"Terror of the Deep"
The first "official leak" in the media about the "ocean multipurpose system" Status-6 "occurred on November 9, 2015, when during a meeting with the President on the defense industry, during the protocol part, a printed sheet from the presentation of this very I got a close-up view, although then these footage with the website of the TV companies was removed, but once it got there from the Internet it could not be deleted.
This slide read: Status-6 ocean multipurpose system. The lead executor for the R&D project is OAO TsKB MT Rubin, one of the two leading developers of submarines and underwater systems. The main element of the system there was a "self-propelled underwater vehicle" (SPA) - a giant torpedo. Length came out 24-25m, caliber 1600mm approximately Ordinary torpedoes have a caliber of 533mm, there are also "fatty" torpedoes, heavy torpedoes 650mm, and small-sized anti-submarine 324-400mm calibers, which is up to length, then domestic 533mm torpedoes are about 7m (NATO ones are shorter, they have shorter devices), and 650mm - 11m long …

The performance characteristics of the SPA on the slide were also impressive - the speed was "more than 100 knots" (185.2 km / h), the working depths were "more than 1000 m", and the range was fantastic - more than 10000 km. Such characteristics are achievable only with a nuclear power plant. And similar compact reactors in Russia were developed a long time ago, moreover, taking into account the presence of the AGS flotilla - nuclear deep-water stations of the GUGI of the Navy, these deep-water and ultra-deep-sea nuclear minisubmarines for reconnaissance and sabotage and research purposes, enormous experience has been accumulated with small reactors. But nevertheless, many then and then perceived such performance characteristics as a fairy tale.
The purpose of the "ocean system" in that "drain" was "the defeat of important objects of the enemy's economy in the coastal area and inflicting guaranteed unacceptable damage to the country's territory by creating zones of extensive radioactive contamination, unsuitable for military, economic and other activities in these zones during long time ". Many quickly guessed what it was about. If you believe the picture, the massive head part of the SPA allows you to place a thermonuclear multistage (2-3 steps) physical package there and its capacity can be 50, 100 or more megatons. In 1961. the power of the only, probably, at that time, Soviet thermonuclear bomb with a male name "Ivan", also known as "Tsar Bomba" and "Mother of Kouzma" was 58Mt, it was detonated by a little more than half of the nominal power, by replacing lead rings with uranium rings at the third stage. As for the names - in those days, the rest of the bombs had names for women like "Natasha" or "Maria", why the nuclear energy of the explosion was associated with a woman among the developers - guess yourself, dear readers. And if "Ivan" weighed 28 tons, then the current charge of such power is quite realistic to collect in tons as much as 10, probably.
What happens if such a charge explodes near a naval base and a large seaside city? It is estimated that the wave height can exceed half a kilometer. And if the charge is made detachable and also self-propelled, and "push" it to the shore? And if the charge is made with cobalt rings? After all, modern thermonuclear charges, especially those of high power, are almost pure. If the explosion is atmospheric (that is, the fireball does not touch the earth and there is no crater and the rise of the earth's masses), if the proportion of the fusion reaction is more than 90%, it will be so. And we have written about "long-term contamination" - and if you really put cobalt-59 rings in the charge, then when it explodes, it will become cobalt-60 - a very radioactive isotope with a long half-life. With such an infection, the standard "rule of sevens" no longer works. It says - for every sevenfold increase in the time elapsed from the detonation of the fission device (from an hour onwards), the radiation intensity drops by an order of magnitude. That is, after 7 hours, 10% of the initial level remains, after 49 hours - and 10% of this level remains, and so on. And after 6 months. the rate of fall of the radiation level increases even more. For thermonuclear charges, the relationship is slightly different, but generally similar. But with cobalt, no activity on contaminated lands will be possible for thousands of years. Without decontamination, it is very dangerous and expensive in this case. No one has ever detonated such bombs, this is a pure theorist plus a small number of experiments during the underground explosions in Britain in 1957. and the USSR in 1971, who convinced the military that it was better to let it remain a theory. But you can consider it as an opportunity for such a charge.
And if we assume that the SPA warhead is called a "combat module" for a reason, then one should expect that it can be separated from the "super torpedo" and may even be equipped with means of delivering it to land - for greater effect. Moreover, the SPA may well not only reach the enemy's coast, but also hide there before the deadline, or drop the combat module and return - something is not cheap and with a nuclear reactor, it is quite possible to make it reusable. In general, there is room for imagination and tactics of use. In theory, such devices can generally go on a campaign long before the start of the war (days or weeks). And a war can start with the triggering of their payload. Or as a final chord, so to speak, a blow with a misericord, finishing off, or, if unlucky, a blow from the grave, sending the enemy there. And this weapon does not fall under the treaty either.
The carrier of the SPA indicated two APLSN - special purpose nuclear submarines. The first "GUGI cruiser" for the "Status-6" system will be the former "assassin of aircraft carriers" Belgorod, which is being reconstructed into project 09852 from project 949AM (soon, it seems, without noise and pomp can be lowered into the water) and about the cruiser of the new project 09851 " Khabarovsk ", founded in 2014. Nothing is really known about her, except for an approximate appearance. Each of these boats, according to the same slide, will be able to carry 6 SPA (super torpedoes and torpedoes in general are not called them anywhere, although they are, nevertheless, torpedoes, but, obviously, their purpose may not only be torpedo). It was assumed that these APLSNs, like their predecessors, would be carriers of the AGS, and they, obviously, would carry them, the SPA, and the new deep-sea large autonomous vehicles "Klavesin-2R", allegedly having already passed all the tests. It was the "Harpsichord" that flashed in the President's animation, when he went out through the hatch in the "back" of the boat, and the boat was exactly the "Belgorod", the "loafs" of pr.949A had very characteristic shapes.

