
How General Igelstrom and military intelligence agent Khuseynov created a muftiate in Ufa

How General Igelstrom and military intelligence agent Khuseynov created a muftiate in Ufa

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Quiet street of Trunilovskaya Sloboda, an old linden alley, a path paved with figured stone. The buildings around are old, historical - the governor's house, the diocesan school for women, the provincial district court, the house of the writer Sergei Aksakov … Half a block before the descent of the hills to the Belaya River

German Nazis and the Middle East: Pre-War Friendship and Post-War Asylum

German Nazis and the Middle East: Pre-War Friendship and Post-War Asylum

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

In the previous article, we talked about how Nazi war criminals, after the defeat of Germany in World War II, found refuge in the countries of the New World - from Paraguay and Chile to the United States. The second direction along which the Nazis flew from Europe was “the road to

War after the Victory. Where and how the Nazis continued to fight after May 9

War after the Victory. Where and how the Nazis continued to fight after May 9

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

On May 9, our country celebrated the 74th anniversary of the Great Victory. With a colossal exertion of forces, multimillion casualties, the military talent of Soviet commanders and the immense courage of ordinary soldiers, the Soviet Union managed to win the war against the most dangerous and cruel enemy. Hitlerite Germany

Defeat of Austria-Hungary in the Serbian campaign of 1914. Battles on the river. Yadare and at the Mine

Defeat of Austria-Hungary in the Serbian campaign of 1914. Battles on the river. Yadare and at the Mine

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The 1914 campaign on the Serbian front, despite the superiority of the Austro-Hungarian troops, ended with the victory of the Serbian army. The activity and determination of the Serbian army allowed the Serbian command to achieve decisive success over the Austro-Hungarian armies. After that, the Austro-Hungarian troops until

The defeat of the invincible thirds, or the Battle of Rocrua

The defeat of the invincible thirds, or the Battle of Rocrua

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The last third. Painting by contemporary Spanish artist A. Ferrer-Dalmau Louis XIII was ill. Around his box in the Saint-Germain castle, the country residence of the kings, doctors fussed about, the courtiers were in thought, servants ran silently. Whispering the name of Vincent de Paul to each other

The Great Battle of Kursk: plans and forces of the parties

The Great Battle of Kursk: plans and forces of the parties

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The Great Battle of Kursk began 70 years ago. The Battle of the Kursk Bulge is one of the most important battles of the Second World War in terms of its scope, forces and means involved, tension, results and military-strategic consequences. The Great Battle of Kursk lasted 50 incredibly

The Great Battle of Kursk: a defensive operation by the troops of the Voronezh Front. Part 4

The Great Battle of Kursk: a defensive operation by the troops of the Voronezh Front. Part 4

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Fight in the Prokhorovka area On July 12, 1943, one of the largest battles of armored forces in world history took place on the southern face of the Kursk Bulge in the Voronezh front zone, near the Prokhorovka station and the Oktyabrsky state farm. In a fierce battle, elite tank formations of the German Empire and

The Myth of Useless Cavalry

The Myth of Useless Cavalry

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

This article is an abridged version of the chapter "With swords on tanks" from A. Isaev's book "Ten Myths of the Second World War" The orgy of humiliation of cavalry reached sheer ecstasy in the 90s. Ideological blinders fell, and everyone who was not lazy saw it necessary to demonstrate their "professionalism" and

Forgotten captives: who were the Uzbeks killed by the Nazis in Holland?

Forgotten captives: who were the Uzbeks killed by the Nazis in Holland?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

They left their homes in Central Asia to fight against the German army. Later, dressed in rags, they were taken prisoner and taken to a concentration camp in the Netherlands. Few of those living today remember the 101 Uzbeks killed in a forest near the Dutch Amersfoort in 1942. The memory of them

Baltic, 1945. Actions of Soviet submarines

Baltic, 1945. Actions of Soviet submarines

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The withdrawal of our troops in 1944 to the Baltic Sea and the withdrawal of Finland from the war radically improved the position of the Red Banner Baltic Fleet (KBF). He left the Gulf of Finland into the Baltic Sea. The German command tried with all its might to secure their transport sea

First plans for American intervention in Russia

First plans for American intervention in Russia

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

In the mid-eighties of the twentieth century, some materials of the US Department of the Navy, which had been in departmental storage for many years, were transferred to the collection of the US National Archives and became available. Among them, of particular interest are documents from the intelligence service of the ministry

A long way to the first Russian circumnavigation

A long way to the first Russian circumnavigation

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

In the summer of 1803, two Russian sloops "Nadezhda" and "Neva" set sail under the command of Ivan Fedorovich Kruzenshtern and Yuri Fedorovich Lisyansky. Their route boggled the imagination - it was laid, as it was customary to say at that time, "a circle of light". The sailing of these two Russian ships was

Fire miles of the legendary "Kursk"

Fire miles of the legendary "Kursk"

