The question that we will consider today was raised by our readers in the discussion of one of the articles. Indeed, today, only the ground forces are armed with so many anti-aircraft systems that one involuntarily ponders on the topic of whether it is necessary so much at all?
Let's look at all this diversity from this side. First, the practice of World War II and the subsequent conflicts showed that there is never a lot of air defense. He's always missing.
So this review should start with just such an optimistic note.
First, let's look in the direction of outright archaism, that is, barrel artillery. It is still in service, although it is used quite specifically.

March 22 of this year will hit exactly 60 years since the memory was put into service. The term, to put it mildly, is considerable. However, the installation systematically and regularly receives modernizations and is popular all over the world. Why? Yes, all for the same reason that everything Soviet was in demand. Good barrels that can cool any helicopter. Airplanes, of course, are difficult, but helicopters, UAVs - why not? Plus it is very convenient to install on any chassis from a cart to an armored personnel carrier and becomes an assault weapon. A useful thing in general, is there any point in parting with it?

More than 40 countries in the world think the same way.
ZSU-23-4M4 "Shilka-M4"

By the way, a lot of ordinary "Shiloks" are still doing business around the world. More than 20 countries in the world are armed with this installation.
We are talking about the latest modernization, which includes the installation of a radar control system and the possibility (preferably, yes) of installing the Strelets air defense system. That is, the conversion from an artillery system into an almost full-fledged ZRAK. He knows how to shoot on the move, which is very valuable when covering the advancing tanks from helicopters.
This is where our artillery systems end, and we move on to rocketry. With her, everything is somewhat more complicated, because here the variety is really very significant. Therefore, we will take the operating range as the main criterion.
And here we will have the first MANPADS.

Now many will rightly say, they say, this old thing has long been removed from service. Yes, filmed. But not from storage. In warehouses there is quite so-so a sufficient amount, so it is not surprising that one well-known "trading" office generously shared them with anyone 6 years ago … In addition, as a training complex, it is quite possible to use it. I was given Strela-2M in due time. Having said that you will really have to work if something is a "new" system, but for training it will do. So there is Strela-3, on the one hand, but not on the other.

Here is "Needle" - it is also "Needle" in Uganda. Despite the fact that it has been in service since 1981, it is capable of stopping many, many. And on account of this MANPADS are very serious devices such as the F-16 and Mirage-2000. But Invincible did not invent bad things, the fact …
It exists in modernizations and modifications such as "Dzhigit", "Strelets", "Igla-D", "Igla-N", "Igla-V" and since MANPADS turned out to be more than successful and relevant so far, is there any point in getting rid of it?
It is the same in the world. Buy with pronounced pleasure.

This is today. In service since 2014, the newest product, so far only two armies have it: the Russian and the Armenian. We are not giving the rest for now.
In fact, there are three MANPADS, which are today, yesterday and the day before yesterday. But all three are in the subject. And you can clearly trace the need and need for each of them. Of course, "Strela" as a textbook - why not? Quite reasonable. Isn't it "Verboy" to shoot at the targets?
MANPADS "keep" a range from 0 to 2 km. It is possible and more if you use brigade kits, but in fact it is a tool for firing point-blank from a trench. Or else, but a close-range weapon. And then we have complexes that are more long-range.
Let's look at the distance up to 5 km. That is, almost MANPADS, but more likely to hit.

A classic of the genre, it is still relevant, despite the fact that it has been in service since 1976. It is not going to go anywhere, since the modernization is modern and continues to maintain the complex at the proper level.
Strela-10 fought, and even with a decent result: during Operation Desert Storm, Iraqi air defense missile systems shot down two American A-10 attack aircraft
"Ledum" / "Pine"

Today is the day. It was put into service in 2019, so, of course, not in the troops, but there is confidence that it will be.
Then we have the next range, from 4 to 12 kilometers.
"Tunguska", M, M1

Developed back in the 70s of the last century and put into service in 1982, the complex is still relevant, having gone through a series of modernizations. And in fact it is the main army anti-aircraft complex of the mixed type.
The firing range at air targets from guns is 0, 2 - 4 km, missiles 2, 5 - 8 km. The complex can also fire at ground targets at a distance of up to 2 km.
"Armor" 1C and 2C

And this is just today. The complex is somewhat over-praised by the media, but when brought up to condition, it will become a very dangerous enemy of everything flying at small and medium distances.
The firing range of cannons at air targets is up to 4 km, missiles from 1 to 20 km. Missile weapons are quite impressive in their characteristics, the complex is really modern and dangerous.
"Wasp", M, AK, AKM

The most common army air defense system today in general. Despite entering service in 1971, the Wasp can still sting very hard. He easily shoots down Tomahawks, we don't even talk about airplanes, everything is all right with them. There is even a Mirage F1 on the list of victories, which is not the slowest aircraft.
It is generally problematic to fly within the range of the Wasp (9-10 km).

