Once upon a time there was a dog. His name was Kadokhin. Don't ask me how this name came about - I don't know.
Kadokhin was a real grandfather - an evil, experienced, strong and daring soldier. It is difficult to say what spoiled his character, whether the hopeless inexperience of young dog service instructors, or age, or parting with the previous owner. Be that as it may, Kadokhin began to "build" the entire outpost.
It all started with the fact that once he bit a soldier in the car. In the evening there was a job, and everyone rushed to the "shishiga". The last to climb into the back are the counselor and the dog. And so, someone managed to step on his paw. Kadokhin did not squeal, but simply squeezed his fangs tightly on the bootleg of the unwary fighter. Neither persuasion nor a blow to the face helped the case. Kadokhin chewed his leg a little, then growled, let go of the prey and turned to the side of the "shishiga".
Over the next ten days, not a single patrol returned to the outpost, in which Kadokhin did not bite any of the soldiers of the outfit. Nothing worked. Neither a piece of smoked sausage from a dope, nor intimate conversations with a dog. As soon as the fighter lost sight of Kadokhin, his powerful fangs dug into the ankle. The leader apologized, defending Kadokhin in every possible way, spent political conversations with the dog, increased the distance - nothing helped. Kadokhin always found a moment to grab his ankle. At the same time, he never tore prey, did not bark, thus showing his emotions. He simply clenched his fangs for a few seconds and after that he no longer showed his interest in the victim. He never bit the same fighter twice.
And then the next day came, the outfits were routinely serving. Almost without exception, the entire personnel of the outpost, one way or another, limped on one leg. A riot was ripe. The soldiers threatened to refuse to go to the order as part of the squad in which Kadokhin would be. Kadokhin only sat gloomily on the order next to his leader, showing his innocence with all his appearance. Here is the order, the patrol leaves for the border. As part of the outfit, everyone is already limping, so they are not very careful. About an hour and a half later, the counselor releases Kadokhin from the leash to graze a little. Kadokhin, without turning around, silently accelerates his pace and hides in front. The outfit, puffed up by the heat, walks along the system with a measured step. And ahead, the system specialists were fixing something in their boxes.
The sergeant, slamming the lid, decided to smoke before the road to the outpost. They settled down right there on the grass, dreamily looking into the blue bottomless sky. And in this silence, broken only by the trills of grasshoppers, suddenly there was a crackle of dry bushes being broken open. The system engineers jumped up, listening to this sound. Kadokhin stepped out onto the trail, out of low gray thickets, and confidently walked towards a rapprochement. Silently. Fearfully. Purposefully …
When the Dozor caught up with the system specialists, one of them howled, examining the drops of blood on the ankle, and the second, leaning his back against the pillar of the system, concentratedly brushed Kadokhin with his rifle butt. Kadokhin waited in silence, sitting opposite …
In the evening, after dinner, a meeting was held in the smoking room. The commander was present. The issue was resolved radically - Kadokhin was demanded to be removed from the outpost, taking off his boots and showing his legs with bruises and bites. However, Kadokhin did not mutilate - if there were wounds, they were completely harmless. But the bruises were terrible. The commander listened to everyone and went to his room. The counselor was sad. Kadokhin was asleep.
It is difficult to say how it would have ended with Kadokhin. Probably, he would have been written off. From the detachment came his former counselor, who remained on extra urgent. They were silent about something for a long time, sitting not far from the outpost, then together they looked at a large anthill. By evening, the conscript left, and Kadokhin went to the Patrol. He did not offend anyone else.
Six months later, Kadokhin died at a combat post. But that is another story. His grave is next to the outpost, which is always looked after by the soldiers.