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In the previous articles "Islamic Pirates of the Mediterranean" and "Disciples" of Khair ad-Din Barbarossa, we remembered Aruj-Reis and his younger brother Khair-ad-Din Barbarossa, the Great Jew from Smyrna Sinane Pasha and Turgut-Reis. This one will talk about some of the other famous corsairs and admirals
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Continuing the story about the corsairs of North Africa and the Ottoman admirals, let us first talk about the "special path" of Morocco. Among the Maghreb states, Morocco has always stood apart, trying to defend its independence not only from the Catholic kingdoms of the Iberian Peninsula, but also from the Ottoman Empire
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Assessments of the results of the reign of Nicholas II, the eighteenth and last representative of the Romanov dynasty (Holstein-Gottorp) on the Russian throne, are very contradictory. On the one hand, it must be admitted that the development of industrial relations in Russia at the beginning of the 20th century proceeded at an accelerated pace
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Willem van de Velde the Younger. The battle between an English ship and Barbary pirates in boats At this time the corsairs
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In previous articles, we talked about some of the famous corsairs and admirals of the Maghreb and the Ottoman Empire. We will now continue this story. First, let's talk about two famous Turkish sailors who became famous not only in battles, but also left a significant mark in science, literature and
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As we remember from the article "Pupil of Torquemada", inquisitors operated on the territory of Aragon since 1232, in Valencia controlled by Aragon - since 1420, but their influence on the affairs of this kingdom was insignificant. Now the powers of the new Tribunal of the Holy Office of the Inquisition
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Isabella of Castile by Manuel Oms Canet, Madrid In the article “Tommaso Torquemada. A man who became a symbol of a terrible era”, we talked about various assessments of his activities, as well as about the edicts of“intolerance”and“mercy”and the persecution of converses, tornadidos and Marranos before the birth of Torquemada. Now
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Tommaso Torquemada is on the right hand of Queen Isabella. Monumento a Isabel la Catolica, Madrid He was an outstanding person, and not only hundreds of scientific works were written about him - from articles to
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In the article "The End of the Peasant War of Stepan Razin and the Fate of the Atamans" we talked about the defeat of the grandiose uprising led by this Ataman and the brutal repressions that befell the inhabitants of the rebellious regions. But how effective were these repressions, literally bleeding
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In the article "Whom Kondraty" was enough for, it was told about the ataman Bulavin and the beginning of a new Peasant War. From this article, we remember that the area of the Don Cossack at that moment was surrounded on all sides by the lands of the Russian state, from where on three sides they were ready to move on the rebels
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Khair ad-Din Barbarossa, which was described in the article "Islamic pirates of the Mediterranean", became the most famous leader of the Barbary pirates, but even after his death there were people who worthily continued the work of this admiral. One of them was Sinan Pasha, the Great
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The struggle of the inquisitors of the Catholic kings against the allegedly unstable conversos (converted to Christianity Jews) eventually led to large-scale persecution of the Jews of the united kingdoms, which ended with their expulsion from the country. great resonance in
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Still from the film "Stepan Razin", 1939 In the article "The Persian campaign of Stepan Razin" we have already mentioned a mysterious girl who for some reason was drowned by the famous chieftain. According to the most common version, she was a Persian princess, the daughter of Mamed Khan (Magmedi Khanbek), who commanded the fleet
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S. Kirillov. "At the Simbirsk line" In the previous article ("Razinschina. Beginning of the Peasant War"), it was told about the events of the turbulent 1670: Stepan Razin's new campaign on the Volga, the first successes of the rebels, their defeat at Simbirsk. It was also mentioned that several detachments were sent
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A.S. Pushkin called Stepan Razin "the only poetic person in Russian history." One can agree or not that this "face" is the only one, but its "poetry" is beyond doubt. The famous ataman became the hero of numerous legends (and even epics) and folk songs, the most
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In the article "The Persian campaign of Stepan Razin" we talked about the high-profile military campaign of 1667-1669: the campaign of this chieftain's gang down the Volga and on the Yaik, which ended with the capture of the Yaitsky town, and the pirate expedition to the Caspian Sea, culminating in the defeat of the Persian fleet near Pig
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In previous articles ("The Poltava catastrophe of the army of Charles XII" and "The surrender of the Swedish army at Perevolochnaya"), it was told about the events of 1709, the Battle of Poltava and the surrender of the Swedish army at Perevolnaya, which resulted in the capture of about 23 thousand Carolins. They weren't the first
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As we remember from the previous article ("The Poltava catastrophe of the army of Charles XII"), after the defeat at Poltava, the Swedish troops retreated to their wagon train, which was guarded by 7 regiments near the village of Pushkarevka, located southwest of Poltava. were next to Charles XII
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Eugene Lansere. Peter I examines the trophies of the Russian troops taken from the Swedes during the Battle of Poltava The defeat of the Swedish army at Poltava and the inglorious surrender of its remnants at Perevolnaya made a huge impression both in Sweden and in all European countries. A fundamental fracture in the course of the North
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David Teniers the Younger. "Allegory of Prudence, conquering earthly vanity" In the previous articles, five very useful (hopefully) advice to future prophets and seers were given, and some methods of independent "requests" to heaven were described. Now let's talk about modern visionaries and
