Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
O bella e soleggiata Italia, bagnata dai venti di montagna e dalle onde del mare caldo … Yes, that's how Italy sounds. Bright, sweet, warm. Seriously, the inhabitants of this country, perhaps, have everything for happiness: a warm climate, a beautiful sea, mountains, fruits, music … It would seem, why do you need to fight
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
Continuing the conversation about food, about food is not that difficult, but rather the opposite. Military cuisine at all times was a very simple matter, and on the other hand, satisfying. For the simpler and more nutritious, the better. The Roman legionaries proved it. Some break in our research was caused by the expectation of spring
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
In general, this fight preceded the one about which was written in the previous material of the series. Sea stories. The Battle of the Bay of Biscay: Weather Against Barrels and Torpedoes
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Immediately, right off the bat, I will warn all readers, especially those who read, as is now customary, through a paragraph. This study is just an attempt to comprehend what happened in those ancient times both from a historical and a logical point of view. I would absolutely not want to offend someone's patriotic
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
There are battles that seem to have brought victory to one side, but if you look deeply into the root, then everything is somewhat different. These battles include the beating at Pearl Harbor, and in the same folder there will be a file about the night battle near Savo Island
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
Having told about the first night battle near the Savo Island, which is part of the Solomon Islands group, naturally entails a second narrative, which was in no way inferior in intensity to the first battle. And in some respects he was superior. In essence, the battle at Guadalcanal on November 13, 1942 was not
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
Hello dear lovers of delicious food and delicious reading! I confess, I was surprised by your attentive and gentle attitude to food, following the results of an article about dishes that our Generalissimo Suvorov loved. In the editorial office, they advised me: you know - come on, burn it, since the people are interested
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
At the other end of the world, in the United States, some are still arguing about this story, fortunately, there is something. Why they argue in the United States - it will become clear at the end of the article, but in principle we know what prestige is for Americans … And here, in terms of prestige, they smacked them with torpedoes. And how … So, on a white day on September 15, 1942
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
A new small such cycle has turned out. The fact is that when you write something about ships (especially), that about airplanes, sometimes you come across stories that make your hair stand on end. Like the case when, in front of the crews of the British convoy B-17 and two "Focke-Wulf" "Condor"
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
I came across a collection of articles by Mikhail Ivanovich Pylyaev, a man who lived for a long time (1842-1899), but who was a witness to many events and who found many witnesses of events that he himself was not an eyewitness. reports on
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
Many acquaintances and unfamiliar readers of our publication ask to tell about the famous Soviet special forces. About those groups that performed combat missions worthy of regiments or even divisions in complexity. People read Western publications. Send links to some materials. They demand to give reliable
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David Hambling of Popular Mechanics has produced a very interesting work. He took the liberty of publishing a rating of the most important battles of World War II, and now we will go through it from the first to the last point. His article talks about 20 battles, but in fact there are 22 of them. Which does not detract from
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
Reburial in the village. Gatnoe (Kiev region, Ukraine), June 22, 2020 (photo by Sergey Gafarov) Stereotypes. This is a reality that not only interferes with life, but it greatly complicates the normal functioning of the brain. And these stereotypes should be from time to time, if not shaken, then destroyed in full
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
Foreword Yes, from the very first line: this is an alternate version of what could have happened. It was based on the ambitions of the participants and their capabilities, but on the whole it is nothing more than fun for the mind from the cycle “It could have been so.” At the numerous requests of readers, so to speak. Not really
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
Today they talk about it a lot and tastefully. Both in our country and in the West. In the West, they especially love the theme of the genius German generals and the mediocre corporal who commanded them. And if it were not for Hitler's miscalculations, then the victory would definitely have been for Germany, and in general. That's about this "and in general" we
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
Indeed, why? Not so long ago, Trump, and behind him all the US media, began to screech in unison about how America and Britain won the war with Germany. Our habitually responded in the style of "Yes, we saw your Lend-Lease, calm down", in general, everything is as always. But, having unscrewed a couple of years ago, I looked
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
There are many names in history. History keeps the names of saints and villains, heroes and scoundrels, there are many things in history. But there is a separate cohort that stands apart. These are the so-called historically controversial personalities, that is, those about whom one can argue endlessly. I will not give examples because
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The Krasnaya Zvezda newspaper with comments by Ilya Ehrenburg published this material on December 29, 1943. That is, when everything on the fronts was already more or less clear, but our enemies still had some hopes. These are the diary entries of a German officer, found … Well, you already understood by whom and
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
There are eight of them - there are two of us. The alignment before the fight is not ours, but we will play! Seryozha! Hold on, we do not shine with you, But the trump cards must be equal. S. Vysotsky On November 11, 1942, one of the most amazing naval battles of World War II took place in the Indian Ocean southeast of the Cocos Islands. Generally
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More than one person in my practice was interested in the frankly stupid question: who won the war? And why the winners are clearly inferior to the defeated in many issues. I will not touch on the economic component of this issue. It's none of my business now, and so many copies have already been broken that
