"White revenge". "Perpetuation" of Admiral Kolchak

"White revenge". "Perpetuation" of Admiral Kolchak
"White revenge". "Perpetuation" of Admiral Kolchak
"White revenge". "Perpetuation" of Admiral Kolchak
"White revenge". "Perpetuation" of Admiral Kolchak

St. Petersburg is once again justifying its status as a pro-Western center of the Romanov Empire, whose basic values a part of the current Russian "elite" is trying to revive. First, St. Petersburg "thundered" with a memorial plaque to Mannerheim, whose Finnish army, together with the Nazis, tried to wipe Leningrad off the face of the earth. Now they are preparing to install a memorial plaque to Admiral Alexander Kolchak.

At the same time, as the authorities themselves admit, Kolchak is an unrehabilitated war criminal. As activist Maksim Tsukanov, who opposes this "initiative", notes, attempts to "perpetuate" have been going on for two years already, public activists have tried to appeal to the prosecutor's office, but there has been no result so far. “The previous time we turned to the prosecutor’s office, because Kolchak is an unrehabilitated war criminal. But, unfortunately, there is not a single law in the country that prohibits the installation of memorial plaques, memorial signs, monuments to war criminals. In general, this is not spelled out anywhere. This is what they use,”says Tsukanov.

So far, according to the activist, only "replies" are received, but even in them, officials agree that Kolchak is a war criminal. “The prosecutor’s office reports that it sent our appeal to the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation and the Committee on Culture of St. Petersburg, and the Committee on Culture replies that we, they say, hang him - a very interesting formulation - a plate not as a war criminal, but as a researcher and scientist. that is, they admit that he is a war criminal."

It is worth noting that they tried to rehabilitate the "supreme ruler" five times already. They began to speak out for his rehabilitation at the beginning of the 1990s, and already at the end - they began to act. The Trans-Baikal Military Court ruled in 1999 that "Kolchak, as a person who has committed crimes against peace and humanity, is not subject to rehabilitation." In 2001, the Supreme Court of Russia, having considered the case for the rehabilitation of Kolchak, did not consider it possible to appeal the decision of the Trans-Baikal Court. In 2000 and 2004. The Russian Constitutional Court dismissed the complaint about Kolchak's rehabilitation. In 2007, the prosecutor's office of the Omsk region, which studied the materials of Kolchak's activities, did not find grounds for rehabilitation.

However, some representatives of the Russian "elite" are still trying to take "white revenge". The Governor of St. Petersburg Georgy Poltavchenko signed a decree on the installation of a memorial plaque. And the initiator of the installation was the non-profit partnership "Memorial, educational and historical and cultural center" Beloye Delo ". They justify this act of the authorities by the fact that he is an "outstanding Russian officer", "a great scientist-oceanographer and polar explorer."

True, for the sake of historical justice, it is worth noting that this "outstanding Russian officer" betrayed the oath, betraying the tsar along with other generals, joined the "Februaryists" who crushed "historical Russia" (contrary to the myth that the Bolsheviks did it). He himself recognized himself as a "condottier", that is, a mercenary, an adventurer in the service of the masters of the West. And with outstanding achievements in the field of Arctic research, not everything is so smooth. Kolchak had two trips - in 1900 and 1904. In 1900 he was just an assistant to the hydrograph, that is, there were no achievements, and in 1904 he clarified the coastline, this is not a “great” achievement. In fact, this is a PR of modern "White Guards" who are trying not to wash, but to present the admiral in the best light.

A similar justification was with Mannerheim. They say he is an excellent Russian general, explorer and traveler who has brought a lot of benefits to Russia. But this is a game of marked cards, snag. Vlasov, at the beginning of his career, was also one of the most gifted Soviet military leaders. However, he broke down and became a traitor to the people. And Hitler could have become a talented artist, but it didn't work out. The same situation with Mannerheim, Kolchak, Wrangel and other whites, and some later became fascist generals. The problem is that in conceptual, ideological terms, they chose not the "Reds" who defended the interests of the workers' and peasants' and soldiers' majority, but the "Whites", that is, the camp of capitalists, the bourgeoisie - exploiters parasitizing the people. Moreover, behind the "whites" was the Entente, that is, the western and eastern predators of the world level (Britain, the USA, France, Japan), who had already taken part in the liquidation of the Russian autocracy and divided the Russian land into spheres of influence and colonies, planning to permanently solve the "Russian question", that is, to destroy and enslave the Russian superethnos. Thus, even personally attractive (skillful commanders, strong personalities) white generals objectively opposed the Russian civilization and the people on the side of our global, geopolitical enemies - “partners”. And no personal merit in the past can any longer save one from such a great betrayal.

