In the previous article on multiply charged hand grenade launchers, we got acquainted with domestic products. It would be quite reasonable to go over the foreign samples of this class of weapons, so that there is something to compare with and have a general idea of what possible opponents or allies are armed with. I propose to start not quite standardly, not with the weapons of the United States or European countries, but with hand-held multiple-charge grenade launchers from China.
QLZ-87 grenade launcher
This grenade launcher can be called manual with a very big stretch, in truth, it is not, however, its use is allowed from a bipod, and if the shooter has sufficient mass and strength, it can be used from the hands. Basically, this weapon is used either from a light machine, or when installed on equipment, most often on military off-road vehicles. But we will assume that this grenade launcher occupies an intermediate place, and it is impossible to pass by it, since it was on its basis that new lighter samples were created. For fun, the QLZ-87 grenade launcher can be called a single grenade launcher.

Immediately, looking ahead, you need to give the numbers for this weapon. The mass of the grenade launcher itself is 12 kilograms, the mass of the machine for it is 8 kilograms, that is, even with the machine, the weapon can be easily moved by one person. The total length of the weapon is 970 millimeters. The grenade launcher is fed from disk magazines with a capacity of 6 or 15 grenade launcher rounds. At the same time, the use of more spacious magazines is difficult at long distances when using bipods, since the magazine itself does not provide an opportunity to tilt the weapon at a sufficient angle. The weapon has the ability to fire automatically, while the rate of fire for a grenade launcher is quite decent - 500 rounds per minute, but this can hardly be taken as a positive quality of the weapon.

Grenade launchers are used with the 35x32 metric designation. These shots are of Chinese design. Includes equipment with high-explosive fragmentation, cumulative (of particular interest) grenades. There are also traumatic and irritant shots. The mass of the shot fluctuates around 250 grams, while, depending on the equipment, the muzzle velocity can reach 200 meters per second, that is, we are talking about fairly "fast" ammunition.
Of interest is the automation of weapons. The basis was a system with the removal of powder gases from the bore when locking the bore by turning the bolt. In this case, the direct effect of powder gases on the receiver is used, similar to AR15 / M16 and the like. Manual reloading of weapons is implemented in a very unusual way. To send the first shot into the chamber, you need to pull on the pistol grip, which will move back along with the safety guard and trigger. Of course, the handle is not rigidly connected to the bolt carrier, therefore, in the process of firing, it remains stationary. The handle itself is turned to the right in relation to the weapon, this was necessary to reduce the length of the grenade launcher.

To compensate for recoil when firing, a muzzle brake-recoil compensator is installed on the weapon, in addition, there is a fairly thick butt pad on the butt. The long stroke of the bolt group also has a positive effect on the perception of recoil by the shooter.

The sights of the grenade launcher are represented by a low-magnification optical sight, the weapon does not have open sights. It is quite natural to ask what the shooter will do if the telescopic sight is damaged, but, apparently, in the pocket of each of the crew there is one spare sight. When using bipods, effective fire can be conducted at distances of up to 600 meters, when using the machine, you can throw a grenade at a distance of 1700 meters, but this would rather be a transfer of ammunition
Hand grenade launcher QLB-06
You don't need to be a genius to notice that the previous version of the grenade launcher is a bit heavy to use "hand-held". To solve this problem, Chinese gunsmiths tried to make the design as lightweight as possible. This was done according to the well-known algorithm: we cut off all unnecessary, change everything that is possible for light alloys. As a result, it was possible to reduce the weight of the weapon to 9 kilograms, although the length increased to 1046 millimeters. The increase in length is explained by the fact that now the pistol grip is located behind the weapon magazine, and is not brought out to the side at an angle.

