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The main component of the Far Eastern military campaign of the Soviet Armed Forces in 1945 was the Manchurian strategic operation, carried out from August 9 to September 2 by troops of three fronts: the Transbaikal, 1st and 2nd Far Eastern fronts, supported by the forces of the Pacific Fleet and the Amur Flotilla
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The Petsamo-Kirkenes operation, carried out by the troops of the 14th Army of the Karelian Front and the forces of the Northern Fleet (SF), was carried out from 7th to 31st October 1944. At sea, Germany still had a significant grouping. By early October at naval bases in Northern Norway
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Air Marshal Yevgeny Fedorovich Loginov gave Aeroflot eleven years, and the total of aviation forty-five, having gone from a junior military pilot to the Minister of Civil Aviation. He was not nineteen years old when in 1926 the son of a bandmaster of a military orchestra and a dressmaker was admitted to the Leningrad
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For the last quarter of a century, historians and the media have been trying to portray the notorious Hungarian events of 1956 as spontaneous actions of the Hungarian people against the bloody pro-Soviet regime of Matthias Rakosi and his successor Ernö Gerö. In Soviet times, referred to as a counterrevolutionary rebellion after
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Based on the "specifics" of the contents of the investigation file, a hypothetical assumption was made in the previous article that all the tourists were killed by high-speed miniature bullets. This is not a fantasy, such bullets really exist, but practically nothing is known about them. Accordingly about
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Secret investigation People familiar with the topic of the Dyatlov Pass do not need to be convinced that the events there are mysterious and, after more than fifty years, practically defy investigation. The materials of the investigation, laid out in full in the public domain, cannot help anything, moreover, even
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This is the final article from the series "Unclassified Materials", the three previous articles "The Truth Is Somewhere Nearby", "The Mystery of the Investigation" and "The Dead Don't Lie" were devoted to the analysis of individual moments of the events of fifty years ago at the Dyatlov Pass. Now is the time to take stock
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95 years ago, in December 1919, the existence of Yudenich's North-Western White Army ended. Her combat path was not very easy. In 1917-18. The Baltic states and the Pskov province were occupied by the Germans. In Finland, the local Bolsheviks clashed with the nationalists, led by K.G. Mannerheim
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The return of Crimea to Russia in 2014 caused a storm of discontent in the reactionary circles of the major imperialist powers and their satellites. Even Western art critics responded to the Crimean theme that suddenly became urgent again - about the war of France, England and Turkey with Russia in 1854-56. In the first
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Blitzkrieg, "lightning war". It is believed that tanks played the main role in this aggressive strategy of the Wehrmacht. In fact, the blitzkrieg was based on a combination of advanced achievements in all spheres of military affairs - in the use of intelligence, aviation, radio communications … July forty-one. Tank armada
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Closely examining the documentary photographs of Nazi accomplices from the ranks of the Auxiliary Police (Hilfspolizei-Hipo), which was created in the territories occupied by the Nazis during the Great Patriotic War, one cannot fail to draw attention to one extremely characteristic detail: the presence among those
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Harvesting bread in occupied Ukraine This was a very interesting archival find. In one of the previous articles, namely in "Harvests and Procurement of Bread in the Occupied Territories of the USSR", I already touched on the topic of agriculture in the regions occupied by the Germans and tried to roughly determine which
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What were the Storm Troops (Sturmabteilung, SA) really like in 1934, on the eve of Night of the Long Knives? This question arose because in this whole story, Hitler looks somehow strange. Note. Stormtroopers (German Sturmabteilung), abbreviated SA, stormtroopers, also known as
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Documentary finds, even in topics that seem to have been repeatedly trodden down, are very interesting and overturning unshakable ideas. Here in the RGVA, in the fund of the Reich Ministry of Economics, I managed to find a document, the importance of which for the military-economic history of Nazi Germany
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No book on the history of Nazi Germany is complete without mentioning the four-year plan. This is also because Hermann Goering was appointed commissioner for the four-year plan on October 18, 1936. And also due to the fact that the activities of the plan itself were very important for the preparation
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Railway station Brest-Litovsk, 1939 Content source: https: //naukatehnika.com This topic I considered for a long time, back in the book "Fiasco 1941. Cowardice or treason?", Published in 2015. The book was generally devoted to a controversy with Mark Solonin (and I managed to catch him outright falsification
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A photo showing a typical Schlammperiode transport arsenal: a slope road and a light horse carriage, we have the opportunity to continue the theme of the Wehrmacht's relationship with muddy roads. Since in the digitized archive of the TsAMO RF, several documents were found dedicated specifically to the issue of measures to
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There are already few military photographs, and even fewer factories and plants in the occupied countries. That is why German photographs were used for illustration In the discussion of my articles about various finds among German trophy documents, the topic often arises: “All
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In my partisan memoirs, I was always confused by one moment. Memories could be good and bad, but in them the partisans won victories over the Germans somehow very easily: they smashed the garrisons, destroyed the columns, exterminated them in hundreds and thousands. This is strange, in light of the fact that the enemies surrounded the partisans with