An example can be given. The man was an excellent student at school, he obeyed the teachers, studied well at the university, started a family, he was well spoken about at work, and then once - a serial killer-maniac. No merits and good deeds in the past can change the present. A person is evaluated for his entire life, and not for some separate good periods. So it is with the white generals. Many of them had, until a certain period, an impeccable career, brought great benefit to the country, but in the end they went against the people, either explicitly or blindly working for the West. Therefore, historically, they were doomed to defeat. The Bolsheviks, despite the presence of a powerful "fifth column" in their ranks (Trotskyists-internationalists), on the whole objectively acted in the interests of the Russian people, they had a plan-program for the development of the state in the interests of the majority, and therefore received massive support. The victory of the "whites" led to the preservation of social injustice, the triumph of the mercenary, bourgeois morality ("golden calf") in Russia, even greater enslavement by the West and the eternal status of a raw materials semi-colony.

The issue with the White Army must be clarified with all certainty. Too many myths have been created in this matter. As a result, muddy films like "Admiral" appear, where "pure, white knights" are fighting the "Bolshevik scum". To start it must always be remembered that the main figures and leaders of the White movement, the highest generals were one of the detachments that organized February, that is, destroyed the Russian Empire and the Russian autocracy. Alekseev, Ruzsky were among the main organizers of the conspiracy against their Supreme Commander-in-Chief Nicholas II. The main associate of the Chief of Staff of the Headquarters Alekseev in this matter, the commander of the Northern Front, General Ruzsky (who directly and directly "pressed" on the tsar during February), later admitted that Alekseev, holding the army in his hands, could well have stopped the February "riots" in Petrograd, but "preferred to put pressure on the Emperor and carried away other commanders-in-chief." And after the Tsar's abdication, it was Alekseev who was the first to announce to him (March 8): "Your Majesty should consider yourself as if arrested …" The Tsar did not answer, turned pale and turned away from Alekseev. " It was not for nothing that Nikolai Aleksandrovich wrote in his diary on March 3, clearly referring to the close generals: "All around there is treason, and cowardice, and deceit."

Other main leaders of the White Army, Generals Denikin Kornilov and Admiral Kolchak, were in one way or another Alekseev's adherents, “Februaryists”. All of them have made a brilliant career after February. During the war, Kornilov commanded a division, at the end of 1916 - a corps, and after the February coup - immediately (!) Commander-in-Chief! Kornilov personally arrested the family of the former emperor in Tsarskoe Selo. The same applies to Denikin, who commanded a brigade, division and corps during the war. And after February he became chief of staff of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief.

Kolchak held a higher post until February: from June 1916 he was the commander of the Black Sea Fleet. Moreover, he received this post thanks to a number of intrigues, and his reputation as a liberal and oppositionist played the main role. The last Minister of War of the Provisional Government, General AI Verkhovsky, noted: "Since the Japanese war, Kolchak has been in constant conflict with the tsarist government and, conversely, in close contact with representatives of the bourgeoisie in the State Duma." When in the summer of 1916 Kolchak became commander of the Black Sea Fleet, “this appointment of the young admiral shocked everyone: he was promoted in violation of all seniority rights, bypassing a number of admirals personally known to the tsar and despite the fact that his closeness with the Duma circles was known to the emperor … Kolchak's nomination was the first major victory of these (liberal. - AS) circles. " And in February, “the Socialist Revolutionary Party (Socialist Revolutionaries. - AS) mobilized hundreds of its members - sailors, partly old underground workers, to support Admiral Kolchak … Lively and energetic agitators scurried about the ships, extolling the admiral's military talents and his devotion to the revolution "(Verkhovsky A. I. On a difficult pass).