In addition to reducing the mass of the grenade launcher, there were also negative consequences. Firstly, the weapon had to be deprived of the possibility of automatic fire, since now, even when using the bipod, the grenade launcher began to kick harder. Due to the fact that now the grenade launcher began to be used without a machine tool, its maximum range of application was significantly reduced, so, from the bipod, it became possible to fire a shot at a distance of no more than 1000 meters.
For weapons, another new magazine with a capacity of 4 shots has appeared, in addition, magazines from the previous model with a capacity of 6 shots are used, magazines with a capacity of 15 shots will also be suitable, but when they are used, the maximum range of weapons is reduced even more, since the magazine will not allow to tilt grenade launcher at a sufficient angle.
Among other changes in the design, it should be noted that now the cocking handle has appeared as a separate part on the right side. On the handle for transferring the grenade launcher, open sights were installed in the form of a rear sight and a front sight, in addition to them, an optical sight can be installed on the left side on a short mounting bar.

The automatics of the weapon remained unchanged, all the same removal of powder gases from the bore with locking when the bolt is turned and the direct effect of powder gases on the bolt carrier.
Separately, it should be noted that this grenade launcher may be designated QLZ-87B, which can create some confusion.
Hand grenade launcher LG6
This hand grenade launcher is interesting primarily because it is not in service with either the army or the Chinese law enforcement agencies, apparently, the army has abandoned the "slow" grenade launcher shots for multiple-charge grenade launchers. But this is only an assumption based on the fact that they have not yet come across a sample of a grenade launcher that they have in service at the moment, and which feeds on something other than 35x32, or grenade launcher shots similar to them in initial velocity.

In addition to the "uniqueness" in the form of only an export version of the weapon, this hand grenade launcher is also distinguished by the fact that it is the lightest of all weapons presented in this subclass. Its mass is only 4.8 kilograms without ammunition. The length of the grenade launcher is also small - 830 millimeters. This weapon is powered by all of the same disk magazines with a capacity of 4 and 15 grenade launchers, but already with 40x46 ammunition, and special attention should be paid to the full metric designation and the initial speed limit. And that's why…
It was not possible to find reliable data on the scheme of operation of the weapon's automation, since there are a lot of options. But let's try to think logically. The outlet for the powder gases is not visible in the structure, which means we reject this option. There are assumptions about a free shutter, but the weapon has the ability to conduct automatic fire with a rate of fire of 400 rounds per minute. Even if the shot is fired "from an open bolt" it is not difficult to estimate that to implement the trouble-free and durable operation of the grenade launcher, a sufficiently heavy bolt group (which does not fit into the weight) and its long stroke will be required. This, in principle, can be admitted, but the reverse is doubtful. In my opinion, the most logical conclusion from all this can only be an assumption about an automation scheme with a semi-free shutter, and this option fully fits into both weight and dimensions. Based on this, if you try to use variants of ammunition with a higher initial velocity, then, at best, the weapon will simply fail. But, as far as I understand, such a stupidity can only be done if you manually insert the ammunition through the magazine receiver, since it should not fit into the magazine.
In addition to sights, consisting of a rear sight and a front sight, you can install anything your heart desires on the weapon, including sights with a built-in rangefinder and a ballistic calculator, but this is only in theory, since the mounting straps are very short, plus a carrying handle interferes with the top. and on the right side there is a shutter cocking handle. By the way about open sights. Since the ballistics of the 40x46 LV grenade launcher shots, let's say, are specific, for firing at medium distances it is required to be able to raise the rear sight to a decent height relative to the barrel axis. This weapon is implemented in an interesting and practical way. The carrying handle snaps off from the back and swings forward with a hinge. Thus, a sufficiently high rear sight is obtained, even with redundant range markings.
Of course, the weapon can be used for firing "from the hands" from bipods, which can be installed on the lower mounting bar, and, if desired, the grenade launcher can be installed on armored vehicles.
"Sniper" hand grenade launchers LG5 and QLU-11
It is immensely pleasing that not only domestic journalists do not hesitate to use phrases that look at least strange (I am not alone). However, in this case we are really talking about a fairly accurate weapon. Rather, it is about the precise weapon-ammunition complex. Conversely, calling this grenade launcher manual will not be entirely correct, since firing "from hands" on the run from an uncomfortable position and with a shot through the leg is not provided, but light machine guns are not intended for this either, because … Well, the logic, I think, is clear …

