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The problem of the mass death of the Red Army soldiers who were captured during the Polish-Soviet war of 1919-1920 has not been studied for a long time. After 1945, it was completely hushed up for politically motivated reasons - the Polish People's Republic was an ally of the USSR
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England has long dreamed of doing away with Russia. But almost always she tried to do it with someone else's hands. All the 17th-19th centuries, the British hounded the Turks on us. As a result, Russia fought with Turkey in the Russo-Turkish War of 1676-81, in the Russo-Turkish War of 1686-1700, in the Russo-Turkish War of 1710-13, in
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In the spring of 2012, the European Court of Human Rights ruled that Russia was innocent of the mass shooting of soldiers and officers of the Polish army near Katyn. The Polish side has almost completely lost this case. There are surprisingly few media reports about this, but there is a shortage of truthful information about the destinies
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"You will not see such battles! … Banners were worn like shadows, Fire glittered in the smoke, Damascus steel sounded, buckshot squealed, The fighters' hand was tired to prick, And a mountain of bloody bodies prevented the kernels from flying." Lermontov. "Borodino" Russian troops at Shevardin. Artist S. Gerasimov. 1941 Attack of the Shevardinsky Redoubt. Lithography
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100 years ago, on October 14, 1915, Bulgaria declared war on Serbia and entered the First World War on the side of the Central Powers. Bulgaria sought to establish itself as a leader in the Balkan Peninsula and to get even with its neighbors for the humiliating defeat in the Second Balkan War of 1913
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Prologue “From the moment one person learns the truth, and until everyone else learns it, sometimes a person's life is not enough” (MI Kutuzov) It has always been and will be, as MS said. Kutuzov: first, someone alone learns the truth, everyone else follows him, but how many times does this
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Among the huge number of military awards that existed in different periods of Russian history, the St. George Cross has always occupied a special place. The Soldier's Cross of St. George can be called the most massive award of the Russian Empire, because it was awarded to the lower ranks of the army and navy of Russia
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Together with the yoke, the period of the rule of the Tatar warriors and the payment of tribute ended. The time of pure fencing fights is over as well. Small arms appeared, but they did not come from the east, where gunpowder was invented, which honestly served the Mongol conquests, but from the west. And preceded his arrival
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Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov is one of the most talented military leaders of the 20th century. For all patriots of their homeland, he is a symbol of the staunchness and inflexibility of the people's spirit, clearly manifested during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. And today his military leadership amazes with power
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At present, when it comes to domestic military intelligence, it is mainly the twentieth century that appears. Meanwhile, its historical roots are much deeper. Unfortunately, the functioning of intelligence on the eve and during the war of 1812 belongs to the poorly understood topics of Russian military history. First
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Alexander Baryatinsky was born on May 14, 1815. His father, Ivan Ivanovich Baryatinsky, was one of the wealthiest people in Russia at that time. Chamberlain, privy councilor and master of ceremonies of the court of Paul I, associate of Suvorov and Ermolov, he was a very educated person, an amateur
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We continue our publications on the results of the trip to Brest. And today we bring to your attention a tour of one of the museums of the Brest Fortress. The museum is located in one of the barracks in the citadel of the fortress. Actually, the barracks and the church (aka the former club) are almost everything that has survived on the island to
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“Everyone has enough strength to live a life with dignity. And all the talk about what a difficult time is - just a clever way to justify your laziness, inaction and despondency.”L.D. LandauLev Landau was born on the shores of the Caspian Sea in the oil capital of the Russian Empire, Baku. In the middle
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The Penultimate Truth There are not many things in the world that are considered indisputable. Well, that the sun rises in the east and sets in the west, I think you know. And that the Moon revolves around the Earth - too. And about the fact that the Americans were the first to create an atomic bomb, ahead of both the Germans and
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Few people know that the Soviet torpedo boats of World War II were giant floats from seaplanes. On August 18, 1919, at 3:45 a.m., unidentified aircraft appeared over Kronstadt. An air raid warning was sounded on the ships. Actually, nothing new for our sailors is
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Russia celebrated Victory Day with military parades, processions of the "Immortal Regiment" in most large and not-so-large cities of the country, festive festivities and artillery salutes. The few surviving participants of the Great Patriotic War were very pleased to see that they are remembered
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"Clementine Ogilvy, Baroness Spencer-Churchill from the residents of the city of Rostov-on-Don with sincere gratitude for the mercy and help in the years of the joint struggle against fascism and in memory of the visit to Rostov-on-Don on April 22, 1945" - such a memorial plaque can be seen in the very center of the Don capital, on
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June 21, 2016. The day before the events began, the 75th anniversary of which we commemorated with the whole world not so long ago. The scene is the Brest Fortress. Our guide was a wonderful person, Andrei Vorobei from the military-historical club "Rubezh". Not quite ordinary historians, theirs in Brest
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The first animals in human military service were not horses or elephants. Gathering to plunder a neighboring village, primitive tribes took dogs with them. They protected the owners from enemy dogs, and also attacked opponents, which greatly facilitated hand-to-hand combat. Dogs chased
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In the early 1980s in Moscow, in a park near the Aeroport metro station, one could often see an elderly woman walking. Numerous passers-by who met her rarely recognized in her the pop singer and actress Klavdia Ivanovna Shulzhenko, previously famous throughout the Soviet Union. At one time her
