of his own, local production, which were, of course, worse than the "armor of Hercules", but also
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The Russian infantry is attacking. A still from the film "Austerlitz" (France, Italy, Yugoslavia, 1960). Perhaps it can be called the best movie that shows this battle. And the uniforms and … the fur coats in him are just gorgeous In pleasing the god of gold Edge to edge war rises; And human blood is like a river By the blade
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Engraving by Etienne Delon (1518-1583) "Workshop of a goldsmith in Augsburg", Germany, 1576. From the book by John F. Hayward, The Virtuoso Jewelers and the Triumph of Mannerism, 1540-1620. (London: Sotheby's, 1976), illustration 3. This is how these masters worked at that time
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The building in which the "Pious Society of Gunsmiths and Tinkers" is located. The main hall was built in the XIV century, although then, of course, the house itself was rebuilt, and more than once. It did not burn down in the Great Fire, in 1940 bombs destroyed the surrounding buildings, but it was not touched … Well, clearly he patronizes
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Victory of the Austrian army at Neerwinden in 1793. Painting by Johann Nepomuk Geiger (1805-1880) Uniform! one uniform! In their former way of life he once sheltered, embroidered and beautiful, Their weakness, reason, poverty; And we will follow them on a happy journey! And in wives and daughters - the same passion for uniforms! (“Woe
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Gorgeous armor can sometimes be seen in the movies! "Quentin Dorward", 1955 film "Fortress and beauty are her clothes …" (Proverbs 31:25) Museum collections of knightly armor and weapons. Today we continue the theme of armor from the Wallace collection, but we will tell you only about one single set
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Napoleon accepts Makk's surrender at Ulm. Charles Thévenin (1764-1838). VersaillesWe are the fighters of the great army! Together we will go to battle. Not afraid of stupid curses, The difficult path to happiness for the brethren With a bold breakthrough! Youth, bright hopes, You are always fulfilled: There will be many trials, Many heavy
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A still from the film "War and Peace" (1965–1967). The battle scenes and the uniforms of the soldiers of the Russian army are shown very well, including during the Battle of Austerlitz. But there are still few grenadiers in the scenes. More and more musketeers. But, nevertheless, the soldiers in shako with "fat sultans"
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A scene from the 1926 film "The Decembrists" Alas! Wherever I cast my gaze - Everywhere scourges, everywhere glands, Laws disastrous shame, Bondage feeble tears; Everywhere unrighteous power In the thickened mist of prejudice Has settled - slavery a formidable genius And glory fatal passion. <…>; and today learn, O kings: Neither
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Bird's-eye view of Lip Castle -Blessed you or accursed spirit, Ovean sky or hellish breathing, Evil or good intentions are filled, -Your image is so mysterious that I call to you: Hamlet, sovereign, Father, sovereign Dane, answer me
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The site of the battle today … Evening. Photo from the bus window There are battles, the impact of which on history was truly enormous. One of these battles was the battle that took place in 1805 in the lands of the then Austrian Empire in the area of Austerlitz. It is believed that there were only three similar battles in the history of wars:
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Tank A7V "Mephisto" after evacuation from the battlefield, 1918. Australian soldiers are standing around the tank and rejoicing! Imperial military archive "Tanks rushed, raising the wind, Formidable armor was advancing …" "Three tankmen" BS LaskinTanks of the world. And it so happened that after a successful offensive at Cambrai, the Germans decided
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The beggar and his children "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven … … Give to him who asks from you, and do not turn away from him who wants to borrow from you" (Gospel of Matthew 5: 3, 5:42) Charity in pre-revolutionary Russia. In accordance with the Christian faith, the beggars in Russia were required to give, and the giving of alms
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"Zemstvo is having lunch." Painting by Grigory Myasoedov, completed in 1872. Stored in the State Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow “While studying the history of my country, I noticed that the Zemstvo movement is very poorly consecrated in the historical literature (the reasons for its formation, its role in the expansion
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Even the seven ronin from the movie “Seven Samurai” were somehow embarrassed to fight without their own banner! … "Lads, whose will you be, who will fight you
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English tank Mk IV with a log for self-pulling, 1917 Every war and every nation had its own heroes. They were in the infantry, among the pilots and sailors, they were also among the British tankers who fought on their primitive fire-breathing "monsters" during the First World War. "And I looked, and
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Beggar settlers. Very often in pre-revolutionary Russia immigrants were beggars. Newspapers wrote a lot about the hardships and hardships associated with resettlement, and many took advantage of it. “The horse has fallen, the cow has died, the wife and the children have died … This is how it is in resettlement! Give it, for Christ's sake! "" But to
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The irony of "paternal life" … A can of canned food on the festive table. It is supposed to put the contents of the jar on a special plate or in a salad bowl, but … it will do just fine, doesn't it ?! Everything is absolutely, the advantages of the social environment and its disadvantages are manifested in such little things! Shot from the film "Irony
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Emperor Justinian I with his retinue brings gifts to the temple. Mosaic of the apse in the church of San Vitale. Mid-6th century n. NS. Ravenna Here came the turn of the clothes of Byzantium - the Third Rome: the last heiress of the culture of Ancient Rome, an empire in which religion dictated the canons of fashion, and fashion helped the celebration
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Beggars are singers. Painting by V. Vasnetsov, 1873. Vyatka Art Museum of V.M. I am. Vasnetsovs “Give to the hungry of your bread and to the naked of your clothes; from whatever you have in abundance, do alms, and let your eyes not pity when you do alms. " (Tobit 4:16) “The king comes out of
