The development of a promising Russian tank (object 195) was carried out by the UKBTM (OJSC Ural Design Bureau of Transport Engineering, N-Tagil) within the framework of the Improvement-88 theme, but for a number of reasons it did not achieve success.
Also, the issue of equipping Russian tanks with thermal imaging observation and aiming devices (TVP) of a new generation corresponding to modern counterparts has not been resolved. Now we can assume with sufficient confidence that developments within the framework of the federal target program "infravid" have not achieved success, Russian tanks are equipped with products of foreign production.
Along with the development of a promising tank, R&D work is underway to modernize the Motobol and Rogatka-1 already created within the R&D project. The main executors of the work: JSC VNIItransmash, FSUE UKBTM, FSUE KBTM, JSC Spetsmash.
Research is aimed at a comprehensive modernization of existing tanks in terms of firepower and mobility characteristics, however, they practically do not have implementation in serial production and modernization.
The key aspects of modernization according to the above programs are the creation of a new transmission that will be able to provide superiority over mass-produced vehicles in all main indicators and improve the firepower of the tank with the provision of characteristics giving the probability of destruction of modern enemy samples with a probability close to 100%.
The problem of improving firepower includes both fire control systems and solutions to increase the power of ammunition.

On the air of the Ekho Moskvy radio station, GABTU spokesman Vladimir Voitov said that "the so-called object 640 does not exist, and there has been no development." The continuation of the concept laid down in the "object 640" was the development of "Burlak".
Along with the development at the UKBTM of a tank with a new layout "Object 195", KBTM LLC (Omsk) was developing a less radical project of a promising tank within the framework of the "Burlak" theme, which, according to recent reports, was also suspended.
The most easily implemented promising A variant of the development of Russian tanks is the development of KBTM as part of the creation of a single fighting compartment with a double-flow automatic loader mechanism with full automation of the ammunition load located in the tank (36 shots or more). The refueling complex (transport-loading container) of various capacities has been developed - 14 … 32 rounds.

Unified fighting compartment with two-flow AZ (OKR Burlak). The tower can be installed on new tanks, as well as on upgraded tanks such as T-72, T-80, T-90 and their modifications, increasing their security. On the side wall of the tower there is a lightly armored compartment for placing an autonomous anti-aircraft machine gun installation, which is closed from the frontal projection with a protective module.
The main advantage of the solutions within the framework of the Burlak ROC is an integrated approach to the issues of ensuring the protection of the tank and its firepower.
This was achieved through innovative solutions that implement, within the framework of the existing layout and without fundamental changes to the chassis and fighting compartment, create a tank that has the characteristics of a promising based on existing technologies and profound changes in mass production. The layout solutions offered within the "Burlak" make it possible to increase the survivability of the tank when the ammunition load is hit, by placing it in an isolated compartment equipped with expelling plates.
Placement of refueling complex in the rear of the turret of the tank allows you to achieve balance of the turret and, therefore, further enhance the armor protection of the frontal projection.
Features of the new tower:
· Modular booking - quick-detachable protective modules and can be replaced in case of combat damage by forces of repair units in the field. In addition, with the further modernization of previously released tanks, the old protective modules can be replaced with new, more effective ones, created taking into account the latest technological advances in the field of armor protection.
· Increased internal volume up to 2, 5 m3 due to which it is possible to place a complex of onboard equipment that meets modern requirements for command control and improve the ergonomics of the fighting compartment.
· The tower is made with the possibility of installing a removable armored transport-loading container with an automatic loading mechanism.

Quick-detachable protection modules are a combination of dynamic and "passive" protection. Protective modules do not worsen the conditions for entering and leaving the tank by the mechanic-driver.
The implementation of measures to strengthen the armor protection of the turret of the T-90A and T-80U tanks is difficult due to the large moment of turret imbalance.
The new fighting compartment "Burlak" was designed for the production of newly manufactured tanks with a new turret and for the modernization of already created ones (T-90, T-80) without replacing the turret.

The TZK placed behind the turret of the tank is highly protected, but even if it is defeated, the crew will remain unharmed, and the tank can be repaired even in the field. The installation of dynamic protection on the sides of the tank turret will provide protection against enemy anti-tank weapons (RPGs) significantly exceeding the level of serial tanks.