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In the article Cruel lesson. The Russian and Swedish armies in the Battle of Narva were told a little about the state of the Swedish army at the end of the 17th century. Charles XII received this perfectly organized and capable of solving the most difficult tasks from his predecessors and until the beginning of the Northern War he practically did not
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In 1706, Charles XII's international authority was undeniable. The papal nuncio, who reproached Joseph I, the Holy Roman Emperor of the German nation, for giving guarantees of religious freedom to the Protestants of Silesia in 1707 at the request of Charles, heard the amazing words: “You must be
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In the previous article ("Karl XII and his army") we talked about the events that preceded the Battle of Poltava: the movement of Swedish troops to Poltava, the betrayal of Hetman Mazepa and the state of the Swedish army on the eve of the battle. Now it's time to talk about the siege of Poltava and the battle itself, which forever changed
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Allegorical painting "The Tree of Life" In the previous article ("Forces and signs of fate. Prophets, politicians and commanders") we gave four advice to potential prophets and soothsayers and told about the predictions that politicians and commanders received. At the beginning of this article, let's talk about predictions
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King Charles XII of Sweden was compared by contemporaries to Alexander the Great. This monarch, just like the great king of antiquity, already at a young age achieved the glory of a great commander, he was just as unpretentious in campaigns (according to the Saxon general Schulenberg, “he dressed like a simple dragoon and so
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In previous articles ("Forces and signs of fate. Prophets, politicians and commanders" and "On scenarios of the end of the world, false prophecies and the benefits of sanity") we have already given five, I hope, very useful advice to future prophets and seers. We will soon continue to educate them, but in this article
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The first battle of the Northern War for Russia was the Battle of Narva. The military clash of the troops of Peter I with the modern European army immediately revealed the weakness of the Russian army and the need for deep transformations and reforms in military affairs
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Perhaps someone saw this performance in Konya or Istanbul: a large hall in which the lights go out and men in black capes become almost invisible. Sounds unusual for our ears are heard out of nowhere - drums set the rhythm for musicians playing on old reeds
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The 13th century is a time of fanaticism, religious intolerance and endless wars. Everyone knows about the crusades against Muslims and pagans, but the contradictions have already torn apart the Christian world. The gap between Western and Eastern Christians was so great that, after capturing Constantinople (1204
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In the last article, we talked about Dominique Guzman, one of the anti-heroes of the Crusade against the Albigensians. He founded the monastic Order of "Brothers Preachers", initiated the papal Inquisition, and was canonized by the Catholic Church in 1234. But at the same time he lived during this cruel time
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As you know, by the time the Russian conquest of Central Asia began, its territory was divided between three feudal states - the Bukhara Emirate, the Kokand and Khiva khanates. The Bukhara Emirate occupied the southern and southeastern part of Central Asia - the territory of modern Uzbekistan and
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In the post-war period, in the period covering the 1950s - 1980s, a certain stagnation in the onboard text "creativity" is noticeable. Aircraft cease to fulfill the mission of flying propaganda posters, and all information on them is reduced to a minimum
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Russian servicemen have been on the territory of Syria for several years, where they carry out tasks to combat terrorists in the framework of assistance to the official authorities of this Middle Eastern country. But in fact, the history of our people's participation in the fight against terrorism in Syria did not begin in 2015. Also in
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From the first months of the Great Patriotic War, the names of Soviet aircraft became more patriotic. It significantly increased with the appearance in the Air Force (later in the air defense fighter aviation) of the Guards aviation units. So, many guards pilots often placed on the sides
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At the height of the Civil War, the Soviet leadership came to the conclusion about the desirability of forming "national" units as part of the Red Army. So the Red Army appeared its own Cossacks and chieftains. On December 28, 1917, the 1st kuren of the Chervonny Cossacks was created, which became the first national unit in the
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This devilish metal In the abyss attracted not only the soul, but also the body in equal measure … Heine. Lately, being carried away by various rifles, bronze swords and southern countries, we somehow forgot about the memorable conquistadors of Cortez, whom we left in a very difficult position for them:
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Foreign intelligence officers have never been deprived of state and departmental awards. In the showcases of the Hall of History of Foreign Intelligence, combat and labor awards of our state are widely presented, as well as honorary departmental badges, which marked the activities of the best intelligence officers and
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The son of Grand Duke Vasily I Dmitrievich Vasily II of Moscow (Dark) was born in Moscow on March 10, 1415. In the fifteenth century, Russia was in a state of fragmentation. The Grand Duke, although he received a label for reign from the Golden Horde Khan, still could not count on an unconditional
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Preparing for war Ottomans. The conquest of the capital of Byzantium was dreamed of by the leaders of the Muslim armies for many centuries. Sultan Mehmed II, like his immediate predecessors, took the title of Sultan-i-Rum, that is, "ruler of Rome." Thus, the Ottoman sultans claimed the legacy of Rome and
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Waging hostilities in Livonia and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, the Russian state was forced to hold its own on the southern borders, where the Crimean Tatars and Nogais made their raids. This forced the Moscow government in the fall of 1564 to conclude an armistice with Sweden. Moscow has recognized the transition under