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“Only on his deathbed did repentance come to Henry Ford. When, at the end of World War II, he watched a film about the atrocities of the Nazis in the concentration camps, faced with the monstrous consequences of anti-Semitism, he had a blow - the last and the hardest …”This is an excerpt from an article by Robert
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In the 1560s, the general situation on the border forced the Moscow sovereign to force a solution to the conflict with the Kazan Khanate. The Kazan Khanate was a fairly large Muslim state, formed as a result of the collapse of the Golden Horde. It should be noted that the territory
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As a friend of Alexander Pushkin, he invented the world's first telegraph, the electric mine detonation and the most secure cipher. Creator of the world's first telegraph code and the best one in the 19th century
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And it happens to a bad blacksmith to forge a good sword. Japanese proverb Kaji is a blacksmith-gunsmith, "sword-forging", and the people of this profession in feudal Japan were the only ones who stood on the social ladder along with the samurai. Although de jure they belonged to artisans, and those in Japanese
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It's amazing how different people visit VO: some seem to know and understand everything, others write that there was no Rome, that Tutankhamun's coffin is a fake, that “the Etruscans are Russians,” and so on. It seems to be not clinical cases, although who will sort them out. However, this is probably even good, because
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On March 22, 1933, the first concentration camp in Nazi Germany began to operate in Dachau. It was the first "experimental range" in which the system of punishments and other forms of physical and psychological abuse of prisoners was worked out. Before the outbreak of World War II, Dachau contained
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The beginning of the 19th century opens a glorious era in the history of Russian navigation. In 1803-1806, the first round-the-world expedition under the Russian flag, headed by I.F.Kruzenshtern, took place. It was followed by new expeditions. They were led by V.M. Golovnin, F.F. Bellingshausen, M.P. Lazarev
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Simultaneously with the actions against Yugoslavia, the left wing of the 12th German army from the territory of Bulgaria began an offensive against Greece in the Thessaloniki direction. The grouping of German troops (six divisions, including one tank, united in the 18th and 30th corps) had great superiority in live
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Lieutenant Gareev after school, 1941 Photo "Krasnaya Zvezda" / redstar.ru On December 25, at the age of 97, General of the Army Makhmut Akhmetovich Gareev died. For half a century of service, he went from a simple Red Army soldier to deputy chief of the General Staff. Together with the fulfillment of their basic duties
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The quartering and arrangement of troops in wartime was one of the most difficult and responsible tasks of the War Ministry of the Russian Empire. A brief overview of the historical experience of solving these problems during the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-1905. - the purpose of this article. Of course, in
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75 years ago, the Third Reich defeated Yugoslavia and Greece. On April 13, 1941, the Nazis entered Belgrade. King Peter II and the Yugoslav government fled to Greece and then to Egypt. On April 17, 1941, an act of unconditional surrender was signed in Belgrade. Yugoslavia collapsed. Fell almost at the same time
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On December 24, 1991, in accordance with the decree of President Boris Yeltsin, the Federal Agency for Government Communications and Information under the President of the Russian Federation (abbreviated as FAPSI) was created. From that time until 2003, for over eleven years, this special service
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I decided to visit South Ossetia. I wanted to for a long time, but now the opportunity has fallen - so that I go completely into emptiness, I am not a journalist to such an extent. And then it coincided that a friend was here on a business trip and the questions of where and how to get settled disappeared by themselves. In general, I decided - and went
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© "Voprosy istorii", №1, 2013.1On the sale of the Russian Colony Fort Ross in California2 In the summer of 1849, the newly appointed official for special assignments under the Governor-General of Eastern Siberia N.N. Muravyov Mikhail Semenovich Korsakov arrived on the coast of the Sea of Okhotsk at the port of Ayan, built with funds
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Bahu-Bike (illustration by Evgeniya Andreeva) The first half of the 19th century was a difficult time for Dagestan (now a united republic). Dagestan was torn apart by local rulers into separate competing possessions: Tarkovskoe shamkhalstvo, Mekhtulinskoe possession, Kyurinskoe, Kazikumukhskoe (Kazikumykskoe) and
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For the most part of the war, the city of Dresden existed rather calmly. It can be said in "resort" conditions - while the Allied aircraft devastated Hamburg and bombed Berlin, the capital of Saxony lived peacefully. Dresden, of course, was bombed several times, but as if casually and not very
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Military gathering of the Circassians. Illustration by James Bell The tears of the Bana girl, the ubiquitous armored Buryats, the holy cow of the White Helmets, Russian hackers, the poisoners of the Skripals that were released, Russian special forces in Norway, and so on. All these are simple details of the modern information war, woven from so
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160 years ago, on October 25, 1854, between the allied forces of England, France and Turkey, and the Russian troops, the Battle of Balaklava took place. This battle went down in history in connection with several memorable moments. So, in this battle, thanks to the mistakes of the British command, the color of the English
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Vasily Ivanovich Chuikov is the same age as the century, the son of a peasant from the village of Serebryanye Prudy, Tula province. He writes about himself: “My ancestors are farmers. And if I was drafted into the tsarist army, my highest rank would be a soldier or sailor, like my four older brothers. But at the beginning of 1918 I
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Excellent possession of bladed weapons is the hallmark of the Russian cavalry. Well, what was the art and power of these blows? Sagatsky wrote about the amazing blows inflicted by Russian cavalrymen with melee weapons - both in peacetime and during the First World War. In this regard, he mentioned 2