The use of a new removable armored transport-loading container with an automatic loading mechanism allows the use of modern shells of increased power (increased length). Another advantage is the separate placement of ammunition from the crew, which significantly increases the safety of the crew and the tank as a whole. Works both with standard shots and with new increased power of separate loading.

This is what a modernized T-80U tank with a Relikt DZ complex and a new automatic loader might look like. The automatic loader located behind the turret required the development of new equipment for underwater tank driving (OPVT).
The AZ conveyor of the T-72B / T-90 tank contains only 22, and the remaining 21 shots are in non-mechanized ammunition racks in the hull and turret, the conveyor is replenished with new shots manually, requires significant effort and time-consuming (rate of fire when loading from a non-mechanized stowage 1, 5 - 2 minutes), which in a combat situation increases the likelihood of being hit by the enemy and therefore is a significant drawback.
The proposed modernization option solves the problem of increasing the combat effectiveness of the T-72, T-80 and T-90 tanks to the level of modern requirements by installing a turret-mounted AZ. In the turret of the tank with the fighting compartment there is a second automatic loader equipped with a carousel-type conveyor (similar to the AZ of the T-72 tank) with cassettes for stowing shells, located at the bottom of the tank hull.
Thus, in a modernized tank, the entire ammunition load of the tank is automated; if a turret-mounted AZ (TZK) is defeated, the tank is able to continue the battle using the AZ located at the bottom of the hull. In the presence of enemy tanks, loading is carried out by a shot of increased power from a turret-mounted automatic loader, in other cases by shots from a core located at the bottom of the hull.
To intensify the development of modernized (based on the results of the Burlak R&D) tanks T-72B, T-72B1, T-80U, T-80BV, T-90 (T-80 "Burlak", T-90 "Burlak"), a complex of computerized training facilities.
Modernization goals
T-72 tanks and their modifications, including the T-90, no longer meet modern requirements, based on the following: in modern domestic and foreign tanks, including Leclerc, Abrams, Leopard-2 modifications, the protection of the frontal projection has significantly increased. The effectiveness of armor-piercing projectiles, in response to increased protection, was also increased by increasing, mainly, the active part with a sub-caliber core made of high-density metal, for example, depleted uranium, as well as by imparting a higher initial velocity to the projectile by using a more powerful charge. It is not possible to place such elongated projectiles, especially unitary shots, in the T-72 automatic loader.

The automatic loader T-72 and its modifications T-90 are located in the turret at the bottom of the tank, equipped with a carousel-type conveyor and equipped with a mechanism for raising shots. The length of the projectile is limited by the dimensions of the conveyor.
An increase in the search and targeting capabilities of the weapons complex is implemented by increasing the view of the tank commander using panoramic observation and sighting systems, including those controlling the additional weapons of the object. Detection, recognition and tracking of a target in automatic mode until it is guaranteed to be hit by the tank's guided weapon system using automatic target tracking.
If in the development of "Burlak" one can see an integrated approach to the issues of firepower and protection of the tank, then in the development of the UKBTM, a different path has been chosen.

In the new version of the AZ developed by the UKBTM, the cassettes of the rotating conveyor are placed vertically, this will not only not improve the security and ergonomics of the tank's fighting compartment, but will also lead to the opposite result. The issue of further strengthening the armor protection of the tower due to the large moment of imbalance remains unresolved.
The advantages of the upgraded tank:
A set of technical solutions aimed at increasing the level of security during modernization, incl. to increase the survivability during the explosion of ammunition (insulated compartments for fuel, knockout plates, etc.).
Fully mechanized ammunition in the refueling complex and AZ at the bottom of the tank hull, in case of defeat of the turret AZ (refueling complex), the tank is able to continue the battle using the AZ located at the bottom of the hull.
Reliable protection of the tank crew from death when exposed to a kinetic or cumulative projectile.
Possibility of using high-power shots with high-elongation BPS with a core made of ultra-dense one-component and composite materials and improved missile launchers.
Improving the effectiveness of the fight against manpower and air targets.
Use of modular combined armor complete with reactive armor.
Increasing the level of command control, an information and control system has been installed, into which communication, control, diagnostics, computer information processing and intelligence are integrated.
Improved LMS due to the expansion of search and accuracy indicators, installation of a panorama, equally possible weapon control systems for the commander and gunner to implement the "hunter-gunner" principle.