It is not surprising that Kolchak supported the February Revolution and "distinguished himself" quite significantly there. For example, being a fleet commander, he organized the ceremonial reburial of Lieutenant Schmidt and personally followed his coffin. This, of course, suggests that he is not a devoted supporter of autocracy, but a typical Februaryist revolutionary.

In addition, the main military conspirators, the Februaryists - Alekseev, Kornilov, Denikin and Kolchak - were closely associated with the masters of the West. The White Army would be powerless without Western help and support. Denikin himself in his "Sketches of Russian Troubles" noted that in February 1919 the supply of British supplies began, and that the lack of ammunition from that time on, the "whites" rarely experienced. Without this support from the Entente, the initially triumphant campaign of Denikin's army against Moscow, which in October 1919 achieved the greatest success, would not have taken place. The masters of the West were initially opponents of the existence of Russian civilization, a powerful, independent Russia-Russia. Therefore, the West relied on two "horses" - "white" and "red" (in the person of Trotsky, Sverdlov and other agents of influence). It was a very successful operation - the Russians beat the Russians. True, the masters of the West did not expect that the “Reds” would win the Soviet project oriented towards the popular majority, which would in fact restore the imperial greatness and power of Russia, but already in the form of the Red Empire.

Therefore, the masters of the West not only supported the White movement, but also restrained it, more than once stuck a "knife in the back" of the White Army, so that, God forbid, a true movement for the revival of Great Russia would not be born in it. Westerners tacitly supported the "Reds" too, especially in the initial period, as well as supported all kinds of nationalists, separatists and outright bandit formations with might and main. And they themselves began open intervention and occupation of key regions of Russian civilization. Thus, the masters of the West in 1917-1922.did everything possible and impossible to exterminate the Russians in a fratricidal war, to destroy their demographic potential in mutual terror and bandit lawlessness; to dismember Great Russia into pieces, all sorts of republics and "bantustans" that can be easily brought under control and "digested".

Denikin resented the policy of the West, sometimes very harshly, but he could not do anything about this dependence. It is not surprising that his army could offer the Russian people only new "chains" - liberalism and a constitutional monarchy of the British type. That is, not only politically, militarily and economically, but also conceptually and ideologically, the "whites" were completely dependent on the West. They tried to build a "new Russia" on the Western model - the British constitutional monarchy or republican France.

Therefore, Denikin recognized the power of an even more odious figure - the "supreme ruler" Kolchak. The fact is that since November 1917, Denikin became the recognized leader of the emerging White (Volunteer) Army, and in September 1918, after the death of Alekseev, he became its commander-in-chief. Kolchak only two months later, in November 1918, began hostilities from Siberia. And nevertheless, he was immediately declared the "Supreme Ruler" of Russia. And Denikin meekly acknowledged his supremacy.

Alexander Kolchak was, without a doubt, a direct protege of the West and that is why he was appointed "Supreme Ruler". In the segment of Kolchak's life from June 1917, when he went abroad, to his arrival in Omsk in November 1918, there is much unknown. However, what is known is quite obvious. “On June 17 (30),” the admiral informed his closest person, AV Timireva, “I had a top secret and important conversation with US Ambassador Ruth and Admiral Glennon … So, I found myself in a position close to the condottier” (Ioffe G Z. Kolchakov's adventure and its collapse). Thus, Kolchak acted as an ordinary mercenary, adventurer, serving his employers.

In early August, Kolchak, who had just been promoted to full admiral by the Provisional Government, secretly arrived in London, where he met with the British Minister of the Navy and discussed with him the question of "saving" Russia. Then he secretly went to the United States, where he conferred (apparently received instructions) with the war and naval ministers, as well as the Foreign Secretary and the American President himself, Woodrow Wilson.

