In the previous part, it was shown that the thoughtful actions of England pushed Europe into the Great War. England decided to eliminate competitors and continue to play a leading role on the world stage. The war turned out to be too costly, and many countries became indebted to the United States. The German and Austro-Hungarian empires were destroyed. The short-sighted policy of Nicholas II dragged Russia into the war, in which she suffered huge losses and plunged into the abyss of the Civil War.
Was it possible for the USSR government to avoid the country being dragged into World War II?
It was impossible to avoid participation in this war! This was understood in the leadership of the Red Army and the Soviet Union. They tried to postpone the start of the war. The leadership managed to first get rid of the enemy of Germany, and then - from England and France. The leaders knew that a war with Germany was inevitable, but they thought that it could be postponed with concessions and the fulfillment of conditions set by Hitler …
Could European countries have avoided the outbreak of World War II?
No! This war was also inevitable for them. It was laid down in the premises of the Great War. The goals of the ruling circles of the two countries, striving for leadership, were to unleash a new war in Europe. The article "Struggle for the Second World War" (part 1, part 2) describes the period of relations in Europe after the Great War and until 1940. The actions of countries that maneuvered to deceive competitors are considered. The most worthy position was taken by the government of the USSR.
USA in the 20s and 30s
After the end of the Great War, the United States held negotiations with major naval countries and entered into an agreement on large-tonnage warships. Subsequently, US foreign policy for a long time was directed mainly towards Latin America.
The 1920s saw a period of prosperity in the United States. To a lesser extent, it extended to coal mining and agriculture. New industries developed. In the country, everything was done for the sake of business. Even the authorities have come under the control of businessmen.
At the end of 1929, the Great Depression began in the United States. In the period 1929-1933. unemployment increased from 3 to 25%, and the volume of production decreased by 1/3. In rural areas of the Great Plains, there was a drought, which, combined with deficiencies in agricultural practices, led to soil erosion and caused an ecological disaster. The villagers migrated en masse to the North in search of work. The depression ended with the outbreak of the war. Negative events in the United States led to a crisis in other countries of the world.
On the eve of the outbreak of hostilities in Europe, the US Congress addressed the issue of neutrality for the fourth time. As a result of the debate, the law on neutrality was reaffirmed. With the outbreak of the war, the United States outwardly retained the principle of an outside observer.
Before the war, ties were established between American industrialists and Hitler. Ford's pre-war ties were not interrupted during the war. In 1940, Ford refused to build engines for British aircraft. However, his new plant in France began producing engines for the Luftwaffe. European subsidiaries of Ford in 1940 supplied Germany with 65 thousand trucks and subsequently continued to supply vehicles.
A US presidential decree of December 13, 1941, allowed doing business with enemy companies, unless prohibited by the Treasury Department. Therefore, American corporations often received permits to operate with enemy firms and supplied them with the necessary steel, engines, aviation fuel, rubber, and radio engineering components.
It turns out that the German industry was supported by the United States.
The development of German industry in the 20s and 30s
After the United States entered the Great War, they provided huge amounts of loans to the allies. The winners began to solve debt problems at the expense of Germany. In accordance with the Treaty of Versailles, the amount of reparations for Germany amounted to 269 billion gold marks (about 100 thousand tons of gold). After the war, the Anglo-Americans feared a rapprochement between Germany and Soviet Russia.
L. Ivashov (President of the Academy of Geopolitical Problems) noted:
“One of the reasons that the United States and Great Britain supported the Hitler regime were the conclusions of the Anglo-Saxon geopolitics … about mortal danger … the creation of a German-Russian union. In this case, London and Washington would have to forget about world domination …"
In 1922, Hitler met with US military attaché Smith. In the report of the meeting, Smith spoke highly of Hitler. Through Smith, Hanfstaengl (a student friend of F. Roosevelt) was introduced to Hitler's circle of acquaintances, who provided him with financial support, ensured acquaintance and connections with major figures. Former German Chancellor Brüning noted that since 1923, Hitler received large sums of money from abroad. American and British financial and industrial circles staked on the future leader of Germany - Hitler.
At the direction of Norman, the head of the Bank of England, a program was developed for the penetration of Anglo-American capital into the German economy. In 1924, the amount of reparations was reduced by 2 times. Germany was provided with financial assistance from the United States and England in the form of loans to pay reparations to France. Due to the fact that the payments went to cover the amount of the allies' debts, it took shape. The gold that Germany paid in the form of reparations was sold and disappeared in the United States, from where it again returned to Germany in the form of "aid".
