On August 27, the Soyuz MS-14 spacecraft docked with the International Space Station with a special payload on board. This time, the manned spacecraft was carrying not people, but a special kind of equipment. The cockpit housed the humanoid multipurpose robot Skybot F-850 / FEDOR and auxiliary equipment for it. At present, the ISS crew is conducting the first checks of the new complex and is preparing to solve more complex problems.

The first Russian
It should be noted that the Russian Fedor did not manage to become the first anthropomorphic robot on board the ISS. Back in 2011, the NASA Robonaut 2 product was delivered to the station. However, the F-850 is the first Russian development of its kind, not only reaching tests, but also reaching space.
The history of the FEDOR robot began in 2014, when the Advanced Research Foundation launched the design of a multipurpose anthropomorphic robotic complex. The development of such a system was carried out by the FPI and NPO Androidnaya Tekhnika. Initially, the product was intended for the Ministry of Emergency Situations and had to work in conditions dangerous to humans. The project was based on the developments on the existing robots SAR-400 and SAR-401.
The creation of the basic platform was associated with some difficulties, but in 2015-16. the project has moved to a new stage. Then there was a proposal to create a specialized version of the complex for operation in space. Such a robot was named "Fedor" or FEDOR (Final Experimental Demonstration Object Research). Not so long ago, the complex was renamed Skybot F-850.
On August 22, the new RTK was sent to the ISS. During the flight to the station, there were some problems, due to which the docking was possible only on August 27. The ISS crew has already started mastering the new technology in real conditions.
Working in orbit
In the near future, "Fedor" will not be long, but hard work in orbit. The details of the scientific program with his participation have not yet been disclosed, but some information has already appeared. In general, various works of one kind or another are planned, in which a human-controlled robot will interact with various objects and perform certain tasks.

Together with the robot, the so-called. a copy-type master device - a special "exoskeleton" for the operator, allowing him to control the movement of the robot. With the help of ZUKT, the operator can observe "through the eyes of a robot", as well as exercise full control over the manipulators. All experiments within the framework of the current flight will be carried out using a bunch of F-850 and ZUKT.
It is reported that in the early days in orbit, the new robot managed to participate in several experiments. "Fedor" showed its capabilities in working with various hand tools and with some equipment of the station. New experiments are expected, in which the promising RTK will show its other capabilities of various kinds.
At the same time, we are not talking about the launch of the robot into open space. The head of Roscosmos Dmitry Rogozin recently said that similar experiments would be carried out during the next flight of Fedor to the ISS. This flight, according to current plans, will take place only in two or three years. By this time, the complex will undergo revision based on the results of trial operation and will be able to more fully comply with the characteristic conditions of space.
In the meantime, Skybot F-850 is used only within the International Space Station. A little more than a week is left to carry out all the necessary experiments and experiments. On September 6, Soyuz MS-14 will undock from the ISS and return Fyodor home. Then the developers of this RTK will have to analyze the collected information, which will allow them to start finalizing the project for new requirements.
Great prospects
While FEDOR / F-850 has the status of a prototype, designed for testing in laboratories, test sites and the ISS. It is still far from the full implementation of such systems into space practice, but the prospects for this process are already clear. The emergence, development and implementation of anthropomorphic robotic systems is of great interest for the space industry, both domestic and global.

The main goal of the project, which resulted in "Fedor", was the creation of a RTK capable of replacing a person when working in hazardous conditions. In the context of the space program, this primarily means that the robot will be able to go into outer space and work there for astronauts.
This can greatly simplify the preparation and implementation of work. RTK does not need food and rest, which allows you to keep it "overboard" for a longer time. Cosmonauts-operators will be able to replace each other, observing the optimal regime for them. Also, the robot can be controlled by an operator on Earth - thanks to this, astronauts, in case of difficulty, will be able to receive more complete assistance from the outside.
Officials indicated that a special modification of the F-850 could be created for work outside the ISS in the future. Such a RTK will receive optimized means of transportation for work on the surface of the station and will be able to constantly be outside, waiting for a command to act. The value of such a complex for the International Space Station is obvious.
A remotely controlled robot can also be useful inside the ISS. With its help, specialists from Earth will be able to directly participate in various studies and experiments. This will reduce the workload on the crew, as well as provide for more research with the involvement of specialized scientists and engineers.
Some advantages are expected in the operation of robots on existing and future spacecraft. In particular, it is proposed to introduce "Fedor" into the crew of the "Union" or "Federation" as an observer. Working offline, he will be able to quickly analyze all incoming data and draw the attention of living astronauts to certain nuances and factors.

In the long term, the resistance of robots to the load may come in handy in new space missions. Sending a person to other celestial bodies is associated with well-known difficulties, and the use of a humanoid robot greatly simplifies such operations. It is quite possible that in future expeditions to the Moon or Mars, living cosmonauts will be accompanied by RTKs similar to the current "Fedor". The independent use of remotely controlled systems in such missions can be difficult due to the duration of the transmission of radio signals.
Thus, the current tests of the Skybot F-850 / FEDOR in the conditions of the ISS look rather modest, but open the way to a great future. The necessary experience is being accumulated, on the basis of which new important projects will be created in the future.
Near future
Fedor arrived on the ISS on August 27, and its departure is scheduled for September 6. For the remaining days, the astronauts will have to carry out a lot of experiments of various kinds, necessary to determine the real capabilities of the robot. Further, a new stage of design work is expected, according to the results of which the complex will become more efficient in solving special space problems.
The next flight of the F-850 or its modified version into orbit is expected in a few years - in the early twenties. What changes the RTC will undergo before the second start is anyone's guess. Representatives of the space industry named some wishes and assumptions, but it is not yet clear which of them will reach practical implementation.
In general, at the moment the overall success of the Fedor project looks quite serious. The first domestic anthropomorphic robot has already undergone a long and successful development on the ground, and now for the first time has been delivered to the International Space Station. In real conditions, its basic capabilities and skills are tested.
The current experiments, despite their relative simplicity, lay the foundation for the further development of domestic space robotics. The developments on the Skybot F-850 in its current form will in the future be used in new projects that will ensure the re-equipment of the ISS and the creation of new stations, as well as allow more efficient organization of future interplanetary expeditions. However, before achieving such goals, it is necessary to complete the current test program and return the experienced RTK home.