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The papal nuncio presents Prince Daniel Romanovich with the royal crown. An engraving by Julian Schuebler based on a drawing by Klavdiy Lebedev from the collection of illustrations of the Niva magazine, 1894. Immediately after the battle at Yaroslav, the world around him reminded the Galician-Volyn prince that he had special views of Southwestern Russia and
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Roman Galitsky receives the ambassadors of Pope Innocent III. Painting by N.V. Nevrev (1875). More details about this episode will be described in the next article Roman Mstislavich is a rather controversial figure, but rather not in itself, but because of some features of the information about him that has been preserved and the lack of
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Monument to Andras II in the National Historical Park in Opustasere. This king became one of the co-authors of the chaos that began in Southwestern Russia after 1205 By the time of the death of Prince Roman Mstislavich, signs of stratification began to appear among the boyars. The reason was the fact
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"Prince Izyaslav Mstislavich offers peace and friendship to his uncle Vyacheslav." Schliter's engraving from a drawing by Klavdiy Lebedev It was with him that the most interesting events of the region in the XI-XII centuries were associated, which is explained by
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In general, this sculpture depicts Irina Angelina, the eldest daughter of Isaac II Angelina, but she was the older sister of Anna Angelina, because somehow it is quite possible to imagine the second wife of Roman Mstislavich. The first contacts of Byzantium with Roman Mstislavich were probably established at the beginning of 1190. NS
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The map, clearly illustrating the reign of Daniil Galitsky (Belarusian language) Nobody liked the restoration of the Galicia-Volyn principality. The first, of course, were the Hungarians, and King Andras II sent a large army under the command of his son Bela to Galich. Big army - big defeat
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Alas, there was no better map. All maps of South-Western Russia found on the network are given mainly from the time of the Romanovichs, something bearable in the XI-XII centuries could not be found Rostislav Vladimirovich, who was killed in Tmutarakan, left three sons: Rurik, Volodar and Vasilko. After the death of their father, they grew up at
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This man and his achievements are often remembered in Spain, but outside its borders they hardly know. Meanwhile, he was an outstanding naval commander and naval engineer, the author of projects of several interesting types of gunboats, including armored boats, a veteran of the anti-tank wars and the Great Siege
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If you look into the history of Oregon, Vancouver Island and other territories in Russian, English or almost any other language, it will seem that these territories were explored by the same British and Americans, which determined the ownership of these lands by the United States and Britain in the future. No mention of
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The Spanish fleet under the early Bourbons was a rather peculiar picture. Service on it was quite a prestigious business, the fleet developed, demanded more and more new personnel …. But the people from the titular Castilian provinces did not go there. As a result, various foreigners like the Irish and
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People are completely different, even outstanding. An outstanding person can commit different deeds, great and remain in history, he can never make mistakes, he can become outstanding only because of the mistakes he made during important historical events. But there are a number of outstanding people who
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Map with the ancestral home of the Slavs and their settlement in the Early Middle Ages. Volhynia is located just in the middle of this supposed ancestral homeland of Galicia-Volyn principality on the Internet is a kind of paradox. Not as much has been written about him as about other parts of Russia, a serious study of him
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Map of Russia for the time indicated in the article. Volyn during this period can be called the entire territory of the South-West with the capital in the city of Vladimir South-West Russia for a long time remained outside the borders of the Rurik state. So, when Oleg was about to launch his raid on Constantinople, a number of
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One of the first striking episodes of direct confrontation between the prince and the Galician boyars: the burning of Nastasya Chagrovna. Drawing by Klavdiy Lebedev Galich appears in the annals as a devil from a snuffbox. Until 1141, there is no specific mention of him, there is only indirect information that after the death of Vasilko
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The history of Armada at the end of the 18th century is full of different bright personalities. Here is a sailor with organizational and diplomatic skills, about whom someone started a story that he was the bastard of Carlos III himself. Here is a man who devoted his whole life to serving others, including ordinary people
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Great Britain has existed de jure for more than two centuries, and de facto, in the format of an English state, even more. And throughout their history, there is one feature that is characteristic, perhaps, for all nations and states of the world, but it is most clearly manifested precisely among the inhabitants of Tumannoye
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Napoleon said about him that if Villeneuve had his qualities, the battle at Cape Finisterre would have been lost by the British. About this man there are rumors that are not entirely clear that he was the bastard of King Carlos III, and at the time of the birth of our hero - the king of Naples and Sicily. Some of his people
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In the previous article, I briefly described the organization and size of the Spanish army: its organization, the recruitment system, a brief history of the combat arms and the number during the Iberian War of 1808-1814. However, as some colleagues may have noticed, the review was incomplete - it completely
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The history of military technology is extremely rarely reduced to only one tactical and technical characteristics and often combines whole layers from other spheres of this science: here are stories about simple human lives, and the interweaving of different events and histories of different states, and features of development
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There are a lot of stories about unrecognized geniuses in the world, and many of them are heard by people. Many of these geniuses were recognized in their Motherland after death, many were not, and many were simply forgotten, since completely different people were creating world history at that time. Even more stories just about the masters of their craft
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The Pyrenean War is little known in the CIS, and even among people who are interested in the Napoleonic Wars, "some small sprinkles of the Spaniards with the French" (almost a quote from one friend) are known only in general terms. Russian-language literature also does not help broaden the horizons:
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I have previously published articles in which I briefly talked about the organization of the Royal Army, Royal Guard and the military industry of Spain in 1808, when the devastating Iberian War began. But this whole cycle as a result turned out to be incomplete without information about another component
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In the last two articles, I described the organization of the Royal Spanish Army and the Royal Guard, but already in the process of discussion and my further research, it turned out that in some cases I gave a blunder, i.e. wrong. In addition, some of the nuances regarding the organization of the Spanish armed forces required
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In the late 1780s, Spain was one of the most powerful states in the world. Science developed in it, the arts conquered the minds of the aristocracy, industry developed rapidly, the population grew actively … After 10 years in Spain, they saw only a puppet, a means to an end. And half a century later
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Stories about people belonging to one profession or another are sometimes a kind of cut of the time when they lived, its morals and laws, an illustration of great and small events that somehow influenced the fate of these very people, and many others too. I have previously published material with
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It was at the time of the Great and Indestructible. A lieutenant replenishment arrived in one of the air regiments, and they were accommodated in a hostel for bachelors. By the way, the hostel was not very bad and, most importantly, outside the territory of the unit and next to the flight canteen. But one day it happened in a hostel
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Let's go back to Berlin, to Ghana. This work became the culmination of his scientific work. Further - silence, a departure from science. Why? One can only guess. Germany was changing, and it was impossible not to notice. Racism hit employees roughly: one by one, Jewish colleagues left. The most
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Http://fototelegraf.ru/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/khirosima-nagasaki-12.jpg The news of the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki caused Otto Ghana, the discoverer of uranium fission, such a shock that friends had to be on duty around the clock near him, fearing suicide Born Otto Hahn 8 March 1879
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At the end of the 30s, none of the strategists and politicians had yet quite clearly imagined what role an aircraft carrier could play in a naval war. This class of ships was considered only as a useful addition to the linear forces, as a means of providing the fleet with air reconnaissance, preliminary
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In tsarist Russia, with its admiration for the West, it was difficult to break through the scientific thought of a Russian designer. Most of the aircraft fleet in pre-revolutionary Russia consisted of aircraft of foreign brands. In addition, the aircraft coming from the Allies, as a rule, did not differ in quality. Here
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The "Sea Cruiser" MK-1 became the largest boat seaplane in tsarist Russia. It featured a large glazed cockpit for four crew members (including one gunner, who was supposed to serve the onboard 76-millimeter cannon). The plane was supposed to have two
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One of the biggest technical sensations of 1928 was the invention of the Berlin engineer A. Krih, heralded as a revolution in the encryption business. Indeed, the inventor proposed to replace the long and painstaking manual decryption of the text with the work of an automatic encryption machine. Idea
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From time immemorial, ciphers have been used to keep secrets. One of the most ancient cipher systems, information about which history has brought to us, is wandering. It was used by the ancient Greeks as far back as the 5th century BC. In those days, Sparta, supported by Persia, waged a war against Athens. Spartan
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In January 1943, the commander of the fascist submarine fleet, Rear Admiral K. Denitz, was in excellent spirits. His superior, the commander-in-chief of the fleet, Gross Admiral Raeder, was in big trouble in his service. At a meeting on December 30, Hitler named the battleships fostered by the Grand Admiral and
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The question of why the Soviet Union won the war, ten times more difficult than the one that only 25 years earlier went to Imperial Russia, remains. But there is no other answer: completely different people lived in Russia at that time. Not only not like us - in the words of T.G. Shevchenko
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“If we consider the samples of weapons of different types of troops, and even in the historical aspect, how many samples of Soviet military equipment were the best in comparison with the same American ones? Where was there more money, modern research and production equipment, scientists? Maybe the USSR was leading
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Previously, in the last year of study, educational camps were held in educational institutions … with a trip to nature for three days … tents, bonfires, digging trenches … and other romance … well, at night, as it should be, sentries were exhibited … with training machines … So that's the story itself … in the morning I got out of the tent before
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At one of the meetings I heard interesting information about a unique person, our fellow countryman VN Kochetkov. Vasily Nikolaevich Kochetkov (1785-1892), “soldier of three emperors”, lived 107 years. 100 of 107 years Vasily Kochetkov was in active service. Kochetkova was unique: on his shoulder straps
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The poster for the film "Golem", 1915 All kinds of golems, along with many other characters generated by the folklore of this or that nation or created by the fantasy of mystically minded writers, can now be safely considered a phenomenon of modern culture. Today the golems are
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Quiet street of Trunilovskaya Sloboda, an old linden alley, a path paved with figured stone. The buildings around are old, historical - the governor's house, the diocesan school for women, the provincial district court, the house of the writer Sergei Aksakov … Half a block before the descent of the hills to the Belaya River