The accuracy of this grenade launcher, when using the appropriate shots, is sufficient to hit the window of a house at a distance of 600 meters, not a white eye, of course, but impressive. There are several options for weapons. First of all, the export version of the forty-millimeter weapon for shots with an increased initial speed of a grenade, that is, 40x53, is interesting. In particular, the BGJ-5 grenade launcher is interesting. This is a variant of ammunition with the metric designation 40x53, which was developed, or rather modified by Chinese gunsmiths. It is with this grenade launcher that the declared accuracy is achieved. One could assume anything, up to the spring-loaded "wings" of the tail, which are extended after the grenade leaves the barrel (this was once implemented for smoothbore guns), but judging by the photographs, this shot is nothing special. Nevertheless, there are differences between American and Chinese ammunition in terms of accuracy, that is, it is not a matter of some cunning tricks, but a banal improvement in ballistics due to the shape and balance of the projectile.

For the export version, there is a division into LG5 and LG5s, these are two absolutely identical grenade launchers, with the only difference that the first version comes with the machine, and the second with a bipod. Moreover, the bipod is present in both versions of the weapon. The mass of the grenade launcher without the machine is 12, 9 kilograms without ammunition, with the machine is 23 kilograms. The export version is powered from 4- or 15-round disk magazines, the version for internal use, which is in service under the name QLU-11, is powered from magazines with a capacity of 3, 5 or 7 rounds 35x32. Conversely, in order to achieve maximum accuracy of the weapon, special 35x32SR ammunition should be used. The rate of automatic fire for the export version is 400 rounds per minute. Information about the rate of fire of the version of the grenade launcher for the domestic market could not be found, but they managed to stumble upon the assumption that for their army, the designers removed this function from the weapon altogether, which looks quite true, taking into account the capacity of the magazines used.

Neither the export grenade launcher nor the weapon for its own has open sights. But for both options, an electronic sight with a rangefinder and a ballistic calculator was developed. It allows aimed fire at a distance of up to 2200 meters for the forty-millimeter version and at a distance of 1750 meters for the 35-millimeter version. Although even with such accuracy of the weapon, one can question its effectiveness of using more than one kilometer, and even this distance is for lucky optimists.

The automatic grenade launcher is built according to a scheme with a long barrel stroke, which should have a positive effect on the comfort of firing.
Hand grenade launcher LG4 revolving type
In the article about such grenade launchers, I skipped this weapon, since at that time I did not even see a mention of it, but mistakes need to be corrected in any case, especially since it also perfectly fits the subject of this article.

We are talking about weapons that are produced only for export, and therefore only in the version for 40x46 ammunition. To be objective, this weapon is very little different from the South African, and later American, design.
The implementation of turning the drum during firing is completely similar - the powder gases discharged from the barrel bore turn the heavy drum of the grenade launcher. That, although it makes the LG4 reload faster, it negatively affects the accuracy of fire for unprepared shooters, who do not take into account that during the firing process there will be a movement of not an easy and rather big detail.
The mass of the grenade launcher is 5.8 kilograms without ammunition, and the length with the butt unfolded is 726 millimeters. Drum capacity "standard" - 6 shots. Reloading is carried out when the weapon is “fractured” forward, which opens access to all the drum chambers at once.
To be objective, the only thing that this hand grenade launcher can compete with with American or South African-made options is price. The characteristics will be completely similar, but we can only guess about the reliability. But in fairness, it should be noted that recently the quality of Chinese products may well be comparable to European and American weapons.
As you can see, China has not gone to such an extreme as the development and creation of "smart" grenade launchers, but even without this, it is easy to see that the niche of domestic multi-charge hand grenade launchers is somewhat behind. In general, it seems that this class of weapons simply ceased to be developed twenty years ago, having brought Soviet developments “to mind” (not always with a positive result).
Sources of photos and information: