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The Caribbean is home to a number of independent island states - former colonies of European powers that gained state independence in the 19th and 20th centuries. All of them, being located on the islands, do not differ in their large territory and high population, but
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120 years ago, on June 11, 1895, the Soviet statesman and military leader, Marshal of the Soviet Union Nikolai Aleksandrovich Bulganin was born. This person is interesting because he simultaneously held high government and military posts. Bulganin was the only person in the history of the USSR who
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I would like to present you the front diaries of Semyon Gudzenko. If anyone has forgotten or does not know this person, then here is a brief summary from the wiki: Semyon Petrovich Gudzenko (1922 - 1953) - Russian Soviet poet-front-line soldier. Biography: Born on March 5, 1922 in Kiev in Jewish family. His father, Peter Konstantinovich
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Returning to London after the signing of the Munich Agreement, Chamberlain assured the British at the plane: "I have brought peace to our generation." Having suffered a crushing defeat in Munich, Roosevelt began to restore his undermined position as an asphalt roller - slowly and
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French citizens entering Paris during the Second World War by the Nazis. Source: http: //www.adme.ru When talking about the reasons for the catastrophic defeat of bourgeois France by Nazi Germany in the spring of 1940, external and internal reasons are usually mentioned. First of all, the Wehrmacht is called with its
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"Do not count on descendants. Ancestors also counted on us." Defense of Westerplatte On September 1, 1939, German forces invaded Poland. By this time, Germany had already annexed Austria (the so-called Anschluss) and the Sudetenland of Czechoslovakia, but still did not meet a serious
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Novo-Peterhof military-political border school of the NKVD troops named after Voroshilov K.E. (VPU) was formed on October 7, 1937 after the establishment in the Armed Forces of the institute of military commissars, on the basis of the Military School of the Border and Internal Security of the NKVD of the USSR named after K.E. Voroshilov. Boss
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The army tried desperately to adapt tactics for the new war. Although the most famous were the German assault units, similar units were equally successfully used by other armies. Moreover, in the Russian army, which fully experienced the bitterness of the defeat of the Russo-Japanese, the necessary conclusions were
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Dedicated to the 159th anniversary of the battle in the Far East Let's remember the battle, as a result of which the two strongest states in the world abandoned plans to wage war against Russia in the Far East. So, in 1854, Russia is waging a war against the sworn friends of England and France. We remember this war by
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The struggle for power in the late USSR was accompanied by a number of strange deaths Recently, on March 11, 28 years have passed since the day when Mikhail Sergeevich Gorbachev was elected General Secretary at the Plenum of the CPSU Central Committee. Today it is obvious that his reign was a series of betrayals and crimes, as a result of which
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The history of this kind goes back centuries, when in 1183 a certain knight Rembert is mentioned in historical documents. A hundred years later, his descendant Heino ended up in the crusading army of Emperor Frederick Barbarossa (III Crusade, 1189-1192). Knight Heino was more fortunate than the emperor
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249th regiment of the convoy troops of the NKVD of the USSR. The regiment was formed at the beginning of the war in June 1941, according to the mobilization plan of the NKVD of the USSR, consisting of three companies as the 129th separate convoy battalion of the convoy troops of the NKVD of the USSR. Location: Odessa, Ukrainian SSR. Soon the number of personnel of the battalion
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None of the Soviet leaders appreciated bodyguards as Leonid Brezhnev9th KGB Directorate: 1964-1982 Unlike his predecessor as General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee Nikita Khrushchev, Leonid Brezhnev treated the officers of his personal security very attentively and even sincerely. Untouchable
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In the centuries-old history of the confrontation between Russia and the Steppe, a special place is occupied by the long, confusing and extremely contradictory relationship of our ancestors with the nomadic people, who entered Russian chronicles under the name of the Polovtsy. The Russian princes not only fought with them. There were also periods when not only fought
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Napoleon, surrounded by his marshals and generals, Some died in battle, Others betrayed him And sold their sword. Lermontov During the First Empire, there were 26 marshals. It is noteworthy that all these marshals appeared not thanks to Napoleon, but thanks to the revolution. It was the revolution that helped rise
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When reading documents about the tragic events of the Great French Revolution (and not only the French one), the question often arises: why people - both those who until recently lived relatively peacefully in the neighborhood, and completely unfamiliar, suddenly so willingly and mercilessly began to destroy each other only on
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Ivan Papanin was born in the city of Sevastopol on November 26, 1894. His father was a port sailor. He earned very little, and the large Papanin family was in need. They lived in a makeshift shack in Apollo's Gully, located on the Ship side of the city. About his childhood Ivan
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December 21 marks the 135th anniversary of the birth of one of the most significant politicians in the entire history of the Russian state - Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin. According to the official version, it was on December 21, 1879 in the city of Gori that the future head of the Soviet state was born. Although there is another version:
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Topics related to the dispatch of natural needs are usually shyly ignored by people, although in reality issues of a sanitary, let's say, nature have always been of great importance in the life of human society. In fact, the sewerage system and the toilet not so long ago received universal
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Disastrous Anapa campaign. Only on March 21, 1790, Bibikov's troops approached Anapa, periodically fighting off attacks from the Circassian detachments. They decided to start the assault the next morning, since the soldiers were extremely tired. Suddenly at night a blizzard began and frosts hit such that they died during the night
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Letters to the "Immortal Regiment of the Young" section of the "Golden Key" newspaper come from different cities and villages of our country. Recently news came from Kursk from Natalya Alekseevna Kugach. She told about the brave nurse, Hero of the Soviet Union Ekaterina Demina (Mikhailova) .Many military awards were found
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205 years ago, Russia fought against foreign invaders. The Patriotic War was going on. Alexander Figner became an energetic organizer of the partisan movement, who started the war with the rank of captain. Remember Dolokhov Tolstoy? Figner is one of his prototypes. Desperate brave man, he burned with hatred for
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The Patriotic War of 1812 was distinguished by a huge front of the Russian partisan movement. A characteristic feature of the partisan struggle against the French was that the leader of the popular detachments was the color of the military movement, decisive and courageous officers, guided by the hand of Field Marshal M.I
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Exactly 170 years ago, on November 26, 1847, the Russian Empress Maria Feodorovna was born, who became the wife of Emperor Alexander III and was the mother of the last Russian Emperor Nicholas II. Danish by origin, she spent 52 years of her more than 80-year life in Russia, becoming
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“Not jokingly, though it is indecent to talk about myself, I belong to the most poetic persons of the Russian army, not as a poet, but as a warrior; the circumstances of my life give me every right to do so …”D.V. Davydov Denis Davydov was born on July 16, 1784 in the city of Moscow. The Davydov family belonged to one
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The explosion of a Japanese anchor mine that thundered at 9 hours 43 minutes on March 31, 1904 deprived the 1st Pacific Squadron of its flagship battleship Petropavlovsk, 650 officers and sailors, commander Vice-Admiral S.O. Makarov. Russia lost not only the ship and its sailors, but also the famous
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General Suvorov in surrendered Warsaw. 1794 In the previous article ("Warsaw Matins" in 1794 "), it was told about the beginning of the rebellion in Poland and the tragic events that took place in Warsaw, where on April 6 (17), 1794, 2,265 Russian soldiers and officers were killed (the death toll later increased)
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Charlemagne is the ruler of the Middle Ages, who actually created the prototype of the modern European Union - the "Empire of the West". During his reign, more than 50 military campaigns were made, half of which he himself led. It can be argued that it was during the reign of Charles that the process began
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Legends about images of Jesus Christ miraculous have existed for many centuries. It is widely known, for example, the life of Saint Veronica, a pious Jerusalem woman who gave Jesus her head covering on the way to Calvary. Christ wiped sweat and blood from his face with them, and on the veil miraculously
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The history of Central Asia includes a number of little-known pages, which, nevertheless, are of particular interest, given the close connection of the region with the Russian state and the strategic importance of the presence in the steppes, deserts and mountains of Central Asia, first for the Russian Empire, and then
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After the bloody battle at Borodino, the Russian army did not receive the promised reinforcements (in exchange for the soldiers, Kutuzov received a field marshal's baton and 100,000 rubles), and therefore retreat was inevitable. However, the circumstances of the evacuation of Moscow will forever remain a shame on the reputation of the highest
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A Bit of History, a Bit of Statistics NATO's eastward advance is a fait accompli. The alliance's rush to help Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia, just as it had "helped" the Baltic states before, means, judging by the bloodshed in southeastern Ukraine organized by the Kiev authorities, that everything in Europe is returning to its
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In the first part “Hallstatt and La Ten: on the verge between bronze and iron. (Part 1) "it was not only about how" iron came to Europe ", but also about the Celts - a people who settled throughout Europe, but never created their own state. And now, following the logic of things, it will be necessary to write about
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On May 12, the Republika Srpska of Bosnia and Herzegovina celebrated Army Day. On this day in 1992, the Assembly of the Serbian people of Bosnia and Herzegovina, at a meeting in Banja Luka, decided to form the army of the Republika Srpska. Although ten years ago, in 2006, the army of the Republika Srpska
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The Armenian question: how “dangerous microbes” were made of “potential rebels” Genocide, concentration camps, experiments on humans, the “national question” - all these horrors in the public consciousness are most often associated with World War II, although, in fact, their inventors were not Nazis. To the brink
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Seventy years ago, on April 28, 1945, Italian partisans executed Benito Mussolini - Duce, the leader of Italian fascism and Adolf Hitler's main ally in World War II. Together with Benito Mussolini, his mistress, Clara Petacci, was executed. Allied operations to liberate Italy from
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Crisis Having carried out the coup, the Young Turks initially chose not to take official power into their own hands. Almost the entire central and local government apparatus was retained. Only the most compromised officials were removed from the administration and the representatives of the court, most hated by the people, were arrested. At the same
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More than 2000 years ago, in the far eastern province of the Roman Empire, a new teaching appeared, a kind of "heresy of the Jewish faith" (Jules Renard), whose creator was soon executed by the Romans on the verdict of the spiritual authorities of Jerusalem. All sorts of prophets, Judah was, in general, not surprising
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One of the famous Albanian bunkers built on the sea coast. Photo: Robert Hackman, Albania Article Albania in the first half of the 20th century. We ended the acquisition of independence and the Second World War with a message about the liberation of Albania from the occupiers, which took place practically without participation
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British soldier against the background of a Serbian house set on fire by the Albanians, Pristina, July 1, 1999 After the collapse of Yugoslavia, the historical region of Macedonia that belonged to it became an independent state, more precisely, its main part (98% of this territory coincides with the lands of the historical Vardar