The artillery mount, or as it was also called, the launcher of self-propelled active rockets, was designed according to the closed tube scheme. Work on the design of the ACS begins in 1963 at OKB-9 of the Sverdlovsk Art Plant No. 9. F. Petrov supervised the design work. Research institutes 1, 13, 24, 61, 125 were also involved in the design of this ACS. A number of other factories and design bureaus also participated in the development. In a couple of years, the Sverdlovsk OKB-9 managed to produce a working model of the D-80 in tracked and wheeled versions using a scale of 1:10. The mock-ups were created primarily to protect the ACS project with the D-80 in the MOP and GRAU. The project included the possibility of migrating the launcher to surface ships. We defended the preliminary project in May 1965. The competitor to the ACS project is the Luna-M project. ORT "Luna-M" was created as a strike-type system of a divisional link. In 1968, the Volgograd "Barricades" received an order for the production of a pipe and a breech part of the D-80 cannon. But for a number of reasons, after a few months, the production of D-80 parts stops. Real examples of self-propelled guns were never created. The production of only the ball bolt for the gun was completely completed, which was to be tested at the test site near the village of Krasnoe. A little later, the revised project received the working name D-80S, but it also did not go into production, the project was not accepted for development. End of 1969. The design office offers another modification project. It receives the working name D-80-2, the design scheme of which began to resemble the M-240 mortar.
- The first version of the ACS - D-80. It was supposed to install the gun on the ZIL-135L chassis. Above the cockpit was the chassis of a rotating version of a special store for 4 ammunition for loading a gun from the muzzle side. The barrel of the gun was provided with a powerful muzzle brake, the effectiveness of which was 58 percent. The breech of the cannon rested against the ground with a base plate (mortar type). The D-110K SPU from the Onega OTR had exactly the same chassis. The gun was provided with anti-recoil devices with a long recoil stroke. Loading and unloading took place with the help of a special device. The loading is of a separate type - the projectile was the first, followed by the expelling charge. Guidance was carried out using a hydraulic device powered by the main engine. There was also a manual drive. The mechanical sight was taken from a 122 mm D-30 howitzer. For the supply of ammunition to the ACS, it was planned to create a transport loading vehicle, on the same type of chassis. The car was supposed to provide delivery of 11 ARSs.
- length - 12.5 meters;
- width - 3.2 meters;
- height 3.7 meters;
- travel speed up to 60 km / h;

- The second version of the ACS - D-80S. The gun is mounted on an MT-T tracked chassis. The option was proposed by the Kharkov Machine-Building Plant. The gun of this ACS is breech-loading.

- The latest version of the ACS - D-80-2. The gun receives the MT-LB chassis. A gun without a powerful muzzle brake, the fire should be carried out with an emphasis on the ground of the bottom of the ACS. The gun is made according to a recoilless scheme, the breech with a bolt had an emphasis on a massive pallet. However, the creation of a modern OTRK "Tochka" completely puts an end to the project of a 535 mm self-propelled gun.

Main characteristics:
- crew up to 4 people;
- the required angle for loading - (-7) - (-10) degrees;
- barrel weight 3.3 tons;
- PU weight up to 16 tons;
- ARS ammunition weighing up to 930 kilograms;
- initial speed 450 m / s;
- min / max range of application 5/65 kilometers;
- gun caliber 535 mm;
- gun length 15 calibers - 8 meters;
- number of grooves 64;
- vertical angles 70-50 degrees;
- sectoral horizontal angles 8 degrees;
- charge weight 144 kilograms;
- warhead weight 450 kilograms;
- solid propellant propellant weight up to 286 kilograms;
- Barrel pressure 1025 kg / cm2;
- the estimated time of the solid propellant rocket motor is almost 15 seconds;
- KVO at a distance of 75 kilometers - 550 meters;
- ammunition: a land mine or ARS with a 53 mm solid propellant engine;
- warhead: cluster, high-explosive and special warhead AA-22.
- effective range of 60 kilometers.