Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
Recently, Nick Belantoni's film "Hitler's Escape" appeared on the screens of the United States. According to the author of the film, the Fuhrer of the Third Reich managed to secretly escape from Berlin from the Soviet Army at the end of April 1945, hide in an unknown direction and escape punishment for serious crimes
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
In the 50s and 60s, the British army tried to increase the effectiveness of soldiers in battle by experimenting with drugs? Including with many well-known LSD. Here is a short description of one of the military exercises. I don't know if this was the first, but it was definitely the last time the British army dealt with LSD. Just before
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The creation of the world's first underwater minelayer "Crab" is one of the remarkable pages in the history of Russian military shipbuilding. The technical backwardness of tsarist Russia and a completely new type of submarine, which was the "Crab", led to the fact that this minelayer entered
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The 90th birthday of Nikolai Vladimirovich Strutinsky was not celebrated in Ukraine in any way. In Russia, it seems, too. They did not remember him on the day of his death - July 11 … Time to correct this "omission". To say that Strutinsky is a legendary man, and without any exaggeration, is to repeat what was said about him and ten or more
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The famous military and statesman of the first quarter of the 19th century, major general, hero-partisan of the Patriotic War of 1812, talented military writer and poet, founder of hussar lyrics Denis Vasilyevich Davydov was born 225 years ago - on July 27, 1784. Passionate, boiling nature
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Continuation, beginning here: Part 1However, the new authorities, and after them the Bolsheviks, renamed all the courts, one way or another connected with the "accursed tsarism". And these new names did not bring happiness to the ships. There was no hero on the Black Sea equal to Namorsi Shchastny, so the Black Sea Fleet suffered from
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August 2 marks 80 years of the Airborne Forces. On the eve of the holiday, Ogonyok correspondents met with the legendary paratrooper, Hero of Russia, lieutenant colonel of the special forces of the Airborne Forces Anatoly Lebed. We left his words unchanged in order to give readers an idea of what today's thinks and how
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65 years ago, on July 24, 1945, during the Potsdam Conference, US President Harry Truman and Soviet leader Joseph Stalin had a brief conversation that cost the lives of 400,000 Japanese. However, this is perhaps only one of the legends that have bred in abundance around the atomic
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The tribes of the Slavs (in other sources - the Rus) together with the Avars in 626 undertook a grandiose campaign against Constantinople in single-tree boats. On June 29, 626, the Avar Kagan approached the walls of Constantinople with an army. According to the Easter Chronicle, this was the first Avar detachment, consisting of 30 thousand soldiers
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For 30 years, professional historians obediently repeated: "20 million." It sounded with confidence, "The Volga flows into the Caspian Sea," but they knew that Khrushchev took the numbers from the sky. Are they not cheating now? And they did not believe it. Other figures appeared in the newspapers: 40 million, 50 million and even 100 million! Later appeared
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The Hitlerite secret police - the Gestapo - were looking for this man in vain until the final defeat of the Nazi Reich. In Austria and Germany, he was known by the name of Alexander Erdberg, but in fact his name was Alexander Korotkov. His whole life and all his thoughts were devoted to serving the Motherland
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The Amazing Story of an Outstanding Illegal Soviet Intelligence Service The names of the “great illegal immigrants” of the 1930s are inscribed in a special font in the calendar of Soviet intelligence, and among them the name of Dmitry Bystroletov shines with a cheerful splendor. He himself contributed a lot to this. The man is sick and sardonic, he found himself on a slope
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Russia has only two allies: the army and the navy. All the rest will attack us at the first opportunity. Emperor Alexander III It is terrible to look at the agony of the ship. He is like a wounded person, bends in agony, beats in convulsions, breaks and drowns, while making terrible uterine sounds
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In September 1783, a balloon designed by the Montgolfier brothers lifted three passengers into the sky of Versailles: a sheep, a goose and a rooster. Two months later, people made their first hot air balloon flight. And soon balloons began to be used for military purposes
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Least of all Stalin and Beria The question in the title of this article has been debated for decades, but to this day there is no honest, accurate and complete answer to it. However, for many people it is obvious: of course, the main responsibility for the tragic beginning of the Great Patriotic War
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Under him, the air defense troops were at the zenith of their power. June 27 marked the 100th anniversary of the birth of the outstanding military leader of our country Pavel Fedorovich Batitsky. In the ranks of the Armed Forces of the USSR, he went from a cadet in a cavalry school to Marshal of the Soviet Union
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Someone at the front was driven to attack the enemy at the point of their own machine guns One of the most terrible myths of World War II is associated with the existence of detachments in the Red Army. Often in modern TV series about the war, you can see scenes with gloomy personalities in blue caps of the NKVD troops
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The Living and the Dead of the First Chechen Chechen War began for me with the senior warrant officer Nikolai Potekhin - this was the first Russian serviceman with whom I met in the war. I had a chance to talk to him at the very end of November 1994, after the failed storming of Grozny by "unknowns"
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Main road to BTB. Directly - repository No. 5, on the right - building No. 1 Facts are forgotten. The liquidators are dying. Before the radioactive "debris" in
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In the construction of Russian warships, a fire hazardous alloy is still used, which was going to be banned two decades ago after the tragic death of the small missile ship "Monsoon". 39 sailors were burned alive in a fire that resulted from an accidental hit of a missile in
