Economic, political and other troubles in our country lead, as is known, to the fact that many fellow countrymen are looking for happiness in a foreign land as "migrant workers". And sometimes these earnings are very exotic in nature. We are talking about service in the French Foreign Legion, where up to a third of the personnel are from the CIS countries …
Foreign Legion: they live under a false name, they are afraid of Interpol and in peacetime receive from 1,500 euros.
Economic, political and other troubles in our country lead, as is known, to the fact that many fellow countrymen are looking for happiness in a foreign land as "migrant workers". And sometimes these earnings are very exotic in nature. For example, several hundred (at least no one knows the exact number) citizens of Ukraine decided to put their lives and health at stake for the sake of a decent income (increasing over time) and tangible benefits up to a change of citizenship in the future.

We are talking about service in the French Foreign Legion, where up to a third of the personnel are from the CIS countries (mainly Russians, Ukrainians and Belarusians). There are also many former Yugoslavs there, and now citizens of Serbia, Croatia, etc. In general, representatives of more than 100 countries serve in the Legion. “Today” managed to talk with one of “our” legionnaires who came to Ukraine on a short vacation. For a number of reasons, he wished to remain anonymous, so for convenience we will call him Igor.
According to our interlocutor, the path of the future legionnaire begins where there are recruiting points of the Legion. They say that at one time it was illegal with us, but now it is not. Therefore, most fellow citizens who want to get into the Legion start mainly from Strasbourg, where they go as ordinary tourists (in general, there are 18 recruiting points in France). There, at the recruiting center, you can simply show yourself and the point (if you do not know foreign languages), and you will be allowed there.
Then - an interview, different tests, two medical boards. At the same time, documents are withdrawn from the applicant (for example, a passport of a citizen of Ukraine) and a new biography and name and surname are invented for him. As a rule, it is more or less consonant with the previous one (for example, there was Pupkin, became Pugovkin, etc.).
And colleagues, if the guy does become a legionnaire, they know him under the new name-legend. A criminal past, if it concerns only the homeland of the future legionnaire, is not an obstacle. The main thing is that the person is not wanted by Interpol. Service in the army is not obligatory either, but our compatriots nevertheless often come to recruitment, having served in the army, often in any special forces. Personal belongings are taken from recruits, except for the most necessary ones, and a tracksuit is given.
Then the applicants are sent to a selection camp for recruits in France (in Aubagne, something like our training). They spend three months there, they race very seriously, for example, they have to run marches for 30, 60 and even 90 kilometers with full gear. From there - a decent dropout, not everyone can stand it. But those who stayed and completed the "course of a young fighter", in confirmation of this, receive a white cap ("Kepi blanc") of the legionnaire, as his full fighters. And they sign their first, five-year contract with the Legion. But even after that, young people are not thrown into battle. Ahead - a one-year internship at the base of the legion (4th regiment) on the island of Corsica.