The total amount of foreign investments in German industry in 1924-1929. reached 63 billion gold marks, of which 70% came from the United States. In 1929, German industry was ranked second in the world, but to a large extent it was concentrated in the hands of American financial-industrial groups.
At a conference in Lausanne in 1932, an agreement was signed on the repurchase by Germany for 3 billion gold marks of its reparation obligations with their redemption within 15 years. After Hitler came to power, these payments were discontinued. The attitude of the Anglo-American elite towards Hitler was benevolent. After refusing to pay reparations by Germany, which called into question the payment of debts, neither England nor France made no claims … After the war, Germany again began to make payments on these payments.
In May 1933, the head of the Reichsbank met with Roosevelt and with the largest American bankers. As a result of the negotiations, Germany has allocated loans in the amount of one billion dollars. In June, a British loan of $ 2 billion was provided in London. The Nazis were instantly given what the previous governments could not achieve. The United States pushed Germany towards rapid development. The figure shows the shares of countries in world industrial production.

The share of production in Germany has grown steadily since 1929, except for a short period. From the mid-1930s, production in Germany began to exceed that in England. Since 1932, the share of England and France in world production began to steadily decline, and the situation began to resemble the situation on the eve of the Great War.
Through incredible efforts, the USSR took 2nd place in the world in terms of the share of industrial production.
England, France and the USA did not have to accept this situation. Hitler should have been pitted against the USSR, and then, as in the Great War, both countries had to be defeated or divided. In a new war in Europe, the provocateurs wanted to fight with someone else's hands and ensure the exit of Hitler's troops to the borders of our country.
Therefore, the participation of the USSR in World War II was inevitablesince it was planned by the ruling elites.
At the Nuremberg Trials, the former President of the Reichsbank and Minister of Economy Schacht proposed, for the sake of justice, to put in the dock those who nursed the Third Reich, mentioning the Governor of the Bank of England Norman, Ford Corporation and General Motors. They made a deal with him, promising freedom in exchange for silence. The tribunal acquitted Schacht despite the protests of Soviet lawyers.
President Roosevelt was an admirer of Wilson's idea of US leadership in the world. All people usually consider how feasible their ideas can be. Therefore, the American president had to think about the feasibility of his idea …
During the Great War, the United States has grown significantly stronger and has risen above the world's major powers. Another war and waiting aside from the fight (for a while) could lead America to the role of the only superpower …
Perhaps this explains the huge investment in the development of German industry by the American elite? After all, they needed a large country that could defeat England with France and the Soviet Union. After achieving this goal, enormous benefits were expected!
What did England need?
Probably the same as in the Great War: crushing or crushing Germany and the USSR, as well as gaining a foothold in the world arena as a leader …
Ensuring the exit of Hitler's troops to the borders of the USSR
Austria joined Germany in March 1938. In September, England and France facilitated the transfer of the Sudetes to her.
On January 12, 1939, Hungary announced its readiness to join the anti-Comintern pact. On March 14, Slovakia declared independence, and on March 15, German troops entered the Czech Republic. On March 21-23, Germany, under the threat of the use of force, forced Lithuania to hand over the Memel region to it. These actions strengthened the army and the military-industrial potential of Germany.
January 1939 the meeting of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Poland Beck with the leadership of Germany took place. Beck said that Poland's main goal is. Poland intends to lay claim to Soviet Ukraine and access to the Black Sea.
When meeting with Beck, Hitler noted what exists and what.
The meeting also discussed the issue of incorporating Danzig into Germany and the creation of a corridor through which an extraterritorial (under German control) highway and railway to East Prussia should be laid. Beck tried to get away from discussing this issue.
21 March Ribbentrop made demands for the Danzig corridor, but the Polish government refused. There was nothing unusual in the demands of the Germans. On April 26, the British ambassador in Berlin said:
“Passing through the corridor is an absolutely fair decision. If we were in Hitler's place, we would demand him, least …»
March 31 Chamberlain said that in the event of a threat to Poland's independence, the British government would consider itself obligated to provide immediate assistance.
25th of April The US Ambassador to France told journalist Weigand:
"The war in Europe is a done deal … America will enter the war after France and Britain."