The next generation after the "Wasp". It was put into service in 1986 and, like the Wasp, underwent a number of modifications. Just like the "Wasp", it is a divisional level air defense complex, but as a more modern complex, it has greater selectivity and accuracy.
The range of the Tor air defense missile system is from 0.5 to 10 km, which actually makes it the successor to the Wasp in the future, when the complex, which will soon celebrate its fiftieth anniversary in military service, will not be able to perform its assigned tasks.
However, observing the modern development of aviation, I am not sure that this will happen in the near future. However, there is a replacement.
Next are the air defense missile systems, which, in terms of range, constitute the next stage of air defense.
"Beech". M1, M2

The first complex of Russian development. Yes, it is clear that it was the Soviet one, but they started working on the Buk in 1994, and it has been in service since 1998.
Modifications M2 from 2008, M3 from 2016, respectively.
The Buk replaced the Kub air defense missile system, which were no longer in service due to the final and irrevocable obsolescence, both moral and physical. A single battery of the "Cuba" air defense missile system is guarding something in Armenia, but this is where the "Cuba" story ended.
And the Buk today embodies the fact that it will shoot down everything at a distance of up to 45 km.
But there is a nuance in the form SAM "Buk M3", which can hardly be called a modification, rather it is still a separate development, which is the next generation of the air defense system.

The target hitting range has been increased to 70 km, the probability is also very impressive. So in this segment, it turns out that all three complexes (M1, M2, M3) are simultaneously in service, and therefore are able to solve all the tasks assigned to them to counter enemy aircraft and missiles.
Distant frontiers.

The S-300 SAM family has been in service since 1978. This is a very large family with many letters and numbers. About 15 modifications.
The range of the complex is up to 200 (300 for some modifications) km. It is actively offered for export, it is officially in service in 17 countries of the world.
The S-300 never took part in real hostilities and, accordingly, did not shoot down anyone. The operating countries often conduct training firing of the S-300, based on the analysis of which it is recognized by various experts as a very combat-ready air defense system. In theory. It is not the fault of the manufacturer and owners that the effectiveness has not been tested. Although there were situations in Syria when it would be possible to check, but …
The air defense system exists in both land and sea versions. It is produced in modern versions to this day, and Russian air defense units are rearmed from outdated complexes to newer ones.
Accordingly, the S-300PMU2 air defense system can be considered as meeting the modern requirements of air defense.

S-400 "Triumph", aka S-300PM3, entered service in 2007. This is the present day for the Russian long-range air defense.
The air defense missile system did not take part in hostilities, all opinions are based solely on data obtained during live firing during exercises.
The range of the S-400 is up to 250 km, with the 40N6E missile - 380 km.
Conclusions, or for what the whole list.
The conclusion will be very optimistic. Even taking into account the requirements of our time, in our air defense system, at least in terms of development and replacement, everything is in order.
As mentioned at the very beginning, there is never too much air defense. It is clear that, first of all, we have covered Moscow and St. Petersburg, then according to the principle of importance. Army air defense is a separate issue.
It is very difficult to accurately assess how much SAM and ZRAK are needed in order to provide a completely clean and safe sky, this is definitely a very difficult question.
But the fact that in all components of our air defense there are no failures caused by the lack of modern systems that fully meet the requirements of today is a fact that is difficult to dispute.
It is possible, of course, based on the conclusions drawn by Western experts and not very much, to dispute and criticize the capabilities of our air defense systems, but the best thing that could be done here is to test it by action.
And since there are no volunteers, moreover, there were even ultimatum statements about the possible use of the S-400 in the same Syria, then for now we will proceed from the fact that everything is in our air defense (unlike many other branches and types of troops) everything is very, very decent.

The number of systems that are in service today can in no way be called redundant. On the contrary, as follows from the above analysis, everything is very clear and without distortions. There are old and time-tested and battle-tested systems capable of performing the tasks assigned to them, and there are the newest systems that may only have to do so.
We have no extra air defense systems.