Recently the nuclear submarine Yuri Dolgoruky returned from the next stage of sea trials at the factory, having successfully passed another test by sea. The ship completed the test program, showed good running characteristics and stable operation of all ship systems.
Representatives of the designer and contractor organizations took part in the campaign. Now the commissioning team and the crew of the nuclear submarine are faced with the task of quickly preparing for the next launch to the sea, which is scheduled for September.
"Yuri Dolgoruky" has yet to replenish the ranks of the military nuclear-powered ships of the Navy and become the "founder" of a whole series of Project 955 submarines. It is these ships that should form the basis of Russia's naval Strategic Nuclear Forces after the submarines currently in combat service are withdrawn from the fleet. projects 941 and 667 BDR and BDRM. In the meantime, the "strategist" of the 4th generation is examining the sea. And, as the first tests of this year show, it is successful. On the eve of this departure to the sea, the personnel under the command of Captain 1st Rank Vladimir Shirin had already completed training tasks, during which the crew's readiness for the next important step was checked - state tests. “Factory sea trials are approaching the final stage,” says Vladimir Viktorovich. "Of course, not everything goes smoothly, but the most important thing is that the factory delivery team and the crew have an understanding of a common goal, each strives to bring maximum benefit so that the ship is put into combat formation as soon as possible." The well-coordinated work of the military and shipbuilders is also confirmed by the chief builder of the production of military equipment of "Sevmash" Vladimir Prokofiev. Deficiencies and remarks identified at sea are tried to be promptly corrected onshore. And the ship goes to the "exam" again.

Yuri Dolgoruky had a difficult fate on the stocks. It was founded in the 1990s, which were the most difficult for the country, but nevertheless, despite the difficulties with financing, the shipbuilders of Sevmash managed to complete its construction. Arriving in Severodvinsk in 2006, the submariners who now serve on the nuclear submarine took an active part in the withdrawal of the ship from the workshop and mooring tests. And before that, the first and second crews of the ship, formed according to the directive of the General Staff of the Navy and in accordance with the order of the Minister of Defense, were trained at a training center near St. Petersburg. Submariners have fully mastered theoretical knowledge. September 1, 2003 is considered the day of formation of the Yuri Dolgoruky nuclear submarine crews.
“Today, in the entire Navy, one cannot find better specialists-submariners for a new generation ship than those who serve on the nuclear submarine Yuri Dolgoruky,” says Captain 1st Rank V. V. Shirin. - During the tests, the team adopts the experience of the factory workers, operators of command posts, combat posts. When the ship enters the Navy, it is our duty to ensure the trouble-free operation of the submarine, weapons and technical equipment. " It seems that this task is up to the personnel of "Yuri Dolgoruky". The crew is mostly young. But, as they say, in youth there is only one drawback - lack of experience. And his team under the leadership of V. V. The width is rapidly gaining.
“The crew is grinding in at sea, because only in extreme conditions is the character and cohesion of the submarine's personnel manifested,” says the commander of the radio-technical combat unit Valery Shinkorenko. Despite his youth, Valery has more than one year in the navy behind him: he served on the nuclear submarines Bryansk, Verkhoturye, Yekaterinburg, Tula, submarines of the BDRM project … The lead missile carrier of Project 955 is a new turn in his fate, in fact, like the experienced sea wolf Viktor Zelensky. It was "Yuri Dolgoruky" that brought Viktor Ivanovich back to the life of a submariner. V. Zelensky gave more than twenty years to the fleet (he served on "beeches", "RT", he gave four years to the first nuclear - the legendary nuclear submarine "Leninsky Komsomol"). But a few years ago he retired from the ranks of the Navy and decided to breathe the free air of civilian life. However, the sea air haunted. And now he is again a combat officer, again in the elite of the fleet. By the way, in one of the last trips to the sea, the operational and precise actions of V. Zelensky and V. Shinkorenko were noted by the command. It is precisely this composition of the crew - a fusion of youth and experience - that should take the lead missile carrier into the sea, teach it to "walk" and perform its first combat missions. The guys are confident in the successful completion of all tests, and this faith gives the team strength. The submariners have a great desire to serve Russia on the newest ship with the proud name "Yuri Dolgoruky".