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Lithograph from a drawing by M. Yu. Lermontov with a tower on a rock … It bears Lermontov's handwritten inscription: "View of the Krestovaya mountain from the ravine near Kobi." Four lithographs were made from the drawing, and this name passed to them, but this is not entirely true: Lermontov in this case depicted the village of Sioni
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Cover: "Russian Truth" Comrade, believe: she will rise, The star of captivating happiness, Russia will rise from sleep, And on the wreckage of autocracy They will write our names! (To Chaadaev. AS Pushkin) The history of the first opposition to the autocracy in Russia. In our last article about the Decembrists, we parted on that
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Battle of Neville's Cross. Miniature from the 15th century Froissard Chronicle During the Hundred Years War, people not only fought and killed each other. They also ate, and tried to eat better. But what they ate - that will be our story today … “Russian cuisine is one of the first
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The coat of arms of "disinherited". A still from the 1982 movie "Ivanhoe". But the book says that the inscription is at the bottom? “It had a steel shell with a rich gold notch: the motto on its shield depicted a young oak, uprooted; under it was an inscription in Spanish: "Desdichado", which means
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Napoleon at Preussisch-Eylau. Antoine-Jean Gros (1771-1835). Louvre “Why are we going to winter apartments? Don't the commanders, strangers, dare to tear their uniforms against the Russian bayonets ?! " - well, who is not familiar with these lines from Lermontov's "Borodino"? And do they not mean that at that time in winter they did not fight, but waited
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"Decembrists on Senate Square". V.F. Timm. State Hermitage. St. Petersburg - Then, Lord, wipe us off the face of the Earth and create anew more perfect … Or, even better, leave us and let us go our own way. “My heart is full of pity,” said Rumata slowly. - I can't do it
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Princely coat of arms of Monaco Is there anywhere in Europe such a happy place where people would live up to 90 years or more, enjoying the sea and the sun, and not in some mountainous Cretan village, but at the same time enjoying all the benefits of civilization? It turns out that there is such a place and it is called - a principality
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Here it is - that "gigantic petty-bourgeois wave" about which Lenin will write in April-May 1917. In gray greatcoats and with rifles in hand. You can be torn apart by a bomb, you can die for your land, but how to die for a common one?
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Marina Ladynina is an order-bearer, a tractor driver, a collective farmer, but in reality she is a star of the Soviet cinema screen of the 1930s … A shot from the 1939 film "Tractor Drivers" The storms of revolutionary bosoms have calmed down. The Soviet mishmash has been covered with mud. And crawled out from behind the backs of the RSFSR, the murderous bourgeoisie. with
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The American army goes on a campaign in the depths of the prairies. Still from the movie "Sound of a Distant Trumpet" For 90 years, the American army served as a kind of buffer between the indigenous Indian population of the Wild West and white settlers. It so happened that she fought with them, it also happened that she also protected them … “I
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Carpet with knights and coats of arms from the Wienhausen Abbey monastery. Celle / Celle. Germany. 1330 Each aspired to be in a new being And to go out into battle in the purest one. There is a tower on a shield shining with gold, There is a lion, there is a leopard and a fish in a battle coat of arms. A peacock's tail serves as an adornment
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Isaac Ilyich Levitan. "Village". He is rightfully called the painter of the Russian countryside. And everything is drawn from nature. In fact, these are photographs … "The great chain broke, Broke - scattered One end for the master, Another for the peasant! .." (Who lives well in Russia. N. A. Nekrasov) The beginning and end of the peasant
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Still from the film "Ann Oakley" (1935) "Four things above all: women, horses, power and war" (Rudyard Kipling) Land overseas. As you know, different people are needed, different talents are important. Someone masterfully composes music, someone sings, another forges iron and bakes pies, and such that simply
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Caricature 1903 "Emigrants who are in the USA, and who meets them here" "Leave, ancient lands, praise for the centuries! I cry in silence. Give me your tired people, All those who want to breathe freely, abandoned in need, From the cramped shores of the persecuted, the poor and the orphans. So send them, homeless and exhausted, to
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The coat of arms of Queen Elizabeth II is an example of the coat of arms, which contains all the elements, except for the mantle. And it is also the coat of arms of Great Britain. It was approved back in 1837. The crest in this coat of arms is a crowned leopard. Crown - Saint Edward the Confessor. Backboard holders - crowned lion
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A still from the film "Samurai and the Cat". Cats have always had a special relationship in Japan. They were revered and … feared. It was scary to kill a cat for a commoner. And for this they had to hire a samurai. But when the samurai looked the cat in the eyes, he could not kill her, and then they became friends
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The last crutch (1881). Painting by Thomas Hill (1829-1908). California State Railroad Museum. "It is also surprising how quickly the United States recovered from the Civil War - just instantly by historical standards!" Tlahuikol Paradoxes of history. Some time ago I saw an American movie
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Sale of a courtyard girl in the painting by artist Nikolai Nevrev “Bargaining. A scene from the serf life. From the recent past "(1866, Moscow, Tretyakov Gallery) So, we have to wrap the medal on the other side. Suppose a peasant child grows freely without learning anything, But he grows up if
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Louis Maurer. Buffalo Bill Hunting Buffalo The opinion of those in power can be formed in the same way as the opinion of the last drunkard. The only difference is that for the first one you need to try and lay out the money, and the second one and a bottle of vodka will be enough for the eyes. That is, a good PR - everything is in the head. Therein