
Bronze Horseman, who are you?

Bronze Horseman, who are you?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

For almost two and a half centuries, it has been standing over the Neva. The official opening of the monument to Peter the Great by Falcone took place on August 7, 1782. Once upon a time in one of the first days of August, usually the first day off, connoisseurs of antiquity always gathered next to it to celebrate the next

War and Duma. From patriotism to betrayal. Part 1

War and Duma. From patriotism to betrayal. Part 1

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The first patriotic impulse quickly subsided, and the thirst for power, which seized too many Duma members, eventually led to the fact that the Duma turned out to be the most dangerous tribune for the central government. It was from her that the verdict of the Russian Empire was actually sounded

World War I: Third Enemy. Part 1

World War I: Third Enemy. Part 1

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

For centuries, Russia remained Turkey's main geopolitical competitor in both the Balkans and the Caucasus. And this persistent competitor constantly tried to strengthen its positions, first in the North Caucasus, and then in the Transcaucasus and Persia, as well as in the zone adjacent to the Black Sea

Region number one. Adygea without secrets and without deportations

Region number one. Adygea without secrets and without deportations

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Autonomy not just in words However, the first "alphabetical" number, it seems, to a large extent reflects the primacy of autonomy in the degree of loyalty and political

World War I: Third Enemy. Part 2

World War I: Third Enemy. Part 2

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

One of the most controversial regions for Russia and Turkey, of course, was Persia, in which, in fact, the British expected to become the complete masters. Before the start of the First World War, Persian Azerbaijan was recognized as a territory where the economic interests of the powers collided, and most importantly, it

There is no land for them beyond the Rhine. The first failures of the Great Army in 1814

There is no land for them beyond the Rhine. The first failures of the Great Army in 1814

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Crossing, still crossing Field Marshal Blucher, having ferried his Silesian army across the Rhine, actually dragged the allied forces into France. But many were beyond the Rhine even before the Prussians. However, it was not immediately necessary to fight again - the opponents preferred to take a break in winter apartments

The last winter of the emperor. Napoleon at the end of 1813

The last winter of the emperor. Napoleon at the end of 1813

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The Battle of Hanau was a direct consequence of the "Battle of the Nations" at Leipzig12 of Napoleon Bonaparte's failures. The French did not know such a defeat as at Leipzig. Its scale exceeded all expectations. More than 70 thousand people were killed, wounded, captured or simply fled

Polish government in exile. Emigrants are friends of the occupiers

Polish government in exile. Emigrants are friends of the occupiers

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Trends, however, on October 25, 1939, the German authorities announced the creation of a military-police "General Government for the Occupation of Polish Territory" ("Generalgouvernements für die besetzen pollnischen Gebiete"). Its territory was only about 35 percent of that

Could Napoleon have won the "Battle of the Nations"?

Could Napoleon have won the "Battle of the Nations"?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

12 defeats of Napoleon Bonaparte. Finishing the campaign of 1812, the Russians kicked out the remnants of Napoleon's Grand Army not only from Russia, but from the borders of the bastard Grand Duchy of Warsaw. Gathering new forces, up to 17-year-old concripts of future conscription, the French emperor entered a new

Berezina-1812: the last "victory" of the French in Russia

Berezina-1812: the last "victory" of the French in Russia

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

12 failures of Napoleon Bonaparte. In French there is such an expression "C'est la bérézina": "This is Berezina." The expression is extremely harsh, almost on a par with traditional French abuse, denoting complete collapse, failure, catastrophe. This autolithograph by V. Adam is considered a classic image

The French in November 1812 near Krasnoye. Were victorious, defeated

The French in November 1812 near Krasnoye. Were victorious, defeated

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

12 failures of Napoleon Bonaparte. No one disputes the fact that the Russians missed Napoleon twice - at Krasnoye and on the Berezina. But if during the last terrible crossing of the French you can still talk about mistakes and miscalculations, then in the battles near Krasny Kutuzov himself purposefully avoided a collision

1812: see Moscow and die

1812: see Moscow and die

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The French near Kaluga. There is no way back12 Napoleon Bonaparte's failures. Napoleon's stay in the capital clearly dragged on. This is not disputed by any historian. As no one disputes the erroneous calculation of the French emperor to conclude peace with Alexander I. You can as much as you like

1939th. This city is called Lviv, not Lemberg

1939th. This city is called Lviv, not Lemberg

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Not aggression, but necessary defense Today, even professional historians prefer not to remember that in September 1939, even the most stubborn anti-communist Winston Churchill did not protest against the Red Army's Liberation campaign in ex-eastern Poland. Moreover, the Soviet and Polish troops

1812: our climate and our winter fought for us?

