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The history of the Livonian War (1558-1583), despite the great attention to this war, remains one of the most important problems of Russian history. This is largely due to the attention to the figure of Ivan the Terrible. Given the fact that a number of researchers treat the personality of Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich sharply
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Each country treats its historical heritage in its own way, and this is both good and very bad. That is, all the zigzags of the country's history can be traced in this relation, and this is good. But it is bad when, as a result of these "zigzags", works of art are destroyed, which in the future could
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Steppe Yubermensch on a tireless Mongol horse (Mongolia, 1911) Historiography about the invasion of Mongol-Tatars (or Tatar-Mongols, or Tatars and Mongols, and so on, as you like) to Russia is over 300 years old. This invasion has become a generally accepted fact since the end of the 17th century, when one of the
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Soviet historiography of the post-war period drove itself into a trap that generated cognitive dissonance. On the one hand, people have heard "Soviet is excellent" about the wonderful Soviet T-34 and KV. On the other hand, the failures of the initial period of the war, when the Red Army
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In historical and mainly near-historical publications and discussions of recent times, the opinion is quite widespread that the USSR was an ally of Germany since August 23, 1939, which manifested itself primarily in the joint seizure of Poland with Germany. The following text is intended to
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From time to time on the Internet and in periodicals, in articles dedicated to the next anniversary of the defeat of the Germans at Stalingrad, there are references to the sad fate of German prisoners of war. Their fate is often compared to the fate of millions of Red Army soldiers who were tortured in German camps
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By the twentieth century, only a few of the European states, which previously possessed significant colonies, retained them in the same number. Among the colonial powers were added Germany, Italy, Japan, and the United States of America. But many former colonial metropolises have completely or partially lost
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One day from the history of the 16th Guards Fighter Regiment Every year the Great Patriotic War recedes into the past from us, the memory of the immense feat of our grandfathers, who saved Russia from destruction and won the Victory, is gradually erased. Today is a good opportunity
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In the history of the Civil War, there is, perhaps, no more vague and painstakingly evaded topic by researchers than the frontline path and the combat successes of the 2nd Cavalry Army. In Soviet times, the first mention is just a mention! - appeared about her in the scientific historical literature in 1930. Second - later
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In this article, readers are offered material that reveals some interesting details of such a phenomenon of human history as the "Golden Age" of piracy. How long did they usually last
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For Russian historians-revisionists, the history of the "Lokotsky Autonomous Okrug" and the brigade of Bronislav Kaminsky formed in it has long become a kind of "Malaya Zemlya". Just as in the era of "stagnation" the actions of the 18th Army on the Novorossiysk bridgehead began to turn almost into the main
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The official age of Kerch is 2600 years. I don't even know who first came up with this nonsense: to set an exact date and celebrate it right there? After all, archaeologists claim that the first people lived here long before that. During this time, for various reasons, dozens of peoples turned out to be here, but mystical
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The holiday of the fair half has passed … Well, the role of women in history hardly needs commentary. Among them were great creators. There were also destroyers. And some curious manifestations of female figures and characters in historical processes are still little known
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Archaeologists always hope to find … treasure. Well, or not a treasure, but something very valuable, even if not necessarily gold. And they are really lucky. In Egypt, they found a gold coffin and a mask of Pharaoh Tutankhamun made of gold of high standard weighing 10.5 kg, and everyone seems to know that. But that masks like
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On January 10, 1920, the Treaty of Versailles entered into force, which became the main result of the First World War. Although the treaty itself was signed in 1919, in 1920 it was ratified by the countries - members of the League of Nations. One of the important points of the conclusion of the Versailles Treaty was the decision of the Shandong
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The Beginning of the Siege of Qingdao The siege of Qingdao was the most striking episode in the war in the Pacific. In Germany, this little-known episode of the war was one of the most striking examples of the courage and resilience of the German army. The German garrison capitulated only after the supply of ammunition and water began to be pumped
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The air force of the Third Reich (Luftwaffe) from the very beginning of the war with the Soviet Union had to experience the fury of the Soviet "falcons". Heinrich Goering, Reich Minister of the Reich Ministry of Aviation from 1935-1945, was forced to forget his boastful words that “No one will ever
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Cuban rebel and colonizer - two "patriots" from a propaganda poster during the Spanish-American War At 21.40 on February 15, 1898, a powerful explosion disrupted the measured life of the raid on Havana. Anchored American armored cruiser Maine, whose hull broke at the bow turret
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By May 1940, the French army had 2,637 tanks of a new type. Among them: 314 B1, 210 -D1 and D2 tanks, 1070 - R35, AMR, AMS, 308 - H35, 243 - S35, 392 - H38, H39, R40 and 90 FCM tanks. In addition, the parks kept up to 2,000 old FT17 / 18 combat vehicles (of which 800 were combat-ready) from the period of the First
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This post is the result of my long-term joint work with the Samara historian Alexei Stepanov, who was behind the idea of this topic. We worked on the topic at the turn of the 80-90s, but then youth, youthful maximalism and lack of information did not allow us to complete the study of a serious
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The Hallaton Helmet is another expensive and even very expensive decorated iron ceremonial helmet that belonged to a Roman cavalryman, originally covered with sheet silver and in some places decorated with gold. He was found in 2000 near Hallaton, Leicestershire, shortly after Ken Wallace, a member of
