The S-400 anti-aircraft missile system was created on the basis of the existing Russian S-300 complexes, however, it has significantly greater tactical and technical capabilities in comparison with these systems - both in zone, and in efficiency, and in the variety of targets hit. The assessments carried out by the developers of the complex revealed that, according to the criterion "efficiency - cost", the new air defense system provides a 2, 5 times gain in comparison with the existing equipment.
The main developer of the Triumph air defense missile system is OAO NPO Almaz named after Academician AA Raspletin. It can be used day and night in any weather, climatic and physical-geographical conditions with intense electronic countermeasures. Triumph is a non-strategic missile defense system. and anti-aircraft defense with the latest mathematical software.
"Triumph" is the only system that can selectively operate using several types of missiles - both the old ones that were part of the early development (S-300PMU-1, S-300PMU-2), and new ones created recently. Having in the basic version 4 types of missiles with different launch weight and launch range, the S-400 allows you to create echeloned air defense, expand the complex's engagement zones and also has great prospects for further modernization.
A high degree of automation of all stages of combat work, a modern element base made it possible to significantly reduce the maintenance personnel of the S-400 air defense system. The principles of construction and the ramified communications system of the "four hundred" facilities make it possible to integrate it into various levels of command not only of the Air Force, but also of other branches of the Armed Forces.
On July 12-13, 2007, at the Kapustin Yar training ground (State Central Interspecies Range of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation), combat firing of the S-400 Triumph air defense system took place. The head of the KSpN Colonel-General Yuri Vasilyevich Solovyov said: "The shooting was carried out at targets rather difficult. Imagine that the first target was moving at a speed of 2800 meters per second. … great altitude and from a great distance. It was a small target. Finding it is like finding a pencil in a haystack. But we destroyed the target at an altitude of 16 km."
On August 6, 2007, the first S-400 division took up combat duty in the town of Elektrostal near Moscow. Annually, air defense forces should receive 1-2 regiments equipped with complexes of this type. It is expected that after the first two years of operation, but not earlier than 2009, the S-400 air defense system may be offered for export outside Russia.
Video: S-300
The S-300P was put into service in 1979 and is still guarding the peaceful sky not only in Russia and the CIS countries, but also in China, Cyprus, Slovakia and Bulgaria.
Video: S-400 "Triumph"
Outwardly, the S-400 resembles its predecessor, the S-300. This was done deliberately - so that the enemy doubted until the last moment which of the systems opposed him.