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

From the first days of the war, the ships of the Soviet Navy took part in combat operations. They were engaged in solving problems of supplying troops with military equipment, food, fuel, took out the wounded and civilians, equipment of enterprises, landed amphibious assault forces, worked as floating hospitals and

Once again about Matvey Ivanovich Platov

Once again about Matvey Ivanovich Platov

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The life and military deeds of one of the talented students of the Suvorov school, the hero of the Patriotic War of 1812, Matvey Ivanovich Platov, represent a remarkable page in military history and still serve as lessons of courage, patriotism and high military skill. Matvey Ivanovich

Air defense of railway communications in 1941-1943

Air defense of railway communications in 1941-1943

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The Great Patriotic War introduced a lot of new things into the development of issues of organizing and conducting combat operations of units of the country's Air Defense Forces in the defense of railway communications. Despite the surprise of Germany's attack on the USSR, the air defense forces managed to withstand a powerful blow from the enemy air force and provided

From the history of radar and electronic warfare

From the history of radar and electronic warfare

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The origin and development of radar refers to a later pre-war period in comparison with radio communication. And, nevertheless, the armies of the countries of the fascist bloc, as well as England, the USA and the Soviet Union, by the beginning of World War II were armed with radars for various purposes, which provided in the first

Combat work of the Northern Fleet hydrographers during the Great Patriotic War

Combat work of the Northern Fleet hydrographers during the Great Patriotic War

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

During the Great Patriotic War, the Hydrographic Service of the Northern Fleet, headed by Captain 1st Rank G.I. Shadrin, solved a wide range of tasks: setting minefields, sweeping mines, landing assault forces, providing firing of coastal and naval artillery, and performing military pilotage

Once again on the preparation of Japan for the war against the USSR in 1941

Once again on the preparation of Japan for the war against the USSR in 1941

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

At the present time, when there is an active revision of history, publications and statements have appeared that distort the nature of Soviet-Japanese relations during the Second World War, in which there is a noticeable desire to present Japan's foreign policy as peaceful, and aggressive plans for preparing for a war against

Interaction of partisans of Chernihiv region with the Red Army

Interaction of partisans of Chernihiv region with the Red Army

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Literally from the first days of the occupation, the partisans of Chernihiv region began active operations, helping the units of the Red Army. So, the partisans of the Reimentarovsky detachment under the command of B.S. The tunic provided assistance to the Soviet troops in intelligence activities and the fight against fascist agents. Early 1942

Actions of the 4th Air Army in the battles on the Oder

Actions of the 4th Air Army in the battles on the Oder

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

During the Patriotic War, our aviation accumulated valuable experience in assisting troops in crossing large rivers and holding captured bridgeheads. Front-line aviation had to operate in a variety of situations, when the troops began to force water obstacles with the beginning of the offensive, in

Another type of military operations of the Belarusian partisans

Another type of military operations of the Belarusian partisans

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The entry of Soviet troops into the territory of Belarus in the fall of 1943, their exit to the basing areas of large partisan groups, to the partisan edges and zones, immediately affected the tactics of the partisans. The Belarusian headquarters of the partisan movement (BSHPD), planning the actions of partisan formations

Planning of combat actions of partisans of the western regions of the RSFSR

Planning of combat actions of partisans of the western regions of the RSFSR

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The experience of guerrilla warfare in the fascist rear has convincingly shown that planning the combat activities of partisan formations was one of the main factors of its high efficiency. Partisans usually achieved the greatest successes in those cases when the efforts of individual detachments and brigades

Not only the captain of the Flying Dutchman

Not only the captain of the Flying Dutchman

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

In the eventful and famous history of England in the second half of the 16th century, the name of John Davis, an outstanding English navigator and explorer, for many years was in the shadows in comparison with the representatives of the galaxy of "sea dogs" D. Hawkins, F. Drake, W. Raleigh and polar explorers G. Hudson

Little-known pages of military road transportation by the "Persian corridor"

Little-known pages of military road transportation by the "Persian corridor"

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

In 1941-1942, the "Persian Corridor", uniting the sea, air and land routes of lend-lease supplies to the USSR, played an important role in establishing military-economic cooperation between the countries of the anti-Hitler coalition. It has become one of the most important Lend-Lease supply routes from the United States and

Increasing the survivability of Soviet troops in the offensive operations of the Patriotic War

Increasing the survivability of Soviet troops in the offensive operations of the Patriotic War

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Ensuring the survivability of troops during the Second World War had a significant impact on the success of the ongoing hostilities. This is one of the most important and rather complex problems of the art of war; its role has grown even more with the advent of nuclear and high-precision weapons. In a broad sense, survivability is

Once again about the Vyazemsk airborne operation

Once again about the Vyazemsk airborne operation

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

During the exercises of the air forces of the Moscow Military District, for the first time in the world on August 2, 1930, a small parachute assault force and supplies for it were successfully dropped into the rear of the "enemy". This date is considered to be the birthday of the Soviet airborne troops. In subsequent

Combating airborne assault forces in World War II

Combating airborne assault forces in World War II

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Airborne troops were deployed on a massive scale on the battlefields of World War II. They were used in all theaters of military operations, both in small groups and in large formations for a variety of purposes: from committing sabotage to independent decisions

