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No one now remembers that in 1995 the maritime tradition of the Great Patriotic War was revived - a Marine Corps company was formed on the basis of more than twenty units of the Leningrad Naval Base. Moreover, it was not an officer of the Marine Corps who had to command this company
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Vladimir Alekseevich Gospodin In Afghanistan, the tragic and the comic were so mixed among themselves that sometimes it was difficult to separate one from the other. For example, we were once given the task of evacuating scouts. They were ambushed, half of the company "spirits" laid down, the battalion commander died. I took away
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No one in the Armed Forces of the USSR and Russia commanded a combat helicopter regiment longer than Army Aviation Colonel Vladimir Alekseevich Gospod, for twelve years. And those events that fell on the military fate of Colonel Lord would have been enough for several lives. On his account - 699 sorties
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“There was a man who had only 30,000 troops and in the Celestial Empire no one could resist him. Who is this? The answer is: Sun Tzu. "According to the Notes of Sima Qian, Sun Tzu was the commander of the Wu principality during the reign of Prince Ho-lui (514-495 BC). It is to the merits of Sun Tzu that military successes are attributed
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So, in previous articles we examined the actions of Rear Admiral M.K. Bakhirev and the 1st brigade of cruisers in a battle with the detachment of I. Karf and "Roon". And what were the rest of the Russian ships doing at that time? On the evening of June 18, when the detachment, being in a strip of heavy fog, tried to reach Memel, "Novik" went to
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“There were the centuries of Troyan, the years of Yaroslav have passed, there were also the wars of the Olegovs and Oleg Svyatoslavich. That Oleg, after all, forged strife with a sword and sowed arrows on the ground … Then, under Oleg Gorislavich, strife was sown and sprouting, the property of Dazh-God's grandchildren perished, in the princely strife the human age was reduced. Then on Russian
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Ladoga, an ancient Slavic fortress city on the Volkhov River. The history of Ladoga raises many questions. In considering which it is difficult to avoid the themes of Normanism, Rurik and the Varangians. However, these three topics are for separate study and description. But I'll have to touch on them at least in passing. Because they
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(The story was written from the words of an eyewitness of the events. The remains of an unknown Red Army soldier were found by a search group in 1998 and reburied in the village of Smolenskaya, Krasnodar Territory) The battle for the village subsided … The last groups of retreating men ran through its dusty streets, boots heavily stomping
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Svyatoslav Vsevolodovich was born in the city of Vladimir on the Klyazma on March 27, 1196. One of the eight sons of Vsevolod Yuryevich Big Nest, Grand Duke of Vladimir. Mother - Czech Queen Maria Shvarnova. When Svyatoslav was 4 years old, Vsevolod Yuryevich, at the request of the Novgorodians, sent him to
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Those who were interested even in the most superficial way in the history of medieval Russia certainly know the names of such iconic figures of Russian history as Daniil Romanovich, Prince Galitsky and Yaroslav Vsevolodovich, Grand Duke Vladimirsky. Both one and the other made a very significant contribution to
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Vladimir Monomakh went down in Russian history as the first defender of Russia and the winner of the Polovtsian steppe, an example for imitation of the great dukes of Moscow, Russian tsars and emperors. Victory over the Polovtsians The battle under the year of Luben did not end the confrontation with the Polovtsians. Vladimir Monomakh decided on his own
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The famous princess Olga is a figure no less mysterious than Gostomysl, Rurik and Prophetic Oleg. An objective study of Olga's personality is hindered by two seemingly mutually exclusive circumstances. Until the sudden death of her husband, she was only the wife of a prince, that is, a dependent figure
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Tsarevich Alexei is a very unpopular personality not only among novelists, but also among professional historians. Usually he is portrayed as a weak-willed, sickly, almost feeble-minded young man, dreaming of the return of the order of old Moscow Russia, in every possible way avoiding cooperation with his
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Leonid Grigorievich Minov became not only a pilot, but also a pioneer of parachutism in the Soviet Union. He survived the First World War and the Civil War, visited France and the United States, became the first Soviet person to jump with a parachute, received many awards, but this was not enough. Little for
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810 years ago, in the spring of 1206, at the headwaters of the Onon River at the kurultai, Temuchin was proclaimed a great khan over all the tribes and received the title "kagan", taking the name Chingis. Scattered and warring "Mongol" tribes united into a single power. 780 years ago, in the spring of 1236, the "Mongol" army
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On March 27, 1968, fifty years ago, a plane crash occurred near the village of Novoselovo, in the Kirzhach district of the Vladimir region. The MiG-15UTI, a two-seater jet trainer, fell. There were two people on board - two Heroes of the Soviet Union, pride
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"… Blessed on the throne, one of those poor in spirit who befits the Kingdom of Heaven, and not earthly, whom the Church so loved to include in her saints." O. Klyuchevsky 460 years ago, on May 20, 1557, the Russian tsar Fedor I Ioannovich, the last tsar from the Rurik dynasty, was born. Most historians
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Twenty years ago, on October 4, 1997, the outstanding Soviet and Russian theater and film actor Georgy Yumatov passed away. People's Artist of the RSFSR, Georgy Alexandrovich (1926-1997) played roles in many of the most popular Soviet films. Most of the films in which he starred were dedicated
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Prince Yaroslav was nicknamed the Wise largely because he was an outstanding diplomat. He knew how to build bridges between Russia and other states. There was no more reliable means for this than dynastic marriages. Anna was his youngest daughter. She was born when Yaroslav had already become great
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In Russian history, there are several rulers, negative myths about whom have overshadowed the whole true essence of their rule, all the achievements and victories. One of the slandered sovereigns is Ivan the Terrible. From childhood, we were all inspired by the idea of Ivan the Terrible as an extremely cruel and almost insane ruler
