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The permeable environment and unmasking factors The combat use of submarines and other underwater vehicles is based on such quality as secrecy of actions for the attacked enemy. The aquatic environment, in the depths of which the PA is operated, limits the detection distance by means of radio and optical
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The composition of the FC2G AIP installation and its placement on the submarine On the pages of the "Military Review" controversy has recently developed about the advantages of new power sources for the electric propulsion of the Japanese submarine "Oryu" ("Dragon-phoenix"), the penultimate unit in the series of submarines of the "Soryu" type. The discussion was prompted by
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At the very end of the 19th century, far from us, the Russian Imperial Navy was armed with gunboats of two types - seaworthy for long voyages and armored boats for the defense of the Baltic. They coped with their tasks, but, as usual, once in the wise heads of the high authorities
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One of the main fair arguments against the construction of a new nuclear aircraft carrier for the Pacific Fleet of the Russian Federation is the absence of escort ships for the future carrier strike group. And the fact that the four full-fledged modern destroyers (the first
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In the first article under the same name, the idea of replacing the existing, still Soviet design, morally and physically aging ships of the coastal zone of three types with a new universal unified platform was proposed for consideration, which can and should be created using the latest achievements
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The reason for writing an article, but in fact an exposition of the reflections of an indifferent observer of the construction of a modern Russian fleet (and for some, the revival of the Russian fleet), was the numerous discussions on the pages of the "Military Review" about the Russian aircraft carrier ("To be or not to be?")
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An unpleasant fact for us, but by the mid-1950s we were losing the Cold War. And it was not about the warheads, we produced them no worse than the Americans, but about the delivery of these very charges to the territory of the United States. The Tu-4A aircraft is outdated. Tu-16 did not reach the range. The famous "Bears" - Tu-95 - started
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Disputes over the only completed series of Russian battleships have not subsided since the days of the tsarist. And they will not subside as long as in Russia, in principle, there is a fleet and its historians. This is understandable: seven battleships of the "Sevastopol" class (and "Empress Maria" - albeit improved and slightly modified, but exactly
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By 1997, when the agreement on the division of the fleet came into force, there were two missile cruisers and one artillery cruiser on the Black Sea, 3 BODs, 4 diesel submarines, 9 frigates (SKR), 4 small missile ships, of which one is the newest " Bora ", 15 small anti-submarine ships, 11
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The export of Soviet ships can be divided into several groups - the sale of ships already in use by the USSR Navy, the sale of new ships of projects developed for our fleet (slightly modified versions with weakened characteristics), and the sale of ships of export projects (there were some)
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Introduction In 1991, at the time of the liquidation of the USSR, 62 submarine missile carriers, 13 old men of Project 667A, 18 - Project 667B, 4 - 667BD, 14 - 667BDR, 7 - 667BDRM, and 6 - Project 941 were transferred to the Russian Federation. These were different ships. And if our first-borns, those same "Vani Washington", are already outdated and
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Such a simple fact - in shipbuilding, Russia lagged behind the developed countries of the world, which determined much in the construction of the domestic fleet. And not only ships: mechanisms, artillery, instruments, civilian ships - a lot came from Germany. This tradition lasted until 1914. And then
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About ships At the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, the quantitative composition of the USSR fleet was, of course, huge, but … To understand, you must first deal with the types of ships in service, and then with their distribution among fleets. And start, of course, with the battleships, because Pearl Harbor is not yet
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And you have to start with the British. Limes in the last quarter of the 19th century were trendsetters and ardent supporters of high-volume production, which greatly simplified the actions in battle. In terms of ship and squad management. And it made production and service cheaper. UK And we'll start with
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As you know, on February 6, 1922, an international conference on the limitation of naval arms ended in the capital of the United States, which resulted in the conclusion of the "Washington Naval Agreement of 1922". According to one of the provisions of the document, out of the five fleets, including the American one, it was assumed
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Before us is the author's translation of the reports of the English attaché attached to the armored cruiser "Asama" by the captain of the Royal Navy D. de M. Hutchison (captain J. de M. Hutchison). These documents were compiled for the British Admiralty in July (August) 1904 on the basis of records
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In May-June 1903, the armored cruiser Asama, which was docked at the naval arsenal in Kura, underwent repairs of the power plant and replacement of worn-out units and mechanisms. However, on the subsequent sea trials, a number of new malfunctions of the mechanisms of the main
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The battleship "Prince Suvorov" is firing at the enemy (still from the film). Since pre-revolutionary times, it has become a commonplace to think about the low level of artillery training as one of the reasons for the defeat of the 2nd Pacific squadron. Documents that can confirm or deny this narrative, in
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In previous articles, I tried to understand the quality of Russian and German armor of the First World War. The result of the "showdown" turned out to be very flattering for the domestic industry of those years: it turned out that the quality of the German armor was approximately the same as the Russian one. Of course, given