1812: our climate and our winter fought for us?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The main thing is to outsmart the 12 failures of Napoleon Bonaparte. On the eve of the decisive battle with Napoleon, Russia gave the deceptive impression of a power that was not at all willing and, by and large, not ready for war. At the same time, it is simply amazing how the usually secretive Alexander described in detail the future enemy

Warsaw, September 17, 1939: note in the morning, flight in the evening

Warsaw, September 17, 1939: note in the morning, flight in the evening

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

80 years ago, on September 17, 1939, the Red Army's Liberation Campaign began in Poland, culminating in the annexation of the western regions of Belarus and Ukraine to the USSR. On the eve of this date, the discussion about the causes and consequences of the Soviet invasion revived. Lukash Adamski, Deputy Director of the Center

Napoleon in Russia. Chasing fear

Napoleon in Russia. Chasing fear

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Antichrist and his friend12 of Napoleon Bonaparte's failures. At the very beginning of negotiations between Alexander I and Napoleon in Tilsit in June 1807, the Russian emperor turned to his French colleague with the words "Sovereign, I hate the British as much as you do!" “In that case,” Napoleon replied

Expanding boundaries. Washington's irresistible attraction to the islands

Expanding boundaries. Washington's irresistible attraction to the islands

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

From Alaska to the Aleutian Archipelago The proposal of the most practical of the last US presidents, Donald Trump, to buy Greenland, autonomous from Denmark, is a project with a very rich retrospective. In March 1941, US Secretary of State Cordell Hull proposed to the puppet authorities of the occupied

Russians have the right not to consider Borodino a defeat

Russians have the right not to consider Borodino a defeat

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

12 failures of Napoleon Bonaparte. It would seem that modern historians have come to terms with the fact that the Battle of Borodino ended in victory for Napoleon's Great Army, although it would be more accurate to call it almost a victory. The Russian army did not leave its positions, even if every time and new ones, until this

Polish ambition and union honor

Polish ambition and union honor

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Where are the Germans? On August 22, 1939, just a day before the signing of the notorious Soviet-German non-aggression pact, Romania opened its border with Poland (330 km). The Polish Embassy in Bucharest was informed at the same time by the Romanian Foreign Ministry about the "high probability of a military invasion by Germany

1812: nobody but Kutuzov

1812: nobody but Kutuzov

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The French, along with all the allies, were beaten by Kutuzov and his army in just one campaign. In the campaign of 1812, Kutuzov did with Napoleon what he was doing back in 1805, hoping to retreat to Bohemia to join the reinforcements of General Buxgewden, and already “there to collect bones

1939. Catastrophe of interwar Poland

1939. Catastrophe of interwar Poland

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Straight into the abyss In mid-August 1939, two Polish underground organizations from East Prussia invited the Polish General Staff to carry out a series of acts of sabotage against military and transport facilities throughout the region. Cheeky? Undoubtedly. But what else could you expect from the Poles who were in favor of

And the third Damansky. Forgotten too

And the third Damansky. Forgotten too

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

In a remote Kazakh corner on August 13, 1969, the PRC, feeling that in order to put Moscow in its place, Western countries would also support Beijing, launched a new provocation on the border with the USSR. In scale, it was almost on a par with Damansky and even surpassed Damansky-2 - a clash near the island

Karl-Ludwig-Johann Habsburg. Archduke who defeated Bonaparte

Karl-Ludwig-Johann Habsburg. Archduke who defeated Bonaparte

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

A warrior by vocation The Napoleonic era, an era of almost continuous wars, made famous many generals who fought under the command of the great Corsican or against him, and sometimes on both sides of the front. In this brilliant galaxy, the Austrian Archduke Karl occupies a special place

The beginning of the Second World War. Alternative in Polish

The beginning of the Second World War. Alternative in Polish

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The enemy is at the doorstep, Summer 1939. Just recreated, as they say, from a needle, the German Wehrmacht has already concentrated on the borders of Poland. Hitler and his closest entourage, who managed to receive repeated carte blanche from the West both for the restoration of the armed forces and for territorial

He took Paris and created our Lyceum

He took Paris and created our Lyceum

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Russia will not forgive? 12 failures of Napoleon Bonaparte. The famous Pushkin's "bald dandy" is nothing more than a verdict to the vanity of Alexander Pavlovich. Yes, at the beginning of 1813 he was already trying on the role of a sort of Agamemnon, “the king of kings,” the leader of the anti-Napoleonic coalition. But the Russian regiments are Russian

Napoleon's code

Napoleon's code

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Man of War This name immediately brings to mind his many battles and wars. Napoleon Bonaparte is a commander whom Suvorov put on a par with Caesar and Hannibal. Immediately after the campaign of 1796-97, when there was no Ulm and Austerlitz, Jena and Wagram. August 15 is celebrated 250

If not for Alexander. Did Napoleon have a chance to defeat Russia?