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
The village of Pukhovo, Liskinsky district, Voronezh region. An unremarkable road makes a sharp turn, and the following picture opens up: to the left of the road there is a high railway embankment, to the right, a kilometer away, there is a village. And next to the road is ISU-152. At the outskirts of this small village that
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
Foreword Our history consists of many events that add up to a historical mosaic. This mosaic is our heritage, our honor, our future. I sincerely regret that some pieces of this mosaic are gradually lost over time. The rhythm of today's life is such that it is not
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
The twentieth century, or rather its first half, will remain a bloody time in history, but it gave birth to titans. Titans of thought, spirit and action. It is unlikely that when humanity will be able to reach such heights of its spiritual development, even if not in general, but in particular. This can be argued endlessly, but
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
Not far off is a hundred years since the outbreak of the First World War. A war that turned the familiar world upside down and became, as it were, a borderline in the development of our civilization, spurring progress. Too many things that became familiar only 25 years later, during the Second World War, were used here with the prefix
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
The heavy cruiser "Algerie" in the 30s was considered one of the best heavy cruisers in the world and certainly the best in Europe. After France dropped out of the fight, the English fleet was able to cope with the combined naval forces of Germany and Italy. But the British, not without reason, feared that
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A talented Russian inventor, son of Stepan Baranovsky, professor at the University of Helsingfors and inventor. He was born on September 1, 1846, died on March 7, 1879. Education itself contributed to the development in him of a vocation for mechanics and mathematics, studying the latter under the guidance of the best
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For several generations of Soviet (and not only Soviet) people, the name of this cruiser has become a kind of fetish. The legendary ship, which heralded the beginning of a new era in the history of mankind with its salvo, a symbol of the Great October Socialist Revolution, is the most replicated cliché. A
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Today in Russia you will hardly find a person who would not know about the heroic deed of the crews of the cruiser Varyag and the gunboat Koreets. Hundreds of books and articles have been written about this, films have been shot … The battle, the fate of the cruiser and its crew are described in great detail. but
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
Dedicated to marine historical excrement … A random link while searching took me to a very interesting forum. Forum, discussing the topics of radio programs "Echo of Moscow". Well, we know whose this echo is, and to hell with it. And on this forum I got acquainted with another Rezunovite. Cattle, I must say
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
Plant No. 18 (Now "Aviakor" in Samara) December 10, 1942 released the first Il-2 attack aircraft from its workshops. But the events that will be discussed here began much earlier and in a completely different city. Until the described time, the plant was located in the city of Voronezh. And, starting in February 1941
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I hope the readers will forgive me for allowing myself to start right away by stepping back in my direction. Because it will be easier in the future to understand my personal (and it will be here) attitude towards these people. In my military biography, there were several cases when I had the opportunity to try sides, not
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
We love to judge. Each at its own level. Simply because it is inherent in human nature. Show yourself and others that you also have an opinion, you can reasonably evaluate facts, and so on. But lately, I have increasingly come across attempts to judge our past. And these attempts, and
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
Raiding operations on the ports of Crimea, 1942 The first fired at Feodosia on July 31, two minesweepers T-407 and T-411. The fact that for such purposes in general they used highly-scarce minesweepers of special construction, we will leave without comment. But note that these ships are for shooting at invisible
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When I published here a story about the destroyer "Crushing", one of the commentators threw in the idea of the events on the Black Sea, which were not inferior in their tragedy. Indeed, the so-called "raiding operations" of the Black Sea Fleet during the Great Patriotic War are the part of history about
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The last raid operation On October 5, 1943, the commander of the Black Sea Fleet, Vice Admiral L.A. Vladimirsky signed a combat order, according to which the 1st destroyer division, in cooperation with torpedo boats and fleet aviation, on the night of October 6, should raid the sea
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Raids on communications in the western part of the Black Sea As already noted, on November 19, the People's Commissar of the Navy confirmed the need to organize combat operations of surface ships off the western shores of the Black Sea. At the same time, he pointed out that the first raid must be planned so that the enemy's communications
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
"Crushing" is one of the most disliked themes of our historians. If possible, then they generally prefer not to remember her once again. If the latter fails, then they talk about "Crushing" casually and quickly. There are plenty of reasons for such persistent dislike. Long time about "Crushing"
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This year marks 70 years since the events described. And I, to the best of my ability, would like to attract your attention and recall once again that strange and tragic performance that took place in the summer of 1942 on the Northern Sea Route
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Deafening is when the brain is beaten. Not necessarily with a stick or a fist. It is also possible to call in information so that logic will fall down somewhere, and the system of thinking will be hammered in a complete stupor. And all this, yes, will hit the brains. To be fair, it can not always be called brains. Yes, some substance
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
Who doesn't know this famous emblem? Perhaps everyone knows. The "dead head" is even a symbol. Just a symbol of what? In general, I was surprised to find that the symbol, in general, is very old. And it was used, let's say, more than original, but under the Third Reich it was treated … Yes, as usual