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In the article "On the oddities in setting tasks for the Russian Navy and a little about aircraft carriers" I reviewed the tasks set by the leadership of our country for the Russian Navy. There were three such tasks in total: 1) protection of the national interests of the Russian Federation and its allies in the World Ocean by military methods; 2)
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In previous articles (On the durability of Russian armor of the First World War and On the durability of Russian naval armor in the context of the tests of 1920), I, based on an analysis of experimental firing in 1913 and 1920, came to the conclusion that the durability of cemented Russian armor installed on battleships type
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In the previous article "On the fleet that we need", I sketched out in the most general terms the composition of the fleet that would meet the requirements laid down in the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of July 20, 2017 No. -marine activities on
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This article, alas, will not give unambiguous answers to the questions posed, but will offer the respected reader a consistent hypothesis about the content of explosives in the so-called "lightweight" 305-mm high-explosive and armor-piercing shells that our fleet used in the Russo-Japanese War. And in what
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As you know, a human hobby is a very diverse thing: what people are not fond of. They collect beetles, grow flowers, create huge houses of cards, draw, solve crosswords, play computer games, etc. We can only state that for a pleasant pastime
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The article offered to your attention was conceived as a continuation of the material "The answer of the supporters of the aircraft carrier lobby to the" inconvenient "questions" and was supposed to tell why, in fact, we need aircraft carriers and where we are going to use them. Unfortunately, it quickly became clear that within one
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Recently, an article was published on the electronic pages of "VO" entitled "Inconvenient questions for supporters of the aircraft carrier lobby" by the respected A. Voskresensky. The author's conclusions are unambiguous - the creation of aircraft carriers has no practical justification, we are not what to build - the terms of reference for their development
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Recently, on the electronic pages of "VO" a serious "battle" has been played out on the topic of the future of the Russian navy. Respected authors R. Skomorokhov and A. Vorontsov entered the discussion, on the one hand ("Does Russia need a strong fleet"), and A. Timokhin, no less respected by me, on the other
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In the material devoted to the promising multipurpose nuclear submarine "Husky" ("Laika"), the author, analyzing information from open sources, came to the conclusion that this submarine would be a somewhat improved Yasen-M. At the same time, the main direction of improving the ship, according to
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In the material devoted to domestic multipurpose nuclear submarines of the Yasen-M type, the author came to the conclusion that these ships are good for everyone, except for the cost. Unfortunately, the costs of building ships of the project 885M are excessively high (1.5-2 times higher than on SSBNs of the Borey type) and will not allow
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As you know, the cruiser Zhemchug turned out to be the only Russian armored cruiser of the 2nd rank that took part in the Russian-Japanese war and survived until its end. In the proposed material, the author will consider his further fate. At the end of the Tsushima battle, "Pearls" together with "Aurora"
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Recently "VO" published an article by S. Yuferev "Twice more expensive than" Mistrals ". Two universal amphibious assault ships for the Russian Navy ", in which the respected author came to the conclusion that the planned UDC will cost our fleet more than the Mistrals ordered in France. Though not doubled, 10% percent
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In domestic literature, traditionally blame for the death of the "Pearl" on its commander, Baron I. A. Cherkasov, referring to the uniform mess that this aristocrat threw up when he took command of the cruiser. And indeed, reading about what was happening on the "Pearl", inevitably you begin to doubt
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Some reflections on our Project 885 Yasen and 885M Yasen M nuclear submarines with cruise missiles. Everything is simple with the naval component of the strategic nuclear forces: its main task in peacetime is nuclear
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This material is devoted to the evolution of the air defense of Soviet battleships during the period from World War I to the beginning of the Great Patriotic War. Unfortunately, in the sources devoted to these ships, this issue is considered rather superficially and contains a number of inaccuracies. However, thanks to the brilliant work
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As you know, the plans for the construction of the Russian Navy, approved by the state armaments program for 2011-2020, have failed miserably in literally all classes of ships. Except perhaps the "mosquito" fleet. But the point is that the latter within the framework of the GPV 2011-2020
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As has been said many times earlier, the combat stability of the formations of domestic SSBNs is under a big question. Unfortunately, our submarine missile carriers, entering combat services, find themselves under the gun of enemy multipurpose atomarines much more often than we would like, and
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The booking scheme of the Sevastopol at the time of commissioning seems to be well-known, but, oddly enough, not a single source contains a complete and consistent description. differ: whether
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As you know, the battleship Oslyabya was destined to lead the mournful list of Russian ships that died in the Battle of Tsushima. At 13.49 "Prince Suvorov" opened fire, and at 14.40, that is, only 51 minutes after the start of the battle of the main forces, "Oslyabya" turned over. And you can safely
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There is a historical tale about how the Athenians in Ancient Greece, wishing to bargain more benefits for themselves, and less obligations, sent an ambassador to Sparta who was extremely sophisticated in rhetoric. He spoke to the Spartan ruler with a magnificent speech and spoke for an hour, inclining him to the Athenian
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In this article, we will continue the analysis of the small-caliber anti-aircraft artillery (MZA) of the battleships "Sevastopol." K and the same number of quadruples