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Today we will talk about the tragic events on the island of Cyprus in 1963-1974, which scared the leaders of socialist Bulgaria very much and pushed them to carry out the notorious "Renaissance Process" campaign in this country. The Island of Cyprus: A Brief History from 1571 to 1963 Geopolitical
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Pavle (Payia) Jovanovitch. "Return of the Montenegrins after the battle" Unlike their neighbors, the Montenegrins managed to avoid complete submission to the Ottomans: this country for centuries retained a certain autonomy, the Turks seized only the lands adjacent to Lake Skadar. This is explained not only
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The motto of the Ottoman Empire was: Devlet-i Ebed-müddet ("Eternal State"). Over the centuries, this state has grown with new territories, reaching its maximum size at the turn of the XVI-XVII centuries. The Sick Man of Europe However, the laws of historical development are inexorable, and since the end of the XVIII
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Kroatischen Reiters In previous articles it was told about Serbia and Montenegro. In this one we will talk about their closest neighbors - the Croats. Fight for Croatia Many linguists derive the word "Croat" from the common Slavic сhъrvatъ and Indo-European kher, referring to something related to weapons. (And here
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In the article Tragic pages of the history of Cyprus: "Bloody Christmas" and Operation Attila, we talked about the events on the island of Cyprus that took place in 1963-1974. They echoed unexpectedly in Bulgaria, frightening the leaders of this country and pushing them to carry out the infamous campaign
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From the last article ("Crusaders against the Ottoman Empire: the last campaign") you learned about the tragic battle at Varna, which ended in the defeat of the Christian army. Many contemporaries (both Muslims and Christians) considered the cause of the failure of the crusaders and the death of the king of Poland and Hungary Vladislav III
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N. Dmitriev-Orenburgsky. "Entry of the Grand Duke Nikolai Nikolaevich to Tarnovo on June 30, 1877". 1885 Today we will continue the story about the Balkan subjects of the Ottoman Empire. In this article, we'll talk about Bulgarians in Turkey and Turks in Bulgaria, and in the next, we'll talk about the alarming leadership
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Labyrinths, natural and artificial, have long excited people's imaginations. They frighten and at the same time irresistibly attract. They were attributed magical properties, they were used in the initiation rites of growing children and the initiation rites of adults in various mysteries and cults. In Ancient
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In the articles "Timur and Bayezid I. Great commanders who did not share the world" and "Sultan Bayezid I and the crusaders" began a story about Timur and Bayazid - commanders and sovereigns who called themselves "swords of Islam" and "defenders of the faithful of the whole world." All the surrounding countries were in awe
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S. Khlebovsky. "Battle of Varna" The article "Sultan Bayezid I and the Crusaders" told about the battle at Nikopol that took place in 1396. It ended with the complete defeat of the Christians, but after 6 years the Ottoman army was defeated by the troops of Tamerlane near Ankara. Bayazid himself was captured and died in 1403
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Ekaterina Alekseevna, engraving, 1724 In the article "Russia on the way to the era of palace coups" we talked about the difficult relationships in the family of Peter I, his conflicts with his first wife and eldest son, which ended with the death of Tsarevich Alexei. The emperor's desire to transfer the throne to his youngest son, born
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On July 20, 1402, one of the most important battles in world history took place near Ankara, which entailed unprecedented consequences. Timur's army defeated the troops of the Ottoman Sultan Bayazid, who was also taken prisoner. The war between the two Islamic superpowers, which could last for several months, and
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Both Carthage and Rome in the IV century BC. NS. fortunate enough to stay away from the great campaigns of Alexander the Great. The conqueror's gaze fell to the East, where his victorious armies went. Early death of 32-year-old Alexander in June 323 BC NS. led to the collapse of his state, the fragments
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A.P. Antropov. Portrait of Emperor Peter II in a wigIn the article “Russia on the way to the era of palace coups. The first autocratic empress "was told about the famous decree of Peter I of February 5, 1722, according to which the ruling monarchs of the Russian Empire could appoint themselves
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If you try to remember the most prominent generals of the Habsburg empire in its entire history, it turns out that one of them was a Frenchman (this is Eugene of Savoy), and the other was a Czech. We have already talked about the Frenchman in the article "The Glorious Knight Prince Eugene". And who was the Czech hero of Austria? Oh
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Orlov brothers. Collage created for this article Few noble families and families have had as much influence on Russian history as the Orlovs. They, of course, cannot be called small-land nobles, but even before the Golitsyns, Trubetskoys and Dolgoruks, in the sense of nobility, nobility and wealth, they were very
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Peter I and Catherine, an engraving of the 18th century In two small articles, we will talk a little about the reasons why Russia in the 18th century suddenly turned to the very dubious path of the era of palace coups. And let's remember the young Russian emperor Peter II, who managed to nominally reign less
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Illustration for A. Dumas' novel "The Count of Monte Cristo" Among the numerous novels written by Alexandre Dumas (father), two have the happiest destinies. None of the other novels written by this author, even close, could repeat their success and come close to them in circulation and
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Allegorical depiction of the Prut campaign: this is how it appeared in the spring of 1711 Of course, it is impossible to completely forget about it: its consequences were too heavy and too high a price had to be paid for it
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Portrait of Count Minich by G. Buchholz. HermitageIn the article “Burkhard Minich. The incredible fate of the Saxon who chose Russia "was told about the European period of the life of this statesman and commander, his service in Russia under Peter I, Catherine I, Anna Ioannovna, the siege of Danzig and campaigns
