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A world-class scientist The career of the future genetics began on August 26, 1906, when Nikolai Vavilov entered the Moscow Agricultural Institute, and already in 1926 the scientist was one of the first to receive the Lenin Prize. At the age of 36, Vavilov is a corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences, and 6 years later
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The Front Demands Russian Victims The inclusion of the Russians as "cannon fodder" on the Western Front was considered by Europeans literally from the first days of the war. The first was an attempt to exert psychological pressure on the enemy - the transfer to France or Britain of 600 Don Cossacks from
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Tsarist know-how “Before the war, the opinion that there is no need to draw up any plans and considerations about how to provide food for the army and the country during the war; the natural wealth of Russia was considered so vast that everyone was calmly confident that getting everything they needed was not
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Grain to the front. Prodrazvorstka in Russia. The idea of surplus appropriation during the famine seemed to be salutary. No food is foreseen. “There is a lot of bread in the North Caucasus, but the break in the road makes it impossible to send them to the north, until the road is restored, the delivery of bread is unthinkable. To Samara and
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The Corrupt Girl Genetics The hysteria that happened in Soviet science in the 30-50s is difficult to understand. It is difficult to assess all its consequences. Genetics came under pressure, cybernetics and sociology were called "pseudoscience", the doctrine of the Nobel laureate was declared the only true and scientific in physiology
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Since 1994, the full name of the institution in Koltsovo is the State Scientific Center of Virology and Biotechnology "Vector", or the State Research Center of VB "Vector". It was founded in 1974, and the founder and protagonist of the project was Lev Stepanovich Sandakhchiev (1937-2006), a prominent scientist in the field
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Special-purpose radio divisions, which were part of the GRU of the General Staff of the Red Army, practically from the very first days of the war were engaged in radio interception, jamming enemy radio communications, direction finding German radio stations, and also in misinforming the enemy
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During the Battle of Poltava, the Russian army used a rather unusual method of transmitting information. The garrison of Poltava besieged by the Swedes in 1709 was forced to communicate with its comrades in arms with the help of cannons, into which hollow cannonballs filled with cipher letters were charged. Wherein
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“The filter is clogged, I took it off. The filter should be replaced. " Such a reminder on a scrap of paper was left by an employee of the plant of the Military Biological Center of the USSR Ministry of Defense ("Object 19") to his replacement when he went home on Friday evening. Filters at the plant were responsible for cleaning air from the worker
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It all began long before World War II, in 1919, when under the auspices of the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Z branch was created, whose task was to intercept the diplomatic correspondence of friends and enemies of the state. In total, the Z team opened a lot of ciphers and codes during the entire operation
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The head of American military intelligence, William James Donovan, once rightly remarked: “If the British had sent intercepted German military orders to the Kremlin, Stalin might have understood the true state of affairs. However, the British consider the Bletchley apparatus to be completely secret. They
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The Abwehr and his agents have always been among the priority targets of the decryptors in Britain, and on December 8, 1941, another episode occurred with the disclosure of German spies. On this day, in Bletchley Park, a cryptogram was deciphered from a special "reconnaissance" version of Enigma. A group of agents was taken, part of
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The previously mentioned Rudolph Lemoine (a participant in the recruitment of Schmidt, who merged some of the Enigma secrets with France) fell into the hands of the German counterintelligence for the first time in 1938, but was released for lack of evidence. In France, Lemoine was believed that he held himself during interrogations in Nazi dungeons as
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The first person of Great Britain, Sir Winston Churchill, receiving information from Bletchley Park, could not always share it even with members of the Cabinet. In fact, Churchill allowed the use of decryption materials only to the chief of army intelligence and the head of the Intelligence Service. Even the appearance
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What is generally understood by the term "non-lethal weapon"? In the classical version, this is a weapon, the principle of which is based on the temporary (up to several hours) deprivation of the enemy's ability to independently perform actions coordinated in time and space without serious residual
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In 1931, the Poles unexpectedly received important and timely help from the French special services: a traitor appeared in Germany among the employees of the Ministry of Defense, who approached the French government with a proposal to sell secret documents. It was Hans-Thilo Schmidt, and among his "goods"
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Natural modeling of the processes occurring during a gunshot wound or mine-explosive injury uses two types of simulators: biological and non-biological nature. Objects of biological origin are, first of all, human corpses, their separate parts, as well as various types of mammals
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Researchers of wound ballistics eventually came to the rescue with a perfect technique - high-speed shooting, which allows you to create video at a frequency of 50 frames per second. In 1899, Western researcher O. Tillman used such a camera to capture the process of wounding the brain and skull with a bullet
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Enigma was widely used in World War II. It was the most popular encoder in Germany, Italy, Japan and even neutral Switzerland. The "fathers" of the legendary encryption machine, whose name means "mystery" in Greek, were the Dutchman Hugo Koch (inventor of the encryption
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The first theory why a bullet wound had such dire consequences (even if it did not kill immediately) was the idea of poisoning tissues with lead and gunpowder. This is how the severe bacterial infection of the wound canal was explained, which was usually treated with hot iron and boiling oil. Suffering
