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Project 20360M maritime transport weapons, render On June 1, 2021, in Rybinsk in the Yaroslavl Region, the ceremony of launching a new ship for the Russian Black Sea Fleet took place. The lead ship of the Project 20360M series was named Gennady Dmitriev. The ship is being built on
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Photo: Roman Abramov, wikimapia.org On July 20, 1960 at 12:39 pm, a radiogram “POLARIS - FROM OUT OF THE DEEP TO TARGET. PERFECT ". The first launch of the "Polaris" ballistic missile was performed from a standard launch vehicle. The world has entered a new era, an era in which politics and power
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It's not that this thing has a displacement of 90,000 tons. The fact is that it has a speed of 55 km / h. There is always no topic that in the modern public consciousness would be shrouded in more nonsense than the detection of surface targets in the open sea and a strike on them from the shore. Consciousness
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Thirty years ago, in 1991, the flag was raised on the lead destroyer of the Arleigh Burke series. It cannot be classified as a success or a failure. For too long it was the only project of this level. Chinese super destroyer "Nanchang" (Type 55), with a serious look presented as a decent answer, was late by three
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There is a chance that it will never be built. Now there is a good chance. Photo: Profile On June 10, 2021, the head of the United Shipbuilding Corporation A. Rakhmanov told the public the following: “If, within the framework of our understanding, modern technologies are applied on the corvette
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Whoever does not want or cannot accept criticism and listen to the opinions, delusions or mistakes of opponents, please switch to something else right away. Let's take a close look at the highest achievement of domestic military shipbuilding, without touching the submarine fleet, project 22350 frigates and
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This article contains the most complete list of ships and vessels for the Russian Navy that were handed over and undergoing tests in 2013, as well as a list of those under construction since the moment of laying. Ships and vessels ordered but not mortgaged were not included in the list. Every ship is equipped with the latest information
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We continue to review the ships under construction on the orders of the Russian Navy. Lead BPC Russe Vladivostok, built by STX France and the Baltic plant according to the DCNS project. On July 27, 2013, the two halves of the ship were docked, now they will drain the pool and level them. By the end of summer, the ship will again stand on
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In the previous article, we examined the kinetic methods of destruction that can be used to repel massive strikes inflicted by anti-ship missiles (ASM). No matter how the developers tried to increase the detection range of aircraft and anti-ship missiles attacking the ship, the number of channels
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In the articles Surface ships: to repel an anti-ship missile strike and Surface ships: to evade anti-ship missiles, we examined ways to ensure the protection of promising surface ships (NK) from anti-ship missiles (ASM). Torpedo armament poses no less, but in some ways a greater threat to NK. Wherein
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One of the main problems of the Russian Navy (Navy), in particular its underwater component, is the lack of multipurpose nuclear submarines (MCSNS). The existing nuclear submarines (PLA) of projects 945 / 945A / 971 are rapidly becoming obsolete, and their modernization is extremely
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Arlie Burke-class USS Cole is transported to the repair site by a semi-submersible after a suicide attack on a motorboat with explosives
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In the article Goals and objectives of the Russian Navy: to destroy half of the enemy's fleet, the prospect of deploying large groups of reconnaissance satellites and high-altitude unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) capable of providing round-the-clock and year-round surveillance of the entire
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In previous materials, we considered the possibilities of detecting aircraft carrier strike groups (AUG) by space reconnaissance means, stratospheric electric UAVs, high-altitude and medium-altitude UAVs of the HALE and MALE class. Immediately before striking the AUG can be arranged
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Finding an aircraft carrier strike group (AUG) is one thing, it is much more difficult to ensure its escort and destruction. What is the role of early warning aircraft (AWACS) in this? Why are AWACS aircraft critical to the safety of the AUG and why is it so important to destroy them? How can this
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To begin with, we will voice a few theses: 1. Submarines (PL), in particular nuclear submarines (PLA), are the main striking force of the Russian Navy. In fact, at the moment, submarines are the only means of the Russian Navy that pose a threat to the naval forces (Navy)
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Earlier, we found out that primary detection of an aircraft carrier or shipborne strike group (AUG / KUG) can be carried out in many ways - reconnaissance satellites and maneuvering spacecraft, stratospheric unmanned airships and high-altitude electric unmanned aerial vehicles
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One of the most important elements of the Soviet system of counteraction against aircraft carrier and ship strike groups (AUG and KUG) of a potential enemy, along with the global satellite system of maritime space reconnaissance and target designation (MCRTs) "Legend", considered in the article Find an aircraft carrier: space
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Earlier, we looked at the consequences of a global nuclear war, as well as what ground-based military equipment and aviation might look like. In this article, we will look at what the fleet of the post-nuclear world will be like. Once again, we recall the factors that complicate the restoration of industry after a nuclear war: - the extinction of the population
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Fleet in the lagging One of the main trends in the modernization of the armed forces of the leading countries of the world is to equip them with an increasing number of different types of unmanned and remotely controlled equipment