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Benti Grange helmet - helmet of the Anglo-Saxon warrior of the 7th century AD. In 1848, he was found by Thomas Bateman at the Benti Grange farm in Derbyshire, after excavating a mound there. Obviously, this burial was plundered in antiquity, however, what fell into the hands of scientists is enough to
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Who is he, this Mescalamdug? Translated from the Sumerian, this is precisely the "Hero of a blessed country" (and this name is embossed on the inside of the helmet), and it is also known about him that this is one of the first kings (lugals) who ruled in the Sumerian city of Ur in XXVI century BC NS. Found from him during
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The Helm of Gisborough is a bronze helmet of a Roman horseman found in North Yorkshire, England. The helmet was discovered on August 19, 1864, at Barnaby Grange Farm, about two miles west of downtown Gisborough. Found it during roadworks, buried deep in the ground on a bed of gravel
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Do not think that rare and very expensive helmets have been and are being found only abroad. And it is even more foolish to consider in their findings some kind of belittling of our Russian culture. Well, there was no Roman culture in our lands, the Romans did not reach here. Therefore, there are no Roman
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September 11 marks the next Day of Russia's Military Glory - the Day of the Victory of the Russian squadron under the command of Rear Admiral Fyodor Fedorovich Ushakov over the Ottoman fleet at Cape Tendra. This Day of Military Glory was established by Federal Law No. 32-FZ of March 13, 1995 "On the Days of Military Glory and Memorable
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September 11 marks the next Day of Russia's Military Glory - the Day of the Victory of the Russian squadron under the command of Rear Admiral Fyodor Fedorovich Ushakov over the Ottoman fleet at Cape Tendra. This Day of Military Glory was established by Federal Law No. 32-FZ of March 13, 1995 "On the Days of Military Glory and Memorable
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After it became clear that the negotiations on the Aland Islands would not be completed peacefully and information appeared about the agreements of the former allies with Sweden, Petersburg decided to resume hostilities. Sweden needed to be forced to make peace, and this required the postponement of hostilities
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The eighteenth century was replete with not only the gold of the palaces of enlightened absolutism, where the singing of violins poured under the graceful pas of court minuets, and philosophers invited by the kings plunged indestructible truths into the dust, sitting by the fireplaces. Very close, on the other side of the cast-iron fence, both massive and
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Among the helmets that were discussed in the series of publications "The Most Expensive Helmets", there have not yet been Viking helmets. Although they are a real rarity and therefore, naturally, are very expensive. Moreover, the plural is completely inappropriate here. Wouldn't stand, but worth it, because the helmet is for sure
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The Marlborough Mission In 1706, Swedish forces occupied Saxony. The Saxon elector and the Polish king August II were forced to sign a separate peace. According to the peace treaty signed in the village of Altranstedt, August II abdicated the Polish throne in favor of Stanislav Leszczynski, renounced
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The next Victory Day has died down, as always, brightly and festively. A new cycle of history begins. And it begins very soon: on June 22, when it will be 75 years since the beginning of the Great Patriotic War. And again, for 5 years, we will remember everything that happened in those tragic years. Without it
The most expensive helmets. Part eight. The Armory Chamber of the Moscow Kremlin in all its splendor
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And it so happened that in the process of preparing the material about the helmet of Yaroslav Vsevolodovich, I had to face the problem of the absence of his photographs, as well as photographs of the "helmet of Alexander Nevsky", but in fact the helmet of Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov. It would seem that everything should be on the Internet
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A series of articles about "the most expensive helmets" aroused interest among VO readers. Many began to offer their own options for the development of this topic. Someone asked to tell about some specific samples, which, however, is not always possible, although expensive helmets, sometimes worth a fortune, are a dime a dozen. Today
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All outstanding commanders and commanders strove to use surprise as a means of achieving the fastest and most complete success in battle and operation. In different periods of the development of the art of war, the forms, methods and methods of achieving surprise were different. Especially high skill in their
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On August 14, 1775, by the decree of the Russian Empress Catherine II, the Zaporozhye Sich was finally abolished. After the reunification of a significant part of Little Russia with the Russian state in 1654, privileges were extended to the Zaporozhye army, which were enjoyed by other Russian Cossack
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One hundred and fifty dogs tore apart a regiment of Invincible enemy infantry. Author: Alexander Zhuravlev I was told by an old gray-haired man that he saw a terrible battle in childhood, And that story has long become a legend, As with a battalion of border guards, one hundred and fifty service dogs Torn to shreds a regiment of a German wolf pack. Author: Igor Krasa
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Today, in the era of a pandemic and the battle between Western and domestic vaccines, it is worth remembering that relatively recently (in historical terms) epidemics were used in wars as weapons of mass destruction. Especially at the stage when there were no drugs for infectious diseases, and Western and domestic
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On February 8, 1939, Iosif Apanasenko was awarded the title of "commander of the 2nd rank". And exactly 80 years ago, in February 1941, he received the shoulder straps of the "army general". He was called "rebel", swearing general and "savage uprising". But "where he was, everything was fine." Why did Stalin forgive him a lot? How
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Only when Yermak's Cossack squad crossed the "Stone Belt" of the Ural Mountains and defeated the Siberian Khanate, one of the last fragments of the Golden Horde, was the foundation of Asian Russia laid. And although the Russian people got acquainted with Siberia long before this event, they are connected with Ermak and his associates