
GKChP: just a conspiracy or a control shot in the USSR?

GKChP: just a conspiracy or a control shot in the USSR?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

This is what the victory of democracy looked like in August 1991 This text was supposed to be published in August, by the date, but … It was then that the authors managed to find several foreign responses to the well-known events of August 1991 in the USSR. Reviews completely extraordinary, for which the authors decided for a while

1975 Helsinki Act. Albanian "exclusion"

1975 Helsinki Act. Albanian "exclusion"

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Bright August 75th The last month of 1975 drew a strategic line under the period of tightening of the "cold war" and at the same time, as it were, summed up the long-term efforts of the USSR to establish a dialogue with the West. The apotheosis of these trends was the signing on August 1, 1975 in Helsinki by 35 states

Troubled 1940. How the Nazis saved Mannerheim

Troubled 1940. How the Nazis saved Mannerheim

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Despite the fact that Germany, in accordance with the non-aggression treaty with the USSR and the secret protocol to this treaty (August 23, 1939), pledged not to "enter" Finland as a sphere of influence of the USSR, in fact, the Third Reich supported its future ally in the war against THE USSR. WITH

USSR and allies: at the origins of Lend-Lease

USSR and allies: at the origins of Lend-Lease

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Comrade Stalin admitted this at the Tehran Conference of 1943, when after the Battle of Kursk no one had any doubts about the coming victory, Stalin found it necessary to declare to the American President Roosevelt and British Prime Minister Churchill that “without American products, the war would be

He could have been in the place of Caudillo Franco

He could have been in the place of Caudillo Franco

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

A dictatorship is almost always military, and even dictators without a military rank usually rely on the military. Spain, which survived by no means the only dictator, Francisco Franco, is no exception in this regard. But it could have become such if, perhaps, the most

The great Lenin: 150 years without the right to be forgotten

The great Lenin: 150 years without the right to be forgotten

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

At the homeland of Ilyich and in the distant Yanan Forgetful recall that April 22 will mark the 150th anniversary of the birth of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin. In the Ulyanovsk region, unlike the rest of Russia, they plan to celebrate the anniversary of the man who really turned the whole world upside down. Wide and

Communists of Eastern Europe. They did not become "strange" allies

Communists of Eastern Europe. They did not become "strange" allies

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Capitulators and fellow travelers After the death of Stalin, the Soviet leadership, up to perestroika, had a craving for strange allies, sometimes completely inexplicable. Only in recent years has it become clear that few of the communist leaders of the countries of Eastern Europe, with whom Khrushchev hugged and kissed

Our business is red and white. Russian Odyssey of the 1st Polish Corps

Our business is red and white. Russian Odyssey of the 1st Polish Corps

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

You may not be a Pole When General V. Ivashkevich, who had just led the 3rd Division, admitted to the commander of the 1st Corps of the Polish Army I. Dovbor-Musnitsky that he did not really like Poles, to his surprise, he did not hear any objections. The leaders of the future Polish army were very weak

Condottier's path. Life after the life of Bartolomeo Colleoni

Condottier's path. Life after the life of Bartolomeo Colleoni

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

He was the first to put cannons on carriages In the history of war, Bartolomeo Colleoni went down as the creator of field artillery, the first to put cannons on carriages in an open battle. This condottiere, the son of a condottiere, that is, a mercenary who was treacherously killed after the capture of the castle of Tressa near Milan, became much more famous

Polish heroes of Russian revolutions

Polish heroes of Russian revolutions

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Internationalists not by blood, but by spirit It is unlikely that anyone would argue that representatives of national minorities made a contribution to the three Russian revolutions that was absolutely inadequate to the role that was assigned to them in the Russian Empire. And this, in fact, can be understood, besides, one should not forget that everything before

