The question is quite interesting if such a so far unpredictable, unfortunately, country like Russia is mentioned here. The fact is that I know the soldier environment very well, since my father is a Soviet officer, and everyone understands how strong the army of the Soviet Union was, which was feared and also to my sincere regret by the world's greatest powers. This means that there was something to be afraid of, and since my father was at home so rarely that such fears can be fully confirmed. In addition, we ran to the regiments without hindrance, because, as the store was on the territory of the regiment, even abroad, and any soldier of the checkpoint knew all the boys by sight.
I would like to believe and hope that the military officials of the Russian Ministry of Defense and the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces know what to do. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, it was difficult to expect that our army would become as efficient as the former army of the Soviet Union before the time of President Yeltsin. As the American classic said - “Art is a reflection of reality, passed through human consciousness,” such an exact expression can be applied to the army. It was impossible to expect anything else, I am not deliberately touching upon particularly disastrous cases, which showed what an army of the model after 2000 was good for.
There is, fortunately, an ostentatious example of Russia, when we still showed the whole world what the Russians are capable of, when honor and dignity are hurt. Lord, is it really true that we need to be attacked so that we shake ourselves? This example, which cost the lives of many Russian officers and soldiers, here again I am not touching on the national issue, everyone knows what a multinational country Russia is, that it is able to take under its wing many and many made them look at the world differently. Russia had no friends from time immemorial.
I myself, in the most dashing times, voluntarily joined the army as an ordinary ordinary soldier, although I could have avoided being drafted. Now, an appeal to young people, and forgive me if the article is a little saturated with some kind of pathos, but it deliberately sounds in every word of her as a kind of appeal to the younger generation: “How are you going to defend your parents, your girlfriend and future children, if you didn’t hold a machine gun in your hands? " The word "slant" is too firmly overgrown with the concept of masculinity and sophistication of the mind, and not the adolescents themselves, but their parents. Isn't it time to destroy the stupidest myth in the world. Are the teenagers themselves, their majority, guilty of the fact that society and this kind of talk, and even worse actions to undermine the already poor authority of the army, that is, by any means we need to protect our child from danger, have erected barriers and barriers to that so that the teenager wants to serve in the army.
After all, it provides tremendous benefits. You will return from the army with the knowledge that you can move any mountains on the way to advance towards the goal. Isn't it a goal - to feel so confident in yourself. The benefits are still small, but they will not immediately let you know about themselves, but they will definitely. It is important not to succumb to the general mood of open pessimism, which so far cannot play off society from itself, it has covered the sick body with a scab. This is not a reason to start whining about how bad the army is. You were not there, to what to judge.
I openly call on the younger generation to serve in the army. The army hardships that you will experience will be useful to you throughout your future life. Until recently, it was considered a shame not to serve in the army, because young girls were suspicious of such young men, whether everything was in order with their health. It is necessary, if you are able to repay the sacred duty of Russia, to say when taking the oath: "I serve Russia!" I assure you, you will feel a sacred thrill in your soul and imbued with the ancient instinct that lives in every real man to protect the place where you were born and found freedom.