The coastal defense artillery system "Bereg" is designed to destroy surface ships of small and medium displacement with speed characteristics up to one hundred knots, with a detection radius of up to 35 kilometers and a range of up to 22 kilometers. It is also possible to use this artillery system to destroy ground targets. The advantages of the artillery system are large caliber, high versatility, both in terms of targets and used ammunition, choice of operating mode, high overall rate of fire. Nobody else in the world has produced artillery systems with similar characteristics.

In the Soviet Union, in addition to anti-ship missile systems, artillery systems were also used to protect the coast. Like the SCRC, the artillery complexes were mobile and stationary. The 130 mm SM-4 mobile complex, by the end of the 70s, was morally obsolete - low mobility characteristics, outdated control system equipment, made it unsuitable for performing modern tasks for the defense of the Soviet coast. In 1976, work began on the creation of the newest 130 mm mobile complex A-222 called "Bereg". The main developer is the Titan Central Design Bureau, the manufacturer of the Barricades software. As the base of the artillery unit of the new complex, they took the ship's gun mount AK-130 aka ZIF-94, and used some elements from the 152 mm howitzer of the self-propelled type 2S-19 Msta - in particular, they used elements of the swinging part. The barrel of the new mobile artillery complex received an enlarged muzzle brake and an ejector located in the center of the barrel. The rate of fire of the A-222 "Bereg" gun fell in comparison with the ship's stationary analogue of the AK-130 by almost 4 times.
By 1980, the technical design of the new self-propelled coastal 130 mm complex A-222 "Bereg" was completely ready. It is handed over to the main producer of the projects of the Central Design Bureau "Titan" - the production association "Barricades". But the project did not go straight into production - the workload of the enterprise with the production of missile systems affected. The first experimental model of the 130 mm artillery complex was created in 1988. Until 1992, the A-222 "Bereg" was tested at the Feodosiya test site. At state tests, the self-propelled artillery complex showed itself in its glory - the established target was destroyed in front of the military representatives. The public saw the A-222 Shore at a military-technical show in Abu Dhabi in 1993. 1996 year. MAK A-222 "Bereg" is adopted by the Russian Navy. 2003 year. MAK A-222 is shown to the head of the Russian military department S. Ivanov. A month later, the first serial copy of the A-222 "Coast" is part of the fortieth BRAP, which is part of the Black Sea Fleet and located near Novorossiysk.

Composition of IAC "Bereg":
- 4-6 self-propelled gun mounts with a 130-mm gun;
- mobile CPU with MR-195 control system;
- 1-2 OBD cars.
The whole complex has as a base MAZ-543M with a wheel formula 8x8.
Self-propelled gun mount MAK A-222
The self-propelled guns are provided with a 130 mm caliber gun, which is mounted on a rotating support and rotary device in the form of a special roller bearing. To guide the gun, an electromechanical system is used with the following guidance modes:
- automatic mode - occurs according to incoming digital codes from the central post;
- semi-automatic mode - carried out by the gunner using the sighting equipment of the ACS;
Semi-automatic mode is used in the event of a break in communication with the central post and vehicles of the OBD. The autonomy of each ACS MAK "Bereg" significantly increases the overall survivability of the complex. The turret of the self-propelled guns is equipped with places for the crew: 4 loaders, gunner and commander. The commander's place is provided with a control unit for all internal and external systems of the ACS and a full range of devices for guidance, observation, firing, communications and life support of the ACS. The gunner's place is provided with devices for observation, guidance, communication and lighting control. Two loader workstations are located near the feed trays along the gun barrel. The other two loaders' work stations are located near the ammunition rack and the ammunition loading device. Also in the tower there are 2 stowage areas for 40 unitary ammunition. The inside of the tower has a synthetic coating to absorb external sound and heat. Almost all mechanisms in the ACS turret are sealed. To reduce gas pollution inside the tower part, a fan is used, the air intake for which is carried out through a pipe on the roof.