Long before the war, the initiators considered its beginning to be a settled matter and did not intend to prevent it …
28 april Germany denounced the Non-Aggression Pact with Poland. The refusal to provide the possibility of building an extraterritorial road to Königsberg was named as the reason. Anti-German hysteria began in Poland. On May 3, during a parade of Polish troops, excited people shouted:
"Forward to Berlin!"
In June at the negotiations, the British and French decided that they would not help Poland in the event of a war, they would try to keep Italy from joining it, and would not strike at Germany.
During the Anglo-Polish negotiations, the British announced that they would not supply the latest military equipment, and the loan requested by the Poles for military needs was reduced from 50 to 8 million pounds.
July 17-19 General Ironside visited Poland, who realized that Poland would not be able to resist the German invasion for a long time. Subsequently, the British did not take any action to strengthen the defense capability and the armed forces of Poland.
August 3rd the German ambassador to London wrote:
“Sir Wilson said that the Anglo-German agreement, which included the renunciation of an attack on third powers, was completely would free the British government from its currently assumed guarantee obligations in relation to Poland, Turkey, etc.
These commitments were made only in the event of an attack and in their wording mean exactly this opportunity … With the fall of this danger would have disappeared also and these commitments …»
6 august Polish Marshal Rydz-Smigly (from September 1 - Supreme Commander-in-Chief) stated:
"Poland is seeking war with Germany, and Germany will not be able to avoid it, even if it wants to …"
During this period, a song became popular about how the Poles, under the command of the marshal, are marching victoriously on the Rhine.
The loss of reality by the leadership of the army and the country with sufficiently good Polish intelligence is completely incomprehensible. Below are the memoirs of a former Russian army officer who lived in Poland for a long time. It seems that the Polish leadership was strongly convinced of their safety and of some military actions by the allies in a future war …

16 august The British Air Ministry unofficially notified Germany that it was possible that England would declare war, but military action would not be fought if Germany quickly defeated Poland.
17 august in Moscow, negotiations began with the military missions of England and France, which were interrupted due to their lack of authority to resolve issues raised earlier by the USSR. The Anglo-French deliberately brought the negotiations to a standstill.
Our intelligence timely reported on this policy of the British (Burgess):

August 23 the USSR signed a non-aggression pact with Germany, which fulfilled all the requirements put forward by our country. Other countries have tried to conclude similar agreements.
For example, England … Message from the British ambassador in Berlin (21.8.39):
“All preparations have been made for Göring to arrive under cover of secrecy on Thursday the 23rd. The idea is that he would land at some deserted airfield, be met and go to Checkers by car …"
But Goering did not come - it was just misinformation …
25-th of August England signed a mutual assistance agreement with Poland, but the military unit was not reflected in it. Germany learned of the agreement, and the attack on Poland (August 26) was canceled.
On August 25, Hitler addressed Chamberlain:

The message expresses an unambiguous position. Solve the problem of Danzig and the corridor to East Prussia. Germany does not need a war with Britain and France, as well as with the USSR. However, England and the United States were not satisfied with the absence of a war between Germany and the Soviet Union for a long time …
August, 26th information comes from London to Berlin that England will not intervene in the military conflict between Germany and Poland.
August 29 Poland was preparing to begin an open mobilization, but Britain and France insisted to postpone it to August 31, so as not to provoke Germany.
Germany gave Britain's consent to direct negotiations with Poland on the terms of the transfer of Danzig, a plebiscite and guarantees of new Poland's borders by Germany, Italy, England, France and the USSR. Germany notified Moscow about negotiations with England over Poland.
However, there was a catch in the message to London:
“The German government accepts the offer of the British government for mediation, according to which the Polish negotiator with the necessary powers will be sent to Berlin. Arrival of the Ambassador of Poland is expected on Wednesday 30.8.39 g …»
The envoy from Warsaw did not have time to arrive on August 30 …
Hitler made the decision to start a war.
About events August 30 wrote Dr. P. Schmidt (employee of the German Foreign Ministry, since 1935 Hitler's personal translator):
"Ribbentrop [read to the British Ambassador Henderson Hitler's proposals to the League of Nations for the settlement of the Polish question - approx. auth.]. Henderson asked if he could get the text of these proposals for transmission to the government …
“No,” said [Ribbentrop - approx. ed.] with an inappropriate smile, - I can not hand you these proposals …"
[After a second request for documents, a new refusal followed - approx. author] Ribbentrop … threw the document on the table with the words: “It is expired because the Polish representative He has not appeared …»
Hitler's loud proposals were made only for show and were never supposed to be carried out. They refused to hand the document over to Henderson out of fear that the British government would hand it over to the Poles, who could easily accept the proposed conditions … The chance to achieve peace was deliberately sabotaged in front of my eyes … later Hitler himself in my presence: “I needed an alibi,” he said, “especially in front of the people of Germany, to show that I had done everything to keep the peace. This explains my generous proposal to resolve the issues of Danzig and the "corridor" …"
August 31 London notified Berlin of the approval of direct German-Polish negotiations, and German proposals were transferred from England to Poland.