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Burchard Christoph Munnich, a native of Saxony, does not have a very good reputation in Russia. In the works of Russian historians, he often appears in the form of a rude soldier who from afar, Similar to hundreds of fugitives, To catch happiness and ranks Thrown to us by the will of fate. (M. Yu. Lermontov.) There is not the slightest
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Gerrit Falk (Gerard Leenderz). Portrait of Yevgeny Savoisky, HermitageIn the article “Jan Sobieski. Khotyn Lion and the Savior of Vienna”was told, among other things, about the two-month siege of the Austrian capital by the Ottoman troops of Kara Mustafa Pasha. It was here that many saw for the first time a short and outwardly nothing
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Hussite WagenburgAfter the death of Jan ižka, his troops, called "orphans", were led by Kunesh from Belovice. The former Prague craftsman Velek Kudelnik and Jan Kralovec became his deputies. Now they worked closely with the Taborites, whose authoritative commanders were Jan Hvezda, Boguslav
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One of the last Taborite commanders, Jan Rogacz, in the film "War for the Faith" ("Against All") As we remember from the article by Taborita and the "Orphans", in 1434 the contradictions between moderate Hussites, Taborites and "orphans" reached their limit. The utrakvists no longer wanted to fight and were eager to conclude
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Jerzy Semiginovsky-Eleuther. Jan Sobieski near ViennaThis Polish king is known in our country mainly by the winged dictum of Nicholas I: “The most stupid of the Polish kings was Jan Sobieski, and the most stupid of the Russian emperors was me. Sobieski - because he saved Austria in 1683, and I - because I saved
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Peter I in a camp on the banks of the Prut. Engraving by an unknown artist In the previous article ("The Prut campaign of Peter I") we began the story of the unhappy campaign of Peter I, ending it on the events of July 21, 1711. Even on the march, the Russian army, which suffered huge losses, entered in the most unfavorable conditions
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In previous articles (Don Cossacks and Cossacks and Cossacks: on land and at sea), we talked a little about the history of the emergence of the Cossacks, its two historical centers, some differences between the Cossacks of the Don and Zaporozhye regions. And also about the sea campaigns of the Cossacks and some land
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Poster of the film "War for the Faith" In the last article ("Czech Republic on the Eve of the Hussite Wars"), it was told about the events in the Czech Republic on the eve of the Hussite Wars and the youth of one of the main characters of this country, Jan ižka. Today we will talk about the battles, victories of this commander and his death. Jan Zizka, engraving Jan Zizka and
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Modern Czech Republic is a small state, the area of which is smaller than that of the Leningrad, Saratov or Rostov regions. If what makes it stand out among other Central European countries, it is obedience to the officials of the European Union and adherence to the liberal values prescribed by them. Here
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The article "The French Foreign Legion in World Wars I and II" mentioned Louis Blanchard, who joined the Foreign Legion in 1940 and fought in its ranks against Germany. The real name of this man is Louis Jerome Victor Emmanuel Leopold Maria Napoleon. Until his death (followed in 1997
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"The Last Judgment" (fragment) from the Church of St. Peter in Venkhaston, 1480 At the beginning of August 2020, a number of media reported about a 16-year-old schoolgirl from Vladivostok, who decided to sell her soul to the devil. The services of an intermediary were offered to her by an 18-year-old boy, who promised to arrange everything in
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In the article “Zouaves. New and unusual military units of France”was told about the military formations that appeared in the French army after the conquest of Algeria. The unusual, exotic-looking form, and then the military exploits of the Zouaves, who earned a reputation for themselves as brave men and thugs, contributed to
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J. Matejko. Polish rebels welcomed T. Kosciuszko. Painting of 1888 In the two articles presented to your attention, we will talk about the tragic and sad events that took place in Poland in 1794. The mutiny led by Tadeusz Kosciuszko and accompanied by the mass murder of unarmed
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At the end of the 20s. of the last century, it became clear to the leaders of the USSR that the New Economic Policy (NEP) had failed and no longer corresponded to the interests of the state. This was the path leading to the conservation of an archaic society that actively resisted any attempts at modernization. Ahead was
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The Latin inscription under the medieval miniature reads: "Pray and Work" Probably all of you have read M. Bulgakov's novel "The Master and Margarita" and remember the fateful meeting of Berlioz and Homeless with the "foreign professor" at Patriarch's Ponds. And, perhaps, they paid attention to how Woland explains his
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Jelal al-Din Menguberdi is considered a national hero by the citizens of four Central Asian states: Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Afghanistan. Uzbekistan was the first of them to make an official attempt to secure the right to consider it “their own”. A monument to him was erected in the city of Urgench
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Legionnaires of the Second Foreign Airborne Regiment
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At the beginning of the XIII century, Khorezm was rightfully considered one of the strongest and richest states in the world. Its rulers had at their disposal a large and battle-hardened army, pursued an aggressive foreign policy, and it was hard to believe that their state would soon fall under the blow of the Mongols
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There are two periods in the history of Russia, which in the works of researchers receive diametrically opposite assessments and cause the most fierce disputes. The first of them is the early centuries of Russian history and the famous "Norman question", which, in general, is quite understandable: there are few sources, and they all have
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So, in the summer of 1219, the Mongol army set out on a campaign against Khorezm. Warriors of the Mongols According to the treaty of 1218, Genghis Khan demanded from the Tangut kingdom of Xi Xia warriors and 1000 armourers. The gunsmiths were provided to him, as part of his troops they went on the Western campaign, but to give their