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Everyone is familiar from childhood with the painting "Ivan the Terrible and his son Ivan on November 16, 1581", created in 1883-1885. the great Russian artist Ilya Repin. It depicts Tsar John IV, bending over his son in deep sorrow. The reason for the grief, according to the plot of the picture, is clear: the king, suddenly
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Passing by the island of Kildin, the ships of the Red Banner Northern Fleet lower their flags and give a long whistle. 69 ° 33'6 "north latitude and 33 ° 40'20" east longitude - the coordinates of the place where the patrol ship "Tuman" died heroically on August 10, 1941. Before the war it was a fishing
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So, it is obvious that "bare armor" took place, but they were also covered to cover them, as was the case in the past, when surcoats were worn over chain mail. So, with white armor, the knights slapped a tabar cloak in the form of a short sleeveless cape that reached the waist, which was often covered with heraldic
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September 21, 862 - Day of the beginning of the Russian state. 1155 years ago, the reign of the Rurik dynasty in Russia began. After the death of the Novgorod prince Gostomysl, who came from the ancient princely Slavonic Russian family, which went back to the legendary princes of the Slavs Slaven, Vandal and Vladimir
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In this article, in the most general terms, the process of the development of armor in Western Europe in the Middle Ages (VII - late 15th centuries) and at the very beginning of the Early Modern (early 16th century) is considered. The material is provided with a large number of illustrations for a better understanding of the topic. Most of the text has been translated
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On January 15, 1973, the US Army and its allies ceased military operations in Vietnam. The peacefulness of the American military was explained by the fact that after four years of negotiations in Paris, the parties to the armed conflict reached a certain agreement. A few days later, on January 27, there was
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In this story I would like to share my impressions with all readers. Impressions are different, you know. Sometimes positive, sometimes so-so. It's best to share when positive impressions are overwhelming. This is exactly the case. At the very beginning I want on behalf of everyone
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Notes of the Don Army, Lieutenant-General Yakov Petrovich Baklanov, written by his own hand.1 I was born in 1809 from poor parents, was the only son. My father entered the service as a Cossack, rose to the rank of colonel; he was constantly in the regiment, so he could not take care of
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The German general R. von Mellenthin wrote in his memoirs about the Eastern Front: “It seemed that every infantryman had an anti-tank gun or an anti-tank gun. The Russians skillfully disposed of these funds, and it seems that there was no place where they were not. "
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The relative stabilization of the Leningrad Front began in September 1941, when, at the direction of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Red Army G.K. Zhukov held events that ensured the stop of the Nazis at the walls of the city. The possibilities of destruction of the city's enterprises were also prevented and
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Ascent from the Il-2 lake. Pilot junior lieutenant V.I. Skopintsev, gunner-radio operator Red Navy V.N. Recently, search engines often find domestic aircraft and tanks that were damaged during battles and for many years rested on the bottom of lakes or in swamps. By identification
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Unsent letters from the fronts of the Great Patriotic War are documents of enormous political, moral, moral, educational power for the next generation of our country's inhabitants. Why is that? This can be explained by the fact that letters were sent home to the family, relatives and close relatives
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Constant communication with the command staff of the Ministry of Defense of our country and friendly countries prompted me to convey to the readers of "VO" some correct statements that can cause smiles and not offend anyone. Maybe some will remember their youth and add in the comments
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A student cadet, and even a minor, is a vulnerable creature, but quickly educated. This creature is always full of dreams, the children's brain of these creatures constantly gives birth to them, improves and develops them. In the late 40s and early 50s of the last century, there were about 1 million orphans in the country
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Church of the Holy Trinity in Istanbul The estate of the district judge was located 20 versts from Lutsk. After Kiev, Maria Mikhailovna liked everything here - both the big house in the estate and the servants. The children had their own rooms, and a large family gathered for dinner or for concerts, which were arranged in turn by the children and
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An excerpt from the story "The Cavalier Princess" by Yu. G. Shatrakov. State Councilor Ivan Stepanovich Desnitsky was appointed to head the district court in the district town of Lutsk, which stands on the banks of the Styr River, two hundred and sixty versts from Zhitomir, four hundred versts from Kiev and one hundred and sixty
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My long acquaintance with the courageous pilots of our country (Twice Heroes of the Soviet Union, Air Marshals P.S.Kutakhov, E.Ya.Savitsky, A.N. the idea to share with the readers of "Military
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For more than 30 years I lived with my family in Moscow, where I was transferred from Leningrad by the decision of the country's government to head the newly created Main Directorate of one of the nine defense ministries. While creating weapons systems prior to this transfer to Moscow, I often visited various training grounds of our
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The events with the hijacking of one aircraft and the crash of another in an area that was not controlled by units of the Soviet Army demanded that the timing of the development and adoption of a new system of State radar identification be adjusted. In systems that were developed with my
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An interesting story is always instructive and excites the feelings of many readers and listeners. If this story is still true and beautiful, then it is doubly worthy of attention. In our country, it is customary in families to cherish the memory of their ancestors and be proud of their nobility, valor, and great achievements. More