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Column Pz. Kpfw. 38 (t) on a very good road. There is a rather strange myth that the German army, after the invasion of the USSR, was not ready for a thaw. Even in the comments under the previous article, they began to write about it. Which prompted me to do this review of German documents concerning
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So why did the Night of the Long Knives happen? I have promised an extravagant version and will present it along with all the explanations that come with it. The conflict around the SA was complex in origin and affected the most important military-political issues facing Germany, and they also need
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Refinery in Ploiesti. Photo of 1946, already rebuilt after the bombing of the plant. The brick linings of the tanks are clearly visible to protect them from bomb fragments. The cover of the tank on the left was destroyed, obviously, by a close explosion of an aerial bomb, and was not restored after
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Photo of 1942. German soldiers inspect the blown-up structures of the Kochegarka mine in Gorlovka. Now this is a somewhat more serious topic than the views of the dissolution of collective farms by the German occupation administration. Donetsk coal basin and the circumstances of its occupation. Usually about the occupation of Donbass
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This is a rather boring document at first glance. Tables showing the names of military factories, notes on the nature of production and the number of workers employed. There are quite a lot of these tables. It would seem that there is not much useful information in it. Meanwhile, this was a very important document and had a direct
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Inspection of the harvested potatoes. In the article "Is Goering's Green Folder Green", which examined instructions for the occupation administration and the Wehrmacht's rear services, the question was raised: were the instructions for the purchase of agricultural products at fixed prices extended to the occupied
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Thanks to the preserved documents, we have the opportunity to look at the Soviet military industry through the eyes of the Abwehr. The reconnaissance department of Army Group "Center" systematically interviewed prisoners of war and defectors about various military enterprises and facilities, especially interested in their location
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If the Germans had captured Stalingrad, this gasoline simply would not have reached the front. I must begin this article with some apologies. When I described the capture of the Maikop oil by the Germans, I took into account the context of the German oil plans, reflected in some archival documents. This context
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German tanker observes a burning oil storage in the Maikop region In July 1942, the German Army Group "A"
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Hungarian soldiers inspect the broken STZ 15/30 The Germans seized quite a lot of machine and tractor stations, in which there remained some tractor fleet suitable for work. They did not get all
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The Norwegian electric locomotive NSB El 12 pulls the ore train to Narvik. This is a post-war photo, but the line is the same. Trade between Sweden and Germany during the war is usually viewed exclusively through the prism of the supply of Swedish ore. Moreover, around this issue even developed its own
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Gothenburg in 1943. An unusually calm place Despite the fact that during the Second World War, Sweden was surrounded on all sides by occupied and involved in the war countries, it remained surprisingly neutral. This Swedish neutrality, proclaimed by the prime minister
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In the course of my recent searches in the archives, I managed to find several documents that shed some light on the scale of grain production and grain procurement in the territories of the USSR occupied by the Germans. These were several reports compiled by the Imperial Statistical Office for
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Pochentong airfield. Soldiers dragging ammunition off the plane The capture of Phnom Penh on April 17, 1975 was, of course, the greatest triumph of the Khmer Rouge in their history. On this day, they turned from partisans into the ruling organization and power in Cambodia, which they renamed Democratic
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Reichsmarschall and commissioner for the four-year plan Hermann Goering (in a white jacket) examines a model of a metallurgical plant Anyone who read about German policy in the occupied territories of the USSR during World War II should know this name - “Green folder
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Corvette "Cheonan" The death of the South Korean corvette "Cheonan" turned out to be such a complex story, in which truth, half-truth, fiction, lies and concealment of facts were intricately intertwined that even now, ten years later, it is not easy to understand it. Due to some political events, she acquired
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Ceremony in memory of those killed on the Sewol ferry. With a silent reproach: why not rescued? In the epic of the South Korean ferry "Sewol", the reasons for the crash of which was the previous article, there is another very important point: why are there so many dead? 304 people is a lot. Especially considering
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The Sewol Ferry in Its Best Times It just so happened that I became a participant in a long debate about the circumstances of the mysterious crash of the South Korean Sewol ferry, which capsized and sank on the morning of April 16, 2014 during its flight from Incheon to Jeju Island. Killed 304
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Typical collective farm hydroelectric power station. Photo of low quality, but giving an idea that such an object was built from scrap materials If the details of major battles are described by day, and sometimes by minute, rivets on tanks
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Fushun coal mine, the largest in Manchuria and in the world This part of the history of World War II is little known due to the almost complete absence and rarity of literature, especially in Russian. This is the military-economic development of Manchukuo, a state formally independent, but in fact
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And why did you end up losing? Evert Gottfried (Lieutenant, Wehrmacht Infantry): Because a flea can bite an elephant, but it cannot kill. Anyone who tries to study the history of war in the air in the Great Patriotic War is faced with a number of obvious contradictions. On the one hand, completely