After a one-year internship in Corsica, it is time for real combat work. It can be any "hot spot", if France sees its interests there, or peacekeeping activities. For example, during the massacre in Uganda, when two tribes destroyed each other, it was the Legion who brought order and stopped the carnage. The Legion is now cooperating with NATO, for example, in Iraq and Afghanistan.
In Afghanistan, mercenaries are actually fighting against mercenaries. Among the killed Taliban, for example, several bodies of Muslims with passports of British citizens were somehow discovered.
An ordinary soldier of a combat unit at the beginning of his service receives from 1,500 to 1,800 euros. But when the fighting is going on, the pay doubles. Officers (usually French) get much more, about five times. Theoretically, you can become an officer for any legionnaire, but then you need to start service very early, at the age of 18-19, in order to have time to establish yourself, to obtain French citizenship (required) and also to graduate from an educational institution. The British and Americans often enter the Legion with such young people, ours are usually older.
Regular weapons are issued, usually FAMAS assault rifles of various modifications. If a legionnaire wants, he can buy another one that is convenient for him (as well as equipment, for example, non-standard optics). The assault rifle is very accurate, but with low penetration power, compared to the AKM.
There are also cases of desertion. Recently, a Balts named Pitbull left REP-2 (2nd Airborne Regiment). And he left after the mission, that is, Afgan. I saw that it was possible to part with life, so I left. He settled in Ireland. Legionnaires in battles, indeed, die, but not in hundreds, but in units. For six months, three of Igor's unit were killed, one was removed during the battle by a sniper (he leaned out into the open space), two were killed under shelling.
After 6 months in the war - a week of rehabilitation in the resorts of Cyprus. The Legion pays for the soldiers for a five-star hotel, meals, excursions, various massages, psychotherapists … True, the services of the latter are mainly used by Western legionnaires, our Slavic brothers prefer to simply relax with alcohol. Sometimes they joke “under this case”, using, for example, the fact that they are combat swimmers. There was a case: next to the resting legionnaires-Slavs, a group of ordinary vacationers was diving. In wetsuits, scuba gear, as expected. So the legionnaires dived to a 10-meter depth in some swimming trunks and tore off the masks from the divers …
The French Foreign Legion was created on March 9, 1831 by King Louis-Philippe. It can be used (to this day) only outside mainland France. The officers in the Legion were recruited mainly from the army of Napoleon, and the soldiers - from the inhabitants of European countries, as well as from among the French who had disagreements with the law. At the same time, a tradition arose not to ask a recruit for his real name.
Today the Legion, as at the time of its creation, is subject to only one person - the President of France. It once numbered more than 30,000 people, now - 7700. It is used outside its borders, but in the name of French interests, both independently and in joint operations with NATO and UN forces. The Legion's colors are green (representing France) and red (blood).
Consists of seven regiments, which also includes the legendary paratrooper 2nd REP, which includes the special forces of the GCP Legion, staffed only by volunteer officers and corporals, one semi-brigade and one special detachment. The Legion's command is located in Aubagne (France). Only men between the ages of 17 and 40 are accepted into the service. The first contract is five years, you can rise to the rank of sergeant. To become an officer, you must have French citizenship (formally, you can get it after 3 years of service, but this is difficult).

There is another procedure called "ratification". This is the moment when the legionnaire is returned to his true name and documents, under which he continues to serve. This moment comes for everyone in different ways, but within the limits of a five-year contract. If ratification does not occur within these limits, it means that they do not trust you and you will no longer sign a new contract.
The moment of ratification is extremely important for a legionnaire. After his onset, he can get married, can take out loans, open a bank account, buy cars and real estate. Moreover, banks almost never refuse loans to legionnaires. Guys immediately buy two or three apartments in France, immediately rent them out and serve on (despite the fact that housing in France is very expensive, for example, a one-room apartment with an area of 49 "squares" in a more or less decent area of Paris costs about 250 thousand Euro). And apartments "work", covering loan debts and making a profit.
From the moment of ratification (it is also called legalization), the legionnaire begins to prepare documents for obtaining French citizenship (if he wants, of course). To obtain it, you must serve at least 3 years. To be honest, this is very often the ultimate goal of serving in the Legion. Received a French passport, the contract expired - and you can go to a local "citizen" if you have something to do. If not, you can continue serving.