“When… at 11:00, accompanied by British adviser Forbes, I visited the Polish ambassador in Berlin to present Hitler’s 16 points, he made a statement… that Germany was rebelling and that numerous Polish troops would successfully reach Berlin…”
Hitler signs a directive to attack Poland on September 1 at 4:30 am.
At 18:00 on August 31, Ribbentrop, in a conversation with the Polish ambassador, stated the absence of an extraordinary plenipotentiary from Warsaw and refused further negotiations.
After 21:15, Germany presented its proposals to Poland to the ambassadors of England, France, and the United States and announced that Warsaw had refused to negotiate. It is interesting that the proposals were presented to those ambassadors whose countries were interested in unleashing a war in Europe …
At dawn September 1 World War II began.
September 3 The British ambassador delivered an ultimatum to Germany, which required an end to hostilities in Poland and the withdrawal of troops. The ultimatum was transmitted at 9:00 to Dr. Schmidt.

Later, a French ultimatum was also transmitted. When the ultimatums were rejected, the ambassadors announced that their countries were at war with Germany.
The German Air Force was ordered to strike at the British and French navies, but refrain from bombing their territory.
September 3 Chamberlain stated:
"Everything for which I worked … everything that I believed in during my entire political life, fell into ruins …"
All his plans to provoke an attack by Germany on the USSR, and then to conquer both countries failed …
During the same period, Churchill accused Hitler of being.
Special message (9th of September 1939):
"The English press … accuses Hitler of acting at the moment not the way it is written in the book "My Struggle" …
It seems that the British are most ill that the Soviet-German pact made a breakthrough in the anti-Comintern front …»
Hitler was right about the policy of Poland's “allies”:
"Although they declared war on us … this does not mean that they will actually fight …"
OKW Directive No. 2 of September 3 was based on the idea of continuing large-scale operations in Poland and passive waiting in the West. Indeed, there were no hostilities in the West, although at that time there were 78 French divisions against 44 German ones on the border with Germany. At that time, the Polish press published reports about the war, which were very far from reality (article "When the Poles took Berlin").
At the Nuremberg Trials, General Yodel said:
“We were not defeated in 1939 only because, during the Polish campaign, about 110 French and British divisions in the West were inactivestanding in front of 23 German divisions …"
The British did not provide any military assistance to Poland. The Polish military mission arrived in London on September 3, but was not accepted until the 9th. On September 15, the British announced that all aid could amount to 10,000 machine guns and 15–20 million rounds of ammunition, which could be delivered in 5–6 months. Promises could be made, because in London they knew that there was little time left before the victory of Germany …
4 September Japan declared non-interference in the conflict in Europe, and September 5th the American administration has declared the neutrality of the United States in this conflict.
September 15th The USSR and Japan signed an agreement on the mutual recognition of the borders of Mongolia, and German troops captured Brest.
In the evening September 17 the President of Poland, the Prime Minister and the Supreme Commander-in-Chief crossed the Polish-Romanian border. Marshal Rydz-Smigly fled, leaving his army and country behind. The Romanian authorities demanded that they give up state sovereignty and, after refusal, were sent to an internment center. The Republic of Poland was left without leadership …
On the same day, the Red Army's liberation campaign in Poland began, and 1 october Minister of War Churchill approved the occupation of Western Belarus and Western Ukraine by our troops.
12 october Prime Minister Chamberlain rejected the German peace proposal.
Subsequently, until the spring of 1940, hostilities between the Anglo-French and German troops did not take place on the Western Front. The war was only at sea. It never occurred to any of the Allies to start bombing targets in Germany. The allies were confident that their huge armies, covered with powerful fortifications, would allow them to sit on the border for as long as they wanted. They probably believed that this should push Hitler to deploy his war machine to the East. In the summer of 1940, Hitler noted that he knew about the Allied stab in the back at the most unfavorable time for Germany.
