There is no such a close-range air defense system in any army in the world.

At the military parade in honor of the 65th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War, for the first time, the general public was shown a number of the latest models of military equipment, including the Pantsir-S1 anti-aircraft missile and cannon system, developed at the Tula Instrument-Making Design Bureau. Moreover, the Tula not only created this air defense missile system, but also managed to establish its production at home.
"Pantsir-S1" is now receiving a lot of attention both in Russia and abroad. After all, it is intended for air defense of small military and administrative-industrial facilities and areas from aircraft, helicopters, cruise missiles and high-precision weapons, as well as for strengthening air defense groups when repelling massive strikes of air attack weapons - to cover long-range air defense systems, such as C -300 and S-400.
The implementation in the complex of missile and artillery weapons with high tactical and technical characteristics of the adaptive control system in various combat conditions puts "Pantsir-C1" in a number of the most promising models of highly intelligent weapons of the XXI century. ZRPK has two double-barreled automatic cannons and 12 hypersonic surface-to-air missiles. There is no other army in the world with such a short-range complex as "Pantsir-C1".
ZRPK is mobile, it can be placed both on wheeled and tracked chassis. Pantsir-S1 can operate in three versions. First, as one self-sufficient combat vehicle that independently detects, accompanies and destroys the target. Secondly, as part of the battery in both the master and the slave mode: one of the vehicles detects and distributes targets for destruction, because when there is a massive raid, it is important to prevent several air defense missile systems from firing at the same target and waste of missiles. The third option is when a combat control vehicle is attached to the battery, which distributes targets, thereby increasing the effectiveness of their destruction.

In addition to aircraft, helicopters and cruise missiles, the cannon armament of the complex can also hit lightly armored ground targets. In the ammunition load of the ZRPK 1400 rounds, when firing (3-4 turns at the target), a complex mathematical calculation is used - shooting at a pre-emptive point.
Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Air Force for Air Defense, Lieutenant General Sergei Razygraev notes the high combat qualities of Pantsir-S1: “Shooting with missiles is possible at a distance of 1200 m to 20 km from the near border, and practically from 15 m to 15 km in height. Cannon armament - practically from zero to 4 km in range and up to 3 km in height. It is important that the complex operates in automatic mode. This is its main mode, because in the conditions of the transience of the battle, a huge number of attacking aircraft and, accordingly, high-precision weapons, it is very difficult for a person, no matter how well prepared he is, to understand the situation and make a quick decision to destroy a particular target, to complete all operations. Therefore, the automaton thinks and makes decisions for the person. The target detection station is capable of detecting and simultaneously tracking up to 20 targets, issuing target designation on the target and missile guidance and tracking radar (it can track up to 8 targets) and automatically launch 2 missiles at each target. There is the possibility of working in a semi-automatic mode.
In Russia, a decision has been made to develop all classes of weapons in all categories, including the short-range and short-range class. Pantsir-C1 is the brightest representative of this class."
But the topic "Carapace" began to be developed at the Instrument-Making Design Bureau back in 1990. Unfortunately, the post-perestroika period was not the best period for the Russian defense industry. It came to the point that, for example, at the famous Tula arms factory in the early 90s, the salary was given out with products - guns of their own production. Well at least hunting! However, the ideas of the Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the inspirer and the main creator of the complex, the scientific director of the State Unitary Enterprise "KBP" Arkady Shipunov were so ahead of their time that even a ten-year "endurance" did not prevent them from being embodied in a completely new development, which reached the most advanced positions in the world and was successfully demonstrated at the exhibitions "Eurosatori-2006" and "MVSV-2006".
Yes, the military-industrial complex of Russia has suffered great losses over the years - both personnel and material and technical, but most importantly - it has retained its scientific and technical potential for growth and conquest of new heights. The parade of the 65th anniversary of the Victory on Red Square instilled confidence and hope in the country's defense industry that the most difficult is over. The main measures for the transition of the Russian Armed Forces to a new level, for the creation of a modern army should be completed in 2010. To increase the combat readiness of troops, new weapons are needed, without which a new appearance of the Armed Forces is impossible. By 2020, the armament of the Russian army should consist of 70 percent of modern weapons and military equipment, such a task was recently set by the President of Russia at the collegium of the Ministry of Defense.
Speaking at a solemn meeting dedicated to the transfer of 10 Pantsir-S1 combat vehicles to the parade crews of the RF Air Force, the scientific director of the KBP State Unitary Enterprise Shipunov noted that the release of new complexes is a whole event for both the industry and the country. Arkady Georgievich stressed: “As a representative of the older generation, which still remembers the Great Patriotic War, I well understand and understood the role and significance of the technical level. And the victory was achieved not only by courage, not only blood shed on the fronts, but also by the creation of new technology, according to which we did not yield to the end of the war, but surpassed the enemy.

Our system is designed to repel the first and most damaging aerospace strike. From this we must draw conclusions. Of course, we are honored and proud that we, I mean all the participants: both industry and the army, will march across Red Square on Victory Day. But we must not only be proud of our achievements, we must see what we still have to do. And we have a lot to do. First, the system is fine-tuned; there is such a good, beautiful word in the defense industry. This is the elimination of all the shortcomings, shortcomings that are revealed both in production and in operation, be it design, technological, production. The second is to see the prospects for improving the system, increasing its characteristics.
On behalf of all our cooperation, on behalf of the scientific and technical personnel and production, I want to assure that we will bear this in mind. And in 10 years it will be a complex with even greater capabilities, and it will serve our army for a long time to come. For those fellows who will operate it, I wish them to master the complex. For the complex, no matter how perfect it is, without people who have mastered, mastered and love this technique, is still dead iron. I wish them to master and show good results not only at the parade, but also during combat training. Good luck!.