To receive a pension from the Legion, you must have served there for at least 15 years. But, having received this pension, you can live in any country in the world, you can return to your homeland or choose another state.
Most often, French-speaking countries are chosen (for all legionnaires who have served at least a year have a decent command of French). These are France itself, Canada (Quebec), Seychelles. There are no clear pension amounts for everyone, it depends on many factors, including the availability of medals, but in any case - at least 1000 euros (often more). You can live in peace in Ukraine …
Veterans in the Legion are highly valued and respected. Each unit has its own day (like our Airborne Forces holiday), when veterans, up to 90-year-olds come, set tables with cool drinks, arrange parachute jumps (and veterans also jump). There are lonely veterans, invalids of military operations, including our former fellow countrymen, who simply settle in Corsica not far from the main base REP-2. The Legion takes care of them, helps, and the old people, in order not to feel inferior, make trinkets, wine "Legionnaires", which are then sold to legionnaires. Good wine, by the way, they say …
- I am not familiar with such people, but I suppose that there can be two motivations. The first is economic, they just follow the money. The second is a craving for the military profession, people need a battle drive. Unfortunately, we do not have this. If intensive combat training was established, as it was in the days of the USSR, perhaps the guys would find application for such qualities in our troops. And the salary of an ordinary contract soldier is about 800 hryvnia …

In Corsica, where legionnaires (in particular, from the parachute regiment) rest and train between hostilities, they are waiting for rooms for 2-3 people, hotel type, with a plasma TV and other amenities. They live according to the army routine, but it is reasonable: they get up slowly, let the body wake up. Then a run. Then - breakfast (lots of fish, sausages, cheese, vegetables, fruits), after - combat training. And so from day to day. Until the time comes again to fight or go on vacation.
There is the concept of "vacation abroad". But it is possible for a foreign legionnaire only from the moment of legalization, when his native documents are returned to him. Until then, however, they also travel, but smuggled. Each legionnaire has an identifier, a special card that proves his identity (legendary) and belonging to the Legion. And most of our guys have real Ukrainian passports that were not submitted to the Legion in due time. They show them at the border, plus they show the identifier, saying, they say, I work under a contract. As a rule, unnecessary questions do not arise …
The legionnaires also have holidays. For example, Bastille Day in all of France is a public holiday with a large-scale and very colorful parade, in which the Legion necessarily participates. Somehow the Slav legionnaires also arrived in Paris for these purposes. Naturally, in honor of the holiday, they "took on the chest" and started a fight among themselves right next to the Eiffel Tower.
Bloody splashes are flying, a crowd has gathered. But nobody was surprised. One Frenchman explained to his little daughter, they say, what can you do, these are parachutists, they are so accepted … In general, legionnaires in France are highly respected, since people are instilled with the idea that these guys are really fighting for the interests of France in the whole world (although cooperate with NATO and even wear NATO patches).
The SBU told our newspaper that there is a concept of “mercenary” in Ukrainian legislation. This is a person specially recruited to participate in hostilities outside our country in order to receive material rewards. And, very importantly, it is not part of the regular armed forces of the country that is in the conflict. That is, we are talking only about illegal armed groups. For mercenarism, our legislation provides for criminal prosecution (Article 447 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, the jurisdiction of the SBU).
But, in accordance with international law, which our country adheres to, there is also the concept of "combatant". This is a person who is doing military service as part of the regular army of a particular country. Otherwise, he looks like a mercenary: he is also recruited, serves for money and participates in hostilities. The fighters of the French Foreign Legion are combatants, for the Legion is part of the French Armed Forces.
Combatants are not prosecuted by our law, therefore, for example, a soldier of the Legion can safely come to Ukraine on vacation (of course, if you have real, legal documents, be it his Ukrainian foreign passport or a French one obtained over time). In addition to the French Foreign Legion, combatants are completely legally serving today in similar formations in Belgium, Israel and Russia. As in the Legion, both citizens of these countries and foreigners are recruited there.
Ukrainians can also enlist. But the secret service does not track the number of combatants from Ukraine, because they are not doing anything illegal. In general, for all the years, 4 criminal cases were initiated for mercenarism in Ukraine, in 1993-95.
This was due to the conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh, and cases were initiated under Part 1 of Art. 447, that is, regarding those who recruited, and not concerning those recruited (later it turned out that they were lured by fraudulent means, and then forced to fight under the threat of death). There have never been any criminal cases in Ukraine regarding the participants in the hostilities (regardless of where and by whom they were recruited). And even more so there were no combatants, including those from the Legion.