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In Russia, the first models of personal protection were created for the officials of the city police. After the 1905 revolution, during searches, arrests, clashes with strikers, police officers were injured, and sometimes died at the hands of revolutionary elements and ordinary criminals. The most perfect for that
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Not far from Warsaw, on May 31, 1915, the Germans emptied 12 thousand chlorine cylinders, filling the trenches of the Russian army with 264 tons of poison. More than three thousand Siberian riflemen were killed, and about two were hospitalized in a critical condition. This tragedy was the impetus for the development of a gas mask, forever
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The statistics are relentless: in the French army, steel helmets helped to avoid three-quarters of the head wounds, which in most cases ended in death. In Russia, in September 1915, more than 33 thousand wounded were evacuated from Moscow, of which 70% were hit by bullets, shrapnel
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Japanese Foreign Minister I. Matsuoka signs the Pact of Neutrality between the USSR and Japan. Present: J. V. Stalin, People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs of the USSR V. Molotov, Deputy. People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs of the USSR S. A. Lozovsky, A. Ya. Vyshinsky Great East Asia After the signing of the Triple Pact of 27
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Great Britain, before acting as an ally of the USSR in the Great Patriotic War, soberly assessed the state of the Soviet armed forces. The British military leadership, in a sense, publicly described the professional and combat qualities of the Red Army on the eve of the war as sufficient
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Captain of the third rank Henryk Kloczkowski sits second from the left among the personnel of the Polish Navy on the occasion of the celebration of Christmas, 1938. End of the article Baltic Odyssey of the Eagle
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March 23, 1983 Ronald Reagan during a televised address to the nation, in which he announced the work of the United States on the program "Strategic Defense Initiative" (SDI). The US economy "floated." The arms race has greatly accelerated the approach of a new crisis of capitalism. The United States failed to commit
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This is approximately how the liquidation of collective farms began. You can read the heading on the leaflet: “A hardworking peasant has his own land!” It seems that this question presents no difficulties. It is known that the Germans were going to dissolve the collective farms in the occupied territories. However, it is well known that many
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First Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee Nikita Khrushchev speaks at the XX Congress of the CPSU in the Kremlin, 1956 © Vasily Egorov / TASS photo chronicle "a brave jackal bit a dead lion." Stalin's Legacy In his quest for unlimited power, Khrushchev first eliminated his main rival, L. Beria (The Black Myth of the “bloody
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"Down with the Eagle!" Painting by I.A. Vladimirova The February catastrophe How did the Russian Troubles of 1917 begin? From the riots in the capital of the empire - Petrograd (the city received its Slavic name during the patriotic upsurge of the World War). The reason was the food issue. Broke for a few days
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780 years ago, on the night of December 20-21, 1237, Batu's troops took Ryazan by storm. The "Tatar-Mongol" invasion began. We must know and remember that the fake about "Mongols from Mongolia" was launched by Catholic Rome - the then "command post" of the Western community
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Huns. Drawing by a modern artist It took Rome a little more than eighty years to assert its rule over the Bosporus kingdom. After suppressing the rebellion of the rebellious king Mithridates VIII and placing his brother Kotis I on the throne (reign 45/46 - 67/68 AD), the empire took the northern lands
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Why is modern Japan, which suffered a crushing defeat at the hands of the Red Army in 1939 at Khalkhin Gol and in 1945 in the Far East, is trying to rewrite history, creating the myth of "Soviet aggression"? At the same time, forgetting about the aggressive policy of the Japanese Empire, the war crimes of the Japanese
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Cardo, Ahmad Michel, Armed Michel, Mathieu Michel, Kurazhe Michel, Hargo, Fraji, Ryus Ahmed. These names caused panic animal horror among the fascists. And he was inspired by only one person - a partisan of the French Resistance detachment Akhmedia Dzhebrailov. In France, Ahmedia was a prisoner of a concentration camp under the number
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A. V. Suvorov. Hood. K. I. Rudakov. 1945 “The tsars praised me,” Alexander Suvorov confessed at the end of his life, “the soldiers loved me, my friends were surprised at me, the haters reviled me, they laughed at me at court. I have been at the court, but not a courtier, but Aesop: I spoke the truth with jokes and beastly language. " V
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The Battle with Japan In fact, for China, the colossal military conflict that shook countries and continents from 1939 to 1945 is a pure abstraction. This country had its own battle - with Japan, which is part of the Second World War very conditionally. It began earlier, in 1937, and
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February 1986 turned out to be quite hot for the Kandahar special forces. In less than a month, they managed to prepare and carry out two special operations to seize and eliminate large militant bases in their area of responsibility. At the same time, only one person died in the detachment and ten
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"Forward to Berlin". Column of Soviet armored vehicles. American-made MZA1 Scout Car armored vehicles armed with Colt Browning M1919 and M2 machine guns (caliber 7.62 and 12.7 mm) Agony of the Third Reich. April 26, 1945, 75 years ago, after a week of fighting, the troops of the 2nd Belorussian Front
How the Soviet ruble was killed 60 years ago. The beginning of the end of "underdeveloped" socialism
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Exchange or deception At the XXII Congress of the CPSU, Khrushchev promised the citizens of the USSR that in 20 years they would live under communism. However, it never occurred to him to announce the construction of such a surrogate in the country as "developed socialism", which was later done by his unlucky successors
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In the first decades of the Cold War, when it became clear that the USSR, albeit totally inferior in those years in the number and growth rate of its nuclear arsenal, nevertheless had a serious retaliatory strike potential, and this potential due to qualitative growth (emphasis on ballistic missiles) fast