Before the start of firing, the self-propelled guns are leveled with 4 jacks, which provide the chassis with the necessary rigidity for combat use. Movement during firing is possible - it will be taken into account by the system of introduced amendments, which includes an optical sight and roll sensors. On the chassis, near the movable tower, a power compartment was installed, which ensures the operation of the amplifier drive to ensure guidance, there is also a generator to ensure the operation of jacks, batteries, blocks of power supply systems, fire control and guidance.
CP MAC "Bereg"
The central post includes: a BR-136 fire control system with optical-electronic and radar channels for detecting and tracking detected targets, and equipment for communications and life support. The installed fire control system provides a specified or all-round view of the coastal environment at any time, day or night. The OMS can perform the detection and tracking of objects with active or passive counteraction. OMS capabilities:
- tracking up to 4 targets;
- providing fire with any self-propelled guns at 2 objects, both at sea and on land.
After firing at one of the targets, the BR-136 fire control system can instantly organize firing at the next escorted object. BR-136 calculates the guidance parameters of all ACS according to the motion parameters of the detected objects, using the central aiming mode, the correction system and the assessment of the ACS distance from the central post. All calculations are carried out in automatic mode, as well as the adjustment of firing. The OMS TsP IAC "Bereg" provides the firing of the ACS both with single shots and with a burst from 4 to 12 rds / min. The commander observes the combat situation using the "azimuth-range" indicator, or receives the necessary information from observation posts, or from a corrective helicopter. Documentation of firing is carried out in automatic mode, the results of firing can be obtained using digital printing devices.
The central post itself is divided into 5 compartments:
- the engine compartment, where the diesel-electric emergency power supply unit and the converter for supplying power to the BR-136 are located;
- antenna post (compartment), where the receiving and transmitting equipment of the OMS is located;
- high-frequency compartment, which has special shielding from microwave radiation, and where microwave devices are located;
- a radio operator's compartment, where information processing devices and places for a radiotelegraph operator and an electrician driver are located. The place of the radiotelegraph operator is equipped with a radio station, communication devices, a fan and a heater. The electric driver's seat is equipped with a diesel generator control panel, power supply, life support system;
- the operator's compartment, in which the places of the commander of all the artillery complex, the commander of the central post, the foreman, the electrician and the radio operator are equipped. The commander's seat A-222 "Shore" is equipped with equipment for navigation, signaling, communication and observation. Nearby are folding tables for working with topographic maps, an emergency device for fire control. The place of the commander of the central post is equipped with communication and fire control devices. The place of the foreman is approximately also equipped. The places of the electrician and radiometrist are equipped with devices for tracking detected targets, observation and communication.

The installation of the central post on the ground is fixed with special jacks to ensure the horizontal plane of the antenna rotation. Jacks have both electromechanical and manual control. In addition, 2 air conditioners are installed in the bow section above the cockpit, for ventilation of equipment and for life support of the CPU.
Support vehicle MAC "Bereg"
The combat watch support vehicle consists of:
- removable power supply unit. It houses two diesel-electric power stations with an isolated neutral to supply power to the central station;
- tanks with fuel for diesel engines with the calculation of continuous operation for a week;
- 2 and 4-seater compartments for rest;
- 4-bed dining room;
- kitchens with food supplies for a week;
- turret machine gun mount 7.62 mm caliber on the roof;
- special equipment for signaling radiation-chemical contamination;
- navigation equipment for reaching a given point;
- lockers for storing various belongings of the personnel.

The need for MAC A-222 "Bereg"
Coastal cruise missile systems will not replace coastal artillery systems. The main reason is the dead zones at the DBK. This distance is from a couple of kilometers to a couple of tens of kilometers of an unaffected area. In addition, cruise missiles, unlike artillery shells, are dependent on enemy countermeasures - interference and air defense of surface ships. In addition, it makes no sense to use RC for small craft, if the cost of the RC is equal to the cost of several such craft. Now many small countries arm small boats, which then constitute the military potential of the naval forces of this state.
As an addition to anti-ship complexes, self-propelled artillery systems should be the primary task of strengthening Russia's coastal defense. Now this area is practically bare. Disputes about what kind of caliber the IACs should have do not subside until now. The main advantage of a caliber of 152 mm or more is the ability to use guided projectiles and tactical nuclear weapons. The main advantage of the 130 mm caliber is its high rate of fire. Among other things, to increase the survivability of the coastal artillery complex, it is proposed to transfer it to a tank chassis. The A-222 "Coast" has bulletproof armor and a wheeled chassis, but it could have a tank chassis and armor against the hit of 127 mm of enemy naval ammunition, but this will increase the weight of the vehicles and the scope of their application.

Main characteristics:
- barrel length 54 caliber;
- angles of vertical guidance from 5 to 50 degrees;
- angles of horizontal guidance 120 degrees;
- travel speed up to 60 km / h;
- transfer to a combat position up to 20 minutes;
- total rate of fire 72 rds / min;
- cruising range of 850 kilometers;
- the permissible distance of the ACS from the central processing unit is not more than one kilometer;
- the weight of each unit of the complex is from 43 to 44 tons;
- dimensions of the ACS 13 / 3.1 / 3.9 meters;
- CPU dimensions 15 / 3.2 / 4.4 meters;
- dimensions of MOBD 15.9 / 3.2 / 4.4 meters;
- crew of ACS / CP / MOBD - 8/7/4 people.