Union of perdition December 14, 1825

Union of perdition December 14, 1825

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

To go to the square at the appointed hour on November 10, 1825, Prince Sergei Petrovich Trubetskoy came to St. Petersburg on vacation from Kiev, where he had served for almost a year. In the capital, he was caught by the news of the death of Alexander I and the resulting excitement among the liberal opposition. Presence in the midst

Why Poland began to please long before Yalta-45

Why Poland began to please long before Yalta-45

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

As you know, nothing else unites as quickly as a common enemy. Almost immediately after the attack of Hitlerite Germany on the Soviet Union, the Polish government in exile, at the suggestion of British diplomacy, decided to restore relations with the USSR. Already on July 30, 1941, the notorious

12 defeats of Napoleon Bonaparte. Epilogue of Saint Helena

12 defeats of Napoleon Bonaparte. Epilogue of Saint Helena

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Chandler's Lists In modern Napoleonics, lists of military clashes, as well as their participants, compiled, more precisely, meticulously systematized, by the British historian David Chandler are considered classic. He prepared them in parallel with the extensive Napoleonic bibliography, rid of

Wellington or Blucher? Who defeated Napoleon

Wellington or Blucher? Who defeated Napoleon

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

12 failures of Napoleon Bonaparte. Two centuries after Waterloo and the final collapse of Napoleonic France, the debate continues over who is to be credited for the overall victory. A very special strategic

Union of Hope December 14, 1825

Union of Hope December 14, 1825

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Why did the Decembrists lose? And really, why? After all, the attempted coup, undertaken by the liberal conspirators, seemed to have every chance of success, and no worse than a quarter of a century before

Waterloo. Point of no return

Waterloo. Point of no return

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Ney's attack at Waterloo. Hood. A.-F. E. Filippoto 12 failures of Napoleon Bonaparte. With each of his next defeat, Napoleon himself left himself less and less chance of rebirth. Or, if you like, to return. Up to 100 days, it was usually the French emperor who rejected any proposals for

Generalissimo Schwarzenberg: he also defeated Napoleon

Generalissimo Schwarzenberg: he also defeated Napoleon

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The Schwarzenberg family coat of arms Name and title oblige12 Napoleon Bonaparte's failures. He was two years younger than the French emperor, born in 1771. And he died a year earlier than Napoleon - in 1820. If your surname is Schwarzenberg, then you simply have to take a worthy place in life and do

Ten days before Paris. Not yet Napoleon's last chance

Ten days before Paris. Not yet Napoleon's last chance

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

In just ten days, the masters of Paris will no longer be Napoleon's soldiers Where are you, old hussar? 12 Napoleon Bonaparte's failures. On March 14, a message about the Laon victory arrived at the Allied Headquarters in Troyes, where the Russian Emperor Alexander and the Prussian King arrived from Chaumont. Postpone more

1814: on the way to Paris. Napoleon was again let down by the marshals

1814: on the way to Paris. Napoleon was again let down by the marshals

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

He again became Bonaparte12 of Napoleon Bonaparte's failures. Opening the campaign in 1814, the 44-year-old emperor suggested to 56-year-old Marshal Augereau, his old comrade in arms, “to try on the boots of 1796” for a reason. In the French campaign, he himself seemed to return to the era of revolutionary wars

Romanian swearing, or Sacrifice the President

Romanian swearing, or Sacrifice the President

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Western media called them simply: Gorby and Chow Under the sounds of the International The execution of two elderly people was the bloody finale of the chess game of "Velvet Revolutions" in Eastern Europe. Romanian "revolutionaries" sacrificed their president exactly 30 years ago, on December 25, 1989

Our dear Leonid Ilyich

Our dear Leonid Ilyich

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

No reason not to remember And it was created largely on the basis of several publications in social networks. Where emotions and even some stretching are allowed. If only without rudeness. We will consider the victory of "dad" in the presidential elections in Belarus as an excuse. Alexander

Yugoslavia.net. Marshal Tito's controversial legacy

Yugoslavia.net. Marshal Tito's controversial legacy

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Hands off Jadran On June 11, 1980, just a month after the death of Marshal Josip Broz Tito, the first bell rang about preparing Yugoslavia for disintegration. The leadership of the Union of Communists of Croatia on that day proposed to the Communist Union of the entire Yugoslavia to discuss the expansion of political and

Who Framed Molotov under the Ribbentrop Pact?