When the October Revolution took place in Russia, the admiral decided not to return to Russia and entered the service of His Majesty the King of Great Britain. In March 1918 he received a telegram from the chief of British military intelligence, which ordered him to "secretly present in Manchuria." Heading along the road to Beijing, and from there to Harbin, Kolchak in April 1918 noted in his diary that he should “receive instructions and information from the allied ambassadors. My mission is secret, and although I guess about its tasks and the whole, I will not talk about it yet. " In the end, in November 1918, Kolchak, within the framework of this "mission", was proclaimed the "Supreme Ruler" of Russia. The West supplied Kolchak's regime much more generously than Denikin's. His armies were provided with about a million rifles, several thousand machine guns, hundreds of guns and cars, dozens of aircraft, about half a million sets of uniforms, etc. It is clear that it was not for nothing, but on the security of that part of the gold reserve of the empire, which ended up in the hands of Kolchak's army.

The British general Knox and the French general Janin with their chief adviser Captain Z. Peshkov (the younger brother of Y. Sverdlov) were constantly at Kolchak. These Westerners closely watched over the admiral and his army. These facts, like others, suggest that Kolchak, although he himself undoubtedly dreamed of becoming the "savior of Russia", was, by his own admission, a "condottieri" - a mercenary of the West. Therefore, other leaders of the White armies, by virtue of the Masonic hierarchy, had to obey him and obey.

When Kolchak's "mission" came to an end, and he could not defeat the "reds", establish the full power of his masters in Russia, or at least in Siberia and the Far East, he was thrown as a used disposable tool. Later, many leaders, leaders, generals and presidents in various parts of the world will repeat this fate of the puppets of the West. Kolchak did not even bother to withdraw, to give an appropriate pension. He was cynically surrendered with the help of the Czechoslovakians and allowed to be executed.

It is also worth noting that Kolchak became a war criminal. Under the "supreme ruler" there were mass shootings of the population, workers, peasants, massive violence and robberies. It is not surprising that a real peasant war was going on in the rear of Kolchak's army, which greatly helped the "red" win up in the Ural-Siberian direction. So, after the six-month rule of Admiral Kolchak, on May 18, 1919, General Budberg (chief of supplies and Minister of War of the Kolchak government) wrote: “Rebellions and local anarchy are spreading throughout Siberia … they burn villages, hang them up and, where possible, misbehave. Such measures cannot calm these uprisings … in encrypted reports from the front, more and more often, ominous for the present and formidable for the future, words “having interrupted their officers, such and such a part was transmitted to the Reds”, come across. And not because, - the white general noted with absolute certainty, - that she is inclined to the ideals of Bolshevism, but only because she did not want to serve … and in a change of position … I thought to get rid of everything unpleasant. " It is clear that the Bolsheviks skillfully used this uprising, and at the beginning of 1920 Kolchak's army suffered a decisive defeat.

Thus, it is obvious that such a "perpetuation" of Kolchak, like Mannerheim, and earlier great attention to Denikin from a number of representatives of the Russian "elite" (in general, there is a rehabilitation and even exaltation, idealization of the White movement within the framework of "national reconciliation"), is an attempt to take "white revenge". That is, the "white", bourgeois counter-revolution that killed social justice in society took place back in 1991-1993, and now the time has come to formulate new "heroes" ideologically. Russia is again a capitalist state, a cultural periphery and a raw material appendage of Western civilization, social justice is forgotten ("there is no money").

Therefore, a relatively soft de-Sovietization continues (for comparison, in the Baltic and Little Russia everything is very tough, right up to the introduction of Nazi, bandit-oligarchic regimes) and the building of a caste-caste society, where there are "new nobles" and a silent, gradually devoid of socialist conquests of the Soviet period of the majority. Naturally, the “heroes” of such a “new Russia” should not be Stalin, Beria, Budyonny, Dzerzhinsky, who successfully built a new just society, a society of creation and service free from the parasitism of some people over others, but Kolchak, Mannerheim, Wrangel and, apparently, in the future, Vlasov and Ataman Krasnov, who were in the service of Western "partners" in the enslavement of Russian civilization and the Russian super-ethnos.

All this is one of the results of 25 years of spiritual, cultural and socio-economic degradation of the territory of Russian civilization, including all its fragments: Little Russia-Ukraine, Belarus, the Baltic States, Bessarabia-Transnistria, Turkestan.

In addition, part of the Russian bureaucracy is simply historically illiterate and easily misses such provocations that split society and play into the hands of our external enemies.