Preparation of military operations against the USSR
Consider the chronology of events that relate to the preparation of military operations by Britain and France against the Soviet Union.
19 october an agreement of mutual assistance was signed between Britain, France and Turkey, which became the basis for the development of plans for striking our country from Turkish territory. The head of the French government, the US ambassador in Paris, was informed of these plans. At the end of October, the British Chiefs of Staff is considering the question of "".
the 25th of October In response to Britain's demand to observe the regime of the naval blockade of Germany, the People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs said:
"The Soviet government considers it unacceptable to deprive the civilian population of food, fuel and clothing and thereby subject children, women, the elderly and the sick to all kinds of deprivation and starvation …"
In response, nothing seditious was sounded, since on December 8, the United States also opposed Britain's attempts to establish a naval blockade of Germany, stating that these measures violate freedom of trade.
November 30th the Soviet-Finnish war began.
December 6 England agreed to supply arms to Finland. Unlike Poland, the British did not need 5-6 months to prepare these deliveries. Were delivered (albeit in small numbers) aircraft, guns, anti-tank guns, automatic weapons, mines and ammunition.
December 19th The allied command, at the suggestion of the head of the British General Staff, considered the possibility of sending international forces to Finland. During 1940, it was proposed to form an expeditionary corps numbering 57,500 people, consisting of:
(500 people);
b) second stage: 3 British infantry divisions (42,000 people).
31th of December General Butler arrived in Turkey to discuss Anglo-Turkish military cooperation, including against the USSR. The question of the use by the British of Turkish airfields and ports in Eastern Turkey was discussed.
11 january The British embassy in Moscow reported that the action in the Caucasus, and the destruction of the Caucasian oil fields could inflict the USSR.
We see England and France calmly getting together fight with our country by the methods that they are at this time did not allow themselves to apply to the aggressor - to Germany. This once again shows that the war in Europe was started only for the sake of the war with the USSR.
January 24 The chief of the General Staff of England presented to the War Cabinet a memorandum in which he indicated:
"We will be able to provide effective assistance to Finland only if we attack Russia from as many directions as possible and, most importantly, strike a blow at Baku, an oil production region, in order to cause a serious state crisis in Russia."
January 31 at a meeting of the chiefs of staff of England and France, it was said:
"The French command understands that the political consequence of direct assistance to Finland's allies would be the unleashing of them … military operations against Russia, even if there is no formal declaration of war on either side …"
Finland's best help from England would be to send long-range aircraft, which.
February 5th the allied command decided to send an expeditionary corps to Finland for military operations against the USSR. Disembarkation dates are scheduled for mid-February. Only Finland's request for military assistance was required, but it did not follow.
18th of Febuary French General Chardigny reported that the importance of a destructive operation against Baku justifies any risk.
February 23 a breakthrough by the Red Army troops of the main strip of the Mannerheim line was carried out.
February 23 - March 21 there is a visit of the US Deputy Secretary of State to Paris, Rome, Berlin and London with a proposal for peaceful mediation on the terms of the restoration of Poland, as well as Czechoslovakia within the borders for January 1939. His proposals included the conclusion of a four-year truce between the belligerent countries and the simultaneous conclusion of an economic pact.
Perhaps in America they realized that the war did not go according to the scenario that was originally conceived. There is a danger of an alliance between Germany and the USSR (the USSR joining the "axis" countries), which will be too tough for England, France and the United States. The Americans began to probe the possibility of a rollback scenario to the pre-war borders, but the countries participating in the war did not want this.
The British and French were absolutely confident in their invulnerability and wanted to push Hitler to war with the USSR. To do this, they were not afraid to open a new front in Finland against the USSR, and also considered plans for the invasion of their troops with allies into the territory of the USSR from Romania or from Turkey. For the British, everything was obvious: the intended goals would be fulfilled, Germany and the USSR would be brought to their knees or fragmented.
The Germans are already knew how they would defeat the allied troops and throw the British back to the island. This victory, in their opinion, was unambiguously followed by the conclusion of peace treaties with Britain and France. Therefore, they also did not want to go back.
28th of February The headquarters of the French Air Force prepared a document that determined the forces and means necessary for the destruction of the oil refineries in Baku, Batumi and Poti.
5th of March the deadline set by the allied command for Finland's official request for military assistance has expired. The new date was set for March 12.
7 march a meeting was held with the commanders of the British and French air forces in the Middle East. General Mitchell informed that he had received instructions from London on the preparation of a possible bombing.
