The Chinese industry, including the defense industry, is well known for its tendency to copy foreign designs, both with and without a license. Most often, copies of foreign weapons and equipment were adopted in their original form, but there are also interesting exceptions. So, within the framework of the SM-4 project, the NORINCO corporation combined several Chinese copies of existing products into a completely new sample - an original self-propelled mortar.
At the end of the 2000s, the NORINCO Corporation, a leading Chinese manufacturer of weapons and equipment, began developing a promising combat vehicle carrying an automatic 81.2 mm mortar. Such a sample of equipment was intended for some structures from the People's Liberation Army of China. First of all, it was considered as a new technology for the airborne troops, and therefore had to be distinguished by its small size and weight, while at the same time obtaining high combat qualities. The task was successfully solved, and in a very curious way. The project was based on Chinese products, which are modified versions of foreign weapons and equipment.

Self-propelled mortars SM-4 on exercises in Tibet. Photo
The Dongfeng EQ2050 all-wheel drive army vehicle was chosen as the base for the self-propelled airborne combat vehicle. This car is actually a reworked version of the American civilian Hummer H1, which, in turn, is a slightly modified version of the army HMMWV. According to known data, most of the design features and units were copied without changes or ordered from foreign suppliers. At the same time, there were some minor improvements aimed at both improving performance and reducing the similarity with a foreign prototype.
With the newly developed equipment kit, an 81.2mm Type 99 or W99 automatic mortar is installed on the EQ2050 chassis. This sample, in principle, can be considered the creation of Chinese engineers, but it is based on foreign developments. The base for the Chinese "Type 99" was a fairly old Soviet mortar 2B9 "Vasilek". In the past, Chinese specialists managed to get their hands on a foreign sample, and soon an exact copy of it appeared. However, in the late nineties, China reworked these weapons in order to improve the main characteristics. The mortar received a new barrel of greater length, and in addition, in the manufacture of weapons and gun carriage, it was proposed to use new materials and technologies.
At the turn of the last decades, two copies of foreign products "met" in a new project and were supplemented with some new units. As a result, a promising self-propelled mortar for the PLA Airborne Forces appeared. The new model of equipment received the designation SM-4. In addition, it is referred to as PCP-001.

Dongfeng EQ2050 multipurpose vehicle in utility configuration. Photo
As already mentioned, the base for the SM-4 is the EQ2050 army SUV. This car has retained both a characteristic appearance and a non-standard layout of the basic foreign model. The machine is equipped with a 150 hp Cummins EQB150-20 diesel engine manufactured in China under license. The engine and all the main transmission units are located in the central part of the chassis, in a separate casing right inside the passenger cabin. The radiator is placed under the hood and is located there with a significant slope. The mechanical transmission provides torque distribution to all four driving wheels. The chassis retained an independent suspension based on vertical springs.
The self-propelled mortar uses an open-body chassis. The latter includes a radiator hood, sides of limited height and stern parts. There is a windshield in front of the driver's and passenger's seats, which can be laid on the hood. The rear of the chassis is given for the installation of weapons and ammunition stowage. On top of its own side of the car, Chinese designers installed a low box that limits such a fighting compartment. The vehicle does not have a roof, and therefore the main armament is located openly.
On the aft platform of the chassis is the upper machine from the standard carriage for the Type 99 mortar. It is attached directly to the power elements of the vehicle and, apparently, cannot be removed for firing from the ground. The design of the machine provides guidance of the weapon in any direction horizontally. The swinging part with the mortar body is capable of changing its position in the range from horizontal to + 85 °. The mortar mount retains the standard manual guidance aids.
The Type 99 mortar is based on the design of the Soviet product 2B9. At the same time, the Chinese designers have finalized it in order to increase the main fire characteristics. The most noticeable change is the increase in barrel length. According to the available data, the longer barrel made it possible to increase the maximum firing range from the original 4, 3 km to 6-8 km, depending on the type of mine and charge. In addition, increasing the initial speed of the mine can be useful when firing direct fire, provided for by the Chinese project.

Mortar battery during exercise, August 2017. Photo
The Type 99, like its Soviet prototype, is a smooth-bore breech-loading gun with automatic reloading. Weapon automation is based on the principle of rolling out moving parts under the action of reciprocating mainsprings compressed by recoil energy. The mortar receives ammunition from cassettes for four mines. Apparently, the W99, due to the long barrel length, lost the ability to load from the muzzle.
The barrel with automatic mechanisms is connected to recoil devices. Together they are mounted on the upper carriage of the carriage and can be moved in a vertical plane using guidance systems. It is curious that recoil devices and automatics absorb almost the entire recoil impulse. This means that the base chassis does not need jacks, coulters or a base plate to redistribute the load on the ground. Shooting is carried out directly from the wheels.
Preparation for the first shot is done manually. At the moment of firing, the moving parts of the gun under the influence of recoil begin to move backward, compressing the return spring. In their reverse course, the next mine is removed from the cassette, followed by its feeding into the barrel chamber. Such automation allows you to obtain a technical rate of fire at the level of 110-120 rounds per minute. The practical rate of fire depends on the skill of the calculation and the speed of replacing empty cassettes, as a result of which it does not exceed 40 rounds per minute.