If not for Alexander. Did Napoleon have a chance to defeat Russia?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Russia simply did not have a choice The embrace of the Emperor Napoleon turned out to be too tough for both Alexander I and for Russia as a whole. No matter what historians say, they continue to assure the public that all the wars with France our country and people had to wage in the interests of England. But on

Russian way of the Iranian atom. Part 2

Russian way of the Iranian atom. Part 2

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

There is no need to talk about the full-scale development of the atomic complex in a country that does not have an operating nuclear power plant. Nuclear power plants are only one of the constituent parts of any serious peaceful atomic program, one might say, its showcase. The ability to freely operate nuclear power plants without reference to

Russian way of the Iranian atom. Part 1

Russian way of the Iranian atom. Part 1

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Even by curtailing its "big" nuclear program, Iran emerged from economic isolation as a completely competitive nuclear power. Iran had been seeking and waiting for the lifting of Western sanctions for so long that the very fact of their lifting in the fall of 2015 was no longer perceived in the country as a holiday. And the main thing was

On rails from Warsaw to Transsib

On rails from Warsaw to Transsib

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Railways in the Russian Empire were built mainly by private traders. But in the state interests, using both state support and state funds. The fact that Russia lags far behind the leading economies of the world in the development of railway communication

Italian gambit. In 1943, Germany could be left without a main ally

Italian gambit. In 1943, Germany could be left without a main ally

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Gambit is the opening of a chess game when one of the pawns or pieces is sacrificed. In 1943, when the Red Army with victories at Stalingrad and Kursk broke the back of the Nazi hordes, the Allies preferred the opening of the Second Front to invade Sicily, and then the Apennine Peninsula. Roosevelt and

Tehran-41: Unclassified Operation Consent

Tehran-41: Unclassified Operation Consent

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Operation Concord, which was carried out by Soviet and British troops 75 years ago, has not received much attention from historians. Nevertheless, there is no reason to call it "secret", as the Western mass media rushed in the Cold War era. Quite clearly in his correspondence, for the first time

The secret of Japanese neutrality

The secret of Japanese neutrality

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Oil in the Far East (then not yet completely Soviet) Japan took possession of in 1920. It was not about concessions or leases of deposits. Then our aggressive neighbor occupied, in addition to southern, also northern Sakhalin. The Japanese did not waste time. Five years oilmen of the Land of the Rising

Russia 1917-1918: an unpaved field of democracy

Russia 1917-1918: an unpaved field of democracy

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

By the end of the spring of 1918, it became finally clear that the defenders of the Constituent Assembly were ready to unleash a civil war in Russia. Even taking into account the fact that the Bolsheviks, in alliance with the Left Socialist-Revolutionaries and anarchists, dispersed the Constituent Assembly illegally, its complete failure as the highest authority in

The Germans recorded all the moves

The Germans recorded all the moves

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Let's continue the topic of German documents on the fight against partisans. To the accompaniment of the gnashing teeth of fairy tale lovers from the political instructors comrade. Epishev, let's see what German documents from the history of the partisan movement can give us. They can give us a lot. First, such documents (without much

From TsPSh to universities. As taught in the Russian Empire

From TsPSh to universities. As taught in the Russian Empire

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

According to the census conducted in 1920 in the RSFSR, 60% of them could neither read nor write. Agree, this is somehow not very compatible with the statements that have been heard recently that under the tsar-father Russia had almost the best and, most importantly, accessible system

How Grozny was turned into "the most terrible Russian tyrant"

How Grozny was turned into "the most terrible Russian tyrant"

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

V.M. Vasnetsov. Tsar Ivan the Terrible, 1897490 years ago Ivan IV Vasilyevich, nicknamed the Terrible, was born. The Russian sovereign, who laid the foundations of the Orthodox "people's" kingdom, "defended it under the blows of the eastern and western conquerors. Our state withstood a massive invasion of Western powers

How Georgia changed "owners"

How Georgia changed "owners"

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

There is a widespread point of view in Russia that our country “saved” Georgia from the Ottoman Empire and Persia, which for many centuries divided the Georgian principalities. And it is precisely on this point of view that the offense at the behavior of the Georgian leadership is based - they say, how is this, we saved them, but they turned out to be

Marine Corps Day. 310 years of Russian "sea soldiers"

Marine Corps Day. 310 years of Russian "sea soldiers"

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

On November 27, the Russian Federation celebrates the Day of the Marine Corps. This is a professional holiday for all military personnel serving in the Marine Corps, as well as people who served in it before. Although the history of the Marine Corps goes back more than one century, this holiday is young. It was installed

Etruscans vs. Romans (part 2)

Etruscans vs. Romans (part 2)

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The second material, dedicated to the Etruscan military affairs, will be based on the works of, again, English-speaking historians, who also had the museums of Rome and Tuscany and, of course, British museums, which contain many interesting finds. Perhaps the most accessible for the Russian reader in this