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All encyclopedias say that chemical weapons were created by the Germans in the First World War, and they first used it on June 22, 1915, and then it became the most terrible weapon of the World War. However, while working on the history of the Crimean War, I came across a Sevastopol diary
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The author has probably already tired of the readers with the topic of the Dyatlov Pass, and all the same, I would risk returning to this topic again, but I will first explain the reason why it fascinated me so much
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The defeat near Moscow forced Hitler in early 1942 to look for new approaches in the strategic planning of the war against the USSR. The goal of the summer offensive of German troops on the eastern front in 1942 was set out in the secret directive of the German high command No. 41, approved by Hitler 5
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February 14 marks 73 years since that momentous day when Rostov-on-Don was liberated from the Nazi invaders in 1943. The "Gates of the Caucasus" were occupied by the Nazis and their allies twice. The first time, in the fall of 1941, the Nazis were able to capture Rostov for just a week. However, these
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In the same places where battles are taking place in Donbass today, Prince Igor was captured by the Polovtsy. It happened in the area of salt lakes near Slavyansk. Among ancient Russian books, one always aroused mystical horror in me - "The Lay of Igor's Campaign." I read it in early childhood. At eight years old. In Ukrainian
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What did the captured Soviet military leader tell the Germans? This document was preserved in an envelope glued to the album "The Volkhov battle", which was published in a limited edition in December 1942 by the 621st propaganda company of the 18th German army. He ended up in the possession of a German collector
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210 years ago, on October 21, 1805, the Battle of Trafalgar took place - the decisive battle between the English fleet under the command of Vice Admiral Horatio Nelson and the Franco-Spanish fleet of Admiral Pierre Charles Villeneuve. The battle ended with the complete defeat of the Franco-Spanish fleet, which lost
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Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya is the first woman to receive the title of Hero of the Soviet Union during the war. Her feat is not forgotten. But we also remember other heroines who gave their lives for their Motherland. "Don't cry, dear, I will return a hero or die a hero," were the last words of Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya, said to her mother before leaving for
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I won the battle by marches alone. Napoleon 210 years ago, on October 16-19, 1805, the French army under the command of Napoleon defeated and captured the Austrian army of General Mack. This defeat had strategic consequences. The Austrian Empire was unable to recover from this defeat, and
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Almost the only tank battle of the Soviet-Finnish (Winter) War of 1939-40, also known as the battle at the Honkaniemi halt and which ended in an impressive victory for Soviet tank crews from the 35th Light Tank Brigade, has been studied quite well. Somewhat less well-known is the second case of combat
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In the history of the Russian fleet, the period from the death of Peter the Great to the accession to the throne of Catherine II is a kind of "blank spot". The naval historians did not indulge him with their attention. However, the events of that time in the history of the fleet are quite interesting. According to the decree of Peter I, signed by him in 1714
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On May 5, 1945, an armed uprising began in Prague occupied by the Nazis. The Czech population and, above all, the employees of the police and the armed forces of the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia were encouraged by reports of Soviet and American troops approaching the borders of Czechoslovakia and decided
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So far, we have examined medieval knightly culture exclusively through the theme of armor and weapons, the history of battles and … castles. However, it is quite reasonable. A man at that time thought about weapons constantly, because in him was his life, a horse for him was the most important means of transportation, as for us today
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220 years ago, on November 17, 1796, the Russian Empress Catherine II Alekseevna passed away. The foreign policy of Russia in the era of Catherine was in line with national interests. Russia returned the West Russian lands that had been under Poland for a long time (including modern White Russia and part of Malaya
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During the war, the Northern Sea Theater arose. After the outbreak of the war, Russia lost contact with its allies across the Black and Baltic Seas. The accelerated development of the existing ports on the White Sea and the construction of new ones on the Barents Sea began, as well as the reconstruction of the Arkhangelsk-Vologda railway
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The fate of LP Beria, who was IV Stalin's deputy and "right" hand, was a foregone conclusion after Stalin's death. The members of the Bureau of the Presidium of the Central Committee (CC) of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU) and the group of high
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"Chrome Dome" ("Chrome dome"), this name was given to the operation, which was carried out by the Strategic Air Command of the US Air Force during the Cold War. As part of this operation, several strategic nuclear bombers were constantly in the air, ready at any time
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Few people know that one of the most famous and tallest Soviet sculptures - "The Motherland Calls!", Which was installed in Volgograd on the Mamayev Kurgan, is only the second part of the composition, which consists of three elements at once. This triptych (a work of art consisting of three parts and
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Despite the fact that Generalissimo Francisco Baamonde Franco died in 1975, and a gradual democratization of the political regime began in Spain, those opposition forces that, even during Franco's reign, embarked on the path of revolutionary struggle against the fascist government and recognized the armed
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The officers received the Order of the Red Star for Mozambique posthumously About the war in Angola in recent years, more has become known - the secrecy label has been removed from the documents, the memoirs of veterans, not only Soviet ones, but also of the enemy, have appeared. Operations that only a few previously knew about were made public. But