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Why the military-political leadership of Germany did not order the use of chemical weapons During the hostilities during the First World War, various toxic substances were widely used. Subsequently, in the 20-30s of the twentieth century, the issues of the use of chemical weapons and means
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The problem of the origins of the Crimean War has long been in the field of view of historians who gravitate towards the study of failed, but possible scenarios of the past. The debate about whether there was an alternative to it is as old as the war itself, and there is no end in sight to the debate: this is too exciting a topic. Considering
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But volcanoes in those days were silent, and the United States did not conduct nuclear tests. An airplane took off from the English airfield and took air samples in the upper atmosphere. It turned out: on August 29, a Soviet plutonium bomb was detonated on the territory of Northern Kazakhstan. The world did not yet know that she was
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The history of the unit, all of whose soldiers were awarded the Orders of Glory At the end of 1944, the immediate task of the Red Army was to reach the borders of Germany and strike at Berlin. For this, favorable conditions were created, in particular, bridgeheads were captured on the western bank of the Vistula. True, it was necessary
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Disputes and discussions around the event that happened 69 years ago (the beginning of the Great Patriotic War) not only do not subside, but flare up with renewed vigor. Propaganda myths that were supposed to convince the citizens of Russia that the Stalinist USSR was no better than Hitler's Germany, that
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60 years ago - on August 29, 1949 - the first Soviet atomic bomb RDS-1 with a declared yield of 20 kt was successfully tested at the Semipalatinsk test site. Thanks to this event, strategic military parity between the USSR and the United States was allegedly established in the world. And a hypothetical war
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Dozens of large enterprises were evacuated from the west of the country to the city of Kuibyshev (now Samara) from the west of the country, which, just two or three months after the move, already issued products for the front, worked at aviation factories in several shifts. In the vicinity of the train station
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Do you remember, brother, that time is long ago: the pines and the sea, the sunset of the sun; How did we see the ships sailing, how did we wait for them back? How we wanted to be captains and go around the world in the spring! Well, of course, we became masters - each in his own craft … The usual story of those years: after graduating only 6
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October 16, 1946 - the day when the ashes of eleven main war criminals - the Nazis, sentenced to death by the Nuremberg International Military Tribunal - were poured into one of the tributaries of the Isara River (near Munich). The winners decided that absolutely nothing should be left of the dust
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18-08-1995. If we had lost this battle, the world would have looked different - without Poland. Head of State and Commander-in-Chief Józef Pilsudski did not intend to wait. He dreamed of the resurrection of the old Commonwealth, of the federation of the peoples of the Polish, Lithuanian, Ukrainian and Belarusian (it should be noted that
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On the eve of the next anniversary of the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, liberal historians and journalists crawled out like devils from a snuffbox on television screens and newspaper pages. Still: a good occasion presented itself to remind the Russian man in the street about who is to blame for all mortal sins. Of course, we are talking
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The most famous Hitlerite military leader in Russia is still Field Marshal Friedrich Paulus. First, because he brought his 6th army to the Volga. Secondly, because there, in the Stalingrad "cauldron", he left her. Alexander ZVYAGINTSEV tells about the strange fate of this man
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These words fully apply to many battles of the First World War. For some reason, the modern Russian government, which is so concerned about patriotic education, chose not to notice the 95th anniversary of its beginning. This tragic date at the state level is trying not to notice: 95 years ago, 1
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The cruel truth about the beginning of the war told in the letters of a soldier of the Great Patriotic War 65 years have passed since the end of the Great Patriotic War, the ashes of those who fell in battles have long since decayed, but the soldier's triangle letters remained incorrupt - small yellowed sheets of paper covered with simple or
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On August 23, 1939, in Moscow, USSR People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs Vyacheslav Molotov and German Foreign Minister Joachim von Ribbentrop signed a non-aggression pact between the two countries, which immortalized their names
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The sad date of June 22 makes us remember how many questions are still raised by the history of the beginning of the Great Patriotic War. Why did the Kremlin ignore intelligence reports about Hitler's preparations for an attack on the USSR? How did the experience of the Civil War help the Soviet military leaders? Than in
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In the spring of 1945, when the enemies penetrated deeper and deeper into the empire, German women and girls took up arms to defend their homeland. We will share one such particularly successful episode. Between 8 and 12 March 1945 near Greifenhagen in Pomerania, heavy fighting raged with the addicted Bolsheviks. Non-commissioned officer
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Today we will try to take an objective look at the myth of the mediocrity of the military leadership of the Red Army - the Soviet Army, introduced into the public consciousness during the years of perestroika. Hundreds of times we have heard that the cannibalistic Stalinist regime bombarded the valiant German troops with crowds of unarmed Soviet soldiers
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At the Eurosatory-2010 arms show in Paris, Russia not only demonstrates its military equipment, but also for the first time looks closely at the best Western models. And not out of pure curiosity, but for the purpose of purchasing them. The armed forces of our country should have only the best equipment. And if there is no possibility
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During the occupation of German territory, Soviet troops committed mass rapes of local women. “The Soviet soldiers viewed the rape, which was often carried out in front of the woman's husband and family members, as a suitable way to humiliate the German nation, which considered the Slavs an inferior race