Signalers in support of Operation West

Signalers in support of Operation West

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

As you know, on September 4, 1944, Finland withdrew from the war. By that time, the front line ran from Malaya Volokovaya Bay along the isthmus of the Sredny Peninsula and further - from Bolshaya Zapadnaya Litsa Bay to Chapr and Koshkaavr lakes. Here, stopped back in 1941, the Nazis erected a powerful

Features of the actions of attack aircraft in mountainous areas during the war

Features of the actions of attack aircraft in mountainous areas during the war

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

During the Second World War, the domestic armed forces acquired a wealth of experience in conducting operations in mountainous areas. The battle for the Caucasus, battles in the Crimea, the Carpathians, the Arctic, on the territory of Yugoslavia, Austria, Czechoslovakia, the Far East became a confirmation of the possibility of successful

Latvia, which "they lost"

Latvia, which "they lost"

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The history of Latvia in the first half of the 20th century, before its incorporation into the USSR, is usually divided into two strikingly different periods. The first is the period of a parliamentary republic. The second is the years of the fascist dictatorship. These periods are separated by one day - May 15, 1934. More precisely, the night from 15 to 16 May, when

The interaction of ground attack aircraft and ground troops during the war

The interaction of ground attack aircraft and ground troops during the war

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

During the years of the Great Patriotic War, special attention was paid to the organization of reliable and continuous interaction between ground attack aviation (SHA) and ground forces. Which is quite logical, since the pilots of the ShA made almost 80% of the sorties with the aim of destroying and suppressing objects located on

From the history of the Kronstadt shipyards

From the history of the Kronstadt shipyards

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The Kronstadt fortress and the city of Kronstadt, as you know, originate from the Kronshlot fort, founded on the island of Kotlin in 1704. Since then, the defense of the capital has been one of the main concerns of the king. For this, a Russian fleet was created in the Baltic and the seaside fortress of Kronstadt. About this fortress

Raid for the language of the group D.S. Pokramovich

Raid for the language of the group D.S. Pokramovich

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

In January 1944, in the zone of the 14th Infantry Division (14th Army of the Karelian Front), which was defending in the area of Bolshaya Zapadnaya Litsa, the activity of enemy reconnaissance increased, and the enemy's movement along the roads increased. At the same time, the operation of several new radio transmitters was detected. For

Siamese campaign of the cruiser "Aurora"

Siamese campaign of the cruiser "Aurora"

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The cruiser "Aurora" is rightfully called the number one ship of the Russian Navy. The cruiser is a participant in the Battle of Tsushima, the 1917 revolution and the Great Patriotic War (the most important events in the history of the country of the 20th century). It would seem that everyone and everyone knows about the life of this ship. But

Actions of the submarine forces of the Black Sea Fleet in the period from 1943 to 1944

Actions of the submarine forces of the Black Sea Fleet in the period from 1943 to 1944

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The threat hanging over the groupings of fascist troops in the North Caucasus and Crimea forced the German command to hastily strengthen them. In such a situation, the Black Sea communications acquired particular importance for the enemy. In 1943, on the lines connecting the ports occupied by him, in a month passed from

Sveaborg uprising of 1906

Sveaborg uprising of 1906

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

110 years ago, in July 1906, there were uprisings in Sveaborg and Kronstadt. They were attended by thousands of soldiers and sailors. The garrison of the Sveaborg fortress, located on 13 islands at the entrance to the Helsingfors harbor, numbered about 6 thousand sailors and soldiers. Among the artillerymen, miners and during

Artillery of the Baltic Fleet in offensive operations in 1944

Artillery of the Baltic Fleet in offensive operations in 1944

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

During the Great Patriotic War, one of the tasks of the fleet was to support the coastal flanks of ground forces with naval and coastal artillery. Huge destructive power, long firing range, the ability of naval artillery to move in a short time for significant

The glorious fate of the "Anadyr" transport

The glorious fate of the "Anadyr" transport

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

This transport was the only ship that survived in the Tsushima battle who managed to escape internment. During the fierce battle, the unarmed transport managed to escape death and break away from pursuit. In November 1905, he returned to his homeland, delivering 341 people rescued from

The fight of the aviation of the Northern Fleet against enemy sea lanes

The fight of the aviation of the Northern Fleet against enemy sea lanes

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The conquest of the territory of the Soviet Arctic occupied one of the important places in the fascist plan of war with our country. The strategic goal of the German offensive in the North was the capture of the Kirov railway, the city of Murmansk with its ice-free port, the Polyarny naval base, the Sredniy and Rybachy peninsulas

Development of the domestic theory of strategic offensive operations in the first post-war period

Development of the domestic theory of strategic offensive operations in the first post-war period

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The years 1945-1953 went down in history as the first period of the post-war construction of our armed forces and the development of domestic military art. It is transient, pre-nuclear. However, the theoretical development of many issues of military art of that time, especially such an important one as