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CenterThe history of the Soviet-Polish war against the background of fratricidal civil strife in RussiaThe Soviet-Polish war of 1919-1920 was part of the great Civil War in the territory of the former Russian Empire. But on the other hand, this war was perceived by the Russian people - and by those who fought for
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Inventions are made at the front not because of a good life - the rear inventors and designers did not have time or forgot to invent this or that useful thing even before the war, the soldiers themselves have to get down to business. And in the rear during hostilities, the design thought is also in full swing - the war is the engine
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On December 7, 1941, Japanese aircraft attacked an American military base in Pearl Harbor and the United States turned out to be an active participant in World War II, and ultimately its beneficiary. Minister Knox's casualty report following the attack on Pearl Harbor stated what appears to have been
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Meeting Churchill and Roosevelt aboard the battleship Prince of Wales. August 1941 Source: https: //ru.wikipedia.org After the first in the history of the industrial revolution, unlimited sources of raw materials and the market for the products of its factories and plants in Britain were ensured by its huge empire, over which never
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The outbreak of war The main reason that led to the fall of the Second Empire was the war with Prussia and the catastrophic defeat of the army of Napoleon III. The French government, given the strengthening of the opposition movement in the country, decided to solve the problem in the traditional way - to channel discontent with
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For some reason, many figures of the historical past, especially in Russian history, for some reason are often perceived not entirely, comprehensively, not in an attempt to cover all facets of a person's personality, but through the prism of some separate period of his life (usually negative), which supposedly highlights the shortcomings of this
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The spring of 1920 could not inspire any optimism in the southern Russian white movement. The rollback and decay of the White Guards seemed irreversible. Naturally, in such conditions, the search for the guilty began among the belligerents. Involuntarily, all eyes were turned towards the first figures - the Commander-in-Chief
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On February 20, 1920, the designer of small arms Yevgeny Dragunov was born. And, although he is not as famous as his colleague in the workshop Mikhail Kalashnikov, the contribution of Evgeny Fedorovich to the arms business is no less significant. And his sniper rifle, created half a century ago, is still in service with many
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The feat of our soldiers, accomplished during the Great Patriotic War, will always remain a feat. Every day spent at the front was a feat. Every attack with a rifle at the ready deserves respect and memory. Try to imagine what it means to rise above the ground and go on the attack on
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Syria against the Palestinians Surprisingly, Arab Syria formally entered the Lebanese War at the behest of the Maronite Christians. When the military superiority was on the side of the left Muslim forces, they also turned to Syria for help (earlier, Damascus supported Muslims by sending Palestinian
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The current war in Syria and Iraq ("Middle East Front") makes us recall the relatively recent, in historical terms, confrontation between the USSR and the United States and Israel, where Syria was also a battlefield. Damascus was then an ally of Moscow in the struggle against the establishment of American order in
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On July 20, 1944, the most famous attempt on the life of the Fuhrer took place at Hitler's headquarters in the Görlitz forest near Rastenburg in East Prussia (headquarters "Lair of the Wolf"). From "Wolfsschanze" (German Wolfsschanze) Hitler directed military operations on the Eastern Front from June 1941 to November 1944
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On June 13, 1952, a Soviet air defense aircraft MiG-15 shot down a Swedish reconnaissance aircraft "Douglas" DC-3 over neutral waters of the Baltic Sea. It had eight crew members. The Swedes then stated that the plane was performing a training flight. Half a century later, in 2003, the Swedes discovered the hull 55 km east of Gotland
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The Third Reich was preparing for an attack on the USSR very thoroughly, by the time the war began, a grouping of the armed forces of the Reich and the armed forces of the satellite countries of Germany, which had no analogues until that time, was concentrated on the borders of the Soviet Union. To defeat Poland, the Reich used 59 divisions
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70 years ago, on May 5, 1945, the Prague Uprising began in German-occupied Czechoslovakia. Prague was an important center of communications through which the German command withdrew troops westward to surrender to the Americans. Therefore, the command of Army Group "Center" under the command
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My yesterday's friend was literally packed with posts about the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. But I rarely write about the same thing that everyone else is about, I am more interested in facts that few people know about. Therefore, yesterday I did not pay attention to the well-known event. But now it is worth stopping at
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On Sunday morning, December 7, 1941, Japan launched a surprise attack on the United States of America, attacking with carrier-based aircraft the main base of the US Pacific Fleet, Pearl Harbor, located on one of the Hawaiian Islands - Oahu
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Long before the birth of the first aircraft, frequent fires and accidents in the air with spherical balloons and balloons forced scientists to pay attention to the creation of reliable means capable of saving the lives of aircraft pilots. When planes took to the sky, flying
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It's time, it's time for the mockery of the light To drive away the fog of tranquility; What is the life of a poet without suffering? And what is the ocean without a storm? M.Yu. Lermontov The great poet's grandfather was a Scottish nobleman named George Lermontov. He served with the Poles, and in 1613 he was captured by Russian soldiers during the siege of the Belaya fortress. On his
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Exactly 50 years ago, on January 14, 1966, the outstanding Soviet scientist, designer and founder of practical cosmonautics Sergei Pavlovich Korolev passed away. This outstanding Russian figure will forever go down in history as the creator of Soviet rocket and space technology, who helped