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Light cruisers of the Nagara class became a direct continuation of the Kuma project. Unlike its predecessor, the Nagara-class cruisers were planned to strengthen the hull, since operations in northern waters were envisaged, to create a more massive bow superstructure and remove the stern. Instead of a stern superstructure
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When it comes to the legion of Japanese light cruisers, start over. The beginning, that is, the first light cruisers, were two Tenryu-class cruisers. The predecessors who could claim the title of the first. Cruisers of the "Tikuma" class belonged to armored cruisers. First lungs
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Musashi fires main battery, 26 July 1942 Largest cannon in history. The Second World War demonstrated the importance of large caliber artillery. At the same time, the caliber race took place not only on land, but also at sea. Almost all naval powers developed powerful
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In naval affairs, there are a number of ideas, concepts and theories that have so long and firmly ingrained in the minds of people that they are taken for granted, almost axioms that require neither explanation nor proof. But in fact, these are mistakes that can be very expensive
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Here it is, "Big Karakurt" On December 24, 2019, an expanded meeting of the board of the Ministry of Defense was held with the participation of the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin. On this occasion, "Russia 24" made a short report, during which it "spotted" a project that was previously not worth talking about out loud. But now already
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In the early 1960s, at the height of the Cold War and amid the unfolding Cuban missile crisis, NATO sailors were increasingly worried about Soviet submarines. The number of these boats was quite large, so a variety of options were considered as means of dealing with them
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Naval development in post-Soviet Russia is an example of a combination of stupidity and inefficiency. The funds allocated for the restoration of the fleet only led to an increase in the scale of mistakes of those who were responsible for their development. This situation is absolutely intolerable, and it is believed that patience
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China in 2020 surpassed the United States in the number of warships, coming out on this indicator in first place in the world. According to published reports from the US Department of Defense, the total size of the Chinese fleet was estimated at 350 ships versus 293 American ones. At the same time, the United States still retains the palm
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The Siebel ferry as a modification of the heavy air defense ferry on Ladoga The history of the combat ferry, which was used both to transport troops and as floating air defense batteries, and sometimes as artillery support ships, began in the summer of 1940. Ferry development was directly related to German plans
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Hovercraft PACV SK-5 An important part of our perceptions and memories of this war are helicopters, which the Americans used in large quantities. At the same time, it was widely used in Vietnam and mosquito
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The Harpoon anti-ship missile was developed in the United States at the height of the Cold War. All-weather ammunition entered service in 1977 and since then has been quite actively produced and has been repeatedly modernized. The missile remains in service with the US Navy and Air Force. However, interest in this
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During combat service, the logs of the ships of the 5th squadron wound hundreds of miles throughout the Mediterranean Sea. In the spring and summer, the main grouping of the squadron gathered at the 52nd point in the Es Salum Bay, a real resort. When the stormy winds began to blow, the squadron was in a hurry to go to the 5th point
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The daily life of the 5th Squadron was very varied. Combat patrolling, tracking the enemy, but most of all there was routine work - refueling on the move, servicing the crews of nuclear submarines and submarines, transitions to anchorage sites, friendly calls at foreign ports. demonstration of the flag. In this
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The history of the 5th Mediterranean Squadron of the USSR Navy, in my opinion, is very interesting and instructive, especially in light of the return of the Russian fleet to this region. We can say that
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This article concludes the series about the artillery cruisers of the Soviet fleet. In previous articles, we reviewed the history of the design of ships of projects 26 and 26-bis, 68K and 68-bis, their technical characteristics and the capabilities of Soviet cruisers in comparison with their foreign "peers". Left
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The Project 941 heavy strategic missile submarine (tpk SN) has become the largest submarine in history. The assessments of this project are opposite: from pride in what has been created to "the victory of technology over common sense." At the same time, attempts to objectively analyze the project, taking into account all
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Perhaps there is no more controversial topic in the modern military history of our country than the role of the USSR Navy in the Great Patriotic War and in the final results of World War II for our country as a whole. “The fleet is the most
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The American Ideological Crisis as an Example In the late forties and early fifties of the last century, the US Navy found itself in a serious crisis: they could not justify their need for the country and the people. Indeed, there was not a single fleet in the world that could even be compared with
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In the last article, we examined the pros and cons of the naval component of the triad of strategic nuclear forces. And they came to the conclusion that the strategic missile submarine cruisers (SSBNs) of the Russian Federation are absolutely necessary both now and in the foreseeable future. But all of these
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Photo: mil.cnr.cn "Due to the interconnected nature of the global economy, countries can seriously harm the economies of other countries without taking any offensive action …" - PLA Colonels Qiao Liang and Wang Xiongsui. Treatise on strategy and operational art "Unlimited War". China by