March 8 the British Chiefs of Staff submitted a report to the government titled.
12 march the report of March 8 at a meeting of the British War Cabinet is being discussed. Air Chief Marshal Newall emphasized:
"Attacking the Caucasus oil fields is the most effective way we can strike at Russia."
He expressed the hope that within 1, 5-3 months, the oil fields will be completely disabled, and also informed the military cabinet that modern long-range bombers were sent to Egypt, which could be used to strike at the Caucasus. Our reconnaissance, air force and air defense were also preparing for a possible counteraction with the Anglo-French in the south.
On the same day was a peace treaty was concluded between Finland and the USSR.
21 March British Deputy Foreign Secretary Butler told the Japanese ambassador in London that the government was pursuing a goal.
Thus, it was said about the goal of England in the unleashed war: by any means to force the USSR to fight with Germany, and by itself to sit out in the West in fortified positions. After all, for this, the Allies surrendered Czechoslovakia to Hitler and substituted Poland …
March, 25 the prime minister of France has sent a letter to the British government with a call to action to.
March 29 V. M. Molotov stated:
“Since the USSR did not want to become an accomplice of England and France in pursuing … the imperialist policy against Germany, the hostility of their positions towards the Soviet Union intensified even more, clearly demonstrating how deep the class roots of the hostile policy of the imperialists are. against the socialist state …»
9 april the Germans landed troops in Denmark and Norway. As Chamberlain later said, the Allies missed the bus to Scandinavia.
During the Soviet-Finnish War, Germany demonstrated to our country loyalty clauses of the annex to the treaty, according to which Finland was relegated to the "sphere of influence" of the USSR. Already on December 2, 1939, German diplomats were ordered to avoid any anti-Soviet statements and to justify the actions of the USSR against Finland with references to the revision of the borders and the Soviet Union in actions to ensure the security of Leningrad and establish control over the water area of the Gulf of Finland.
During the war, Germany refused Finland to mediate in negotiations with the USSR and advised the Finnish government to accept our country's proposals. In addition, the German government put pressure on the Swedes when they began to lean towards providing full-scale aid to Finland. The Germans also banned the use of their airspace for ferrying Italian fighters to Finland.
May 10 the German offensive began on the Western Front. The allies unexpectedly turned out to be completely helpless and were forced to switch to solving their large-scale problems. Before the defeat of the allies, they were enemies of our country. Only the unexpected collapse of their plans later changed the attitude of England towards the USSR. However, even on the eve of the Great Patriotic War, the British could inflict airstrikes on our facilities.
12 June 1941, British intelligence made a conclusion about the preparation of German pressure on the USSR. The Committee of Chiefs of Staff decided to take measures that would make it possible to strike without delay at the oil industry facilities in Baku, hoping to put pressure on the USSR so that it would not yield to German demands.
Statement by politicians after the start of the Great Patriotic War
In the statements of American politicians, the essence of US policy on the eve of the world war is slipping.
June 24 1941 Senator Truman stated:
“If we see that Germany is winning, then we should help Russia, and if Russia is winning, then we should help Germany, and thus let them kill as much as possible, although I would not want to see Hitler a winner under any circumstances …"
June 25 U. S. Ambassador to England D. Kennedy said:
“Stalin’s statement about the beginning of a liberation campaign in Europe makes us think. Obviously, the Russian army is strong enough and capable of waging war in a different way than planned in Berlin.
If the Russians overturn the German troops and push them back, this will turn the entire system of the world upside down. And if Stalin's statement is a bluff, then big changes in politics should still be expected. In any case, a quick victory for Germany or Russia is not beneficial to us. Best of all, if both of these forces get bogged down and exhaust each other in this war …"
These statements reflect the vision of American politicians aimed at weakening both opponents in the course of war with each other. At the same time, Germany and the USSR should be weakened, but not the provocateur of the Second World War - England!
Politicians just did not mention an important point: what will the United States do when these opponents are extremely weakened?..
Politics is a rather cynical thing. Comrade Stalin said something similar after the outbreak of World War II. These statements simply indicate one of the means of weakening the enemy in the struggle for world domination. But Stalin can be justified, since the USSR was the only socialist country, which at that time did not have and could not have a single ally.
The imperialist countries were ready to destroy us for our vast expanses and resources.
Currently, the situation is similar again: our vastness and resources haunt neither the United States nor their vassal - the European Union …