Obviously, the stuffing was deliberate, and the "removal of frames" - also to show that everything, they say, is serious. Surprisingly, even in the Russian Federation, many experts considered this story an attempt to "throw a fake" on the Americans, so that they believe in what we do not have and start spending money on counteracting the chimera. And this, despite the fact that there was fragmentary information about the project before. In 2008. The experimental non-nuclear submarine B-90 "Sarov" project 20120, rebuilt from the former project "Sargan", was introduced into the Red Banner Northern Fleet (KSF). There were many versions of its use in the media and on the Internet forums. For example, testing a nuclear microreactor as an additional source of energy for non-nuclear submarines in positional maneuvering (instead of fuel cell batteries, electrochemical generators, Stirling engines, etc.). There was such a project under the USSR, and it is possible that the rumors around Sarov in this part are connected, perhaps, with these very micro-reactors - but for the now-famous project Status-6. Someone believed that Sarov would test underwater drones (and, probably, this is the case, too, it’s stupid to build a unique boat only for one task).
We noticed a giant port in the bow of the ship, which looks like the cover of a huge torpedo tube. And then rumors spread about a certain ROC "Skif" (in the West it was called CANYON) and tests on it on the "Sarov" and specially equipped surface ships. The rumor makers were talking about a family of autonomous large underwater vehicles with various, including percussion functions, both reusable and disposable. Also, under the "Skif", many meant work on submerged missile launchers for ballistic missiles (and, probably, such a trump card exists and has not yet been played out in the open).
And then the country's leadership "leaked" information on "Status-6". But unbelievers, probably, even increased (some could not come to their senses from the courage and insolence of the plan, others from disbelief in the strength of their own country). And it's strange, because such projects come from A. D. Sakharov, who proposed in 1961. project T-15 - a torpedo of 1500mm caliber and 24m length, only the range is completely different, but with a powerful thermonuclear charge to destroy ports. In the 80s in the USSR there was a preliminary design of the KS ("end of the world", as black humorists deciphered) - a semi-submersible ship with 12 strategic torpedoes with a range of thousands of kilometers and 1000m of depth. Moreover, the developer, TsKB "Chernomorsudoproekt" was located in Nikolaev, and information about this project could get to the United States, like many secrets of the USSR that remained in Ukraine. But either they did not hit, or the USA did not attach any importance to this, and the information could only be about the carrier - the torpedo itself was drawn in the RSFSR.
And already in the 2000s, such projects were remembered, reworked, based on the technical achievements of our century, and R&D started anew. And the Americans themselves, skeptical about what was stated in the "accidental leak", in 2016. learned, apparently through intelligence, about the successful tests of the Status 6 prototypes. Or maybe they were given this information to find out. And in the media, the journalist Bill Hertz, closely associated with the Pentagon, reported this. A very well-informed figure - he wrote about the same "Status" 2-3 months before the same "drain" in November 2015. And now Putin himself has told the world about him. But the "disbelieving Thomas" still will not die out, even if they see the device live, they will say that it is a mock-up. But, if you believe that presentation, by 2020. the system should already start deploying.
Moreover, it seems that "Status-6" is the program itself, the system as a whole consisting of a carrier, support, basing and SPA, but the device itself does not have a name, since it is proposed to give it to it. And OCD itself may have a different real name.
Probably the most mysterious, by design, of the six presented "trump cards" is this laser system, with which the President concluded his speech. Why exactly it, and what does it do in conjunction with offensive systems such as ICBMs, cruise missiles and giant torpedoes? What is its purpose? There is, of course, no exact answer, because it was not presented, and the streamlined characterization given by Putin gives little clues. "Significant results have been achieved in the creation of laser weapons. Since last year, the Russian Army has been receiving combat laser systems." What are the complexes and what for? There are indeed complexes for different purposes, mainly to blind the enemy's equipment. But what exactly is this complex for, what was shown in the video by the President?
Here it is necessary to approach the issue comprehensively. Everything shown in the Message refers to weapons that can affect strategic stability. And it refers either to strategic nuclear forces, or to non-strategic nuclear weapons (tactical), NSNW / TNW, or even in conventional equipment is capable of influencing the strategic balance. Or destroy important sea and ground targets, or help in breaking through and neutralizing the enemy's missile defense system, or its missile attack warning system, early warning system. Although, in relation to the US early warning system, it is customary for us to use the abbreviation HIDDEN, they say, this is against us, and we are not attacking, we are simply delivering a nuclear strike, in general, a euphemism from the series "our scout is their spy" or "their first nuclear strike is our preemptive strike at the appointed time. " This means that this laser complex is not intended to blind enemy tanks and infantry, to spoil aviation reconnaissance equipment, or, say, to shoot down UAVs.
So what could such a laser complex do as a strategic weapon? Shoot down enemy ICBMs and SLBMs? No, this is fantastic, especially from the ground. Maybe carry out tasks for the defense of silos of ICBMs from high-precision conventional weapons? Also no, for this they are equipped with jamming systems and complexes and active protection systems (one protects against BB in the final section, the second - from cruise or guided missiles and corrected aerial bombs). Maybe this laser can disable the tracking equipment of the enemy's view reconnaissance satellites? And, at the same time, the equipment of satellites HIDDEN US? At the right time, of course, because such an attack on the enemy's orbital grouping automatically means war, and is possible only during a war or before it starts. Moreover, this has already been created earlier - and at an aviation base. It is clear that this is just an assumption, but the logic is visible in it. But while there is no exact information about what kind of complex it is and what it is for, it remains to be wondered.