75% by the end of the year. New samples for the Airborne Forces

75% by the end of the year. New samples for the Airborne Forces
75% by the end of the year. New samples for the Airborne Forces

As part of the general programs for the re-equipment and modernization of the armed forces, the rearmament of the airborne forces is being carried out. The deliveries of already known samples of various types are being carried out, and the production of new developments is also being prepared. Due to this, in the near future it will be possible to increase the share of modern models and, accordingly, increase the combat effectiveness of the Airborne Forces.

Rearmament indicators

Last year, the military department and the military-industrial complex successfully completed the implementation of the State Arms Program for 2011-20. One of the goals of this program was to increase the share of modern weapons and equipment in general-purpose forces to 70%. Such tasks were successfully solved.

According to the Ministry of Defense, by the end of last year, the share of modern weapons and equipment in the Airborne Forces reached 71%. Thanks to this, the combat capability of the troops has grown and fully meets the current requirements. In addition, high performance has been maintained for the foreseeable future and the foundations have been laid for further upgrades.


Deliveries and re-equipment do not stop. On the eve of the Airborne Forces Day, Krasnaya Zvezda published an interview with the commander of this branch of the armed forces, Colonel-General Andrei Serdyukov. Among other things, he revealed plans to re-equip the Airborne Forces in the near future.

By the end of this year, the share of modern samples is planned to be increased to 75%. Such an increase in indicators will be provided by the supply of 300 units. automotive, military and special equipment, as well as 12 thousand parachute systems and landing kits. We are talking about a fairly wide range of various products required by the Airborne Forces.

Armored supplies

Based on the results of the current processes of production, supplies and rearmament, the main equipment of the Airborne Forces in the future will be BMD-4M airborne combat vehicles and BTR-MDM armored personnel carriers. A full-scale serial production of such machines has been mastered, and news is regularly received about the transfer of new batches to combat units.


In early June, the airborne assault battalion of the Airborne Forces stationed in Stavropol received a battalion set of BMD-4M and BTR-MDM - 31 and 8 units. respectively. At the end of July, a similar battalion set of such equipment was adopted by the Ivanovo Guards Airborne Force. Reportedly, these are already 10 and 11 sets, transferred to combat units of the Airborne Forces during the entire production period. By the end of the year, it is planned to receive two more battalion sets of 39 vehicles each.

BMD-4M and BTR-MDM were put into service in 2016, and at the same time supplies of equipment to the troops began. According to various estimates, to date, at least 360-380 assault vehicles and about 200 armored personnel carriers have been built and transferred to the troops. Deliveries continue, and this year the number of combat equipment will grow by almost 80 units. At the same time, the process of transferring the Airborne Forces to modern BMD-4M and BTR-MDM is far from complete, and the number of such vehicles will continue to grow in the future.


Measures are also being taken to ensure the training of personnel. So, in the Omsk training center of the Airborne Forces, the simulators of the BMD-4M and BTR-MDM drivers have been mastered. By the end of the year, a complex simulator will be received, allowing the entire crew to train at the same time.

BMD-4M is considered not only as an independent combat vehicle, but also as a basis for equipment for various purposes. Anti-tank and anti-aircraft missile systems, command-staff vehicles and mobile command posts, etc. are being developed on its chassis. It is planned to gradually master the production of equipment of these models in the foreseeable future.

Newest sample

On August 4, RIA Novosti, citing its sources in the military-industrial complex, reported that the newest armored vehicle K-4386 Typhoon-Airborne Forces was adopted for supplying the Airborne Forces. In addition, the troops received the first batch of such equipment. The second batch is expected next year. The number of the equipment transferred and planned for delivery has not yet been specified.

Typhoon-VDV is a two-axle armored car with a combat module carrying a 30-mm cannon and a 7.62-mm machine gun. On the basis of this platform, new models of equipment for various purposes are being developed. Thus, the Typhoon-Air Defense armored vehicle and the 2S41 Drok self-propelled mortar are being tested. It is obvious that the adoption of the base machine will have a positive effect on the fate of other developments.


Artillery prospects

Work continues on the deeply modernized 2S25M Sprut-SDM1 self-propelled anti-tank gun. Currently, this product is undergoing the entire range of necessary tests, and will soon be able to enter service with the Airborne Forces.

At the end of June, the High-Precision Complexes holding reported that the completion of the state ones is planned for the first months of 2022. After that, the enterprises of the holding will prepare serial production and start production of "Sprut-SDM1". The timing of the transfer of serial SPTP to the armed forces has not been named, but it is obvious that the first vehicles will enter the Airborne Forces no later than 2022-23.

Also, in the foreseeable future, the start of production of self-propelled guns 2С42 "Lotos" is expected. Such a machine is built on the BMD-4M chassis and is equipped with a 120-mm universal gun. The possibility of parachute landing using existing and future parachute systems is provided.

Airborne means

This year alone, it is planned to supply 12 thousand different landing equipment, incl. sets for armored vehicles. The production of several types of landing platforms continues. In particular, one of the main samples of this class is the P-7M product with a carrying capacity of 10 tons. Such platforms are intended for dropping combat vehicles, weapons and other cargo from Il-76 aircraft.


New platforms and strapdown parachute systems are being developed for loads of various weights. One of these projects provides for the creation of a platform and a parachute system that will allow the landing of equipment weighing up to 18 tons - all existing and future armored vehicles of the Airborne Forces.

The airborne capabilities of the Airborne Forces are directly related to the state and potential of the military transport aviation. With the aim of updating it, the serial production of the Il-76MD-90A aircraft was launched. To date, more than a dozen of these machines have been built, including a prototype and a prototype of the Il-78MD-90A tanker. According to existing plans and agreements, by 2028 the Air Force will receive 27 aircraft.

Today and tomorrow

The modernization of the airborne troops in the form of updating the fleet of equipment and weapons has long been a constant, rhythmic and effective process. Due to a number of new projects in different areas, it was possible to bring the share of modern designs to the required 70%. By the end of this year, additional growth is expected by several percent with a corresponding increase in key indicators.

Within the framework of the new State Program, the production of new equipment and the rearmament of the Airborne Forces will continue. Over time, this will allow to abandon outdated samples and completely switch to modern ones. In addition, it cannot be ruled out that specialized structures and organizations have already begun a preliminary study of promising projects for combat and special vehicles, and thanks to this, in the distant future, BMD-4M and Typhoons will not be left without replacement.