Who Framed Molotov under the Ribbentrop Pact?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

On the signers and signers In August 1939, the USSR, which at that time had no real allies, practically had no alternative to signing an agreement with Nazi Germany. Before the collapse of Poland, which by all indications were ready to abandon Britain and France and which in no way

He knew what reconnaissance was in force

He knew what reconnaissance was in force

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

He is a Siberian, which means … My father, Tarasov Lev Nikolaevich, is a participant in the Great Patriotic War. He is one of the millions. Originally from Siberia, more precisely, from the village of Verkhne-Rudovskoye, Zhigalovsky district, Irkutsk region. He is a Siberian, but not one of those who were so expected at the front in the difficult 1941 year. And not from

The Caucasian Gambit of the Fuhrer. Trusted by London and Washington

The Caucasian Gambit of the Fuhrer. Trusted by London and Washington

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

How they were "chosen" in Ankara The main oil casket of Russia was located behind the Main Caucasian ridge. This is what Winston Churchill called the Baku oil fields back in 1919, when the prospect of their transfer to full British control was more than real. Transcaucasian interest of the West (and behind him and

The third failure of Napoleon Bonaparte. Over the Danube - Aspern and Essling. Day two, May 22, 1809

The third failure of Napoleon Bonaparte. Over the Danube - Aspern and Essling. Day two, May 22, 1809

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Davout was not helped12 by Napoleon Bonaparte's failures. So, by the morning of May 22, Napoleon already had more than 70 thousand people at hand, and the 30-thousandth 3rd corps of Davout was already starting to cross to the island of Lobau. However, the Austrians were the first to attack from the dominant heights of Marchfeld, who almost immediately recaptured

The difficult summer of 1941: how the "obscene peace" did not take place

The difficult summer of 1941: how the "obscene peace" did not take place

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

All this was invented by Churchill On June 22, 1941, a few hours after the invasion of Germany and its satellites in the USSR, at 21:00 GMT, British Prime Minister W. Churchill spoke on BBC radio. … All his usual formalities of treachery were observed with

Russian Tsar against the Emperor of the French. From Tilsit to Erfurt

Russian Tsar against the Emperor of the French. From Tilsit to Erfurt

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Meeting on the Niemen12 Napoleon Bonaparte's failures. On the morning of June 25, 1807, two emperors, Alexander I Romanov and Napoleon I Bonaparte, simultaneously entered the boats and sailed to the raft, anchored in the middle of the Nemunas. Napoleon was the first to board the raft and met Alexander as he emerged from his

After Tito there was a flood. The heavy legacy of the "master" of Yugoslavia

After Tito there was a flood. The heavy legacy of the "master" of Yugoslavia

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The Marshal has done his job, the Marshal can leave On May 4, 1980, in the surgical clinic of Ljubljana, the capital of socialist Slovenia, Josip Broz Tito died. Among the world leaders, he was one of the oldest, he was supposed to turn 88 that May. Marshal Tito was the founder and permanent head

Alexander against Napoleon. First battle, first meeting

Alexander against Napoleon. First battle, first meeting

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Either I or he In March 1804, by order of Napoleon, a member of the Bourbon royal family, the Duke of Enghien, was arrested and put on trial. On March 20, a military court accused him of preparing an attempt on the life of Napoleon Bonaparte and sentenced him to death. March 21, the prince of the House of Bourbon, who almost became

How Napoleon was defeated. Defiant Danube, Aspern and Essling, May 21-22, 1809

How Napoleon was defeated. Defiant Danube, Aspern and Essling, May 21-22, 1809

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

12 failures of Napoleon Bonaparte. Archduke Karl, who is sometimes called Teshensky, was able to reorganize the semi-migratory army of the Habsburg Empire so quickly that it came as a real surprise to the French emperor. After victories in the campaigns of 1805 and 1806-1807, which Napoleon won

Why did you forget "the second Damansky"?