The gunner prepares the mortar for firing, August 2017. Photo
Like its Soviet predecessor, the Chinese Type 99 mortar is designed to fire over a wide range of elevation angles. He is able to send ammunition to the target along high trajectories or shoot direct fire. Separate sights are available for both fire modes. In the case of direct fire, an optical sight is used, located at the gunner's workplace.
An important innovation of the Chinese project is the presence of advanced firing controls. The gunner has at his disposal a satellite navigation system coupled with devices for receiving and processing data. With the help of such equipment, the calculation of data for shooting is carried out. A sharp increase in the accuracy of fire and the likelihood of hitting the target with the first mine is declared.
The ammunition load of the NORINCO SM-4 / PCP-001 self-propelled mortar includes ammunition for various purposes. All existing Chinese mines of 81.2 mm caliber are compatible with it. It is possible to use fragmentation, smoke, incendiary, lighting and other mines. To combat armored vehicles, it is proposed to use special ammunition with a shaped charge. Mines are transported in stacks in rectangular metal cassettes, four in each. The presence of cassettes makes it easier to work with the weapon, and in addition, it simplifies the reloading of ammunition from a transport vehicle or the supply of mines from the ground.
The calculation of the Chinese combat vehicle consists of three people. They are assigned the duties of a driver, commander, gunner and loader. On the march, two crew members are seated in front of the crew compartment, one of them is the driver. The third mortarman should be in his place, in the rear of the vehicle next to the gun. After arriving at the firing position, the calculation takes other places.

Loader with mine cassette, August 2017 Photo
The SM-4 combat vehicle in terms of its dimensions and weight roughly corresponds to the base vehicle EQ2050 in the cargo-and-passenger configuration. The total length does not exceed 4.7 m, the width is 2.1 m. The height, taking into account the mortar in the transport position, is about 1.8 m. The combat weight with the calculation and ammunition is no more than 3-3.5 tons. The machine is capable of developing speed up to 120 km / h and overcome various small obstacles. The power reserve is up to 500 km.
Together with the SM-4 self-propelled mortar, the troops are invited to use the VPY-001A ammunition transporter. It is a full body Dongfeng EQ2050 vehicle. The dimensions of the cargo area allow you to place up to several hundred mines in cassettes. Depending on the tasks assigned, the transporter can transfer ammunition in the parking lot or provide mines directly at the firing position. In terms of dimensions and running characteristics, the VPY-001A transporter hardly differs from a self-propelled mortar.
The NORINCO SM-4 project was created at the end of the last decade, and soon an experienced equipment of a new type confirmed its capabilities at the test site. Several years ago, mass production of such combat vehicles was launched in the interests of the PLA. To date, the army has managed to obtain significant quantities of self-propelled mortars, but their exact number has not yet been specified. Serial vehicles are transferred to different units from the airborne troops and other structures.

A moment before the shot, August 2017. Photo
The Chinese self-propelled mortar NORINCO SM-4 has a number of positive features that give it ample opportunities. A light wheeled vehicle can use highways and quickly reach a given firing position. The equipment is not afraid of off-road conditions and, if necessary, can go to the position or leave it over rough terrain. It is also possible to drop equipment by parachute or landing method.
Used automatic mortar W99 / "Type 99" provides an acceptable combination of mobility and firepower, allowing you to attack enemy manpower, buildings and equipment at a distance of up to several kilometers. A very wide range of ammunition allows you to solve various combat missions. Retaining the ability to fire direct fire, "Type 99" is capable of performing the functions of a light field gun.
However, the Chinese design is not devoid of significant drawbacks. Most notable is the lack of any booking or even weather protection. The firing range of the mortar used does not exceed several kilometers, and therefore it is forced to work at the front line. Naturally, he risks getting hit, and the lack of armor makes him an easy target. Small arms or enemy artillery can easily disable a combat vehicle or its crew.

The projectile is sent to the target, August 2017. Photo
Insufficient survivability understandably limits the combat effectiveness of the mortar. The tasks for such a technique will have to be set taking into account the current situation and risks. Otherwise, there is a risk of death of people or equipment, including before the start of shooting. Such a feature of combat use is unlikely to fully realize all the advantages of the weapons used.
Despite the obvious shortcomings of the new technology, the Chinese command considered it suitable for adoption and operation. Several years ago, NORINCO Corporation launched mass production of SM-4 / PCP-001 self-propelled mortars and is now supplying them to the troops. A fairly large grouping of such machines has already been created and, probably, in the future it will be regularly replenished. Current events suggest that - for all its disadvantages - the original Chinese self-propelled mortar meets customer requirements. As for the characteristic shortcomings, they were not considered critical.
The Chinese SM-4 self-propelled mortar, first of all, demonstrates an interesting approach to the creation of military equipment for solving specific combat missions. The new combat vehicle for the airborne troops was manufactured in the simplest way: by installing the existing gun on a serial chassis. At the same time, the project of the NORINCO corporation showed an interesting version of this approach. Both main components of the combat vehicle, manufactured in China, are of foreign origin. Such results of copying other people's developments cannot but attract attention.