Why did you forget "the second Damansky"?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

In Beijing, they consulted with the "comrades" On July 14, 1969, the Minister of Defense of the PRC, Lin Biao, at a meeting with the military delegations of the DPRK and Albania, declared his readiness "to teach new lessons to the Soviet revisionists encroaching on the ancestral Chinese territories."

How the Turks staged a "circumcision" in Syria in 1939

How the Turks staged a "circumcision" in Syria in 1939

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Mediterranean cornerOn June 23, 1939, Turkish troops entered the Alexandretta Sanjak in northwestern Syria. The entire current territory of Syria after the collapse of the Ottoman Empire was at that time under the French mandate from the League of Nations, which meant only a somewhat veiled colonial

Napoleon's Spanish mistake. Break down the people and unite

Napoleon's Spanish mistake. Break down the people and unite

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

12 Napoleon's failures. Finish in 1808. The emperor still believed that he could solve the Spanish problem with one decisive blow. He had the best of the best Negotiations in Erfurt with Alexander I did not become a triumph for him, but for a while they allowed him not to fear a stab in the back. It could be

Autumn 1941. Persian corridor for Lend-Lease

Autumn 1941. Persian corridor for Lend-Lease

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Yesterday the enemy, today - the ally As you know, after Hitler attacked the Soviet Union, Great Britain immediately made it clear that it would be an ally of the USSR. Not without pressure from Britain and the United States, which had not yet joined the anti-Hitler coalition, promptly spread the practice of the military

When Damansky was on fire

When Damansky was on fire

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

We defended China The Soviet-Chinese military conflict, which ended on Damansky Island fifty years ago, by the beginning of April 1969, almost escalated into a world war. But the situation on the Far Eastern border with China was resolved through territorial concessions from the Soviet side: de facto

Acts of Nikita the Wonderworker. Khrushchev, Constantinople and the Straits

Acts of Nikita the Wonderworker. Khrushchev, Constantinople and the Straits

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev is not a general, like the young Stalin or Brezhnev, but only the first secretary of the party Central Committee, who also took the post of chairman of the Union Council of Ministers in the 50s, took up the solution of almost any issue, invariably considering himself an indisputable authority. But regarding the regime

Acts of Nikita the Wonderworker. Part 6. Warsaw Pact without Romanians?

Acts of Nikita the Wonderworker. Part 6. Warsaw Pact without Romanians?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Soon after the XX Congress of the CPSU, the desire to get out of the total control of the USSR manifested itself in Romania and even in Bulgaria - countries about whose loyalty Moscow had no doubts. Soon after that memorable party forum in Romania, they took a course of "forcing" Moscow to the conclusion

12 failures of Napoleon Bonaparte. There, beyond the Pyrenees. Baylen and Sintra

12 failures of Napoleon Bonaparte. There, beyond the Pyrenees. Baylen and Sintra

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The abdication of Ferdinand, the coronation of King Joseph - Joseph Bonaparte, almost stranger than the coronation of Napoleon himself, and finally, French soldiers at every crossroads. How much more is needed for the guerrilla? “Until now, no one has told you the whole truth. It is true that the Spaniard is not behind me

12 failures of Napoleon Bonaparte. Pyrenean gambit

12 failures of Napoleon Bonaparte. Pyrenean gambit

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

In the global confrontation with the British Empire, Napoleonic France sooner or later had to solve the problem not only of Russia, but also of Spain and Portugal. Otherwise, the idea of a Continental Blockade, designed to bring proud Albion to its knees, lost all meaning. Russia, after companies 1805 and